MINUTES RA Meeting 11 August 2014

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Tor Karlsvalt
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MINUTES RA Meeting 11 August 2014

Post by Tor Karlsvalt »

Representative Assembly
Tuesday, 14 August 2014, 20:30 SLT
Praetorium, Colonia Nova, Confederation of Democratic Simulators

Attending: Cadence Theas (LRA), Rosie Gray, Tor Karsvalt, Cleopatra Xigalia
Missing: Gwyneth Llewelyn
Guests: Ceasar Xigalia, Chancellor and CDS citizens and friends

Transcript of meeting is here: ‪ http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... 339#p30865

Before the meeting began, Cadence announced that Gwyneth Llewelyn would try to attend. The meeting commenced without her.

Meeting was called to order at 8:32 PM SLT

1) Administrative Business

1.1) Review and approve agenda

Motion to approve the Agenda Rosie 1st, Tor 2nd; Rosie, Tor and Cadence in favor, Cleopatra abstained.

1.2) Executive Report

Chancellor Ceasar Xigalia, delivered a lengthy statement regarding his assessment of CDS and asserted that the RA and especially actions of the SC, “…change the very power structure in the CDS, are unprecedented for the current sitting SC, and perhaps any SC in the history of CDS.” (Transcript 20:44:38) The Chancellor continued scolded Tor Karlsvalt for his requesting that a person abandon his parcel. The Chancellor neglected to mention that the resident had willfully taken his entire tier as a refund leaving tier unpaid and the parcel tier box set ‘For Sale,’ over a period of almost two weeks. The Chancellor thanked the members of his team, Bagheera Kristen, Vice Chancellor and especially the PIO team: AbbyRose, Molly, Andromdeda and Dee. He pointed to the events of recent weeks and the planned events scheduled. The entire statement runs from 20:37:33 through 20:58:36.

The Chancellor took questions from RA Members and Citizens until 21:30:20 when he left the Preatorium and logged off. The following responded to or asked questions of the Chancellor: Gaius Tiberius Curio (Guillaume Mistwalker), Callipygian Christensen, Rosie Gray, and Tor Karlsvalt.

Before the Chancellor logged off, Cleopatra Xigalia asked for a 7-day vote at 21:22:07. Cadence granted the 7-day vote. (Cleopatra’s avatar remained through all but the last 20 minutes of the meeting. Cleopatra last spoke at 21:40:24 and did not leave the Preatorium until she logged off at 22:08:14.)

Following the Chancellor’s departure the following spoke of their concerns: AbbyRose Abbot and Molly Medier.

1.3) Review and approval of the previous 1 August 2014 meeting minutes

Motion to approve the minutes by Tor Karlsvalt. Minutes were posted to: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5281. Rosie Gray second. Tor, Rosie and Cadence in favor. Cleopatra’s avatar was present but did not respond to the LRA’s call for a vote. Motion to approve the minutes carries. 21:53:27.

2) Citizen Concerns

The LRA opened the meeting for further comments from Citizens. Dj Zemenis made a short statement.

3) RA Members’ Concerns


4) Old Business


5) New Business

5.1)Motion by Rosie to include item 6, Hippo and Archie Access, to the Chancellor Powers Commission. Cadence second. Rosie, Tor and Cadence in favor. Cleopatra did not respond to the LRA’s call to vote. Motion carries, 21:59:58.

5.2) Bill Proposal by Trebor, Land Sale and Tier Act.

Motion by Cadence for the Sim Commission to consider the Land Sale and Tier Act and modify item 7 of the act in light of the concerns of Callie and Soro regarding notification of citizens. Tor seconded. Rosie, Tor and Cadence in favor. Motion carries at 22:14:46.

6) Commission Reports

Tor Karlsvalt and Rosie Gray delivered reports. Both listed the commission members. Rosie noted that the Sim Commission had held one meeting and had requested that all citizen complete the a survey which can be found at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KRKG3ZG

Commissions are Constituted as follows:

Sim Commission: Rosie Gray, RA Member, Bromo Ivory, Leslie Allendale, Lilith Ivory and Patroklus Murakami.

Powers Commission: Tor Karlsvalt, RA Member, Covey Homewood, Delia Lake, Mizou Vavoom, and Widget Whiteberry.

7) General Announcements


8 ) Next RA Meeting


9) Adjourn at 22:29:41 SLT

Motion to adjourn by Cadence. Cadence 1st, Rosie 2nd, all in favour, carried.

For quick reference the Land Sale and Tier Act provided here.

Land Sale and Tier Act


The Confederation of Democratic Simulators is preparing to expand. As we expand we must plan and prepare properly. Before we accept proposals on a new region the submitters need a framework from which to work from. Whether we expand by one region or one hundred regions some constants must be known from the beginning.

We want our tier to be the same throughout the CDS, one tier for full regions and one tier for homestead regions. We want our occupancy level or break-even point to be the same throughout the CDS. With both of these variables set from the beginning everything else falls into place. These two variables determine the public to private land ratio.

1. All CDS owned land on a Full Region placed for sale by the government shall be at the rate of L$1.50 per sqm for a single-prim parcel and L$3.00 per sqm for a double-prim parcel.
2. All CDS owned land on a Homestead Region placed for sale by the government shall be at the rate of L$6.00 per sqm.
3. All Full Regions tier rate is US$0.03 (3cents) per prim.
4. All Homestead Regions tier rate is US$0.06 (6 cents) per prim.
5. The occupancy level or break-even point is 75%.
6. The prim multiplier for all Homestead Regions (excluding Monastery) is 6.
7. Any change in tier pricing implemented by Linden Labs shall result in the CDS adjusting tier by the same percentage no later than the last day of the upcoming month.

(See remarks in reference to CDSL17-01 by Callie and Sorro beginning at: Transcript 22:03:21)

8. New tier pricing will take effect the day region number six is ready to accept citizens.
9. New tier pricing in Neufriestedt, Colonia Nova, Alpine Meadows, and Locus Amoenus will take effect on CDS owned parcels that are NOT owned by citizens the same day.
10. Current tier pricing on NFS, CN, AM, and LA will remain in place until ownership of the parcel changes hands.
11. The Land Sale and Tier Act does not apply to the NL 8-4 Private Development Act.

This next part if for clarification purposes only. Using the above information here is the framework for all new Full Regions and Homestead Regions brought into the CDS.

Full Region – Monthly tier to Linden Labs US$295. Tier collected at 100% occupancy US$393
Single-Prim Regions Private SQM 57,326 Public SQM 8,210. Private Prims 13,100 Public Prims 1,900
Double-Prim Regions Private SQM 28,663 Public SQM 36,873 Private Prims 13,100 Public Prims 1,900
Homestead Region – Monthly tier to Linden Labs US$125. Tier collected at 100% occupancy US$166.
Six Prim Multiplier – Private SQM 8,071 Public SQM 57,465 Private Prims 2,767 Public Prims 983

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