RA meeting transcript 18 June 2016

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Han Held
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RA meeting transcript 18 June 2016

Post by Han Held »

[10:06] Ranma Tardis: I call the meeting to order
[10:06] Ranma Tardis: first order of business is to review and approve the agenda
[10:07] Ranma Tardis: do I have a motion
[10:07] Second Life: RA Agenda and Notes owned by Rosie Gray gave you 'RA agenda 18 June 2016' ( Colonia Nova (25,165,40) ).
[10:07] Leslie Allandale: I so move
[10:07] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): I move that we approve the Agenda
[10:07] Ranma Tardis: alright vote please
[10:07] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): aye
[10:08] Mizou (mizou.vavoom) entered the region (66.33 m).
[10:08] Leslie Allandale: aye
[10:08] Tanoujin Milestone: aye
[10:08] Ranma Tardis: aye
[10:08] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Aye
[10:08] Ranma Tardis: motion carried the aganda is approved
[10:08] Mizou (mizou.vavoom) entered chat range (19.80 m).
[10:08] Larah (larah.undercroft) entered the region (152.82 m).
[10:08] Ranma Tardis: next is to review and approve the minutes
[10:08] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Hi, Mizou
[10:08] Ranma Tardis: of the last meeting
[10:09] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I don't think the minutes are in the box
[10:09] Rosie Gray: hi Mizou ㋡
[10:09] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I have them though.
[10:09] Leslie Allandale: MM lead, I am in the queue
[10:09] Mizou (mizou.vavoom): Hi Rosie, hi all
[10:09] Ranma Tardis: fixed
[10:10] Ranma Tardis: can I have a motion to accept the minutes
[10:10] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): So moved
[10:11] Ranma Tardis: second?
[10:11] Lilith Ivory entered chat range (18.10 m).
[10:11] Leslie Allandale: second
[10:11] Ranma Tardis: lets vote
[10:11] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): hiya, Lilith
[10:11] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): aye
[10:11] Tanoujin Milestone: aye
[10:11] Lilith Ivory: Hi All
[10:11] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): (afk a sec, rl -brb)
[10:11] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Sustain, beacause <i haven't read them this time :(
[10:11] Rosie Gray: hiya Lilith
[10:12] Ranma Tardis: we are voting is there a problem?
[10:12] Widget Whiteberry entered chat range (17.30 m).
[10:12] Ranma Tardis: aye
[10:13] Larah (larah.undercroft) left the region.
[10:13] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): (back)
[10:13] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Hi, Widget
[10:13] Ranma Tardis: motion carries minutes are approved
[10:13] Rosie Gray: hi Widget
[10:14] Ranma Tardis: next order of business is the executive budget
[10:14] Widget Whiteberry waves to all
[10:14] Ranma Tardis: Rosie
[10:14] Rosie Gray: oh thank you Ranma
[10:14] Rosie Gray: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7622
[10:14] Rosie Gray: I've got a proposed budget posted there
[10:15] Rosie Gray: or I can give you a link to the google doc, if that's easier to see
[10:15] Larah (larah.undercroft) entered the region (152.82 m).
[10:15] Rosie Gray: one moment I'll get that
[10:15] Rosie Gray:
[10:15] Larah (larah.undercroft) left the region.
[10:15] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Afk, reading
[10:16] Rosie Gray: as you can see, I've based the revenues on what we received in May, and the tier expense as well
[10:16] Rosie Gray: which is after the regions have been grandfathered
[10:17] Rosie Gray: so, projecting that we will make a small profit which will cover most of the expenses
[10:17] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Awsome!
[10:17] Ranma Tardis: smiles
[10:17] Leslie Allandale: M' chair?
[10:17] Ranma Tardis: yes Leslie?
[10:18] Leslie Allandale: move to approve
[10:18] Rosie Gray: and, assuming that after the Friedsee region is redeveloped, we get a few more citizens purchasing there so that hopefully it will cover the tier there, perhaps a bit more income
[10:18] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I'm not seconding yet
[10:18] Rosie Gray: oh I haven't finished explaining though Les, lol
[10:18] Ranma Tardis: take your time
[10:18] Leslie Allandale: We can discuss
[10:18] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now:
[10:18] Rosie Gray: the small deficit might not even be needed
[10:19] Rosie Gray: depending on what is required for the Friedsee redesign... but I thought that we might have to purchase some landscaping meshes
[10:19] Tanoujin Milestone: i know what you mean, Leslie, you want it in the sequence of motion, second, discussion vote
[10:19] Leslie Allandale: Yes
[10:19] Rosie Gray: looking at the second sheet, the Marketing Budget
[10:19] Ranma Tardis: :)
[10:20] Rosie Gray: I cut it back from the last term's
[10:20] Ranma Tardis: yes that is proper
[10:20] Rosie Gray: (didn't spend all of that one)
[10:20] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Hold up, we want to approve something and aftewards discuss it? That's backwards, straight up. I must be misunderstanding you.
[10:20] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Sorry, Rosie
[10:20] Rosie Gray: I think the proper sequence is that I make the presentziton, then you make a motion and second, then discuss, then vote
[10:20] Ranma Tardis: making a motion and disussion before the vote is proper
[10:20] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): COuld we have the courtesy to let our CHancellor finish her report?
[10:21] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Ok, I was misunderstanding, sorry for the confusion.
[10:21] Leslie Allandale: absolutely, I am sorry
[10:21] Rosie Gray: np
[10:21] Ranma Tardis: do any of the RA members wish to speak?
[10:21] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): YeSaH!
[10:21] Rosie Gray: anyway, are there any questions?
[10:21] Lilith Ivory raises her hand
[10:21] Ranma Tardis: please continue Han
[10:21] Callipygian Christensen entered the region (35.93 m).
[10:21] Callipygian Christensen entered chat range (10.19 m).
[10:22] Lilith Ivory: Hi Calli
[10:22] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I'm worried that the ammount set aside for landscaping might not be enough and we should consider that we're rennovating FS and should have more money set aside to buy materials.
[10:22] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): done
[10:22] Rosie Gray: if I may answer that
[10:22] Ranma Tardis: of course
[10:22] Rosie Gray: I don't actually think that we will have to spend much
[10:22] Rosie Gray: on the renovation
[10:23] Rosie Gray: most of it is work to be done
[10:23] Rosie Gray: but if you think we should add to that line, I can certainly do it, and then if we don't need it it is just not spent
[10:23] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): That would be my preference, to make sure there's room if needed
[10:24] Ranma Tardis: alright
[10:24] Ranma Tardis: Lilith your turn
[10:24] Arria (arria.perreault) entered the region (63.49 m).
[10:24] Ranma Tardis: Lilith you have the floor
[10:25] Lilith Ivory: I just want to mention that the budget has to be posted for longer than a few hours before the RA can vote on it
[10:25] Lilith Ivory: 1 week I would say
[10:25] Lilith Ivory: done
[10:26] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now:
[10:26] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): ok, I am misreading the budget, sorry. I withdraw my concern
[10:26] Ranma Tardis: yet that ties up our government, if we have objections I can open it up to review
[10:27] Ranma Tardis: we need to have a functioning government
[10:27] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): That would mean we have to go from now until the 25th, at least, without a working budget.
[10:28] Ranma Tardis: any more disussion?
[10:28] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I'm good
[10:28] Leslie Allandale: me too
[10:28] Tanoujin Milestone: k
[10:28] Ranma Tardis: this is open to everyone
[10:28] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): BUT maybe we should wait and have a specifal session
[10:28] Ranma Tardis: another?
[10:29] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): after the budget has been posted for a week...OR, alternately, have a vote via the forum.
[10:29] Leslie Allandale: that is worth discissing
[10:29] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): instead of meeting in person.
[10:29] Ranma Tardis: I do not see our votes changing and we need a function government
[10:29] Leslie Allandale: Is that a possibility?
[10:30] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now:
[10:30] Leslie Allandale: Does anyone see why not?
[10:30] Ranma Tardis: well lets vote
[10:30] Callipygian Christensen: me raises her hand
[10:30] Leslie Allandale: there needs to be a motion
[10:30] Ranma Tardis: has been done
[10:30] Ranma Tardis: you motioned Leslie
[10:30] Leslie Allandale: needs second
[10:31] Callipygian Christensen waves her hand
[10:31] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Calli has something to say...
[10:31] Ranma Tardis: Calli
[10:32] Larah (larah.undercroft) entered the region (152.82 m).
[10:32] Callipygian Christensen: Lilith's point is higly valid regarding citizen revview..and a question - when was today's agenda amended to include this vote?
[10:32] Ranma Tardis: we are in a voting situration
[10:33] Leslie Allandale: motion fails for lack of second
[10:33] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): The budget has been on the agenda since it was posted.
[10:33] Callipygian Christensen: The answer to my question is qute important to whether there should BE a vote.
[10:33] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): The budget iself was posted on the forum today.
[10:33] Ranma Tardis: well we are voting, is the SC interfering in our meeting?
[10:33] Lilith Ivory: yes but it needs to be posted one week before the RA can vote on it
[10:34] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Leslie's motion failed.
[10:34] Ranma Tardis: then you can strike our vote
[10:34] Callipygian Christensen: This member of the SC is trying to avoid a vote happening that may be invaid and cause more work and meetings for all of us
[10:34] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I motion that we vote on the budget on the forum a week hence, a vote limited to the members of the RA
[10:34] Leslie Allandale: We do not have a valid motion on the floor
[10:35] Callipygian Christensen: Done - do as you wish.
[10:35] Leslie Allandale: Isecond
[10:35] Ranma Tardis: I call the vote, if any ra member agrees with our esteemed sc they can vote nay
[10:35] Leslie Allandale: point of order
[10:35] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): I am not prepared to vote nay to a budget that I appreciate
[10:35] Ranma Tardis: yes Leslie
[10:35] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): We cannot vote on the budget today
[10:35] Leslie Allandale: A motion needs a second
[10:35] Ranma Tardis: or there can be a motion to table
[10:35] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): it won't be a legal vote
[10:35] Leslie Allandale: my motion was not seconded
[10:35] Lilith Ivory: did you even vote for amending the agenda to vote on it?
[10:36] Ranma Tardis: oh yes it was
[10:36] Leslie Allandale: by whom
[10:36] Ranma Tardis: so do we have a motion to table?
[10:36] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): YeSaH!
[10:36] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): See my motion
[10:36] Leslie Allandale: We have a motion and second on the floor
[10:36] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): it's very specific
[10:37] Ranma Tardis: you need to be WAIT YOUR TURN
[10:37] Ranma Tardis: caps :)

[10:38] Ranma Tardis: well then I move to table the budget
[10:38] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Second
[10:38] Ranma Tardis: lets vote
[10:38] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Aye
[10:38] Leslie Allandale: discussion
[10:38] Ranma Tardis: yes Leslie
[10:38] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): excuse me, I made a motion, it had a second, it needs a vote
[10:38] Leslie Allandale: no
[10:38] Ranma Tardis: vote
[10:39] Leslie Allandale: motion second,discussion vote
[10:39] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Are we now voting for tabling the budget?
[10:39] Ranma Tardis: to table budget
[10:39] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): OK
[10:39] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): I have already seconded that, and voted Aye :)
[10:39] Tanoujin Milestone: that would be wise, to table it, yes
[10:40] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): aye
[10:40] Ranma Tardis: so please wait to vote until I call it
[10:40] Leslie Allandale: But, do we meet to vote on it before current budget runs out?
[10:40] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I gave my suggestion
[10:40] Ranma Tardis: we will have a meeting next week
[10:40] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): We can do it over the forum, as I suggested.
[10:40] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): in the RA section.
[10:40] Tanoujin Milestone: have we ever voted via the forums?
[10:40] Lilith Ivory: I do think all votes have to be done inworld at an RA meeting
[10:40] Ranma Tardis: yes
[10:41] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Ok, thanks Lilith
[10:41] Ranma Tardis: we are voting vote
[10:41] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): aye
[10:41] Widget Whiteberry recalls 7-day votes are often via forum
[10:41] Ranma Tardis: aye
[10:41] Leslie Allandale: aye
[10:41] Tanoujin Milestone: aye
[10:41] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Aye for the second time :)
[10:41] Ranma Tardis: motion carries vote is tabled
[10:42] Lilith Ivory: yes but this is not a 7-day vote by a single RA memeber who requested it before
[10:42] Tanoujin Milestone: raising hand (after Les)
[10:43] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Leslie Allandale
[10:43] Ranma Tardis: yes Leslie
[10:43] Ranma Tardis: oh please use the stick
[10:43] Rosie Gray: (waiting a week for budget approval is fine)
[10:44] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): (I will NOT be able to attend a meeting on the 25th, I am in surgery on the 22nd)
[10:44] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Tanoujin Milestone
[10:44] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): I used the stick a long time ago, but now I removed my name from it since I never got the floor... :)
[10:44] Leslie Allandale: sorry
[10:44] Ranma Tardis: I can approve the 7 day vote
[10:44] Ranma Tardis: am concerned
[10:45] Callipygian Christensen slips out to deal with that sillly RL stuff
[10:45] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held) waves to Calli
[10:45] Callipygian Christensen left the region.
[10:45] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Tc Calli
[10:45] Ranma Tardis: the SC or 2 members have objected to our vote
[10:46] Leslie Allandale: Tanoujin is in queue
[10:46] Ranma Tardis: yet we need a finctioning government
[10:46] Ranma Tardis: functioning
[10:46] Ranma Tardis: tan?
[10:47] Tanoujin Milestone: question to Rosie: do you need the budget urgently or can it wait until our next regular meeting in 3-4 weeks or so?
[10:47] Ranma Tardis: Rosie/
[10:47] Ranma Tardis: Rosie?
[10:47] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): We have survived in between budgets before
[10:47] Leslie Allandale: She seems to be afk
[10:47] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): She said earlier a week would be fine.
[10:48] Tanoujin Milestone: heard that :)
[10:48] Leslie Allandale: Then can we do a special meeting in a week?
[10:48] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): We've voted to table, I suggest we move on.
[10:48] Ranma Tardis: alright lets move on, next order of business is citizens concerns
[10:48] Leslie Allandale: I agree
[10:48] Tanoujin Milestone: k
[10:48] Ranma Tardis: any citizen have a concern?
[10:49] Tanoujin Milestone lookas at widget
[10:49] Ranma Tardis: this is your chance
[10:49] Ranma Tardis: well moving on to RA concerns
[10:49] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: You are now On the List to Speak. You Can Click the Device Again to Remove your Name.
[10:49] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Han Held
[10:49] Ranma Tardis: yes Han
[10:50] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I have a couple of concerns about the LUC which I would like addressed
[10:50] Ranma Tardis: please continue
[10:50] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): First, I would like to know if or how it is possible for us to view and comment on the google docs, etc that they are using in planning
[10:51] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): If we can't, we (the CDS) need to be able to.
[10:51] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): That's my first concern.
[10:51] Ranma Tardis: yes
[10:51] Ranma Tardis: please continue you have the floor
[10:51] Widget Whiteberry: ack!
[10:52] Natalia Jeriamas entered the region (1489.97 m).
[10:52] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I'm waiting for an answer to that, then I'll bring up my 2nd concern.
[10:52] Natalia Jeriamas left the region.
[10:52] Ranma Tardis: then I will open it to comment
[10:52] Widget Whiteberry will wiat her turn
[10:52] Ranma Tardis: alright does anyone wish to address this?
[10:52] Ranma Tardis: Widget?
[10:52] Ranma Tardis: you have the floor
[10:53] Widget Whiteberry: I have another issue
[10:53] Widget Whiteberry: Govt Question hours
[10:53] Ranma Tardis: we need to finish this first
[10:53] Widget Whiteberry: indeed, I'll wait
[10:53] Tanoujin Milestone: ;)
[10:53] Ranma Tardis: Delia you have the floor
[10:53] Delia Lake: thank you
[10:54] Delia Lake: I'm not sure what your concern is here, Han but let me try to clarify a few things
[10:54] Delia Lake: as the current chair of the LUC
[10:54] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Widget Whiteberry
[10:54] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Your Name has Been Removed From the List of Speakers
[10:54] Delia Lake: first let me refer everyone to the law as it stands
[10:54] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: You are now On the List to Speak. You Can Click the Device Again to Remove your Name.
[10:55] Delia Lake: on the portal. CDSL 21-01 Permanent Land-Use Commission Act
[10:55] Delia Lake: the commission holds public meetings and posts the transcripts of those meetings
[10:57] Delia Lake: we do place links to google docs into the chat from time to time so that interested public can see what we are thinking and what is being considered
[10:57] Delia Lake: during those meetings we also ask for comments
[10:57] Delia Lake: and when we post to the forum we ask for comments
[10:57] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Delia Lake
[10:58] Ranma Tardis: think those documents should be posted to the board
[10:58] Ranma Tardis: are you finished Delia?
[10:58] Larah (larah.undercroft) left the region.
[10:58] Delia Lake: beyond that for what purpose are you thinking that the RA would want not only access but edit/comment permissions to all beginning drafts?
[10:59] Delia Lake: no I am not finished thank you
[10:59] Ranma Tardis: please continue
[10:59] Delia Lake: what docs should be posted, Ranma?
[10:59] Ranma Tardis: the google material, not to edit but for the community to see
[11:00] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): A seperate thread saying "this is what we're working from" would work for me....
[11:00] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): with the links to the documents
[11:00] Ranma Tardis: Delia?
[11:00] Delia Lake: so if I start a doc and put in a title and a phrase that says "look up tier" I should then immediately make that doc public or post it to the forum?
[11:01] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): If it's part of the LUC decision making process, yes.
[11:01] Delia Lake: that would certainly lengthen by a great amount getting any work done
[11:01] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): If it's a document that the LUC is using for reference, yes.
[11:01] Leslie Allandale: raises hand
[11:01] Delia Lake: we do post docs that we use for reference
[11:01] Ranma Tardis: you are next, please let Delia finish
[11:02] Ranma Tardis: than Han
[11:02] Delia Lake: we do not publicly post docs that are in the beginnings of brainstorming where there are a couple of phrases and a title, and may never be used at all
[11:02] Delia Lake: I am missing the point here I guess
[11:03] Delia Lake: what is it exactly that you would like to have happen that is not currently happening?
[11:03] Ranma Tardis: yet it is part of the decision making process?
[11:03] Delia Lake: and for what reason? what would it allow you to be able to do as RA that you cannot now currently do?
[11:04] Ranma Tardis: Leslie
[11:04] Delia Lake: so part of the decision making process would be think about trees
[11:04] Delia Lake: so here I will start a doc that says "Trees" as its title
[11:05] Delia Lake: under that I will list reminders, ticklers as to what trees I have in inventory that I like and ones that Archie has that I know
[11:05] Ranma Tardis: anything else Delia?
[11:05] Delia Lake: take Archie's inventory
[11:05] Delia Lake: Conifers, sizes and types from Tobias
[11:05] Delia Lake: now I'm done with that doc for the moment
[11:06] Delia Lake: but you are saying that I should now invite the entire RA to comment and edit? or post that to the forum?
[11:06] Ranma Tardis: tan
[11:06] Delia Lake: what will that allow you to do or know that you can't do now?
[11:06] Leslie Allandale: may I make an analogy, if it is my turn?
[11:06] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): What's not happening now, that I'd like to see happen is when people come to me and ask what the LUC are planning I can point them to a thread which lists the documents the LUC is using for planning. The point is reference and transparency. I understand some documents are transitory, others are not -those that are not I want to see easily able to refer citizens to.
[11:06] Ranma Tardis: Han
[11:07] Delia Lake: documents that are used for decisions and even for background are posted
[11:07] Ranma Tardis: Delia
[11:07] Delia Lake: they are linked in all the meeting transcripts
[11:08] Delia Lake: which are posted on the forum already
[11:08] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Thank you, that is what I was asking. I would prefer them put in a seperate thread but as long as they are publically accessible that is fine, too.
[11:08] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): The main point that the public can see them.
[11:08] Delia Lake: anything that is to a condition to be used for decisions is posted in the meeting transcripts on the forum
[11:08] Ranma Tardis: are you done Delia?
[11:09] Delia Lake: I am done for now thank you yes
[11:09] Ranma Tardis: Han?
[11:09] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Yes, I'm ready to move on to my next point
[11:09] Ranma Tardis: when finished speaking please remove your name from the stick
[11:09] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Your Name has Been Removed From the List of Speakers
[11:09] Ranma Tardis: Leslie you have the floor
[11:10] Leslie Allandale: ty
[11:10] Leslie Allandale: luc member are hired to do a job, and are volunteers
[11:10] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: You are now On the List to Speak. You Can Click the Device Again to Remove your Name.
[11:10] Leslie Allandale: As a mechanic to tune your car engne
[11:11] Leslie Allandale: Can you imagine any mechanic wanting you to stand over your shoulder and watch every turn of your screwdriver?
[11:11] Leslie Allandale: done
[11:11] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): (take your name off the stick, please Leslie)
[11:11] Leslie Allandale: ty
[11:11] Ranma Tardis: when finished speaking please remove your name from the stick
[11:12] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): It's easy to forget -I did. May I have the floor?
[11:12] Ranma Tardis: yes
[11:12] Ranma Tardis: then Tan
[11:12] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): First, when I take my car to the mechanic for an oil change I don't expect them to rotate my tires and take out my transmission.
[11:13] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): This leads to my other point; the current work on Friedsee.
[11:13] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I have created and given away regions in opensim; I am not a professional but I know a little about region design
[11:13] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): The LUC has been asked to update Friedsee to match its' new status as a homestead
[11:14] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Han Held
[11:14] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): but changes have been proposed which affects Monastery and Neufreistadt.
[11:15] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I believe that the LUC needs to confine themselves to updating Friedsee, and refrain from terraforming which will alter the surrounding regions. Updating the GMP can be done later
[11:15] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): For now, I want to see the LUC get Friedsee in rentable shape as non-destructively as possible.
[11:15] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): done.
[11:15] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Tanoujin Milestone
[11:15] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Your Name has Been Removed From the List of Speakers
[11:15] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Delia Lake
[11:15] Ranma Tardis: Tan you have the floor
[11:16] Ranma Tardis: no Delia
[11:16] Tanoujin Milestone: i with draw, go on
[11:16] Ranma Tardis: Delia you have the floor
[11:16] Delia Lake: 1. there has been discussion of possibilities but no actual proposal to date. we are formalizing a proposal with options that we will give to the Chancellor and post on the forum
[11:17] Delia Lake: 2 no changes have currently been made to Friedsee besides the chancellor reclaiming land
[11:17] Delia Lake: 3 some of those possible proposals have been discussed at public LUC meetings
[11:18] Delia Lake: and have been discussed with current residents of Friedsee, and with other citizens who have expressed interest
[11:18] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: You are now On the List to Speak. You Can Click the Device Again to Remove your Name.
[11:18] Delia Lake: 4 I could reterraform friedsee in an afternoon by myself but that is not our CDS process
[11:20] Delia Lake: redesigning friedsee as salable has to be within the constraints of design forced by it being a downgrade from a full to homestead region that has current residents already living there
[11:21] Delia Lake: 6 we all want to see friedsee in a condition that will be fully subscribed by people living there and covering tier
[11:22] Ranma Tardis: anything else?
[11:23] Delia Lake: the proposal is being laid out so that people can see and hopefully understand what the options and tradeoffs are
[11:23] Delia Lake: done for now
[11:23] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Ranma Tardis
[11:23] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): (afk a quick sec, brb)
[11:25] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): (back)
[11:25] Ranma Tardis: The LRA and the RA have been asked by Arria Perreault in the forums to look after her interests. She has been a very loyal and supportive member of the CDS and the force behind Monastery. She is concerned Monastery will be changed as to change its nature.
[11:26] Ranma Tardis: Delia can you address her concerns and the concerns of the NFS citzens on the affect of the Friedsee redesign on their sims?
[11:26] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Your Name has Been Removed From the List of Speakers
[11:26] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: You are now On the List to Speak. You Can Click the Device Again to Remove your Name.
[11:27] Delia Lake: first let me address concerns of NFS citizens.
[11:27] Larah (larah.undercroft) entered the region (152.82 m).
[11:27] Delia Lake: the 2 NFS citizens who could be affected because of the location of the plots are me and Les
[11:27] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Delia Lake
[11:27] Ranma Tardis: Delia you have the floor
[11:28] Delia Lake: I don't recall expressing concerns
[11:28] Ranma Tardis: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7613
[11:28] Delia Lake: Les is also on the LUC and as have I we have publicly expressed whatever concerns we have had
[11:29] Delia Lake: other NFS properties would not be affected
[11:29] Larah (larah.undercroft) left the region.
[11:29] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Not even Coolin Seaside's?
[11:29] Delia Lake: that post doesn't specify who else's NFS properties would be affected but if there are any please do say
[11:30] Ranma Tardis: what about Monastery?
[11:30] Delia Lake: no Coolin's parcel backs onto Sera's on FS and would not be affected at all
[11:31] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Good
[11:31] Delia Lake: so who else?
[11:31] Ranma Tardis: Delia the RA has been asked to direct the concern of Arria Perreault
[11:32] Larah (larah.undercroft) entered the region (152.82 m).
[11:32] Ranma Tardis: can you address this?
[11:32] Delia Lake: I had thought I laid out the sequence of events clearly enough in the forum post
[11:32] Delia Lake: but that seems not to be so
[11:32] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held) shuffles in my seat
[11:32] Delia Lake: 1 Arria was not left out of the process at all
[11:33] Delia Lake: she chose not to attend any LUC meetings nor to read the transcripts
[11:33] Ranma Tardis: what are your plans with Monastery?
[11:34] Delia Lake: 2 I reached out to her via email to ask if "I" might update her on what we were thinking, as a courtesy and not anything that are required
[11:34] Larah (larah.undercroft) left the region.
[11:34] Ranma Tardis: very well
[11:35] Delia Lake: Arria's post to the forum was AFTER not before I spoke with her inworld and talked bout the possibilities
[11:35] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Your Name has Been Removed From the List of Speakers
[11:35] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: You are now On the List to Speak. You Can Click the Device Again to Remove your Name.
[11:35] Ranma Tardis: yet Arria Perreault has been paying a lot of tier for many years
[11:36] Delia Lake: and I assured Arria as I have everyone else I've spoken with who is a current resident of friedsee, or monastery, that existing parcels would not be affected
[11:36] Ranma Tardis: then there are the other lot owners
[11:36] Ranma Tardis: lets move on
[11:36] Delia Lake: yes Arria has been. and by the way so have I been paying a lot of tier for many years. what privileges do you propose to give me for that?
[11:37] Ranma Tardis: RG you have the floor
[11:37] Delia Lake: are you cutting me off? just a question
[11:37] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Delia has the right to speak until she's done
[11:37] Ranma Tardis: actually I will come up with a bill to give Arria Perreault rights
[11:38] Ranma Tardis: we need to move on to the NGO
[11:38] Delia Lake: I do recommend that the distinguished RA members read the laws regarding the LUC and the RA regarding regions
[11:38] RG Cooperstone (roguegeek.cooperstone): I simply wanted to say that the LUC has been working hard to come up with several possible plans, and that nothing has been done to infringe on anyone's rights
[11:38] Pip Torok entered the region (36.12 m).
[11:38] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Your Name has Been Removed From the List of Speakers
[11:38] Ranma Tardis: EM you have the floor
[11:38] Pip Torok entered chat range (19.47 m).
[11:39] Delia Lake: and if you are giving privilege rights to Arria based on her being here a long time and paying a lot I strongly suggest that you include me, Pip and Sudane in those privileges as well
[11:39] Larah (larah.undercroft) entered the region (152.82 m).
[11:39] Rosie Gray: and me, and Tor
[11:39] Rosie Gray: and Lilith
[11:39] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): I with draw my name
[11:39] Mizou (mizou.vavoom): and me
[11:39] Ranma Tardis: why?
[11:40] RG Cooperstone (roguegeek.cooperstone): so maybe us new guys are now second class citizens
[11:40] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): That would be a horrible idea to grant favors based on age or rank or anything non-democratic; I would vote against that.
[11:40] Ranma Tardis: the sim is her invention
[11:40] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held) nods to Coop in agreement
[11:40] Ranma Tardis: yet we risk losing her
[11:40] Larah (larah.undercroft) left the region.
[11:40] Ranma Tardis: having another empty sim
[11:40] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): We loose more by legislating favoritism
[11:40] Delia Lake: Monastery region is owned by the CDS not by Arria. Arria owns the land and the Monastery building
[11:40] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): *lose
[11:41] RG Cooperstone (roguegeek.cooperstone): does she own the sim, and pay the entire tier?
[11:41] Ranma Tardis: so you think the redesign is so important?
[11:42] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I want to limit the redesign to Friedsee; but I don't want to allow anyone to hold the CDS hostage based on their age or how much they pay in tier.
[11:42] Ranma Tardis: we need to move on to Widget
[11:42] Larah (larah.undercroft) entered the region (152.82 m).
[11:42] Delia Lake: let me say again. The LUC will post a proposal to the fourm that outlines the needs, constraints and options.
[11:42] Ranma Tardis: I will put this on the agenda for the next RA meeting
[11:42] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held) nods in acknowgement to Delia
[11:42] Delia Lake: we are making this proposal because we have been tasked with doing so
[11:43] Ranma Tardis: As a citizen I have concern as well
[11:43] Larah (larah.undercroft) left the region.
[11:43] Ranma Tardis: we will take this to the forums
[11:43] Ranma Tardis: Widget you have the floor
[11:43] Widget Whiteberry: thank you
[11:44] Widget Whiteberry: Thank you
per NL 7-1 Government Question Hour Act, which states “In order to make the government more accessible this Act establishes an informal Government Question Hour with at least one government ‘official’ present each week. These meetings will be open to all CDS residents to come and ask questions. The hours will rotate to suit the RL hours of our community.” The Chancellor is charged with their establishment. I am concerned that we have had perhaps six months without Gov’t Question Hours and call for them to be scheduled.
[11:44] Widget Whiteberry: done
[11:44] Ranma Tardis: I can have a q&a session
[11:44] Ranma Tardis: Rosie?
[11:44] Rosie Gray: thank you Ranma
[11:44] Rosie Gray: I have been spending all of my time trying to keep up with land management
[11:45] Rosie Gray: but am always available to anyone who wants to talk, anytime I'm online
[11:45] Rosie Gray: which is almost every day
[11:45] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: You are now On the List to Speak. You Can Click the Device Again to Remove your Name.
[11:45] Rosie Gray: however having said that, since Widget is concerned about some kind of formalized time
[11:45] Delia Lake: CDSL 21-01 Permanent Land-Use Commission Act is the LUC legislation. CDSL 22-01 Omnibus New Region Expansion Act lays out the responsibilityy of the RA. and that is specifically for new region purchase
[11:45] Rosie Gray: I will try to find the time to organize a formal time
[11:45] Rosie Gray: done
[11:46] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Han Held
[11:46] Ranma Tardis: I will work with Rosie as well
[11:46] Pip Torok thinks that in most citcumstances, competence trump seniority and money (I suppose this is one of them) Itsonly time and money!
[11:46] Ranma Tardis: We neeed to move on to the NGO
[11:46] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I am willing to hold an office hours as well
[11:46] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): done.
[11:46] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now:
[11:46] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Your Name has Been Removed From the List of Speakers
[11:47] Ranma Tardis: next order is old business
[11:47] Ranma Tardis: seeing none new business or the NGO
[11:47] Ranma Tardis: ra disussion?
[11:47] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Wait
[11:48] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Aren't we voting on the Law Review? Or am I confused.
[11:48] Leslie Allandale: this is law review
[11:48] Tanoujin Milestone: we are getting there right now
[11:48] Ranma Tardis: yes first any discussion?
[11:48] Lilith Ivory: the SC is willing to attend those question hours too btw
[11:48] Ranma Tardis: :)
[11:49] Ranma Tardis: we need to address this
[11:49] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): I have no need of further discussions
[11:49] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I was going to ask if anyone from the SC would be willing to hold office hours. Thanks, Lilith :)
[11:49] Tanoujin Milestone: i am fine with the group charter too and am ready to approve it
[11:49] Leslie Allandale: I too
[11:49] Ranma Tardis: then a motion to approve it
[11:49] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Same here.
[11:49] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): so moved
[11:49] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): So moved
[11:50] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): seconded
[11:50] Ranma Tardis: lets vote
[11:50] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Aye
[11:50] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): aye
[11:50] Tanoujin Milestone: aye
[11:50] Ranma Tardis: aye
[11:50] Ranma Tardis: Lesie?
[11:50] Leslie Allandale: aye
[11:50] Lilith Ivory: can you post a link or past the text you are voting on in public chat please?
[11:50] Ranma Tardis: Leslie?
[11:50] Ranma Tardis: it is in the box
[11:50] Lilith Ivory: we need to see it in the transcript
[11:51] Ranma Tardis: well the ra just voted to approve it
[11:51] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Agreed, Lilith; here's the text
[11:51] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): CDS LAW REVIEW CHARTER - draft for RA submission


Experience has shown us that without ongoing review the body of laws can become out-dated, contradictory and challenging to understand and apply.
An NGO provides a method to ensure ongoing review of the body of laws, with continuity that cannot be guaranteed by using the Committee or Commission structure (subject to review and possible discontinuation each six months).
The NGO structure allows and encourages participation by all citizens of CDS, permits review of multiple laws simultaneously and formalizes a process of review, reporting, and recommendation to the RA, to ensure transparency and awareness of the NGO’s activities.


To establish and maintain clarity, coherence and consistency between and among the CDS Constitution and Laws by

A. reviewing existing laws for
(a) conflicts among and between the laws and Constitution,
(b) obsolescence,
(c) clarity of language and
(d) practical application and enforcement
B. presenting
[11:51] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): findings and recommendations for public review and consideration by the Representative Assembly (RA).
C. encouraging citizen familiarity with the CDS Constitution and Laws and engaging interested citizens in the review process.

The existence of the NGO does not limit the rights of citizens to communicate with the RA.

Law Review (LR) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) and based in the community of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators (CDS). The NGO membership is a self-organizing, self-selecting sub-group of CDS citizens; self-selection allows individual citizens to choose for themselves whether to participate or not, and ensures that Law Review is open to any citizen who wishes to participate.


Participation is open to any willing and interested citizen; however, no one serving in elected office or as an SC member can serve as Chair, Vice Chair or Secretary.


1. The Chair maintains lists of laws for review; assigns project leaders; convenes and leads
[11:51] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): meetings;and sends final drafts and occasional work-in-progress reports to the LRA for inclusion on the RA agenda.

2. The Vice-Chair maintains and publishes a monthly membership list on the LR Forum thread with invitations to citizens to participate; schedules quarterly informational meetings and takes over from the Chair should the need arise.

3. The Secretary publishes drafts of proposed laws and transcripts to the appropriate LR Forum/s and informs the Chair; sends in-world group notices alerting citizens to drafts posted to the forums or sent to the LRA for inclusion on a RA agenda; at the request of the Chair produces work-in-progress reports for the Chair.

4. Project leaders volunteer and are assigned by the Chair in consultation with General Members. Project Leaders lead the editing process for specific laws; respond to comments from work group members; notify the Chair and Secretary when a revision is ready
[11:51] Lilith Ivory: thank you Han
[11:51] Ranma Tardis: the motion carries with a 2/3rds vote
[11:51] Lilith Ivory: and next time please post it before voting
[11:51] Ranma Tardis: it is a done deal
[11:52] Lilith Ivory: please keep in mind one might need to look this up in one or two years
[11:52] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Lilith is right; we need to post the text of items we vote on, as she said for reference for future administrations.
[11:52] Ranma Tardis: very true all things are subject to review
[11:52] Leslie Allandale: I agree, it should be posted with the motion
[11:52] Ranma Tardis: any announcements?
[11:52] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Yes!
[11:53] Ranma Tardis: you have the floor Han
[11:53] Larah (larah.undercroft) entered the region (152.82 m).
[11:54] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I went to the CDS' SL13B exhibit and was very impressed -Rosie and Brooke (am I leaving anyone out?) did a great job. I've been to a few SLB's and seen a few of the exhibits but I loved this one.
[11:54] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Well done, y'all. Kudos!
[11:54] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): done.
[11:54] Ranma Tardis: any other announcements?
[11:54] Rosie Gray: and Aedan
[11:54] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): And Aedan, sorry Aedan -well done :)
[11:54] Rosie Gray: thanks Han!
[11:54] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I will not be here next week
[11:55] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I will be recouperating from surgery
[11:55] Leslie Allandale: We will send flowers
[11:55] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I'll be on SL, possibly, but not at any meetings; reesting.
[11:55] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): :D
[11:55] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): catnip preferred ;)
[11:55] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): done
[11:55] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Good luck with your surgery, Han
[11:55] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Thank you! :)
[11:56] Ranma Tardis: That brings us to the next meeting
[11:56] Ranma Tardis: I favor 2 weeks

[11:56] Rumplestiltskin Rios entered the region (151.20 m).
[11:56] Leslie Allandale: That works for budget?
[11:56] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): *looks at Rosie* can the budget wait that long?
[11:56] Ranma Tardis: can do next week
[11:56] Rosie Gray: it needs to be approved by the end of the month
[11:57] Ranma Tardis: then next week
[11:57] Rumplestiltskin Rios left the region.
[11:57] Ranma Tardis: any disussion?
[11:57] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I request a seven-day vote
[11:57] Ranma Tardis: got it
[11:57] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Thanks :)
[11:57] Leslie Allandale: an you vote before 7 days?
[11:58] Leslie Allandale: can
[11:58] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I don't think so.
[11:58] Leslie Allandale: kk
[11:58] Ranma Tardis: because of her rl situation this is fair
[11:58] Leslie Allandale: I move we meet in a week, then
[11:58] Leslie Allandale: Oh, sorry coop
[11:58] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Seconded
[11:58] Ranma Tardis: though 4 is enough for the budget
[11:58] RG Cooperstone (roguegeek.cooperstone): Just one request...please put the time of the meeting on the top of the notices
[11:59] Ranma Tardis: grins sure thing!
[11:59] RG Cooperstone (roguegeek.cooperstone): s'ok Les
[11:59] Leslie Allandale: ty
[11:59] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now:
[11:59] Leslie Allandale: call the question
[11:59] Pip Torok: thanks RC !
[11:59] Ranma Tardis: so it will be next week the 25th of June at 12pm daylight linden time
[12:00] Ranma Tardis: I will put the time at the top RG
[12:00] RG Cooperstone (roguegeek.cooperstone): Thank you
[12:00] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Oh those daylight times... :( I sure hope I 'll get it right
[12:00] Ranma Tardis: a motion to adjourn until next week?
[12:00] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): so moved
[12:00] Ranma Tardis: second/
[12:00] Ranma Tardis: ?
[12:01] Leslie Allandale: second
[12:01] Leslie Allandale: it has been movedand seconded
[12:01] Ranma Tardis: please vote
[12:01] Leslie Allandale: aye
[12:01] Tanoujin Milestone: aye
[12:01] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): aye
[12:01] Em Warden (mothercard.warden): Aye
[12:01] Ranma Tardis: aye
[12:01] Dante (danteaffinity83) entered the region (172.55 m).
[12:01] Ranma Tardis: the RA stands ajourned until the 25th of June

"I could talk talk talk, talk myself to death
But I believe I would only waste my breath" -Roxy Music "Remake, remodel"
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