Minutes, RA meeting 23-July-2019

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Em Warden
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
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Minutes, RA meeting 23-July-2019

Post by Em Warden »

Present: Lyubov, Rosie Gray, Laura Azalee, Em Warden
Also present: Kyoko Furse-Barzane, Lilith Ivory, Tanoujin Milestone, Cathy Sabre

*1. Administrative Business

1.1 Review and approve the agenda, http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9063
The Agenda was approved as presented.

1.2 Review and approve the minutes 8-July-2019, http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9047
The Minutes were approved as presented in the CDS Forums.

*2. Executive Report

The Chancellor informed about the Block party in Stella Marina Quay last Saturday, which was a success. She has organized the temporary exhibit on the ground floor of MoCA, which will open for the public in August 3rd. The record of the original art objects have been made as requested. Rosie has refreshed the interiors of the ground floor.

A census will be taken at the end of this week, since it should be made on the last Friday of July according to our constitution.

*3. LUC Report, 21 July transcript http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=9059

At the meeting, LUC members focused on two items: the Colonia Nova covenant review/update, and the upgrading of sims to additional prims, as per Lyubov's presentation, including adjustment of tier rates. Rosie suggested that everyone should read about it on the forums
Cathy Sabre informed us that she will be posting a draft of new CN covenant in the Forums, under LUC discussions, this week.

Next LUC meeting is scheduled in two weeks.

Motion to endorse the proposal of sim upgrading and tier adjustment as presented by Lyubov in the Forums: Rosie second, all in favor, motion passed.

*4. Citizen Concerns
No concerns.

*5. RA member concerns
No concerns.

*6. Old Business

NL 4-6 Financial Reserves Act
Discussion of the implications of NL 4-6 Financial Reserves Act. Further reflections on the issue were deemed necessary.
Lilith told us that the Scientific Council will have a meeting on Saturday July 27th , at 9 AM SLT, to get a report from Sudane about procedures we have in place, in case something happens to her that keeps her from acting as treasurer.

Motion to table this issue until the next RA meeting: Em second, all in favor, motion passed.

*7. New Business

7.1 Review Constitution and laws regarding campaigning, see Forum post at http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=8965

Cali has made a Forum post to explain in more clear terms the procedures and conditions of campaigning. Lyubov offered to draft an update, based on Cali's Forum post. She will look at CDSL 20-02 By-Election Procedures Act as well, and suggest eventual updates.

7.2 Review laws with archaic references including "Al Andalus" and "Neualtenburg"
- - -

*8. General Announcements

27 July - SC meeting, 09:00 SLT

3 August - MoCA opening, 12:00 SLT

Lilith stressed the importance of being in good standing with at least one parcel, and to have it in our own name, by Friday this week, to ensure a place on the Census list.

*9. Next Meeting

Motion to hold a "special session" on Sunday 28 July beginning at 0900 SLT to discuss the Financial Reserves Act, and schedule a regular meeting on Monday 5 August beginning at 1200 SLT: Laura second, all in favor, motion passed.

"Special session" on Sunday 28 July beginning at 09:00 SLT

Regular RA meeting on Monday 5 August beginning at 1200 SLT

*10. Adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 13:39.

When you go through hell- keep walking!

Winston Churchill
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