Minutes, RA Meeting March 24, 2020

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Rosie Gray
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Minutes, RA Meeting March 24, 2020

Post by Rosie Gray »

RA Meeting 24-March-2020

RA Members Present: Lyubov, Rosie Gray, Tanoujin Milestone, Kyoko Furse-Barzane
RA Members Absent: Richie Deschanel
Also present: Hannah Marie Bloodwolf-Tempest, Almut Brunswick, Lilith Ivory, Emilia Dagostino, Callipygian Christensen

1. Administrative Business

1.1 Review and approve the agenda
Motion to approve Agenda as presented. Rosie 1st, Kyoko 2nd, motion carried

1.2 Review and approve the minutes 10-March-2020
Motion to approve the Minutes. Tanoujin 1st, Kyoko 2nd, motion carried

1.3 Temporary RA Archivist assignment
Kyoko volunteered to upload the transcript and Rosie volunteered to do the Minutes and update the portal.

2. Executive Report
Chancellor Emilia mentioned overdue tiers and the necessity and responsibility of the Chancellor of sending out reminders both in IM and Notecard to overdue citizens. She also mentioned our new citizen Saineolai (Cathy..Yamamoto) who was a founding member of Neualtenburg. Emilia hopes that Saineolai will join us at the next GQH meeting. She has heard from Soro who is experiencing technical difficulties to do with SL.

3. LUC Report
Rosie updated everyone about the work on Alpine Meadow with the new 'wayfinding' road signage. The next LUC meeting is March 29th, 10 am SLT.
Tanoujin has been appointed by the Chancellor to be her representative on the LUC.

4. Citizen Concerns
Almut said that she was continuing with the work on the New Citizens Guide with some general help. Lilith suggested that citizenship and our elections might be of interest for new citizens too. The goal is to finalize this so that it can be posted in various places of access.

5. RA member concerns
Tanoujin expressed concern to ensure that Lyubov is aware of how much the well-prepared meetings are appreciated, with special thanks to the LRA, Lyubov.

6. Old Business
No old business

7. New Business

7.1 Update to NL 7-1 Government Question Hour Act, see discussion at viewtopic.php?f=24&t=9416
There was a discussion about the purpose of the GQH and whether or not a full transcript or a summary should be posted, with various viewpoints on the subject.
Motion that the Update to NL 7-1 Government Question Hour Act be tabled until the next RA meeting and that this discussion continue through Forum, where the topic will be moved to the General Discussion area to allow for public comment. Lyubov 1st, Tan 2nd, motion carried.

7.2 Reclassification of Other actions of the 8th RA, see discussion at viewtopic.php?f=24&t=9419
Motion to move this section of code to 'archaic'. Tan 1st, Kyoko 2nd, motion carried.

7.3 Reclassification of NL 9-1 Commercial Development Act, see discussion at viewtopic.php?f=24&t=9418
Motion to move NL 9-1 to 'archaic'. Tan 1st, Rosie 2nd, motion carried

8. General Announcements

Next LUC Meeting, Sunday 29 March at 1000 SLT

MoCA Current Exhibits March 7-April 15, 2020

CDS in Second Life Newser:
International Women's Day at CDS, https://slnewserevents.blogspot.com/202 ... t-cds.html
St. Patrick's Day in CDS, https://slnewser.blogspot.com/2020/03/a ... -2020.html

9. Next Meeting
Motion that the next RA meeting be set for Sunday 5 April at 0930 SLT. Lyubov 1st, Kyoko 2nd, motion carried

10. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 1:54 pm slt

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