SC meeting Saturday July 5 8 AM

Announcements by the Dean of the Scientific Council

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SC meeting Saturday July 5 8 AM

Post by Callipygian »

Due to flooding and power outages here I was unable to post this last night, so notice is somewhat shorter than 24 hours - Mother Nature trumps SL big time. However, there are a number of brief items on the agenda and I believe the SC can address those, while also identifying any items that require further research or extended discussion to be moved to the agenda for an additional meeting on July 19th.

Here is the agenda for tomorrow:

Agenda July 5 8 AM

New Business

1. Notice regarding banned avatars - SD 5 mins

2. Request for Waivers - SD 20 minutes

3. Petition from Cleopatra Xigalia - SD 5 mins

4. Request for clarification of law - Petition for clarification of NL 4-16 and the NFS School - SD 10 mins

5. 'Official channels of communication' - password security, Report to the SC-Facebook - SD 15 mins

Old Business

1. Standardized notecard for petitions to the SC - SD- 15 minutes

2. Revised Forum ToS and moderation guidelines - SD - 30 minutes

Next meeting date: Saturday July 19 8 AM

All citizens are welcome to attend and observe SC meetings.

People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote -- a very different thing.

Walter H. Judd
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