Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Revised

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Tor Karlsvalt
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Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Revised

Post by Tor Karlsvalt »

The Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill (originally posted at:

1.Whereas CDSL 13-03 is obsolete and alignment needed with CDSL 16-03, the Citizenship Establishment Act and applicable parts of CDSL 13-10 the Citizenship Bill.

2. CDSL 13-03 pertains to a since-retired proprietary tier collection system. SInce the system has changed, it is impossible for the Executive to comply with CDSL 13-03. Therefore we propose this Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill.

3. Since 2011, CDS has used the Hippo Rental system; significantly altering the method by which CDS collects tier.

4. Tier is paid, to the Estate Owner, in advance of use, beginning on the date a citizen acquires a parcel. Citizens pay tier via the Hippo object assigned to their parcel. They can pay for 1, 2 or 3 months at
a time.

5. Through the Hippo object, citizens can collect a refund when selling or abandoning a parcel. There are three types of abandonment and/o ownership termination events and appropriate procedures and
responsibilities associated with each.

6. The Executive shall employ the following procedures for tier collection, reclaiming parcels and clearing Hippo objects.

a. Parcel abandoned from the land tool only - Executive clears the Hippo object with or without refunding any outstanding funds.
b. Parcel abandoned (ownership terminated) via Hippo only - Executive reclaims the land within 24 hours and resets the Hippo object.
c. Parcel abandoned from land tool and ownership terminated via Hippo - Executive resets the land for sale.

7. The Hippo objects shall be set to use the notice functions that alert landowners of the expiration of their tier in advance of due date, and the days remaining until they are due. The Hippo object also announce numbers of days overdue. Landowners are expected to be in world to receive such notices and/or have provided LL with an email address allowing them to receive IMs while offline. Landowners are expected to set preferences to receive IMs when off line. Landowners are encouraged to provide the Chancellor with a working email address.

8. The Chancellor shall maintain a list of citizens and the email addresses they’ve provided. Upon leaving office, the outgoing Chancellor will transfer that list to the incoming Chancellor.

9. The EO should include the following reclamation language in the CDS Covenant land tool: “The right to vote and stand for election is reserved for citizens in good standing. Pay your tier!”

10. Reclamation - Within 24 hours of showing up in arrears on the Chancellor’s Hippo spreadsheet, the Executive must notify citizens of impending land reclamation at 14 days of delinquency. Refer to CDSL 16-03, Item 2 regarding potential loss of voting rights.

11. At fourteen days overdue, if the landowner has failed to pay the full amount outstanding, then the Executive shall reclaim the parcel. Objects on the parcel shall be returned to the landowner and the
parcels set for sale unless there are plans to redraw parcel lines or the parcel added - temporarily – to the public parcel holdings.

12. The Treasurer adds the list of provisional citizens to the bottom of the monthly census. The Executive posts it to the Forum using the subject line “Census, (month, day, year)." Treasurer adds the list to the Praetorium census dispenser.

13. This law repeals any provisions of prior CDS laws (including CDSL 13-03) that specify land reclamation or rent payment methods, to the extent that they contradict the explicit terms of this law.

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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Bagheera »

Sounds like a very negative bill to fix a non-existent problem...when you were Chancellor, Tor, you wanted to help citizens stay citizens. What happened?

Tor Karlsvalt wrote:

The Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill (originally posted at:

1.Whereas CDSL 13-03 is obsolete and alignment needed with CDSL 16-03, the Citizenship Establishment Act and applicable parts of CDSL 13-10 the Citizenship Bill.

2. CDSL 13-03 pertains to a since-retired proprietary tier collection system. SInce the system has changed, it is impossible for the Executive to comply with CDSL 13-03. Therefore we propose this Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill.

3. Since 2011, CDS has used the Hippo Rental system; significantly altering the method by which CDS collects tier.

4. Tier is paid, to the Estate Owner, in advance of use, beginning on the date a citizen acquires a parcel. Citizens pay tier via the Hippo object assigned to their parcel. They can pay for 1, 2 or 3 months at
a time.

5. Through the Hippo object, citizens can collect a refund when selling or abandoning a parcel. There are three types of abandonment and/o ownership termination events and appropriate procedures and
responsibilities associated with each.

6. The Executive shall employ the following procedures for tier collection, reclaiming parcels and clearing Hippo objects.

a. Parcel abandoned from the land tool only - Executive clears the Hippo object with or without refunding any outstanding funds.
b. Parcel abandoned (ownership terminated) via Hippo only - Executive reclaims the land within 24 hours and resets the Hippo object.
c. Parcel abandoned from land tool and ownership terminated via Hippo - Executive resets the land for sale.

7. The Hippo objects shall be set to use the notice functions that alert landowners of the expiration of their tier in advance of due date, and the days remaining until they are due. The Hippo object also announce numbers of days overdue. Landowners are expected to be in world to receive such notices and/or have provided LL with an email address allowing them to receive IMs while offline. Landowners are expected to set preferences to receive IMs when off line. Landowners are encouraged to provide the Chancellor with a working email address.

8. The Chancellor shall maintain a list of citizens and the email addresses they’ve provided. Upon leaving office, the outgoing Chancellor will transfer that list to the incoming Chancellor.

9. The EO should include the following reclamation language in the CDS Covenant land tool: “The right to vote and stand for election is reserved for citizens in good standing. Pay your tier!”

10. Reclamation - Within 24 hours of showing up in arrears on the Chancellor’s Hippo spreadsheet, the Executive must notify citizens of impending land reclamation at 14 days of delinquency. Refer to CDSL 16-03, Item 2 regarding potential loss of voting rights.

11. At fourteen days overdue, if the landowner has failed to pay the full amount outstanding, then the Executive shall reclaim the parcel. Objects on the parcel shall be returned to the landowner and the
parcels set for sale unless there are plans to redraw parcel lines or the parcel added - temporarily – to the public parcel holdings.

12. The Treasurer adds the list of provisional citizens to the bottom of the monthly census. The Executive posts it to the Forum using the subject line “Census, (month, day, year)." Treasurer adds the list to the Praetorium census dispenser.

13. This law repeals any provisions of prior CDS laws (including CDSL 13-03) that specify land reclamation or rent payment methods, to the extent that they contradict the explicit terms of this law.

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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Leslie Allandale »

It seems to me that the committee, which Tor headed, went to a lot of trouble to craft a bill, not for their own pleasure, but at the RA's request and for the group as a whole. Any process of this kind would, of course, entail making a number of "judgment calls," some of which would be, or seem to be, arbitrary. I don't see how a response that is just pointed at one of the member's, seeming, motivations, is constructive. IMHO, a response to move the discussion forward would be, in some measure, about its content, not about the people working on it.

Widget Whiteberry
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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Widget Whiteberry »

Sounds like a very negative bill to fix a non-existent problem

Not so non-existent. I'm one of those people who – even though I'd bought two parcels – entirely failed to understand how the Hippo works relative to the Land Tool. Since coming to understand it, I've had occasion to witness that same failure to understand in a handful of cases, some involving folks who've been citizens longer than I have.

Also, as a member of the Powers Commission, I've been combing through the laws, something I never imagined doing. :shock: In the course of my reading, I see more than a few that contradict either the Constitution or other, usually older, laws, or that reference institutions or technology no longer in use. Creating thoughtful consistency in the written laws is in the interest of our community.

Bagheera, your opinion of Tor aside, what exactly about this bill sounds negative to you?

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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Bagheera »

Widget Whiteberry wrote:

Sounds like a very negative bill to fix a non-existent problem

Bagheera, your opinion of Tor aside, what exactly about this bill sounds negative to you?

First, please do not assume my opinions of other people have any influence on my opinions about pragmatic issues. You do not know my opinion of Tor, nor - it seems to me - do you know me well enough to know that my opinion of a person has no bearing on how I decide the merits of an issue.

What is negative about this bill is the draconian time spans for land reclamation. 24 hours for a number of actions. It puts a large burden on the Chancellor to be inworld within 24 hours notice and - worse - it gives citizens very little time to sort their their affairs or their feelings.

It is true that Tor and I have argued about this for months but - at least on my side - I am not arguing out of any personal feelings I have for Tor.

It has seemed to me that Tor is less objective because, during both his and my terms as Chancellor, he encouraged a more lenient land reclamation approach with the laudable intent to give avatars the benefit of doubt and time, as long as it didn't endanger the well-being of CDS; yet when Ceasar became Chancellor, Tor became CDS's most diligent Hippo and land surveyor, weighing in with me not only on the status of various citizen's lands and Hippos, but telling me and arguing with me about what to do with them - specifically (and he has said this publically so there is no revelation of private information) accusing Ceasar of shielding a citizen because he, Tor, believed that citizen was a personal friend of Ceasars and so he, Tor, ascribed the motivation that Ceasar was shielding that citizen by not reclaiming the land within 24 hours after the citizen had abandoned their Hippo but not their parcel. He claimed the situation was "different" because it was the Hippo and so the citizen MUST have known what they were doing; yet a year earlier, when Tor was Chancellor, there is a record of a notecard in Archie's inventory that shows Tor dealt with a very similar issue and recognized that our Hippo payment system is confusing, giving that citizen at least a month's largesse to sort matters out.

I do not believe the time periods introduced in this legislation were written from the perspective of the long-term health of CDS, but out of a specious political fear. I think Tor's earlier perspective was healthier. Ultimately, do we want to drive citizens away? Is CDS that comfortable in their market share that they can afford to make such draconian laws?

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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Rosie Gray »

It looks to me as though this bill is crafted to clarify some of the procedures that have been missing from the laws, to incorporate the Hippo objects for payment, and to specify some of the previously vague timelines. I don't see it as substantially changing anything since the 14 days leeway would still be in place.

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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Leslie Allandale »

Thank you Bagheera, the second response was more informative -- although the use of draconian (which, by referencing Draco's laws, usually refers to the punishment, not the methods, and means harsh or even cruel) is a bit hyperbolic. However, if it is, indeed, necessary for the Chancellor to personally log into SL, with an unfairly-limiting amount of time required to fulfill the requirements of the law , then I agree that the issue of such time-frame should be revisited.

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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Widget Whiteberry »

First, please do not assume my opinions of other people have any influence on my opinions about pragmatic issues. You do not know my opinion of Tor, nor - it seems to me - do you know me well enough to know that my opinion of a person has no bearing on how I decide the merits of an issue.

Point taken and I apologize. I was relying on memory and my subjective reading of your previous responses to Tor. In any event, I was off-topic.

What is negative about this bill is the draconian time spans for land reclamation. 24 hours for a number of actions. It puts a large burden on the Chancellor to be inworld within 24 hours notice

Don't the Hippo and land transaction reports provide regular information about the amount of time remaining on tier for each parcel? I know the Hippo object tells me how much time I have remaining. Surely the Chancellor can see well in advance when the clock is running down on parcels and determine which ones to keep an eye on. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that.

and - worse - it gives citizens very little time to sort their their affairs or their feelings.

I don't see how the clock on a citizen's 'feelings' or time to 'sort their affairs' begins running when time runs out on their most recent tier payment, which would have been for at least a month.

It is true that Tor and I have argued about this for months but - at least on my side - I am not arguing out of any personal feelings I have for Tor.

Good to know.

I do not believe the time periods introduced in this legislation were written from the perspective of the long-term health of CDS, but out of a specious political fear. I think Tor's earlier perspective was healthier. Ultimately, do we want to drive citizens away? Is CDS that comfortable in their market share that they can afford to make such draconian laws?

Disregarding your characterizations of Tor's intentions and perspective, what time periods would you recommend for the 'long-term health' of CDS?

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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by michelmanen »

This commission has only issued an interim report, with minimal public consultations, no framework document, not explanatory notes, just 4 proposals. We don;t know why they made them, how they fit in the overall CDS legal corpus, what public support they have.... We know nothing except that this commission wants this done within 10 days of posting its Terms of Reference. That is not acceptable, irrespective of the merits of their proposed bills and amendments.

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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Bagheera »

Widget Whiteberry wrote:

Disregarding your characterizations of Tor's intentions and perspective, what time periods would you recommend for the 'long-term health' of CDS?

I have stated elsewhere that I thought a 14 day period for any tier lapse / confusion etc. was sufficient and fair on both sides. On CDS's side, when a parcel is reclaimed and put back on the market by the government, the statutory sale price is sufficient to recoup any loss from 14 days of non-tier, so the government can afford to give this much leeway without taking on any new financial burden. (One might argue if the parcel goes unsold at the land sale, then there is a loss there, but I argue if the parcel doesn't sell at the land sale, it likely wouldn't have sold any better just a few days sooner, so the government would be carrying the same burden either way...of course, this isn't 100%, but so far, government land sale parcels have been snapped up within 24 hours or less.)

There is no benefit to reclaim the land sooner except for the paltry profit gained by a few extra days of tier, whereas the loss the government incurs is a citizen and - as we are seeing even with a 14 day window - the disquiet roused throughout the populace at the ouster of a citizen.

If we are going to be re-writing Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bills, we absolutely should address whether a recently ousted citizen can have first right to reclaim their land and the terms...that seems like a MUCH more pressing issue than whether the land is reclaimed at new speedy rate of 24 hours depending on the state of the Hippo or a (to my mind) reasonable rate of 14 days (or even longer, based on the current sentiments of the citizenry, now that this issue has been brought to their attention).

Thank you.

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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by cleopatraxigalia »

Tor Karlsvalt wrote:

The Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill (originally posted at:

1.Whereas CDSL 13-03 is obsolete and alignment needed with CDSL 16-03, the Citizenship Establishment Act and applicable parts of CDSL 13-10 the Citizenship Bill.

2. CDSL 13-03 pertains to a since-retired proprietary tier collection system. SInce the system has changed, it is impossible for the Executive to comply with CDSL 13-03. Therefore we propose this Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill.

3. Since 2011, CDS has used the Hippo Rental system; significantly altering the method by which CDS collects tier.

4. Tier is paid, to the Estate Owner, in advance of use, beginning on the date a citizen acquires a parcel. Citizens pay tier via the Hippo object assigned to their parcel. They can pay for 1, 2 or 3 months at
a time.

5. Through the Hippo object, citizens can collect a refund when selling or abandoning a parcel. There are three types of abandonment and/o ownership termination events and appropriate procedures and
responsibilities associated with each.

6. The Executive shall employ the following procedures for tier collection, reclaiming parcels and clearing Hippo objects.

a. Parcel abandoned from the land tool only - Executive clears the Hippo object with or without refunding any outstanding funds.

this is not specific enough and gives no time frame leaving completely in the chancellors hands again discretion as to what to do in this case.

b. Parcel abandoned (ownership terminated) via Hippo only - Executive reclaims the land within 24 hours and resets the Hippo object.

oftentimes the tier box is accidentally cleared and so there needs to be the same notification for reclamation as in other cases..

c. Parcel abandoned from land tool and ownership terminated via Hippo - Executive resets the land for sale.

no time frames or notice to the public is given in how this is set for sale, complete discretion of the chancellor

7. The Hippo objects shall be set to use the notice functions that alert landowners of the expiration of their tier in advance of due date, and the days remaining until they are due. The Hippo object also announce numbers of days overdue. Landowners are expected to be in world to receive such notices and/or have provided LL with an email address allowing them to receive IMs while offline. Landowners are expected to set preferences to receive IMs when off line. Landowners are encouraged to provide the Chancellor with a working email address.

8. The Chancellor shall maintain a list of citizens and the email addresses they’ve provided. Upon leaving office, the outgoing Chancellor will transfer that list to the incoming Chancellor.

the law can not read this way... there will then be a requirement for the chancellor to obtain a list of emails from people who do not want to supply them, this is above and beyond the call of duty as our population grows, we are now at 100, this is a ridiculous expectation.

9. The EO should include the following reclamation language in the CDS Covenant land tool: “The right to vote and stand for election is reserved for citizens in good standing. Pay your tier!”

Seems rather unprofessional to me, id strike this

10. Reclamation - Within 24 hours of showing up in arrears on the Chancellor’s Hippo spreadsheet, the Executive must notify citizens of impending land reclamation at 14 days of delinquency. Refer to CDSL 16-03, Item 2 regarding potential loss of voting rights.

I believe that the hippo already automatically provides these notices and that the SC recently said it is within the law

11. At fourteen days overdue, if the landowner has failed to pay the full amount outstanding, then the Executive shall reclaim the parcel. Objects on the parcel shall be returned to the landowner and the
parcels set for sale unless there are plans to redraw parcel lines or the parcel added - temporarily – to the public parcel holdings.

!!!!! here is where we can limit some chancellor discretion and we should... So it starts off fine, yes, there is no leeway in when the chancellor takes a parcel, it happens at 14 days of tier being in arrears..... Strike the rest of the sentence.......... UNLESS..... gives the chancellor during the preamble to the voting list being pulled especially the ability to "lock down" parcels. This has to be striken from the law here.... This is the type of action that needs to be exceptional and go before the RA ... THIS is the flaw in the " extreme chancellor powers over land issue we have" !!!!! This is where the right of a chancellor to "lock down a sim " for redesign singlehandedly comes from. This is the discretion to "reserve" a parcel for a friend, or give it to a group.. this is something that the chancellor needs to get RA approval to do.

the second part of this one is what is mission... WHEN AND HOW does the chancellor set the land for sale? How do citizens KNOW that land is going on the market? this is the second large part of chancellor discretion that needs to be checked. I would advocate something like the "land sale days" we have now that are advertised to the public and NOT letting the chancellor decided when and how the land is set for sale...this is the second LARGE chancellor power and discretion that is ripe for corruption and we can check it here.

12. The Treasurer adds the list of provisional citizens to the bottom of the monthly census. The Executive posts it to the Forum using the subject line “Census, (month, day, year)." Treasurer adds the list to the Praetorium census dispenser.

I would like to not only see the list "posted" but a mandatory call out to citizens to recognize alts... report alts and other violations of citizenship rules even if it is not election time, this can be a time to further educate on citizenship rules and group land ownership , etc.

13. This law repeals any provisions of prior CDS laws (including CDSL 13-03) that specify land reclamation or rent payment methods, to the extent that they contradict the explicit terms of this law.

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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Widget Whiteberry »

Version 15 Oct 2014

1. CDSL 13-03 (the current law in effect regarding land sales and reclamation) is obsolete and alignment is needed with CDSL 16-03, the Citizenship Establishment Act, and applicable parts of CDSL 13-10 the Citizenship Bill.

2. CDSL 13-03 pertains to a since-retired proprietary tier collection system. SInce the system has changed, it is impossible for the Executive to comply with CDSL 13-03. Therefore we propose this Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill

NL 4-3 Land Sales Reporting Act - Obsolete
NL 5-5 Is Section 2, Duties of the Treasurer obsolete?

Three sections: Tier Collection, Timing, Reclamation - Special Circumstances

Part One: Tier Collection

Since 2011, CDS has used the Hippo Rental system; significantly altering the method by which CDS collects tier.

1. Tier is paid, to the Estate Owner, in advance of use, beginning on the date a citizen acquires a parcel. Citizens pay tier via the Hippo object assigned to their parcel. They have the option to pay for one, two or three months at a time. Citizens must pay tier – via the Hippo object – on a parcel that lists them as the owner in the land tool.

2. Through the Hippo object, a citizen can collect a refund when selling or abandoning a parcel. There are three types of abandonment and/or ownership termination events and appropriate procedures and responsibilities associated with each.

3. The Executive shall employ the following procedures for tier collection, reclaiming parcels under ordinary circumstances and clearing (resetting) Hippo objects.

a. Parcel abandoned from the land tool only - Executive clears the Hippo object and returns any outstanding funds. (If a search does not show that the avatar is still in SL, there can be no refund.)
b. Parcel abandoned (ownership terminated) via Hippo only - Executive reclaims the land within 48 hours and resets the Hippo object. (see Part Two.)
c. Parcel abandoned from land tool and ownership terminated via Hippo - Executive resets the land for sale.
d. Before resetting the hippo object, the Executive informs the Treasurer – via email – of the name of the avatar , the refund amount or the balance due per the Hippp object.

4. The Hippo objects shall be set to use the notice functions that alert landowners of the expiration of their tier in advance of due date, and the days remaining until they are due. The Hippo object also announce numbers of days overdue. Landowners are expected to be in world frequently enough to receive such notices and/or have provided LL with an email address allowing them to receive IMs while offline. Landowners are expected to set preferences to receive IMs when off line.

Landowners who choose to neither provide LL or the Executive with an email and don't come inworld to retrieve IMs, cannot expect notification are still responsible for timely payments.

5. Because the Hippo object sometimes fails to send IMs, there are shared responsibilities. The Executive Office drops a notecard, sends an IM and sends an email to landowners who have provide their email address.

The Chancellor shall maintain a list of citizens and the email addresses they’ve provided. Upon leaving office, the outgoing Chancellor will transfer that list to the incoming Chancellor.

6. The Estate Owner should include the following reclamation language in the CDS Covenant land tool: “The right to vote and stand for election is reserved for citizens in good standing. Pay your tier!”

Part Two: (Timing) When Tier Expires

1. Beginning three days before tier expires, the Hippo object is supposed to begin sending IMs to the parcel owner.

2. Within 7 days of being in arrears:

• The remaining time shows up on the Chancellor’s Hippo spreadsheet,
• The Executive notifies citizens of impending land reclamation at 14 days of delinquency and loss of voting rights once tier expires. Refer to CDSL 16-03, Item 2 regarding potential loss of voting rights.

3. Once tier runs out
• Hippo continues to send IMs until the object is reset
• The Executive once again drops a notecard, email and IM to the (now probationary) citizen.
• The 14 day time period begins in which the citizen can reclaim their parcel by paying all owed amounts. (Notification by IM, notecard and email - or IM when the citizen is not logged in.)
• The Executive announces the date of the impending land sale, both in the Forums and as a Group notice.

4.In addition to the census, CDS has the right to make public the lists of provisional citizens from time to time, as reasonably needed for its administration of government. The Treasurer creates the list, the Executive posts it to the Forum using the subject line “Census, (month, day, year)." or “Provisional Citizens, (month, day, year). Treasurer adds the both to the Praetorium census dispenser. Additionally, the Executive posts an notice to CDS group, announcing the publication of the list and it’s availability via the Forum or the Census Dispenser at the Praetorium.

5.At fourteen days overdue, if the landowner has failed to pay the full amount outstanding and absent a declaration of ‘special circumstances.’ then the Executive shall reclaim the parcel. Objects on the parcel shall be returned to the landowner and the parcels set for sale unless there are plans to redraw parcel lines or the parcel added - temporarily – to the public parcel holdings.

Part Three: Reclamation - Special Circumstances

From time to time, real life circumstances – either personal or technical – prevent a citizen from keeping current with tier (coming in-world and paying). On the ‘in-world’ side, Hippo objects sometime fail to send proper notification; IMs are sometimes capped per LL and may prevent a citizen from receiving email. We refer to these as ‘special circumstances.’

In the event of special circumstances either before or after reclamation – where the Citizen does not intend to let tier lapse – the Citizen, members of a group to which the parcel is assigned, friends of the citizen, the community at large, and the Executive might
• offer to pay tier (parcel owner or partner of)
• contact the parcel owner
• notify the Executive of special circumstances
• notify the community of special circumstances and call for help
• petition the SC for relief

Citizens whose circumstances advise using the partner option on the Hippo object, can recruit someone to cover their tier. Note, paying tier as a partner does not confer citizenship. Repeated payment by the named partner can result in status change to ‘provisional’ and put voting rights in jeopardy.

This law repeals and replaces CDSL 13-03, any provisions of prior CDS laws (including CDSL 13-03) that specify land reclamation or rent payment methods, to the extent that they contradict the explicit terms of this law.

Reference CDS: 16-04 “ re voting rights…” the Estate Manager or his or her designate, will generate both a Hippo list of tier payors and a Land Scanner list of parcel owners. They will then compare these two lists to determine that a given name appears on both lists, and that that given name is current in at least one parcel tier payment. The Estate Manager or his or her designate will use these lists to create one list of the citizens who are qualified to run for office or vote, the Citizen List. (In the event that the upgrade to the Land Scanner is not available in time for the generation of the Citizen List for the June 2012 elections, the Hippo List alone will be used).”

Resources & Discussion

Anyone in a region can check Hippo boxes to determine the number of day remaining or days in arrears. Although not everyone checks them, Hippo info is already publicly available information.

For people to respond on behalf of a citizen, they need to know a problem exists. When and how should a list be published? A monthly census is taken and available on the Forums and in the Census box at the Praetorium. Adding to it a list of people within X days of defaulting on tier or within y days of reclamation, would cover some, but not all circumstances.

Land and Landscape Management in CDS
by Arria Perreault » Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:35 am

CDSL 13-03 Motion to amend NL 9-2 the Land Sales Reclamation Act
Given the the Chancellor, Treasurer and the people assembled in commission meetings find the current collection rules ineffective, confusing and a hindrance to the effective management of tier collection, the following amendments are proposed to the Land Sales Reclamation Act.
1. Citizens of CDS are expected to pay tier rentals to the CDS Treasurer in a timely fashion. The Treasurer shall set (by posting to the CDS Forums) due dates for tier, which shall be the due date thereafter. The due date will be no earlier than five days after payment boxes are open to accept tier payments. Landowoners must contact the treasurer directly to arrange pre-payment as necessary. obsolete, different system

2. The CDS Executive Branch shall provide for notice (which may be by IM or notecard) to each land owner when they have failed to pay tier rental by the established due date within 5 days of the delinquency.

3. Five calendar days after the due date, a landowner who has failed timely to pay rental tier becomes a ‘provisional citizen’, and shall not have the right to vote or hold office in the CDS until and unless all amounts overdue to CDS are paid in full. The citizen shall receive a notice (by IM or notecard) advising her or him of this risk and imminent change is status, and noting the deadline for final payment pursuant to this Act. - adaptable

4. CDS has the right to make public the lists of provisional citizens from time to time, as reasonably needed for its administration of government. - adaptable

5. Fourteen days after the due date, if the landowner has continued to fail to pay the full amount then overdue to CDS, then CDS shall reclaim all parcels owned by the landowner and hold all parcels in reserve. Objects on the parcels will be be returned to the landowner and the parcels be set for re-sale - OBSOLETE
6. If a landowner who has failed to pay rental tier owns more than one CDS property, all of that owner’s properties are subject to the reclamation rules specified above. - obsolete

7. The CDS Executive Branch is encouraged to take reasonable additional steps to notify citizens of past due amounts and all other matters described in this Act, but timely rent payment primarily is the citizen’s responsibility to monitor. - adaptable

8. This law repeals any provisions of prior CDS laws (including NL 7-6) that specify land reclamation or rent payment methods, to the extent that they contradict the explicit terms of this law.- adapt


NL 4-3 Land Sales Reporting Act - repeal

Any citizen selling land in Neualtenburg must report the buyer’s name, lot name, and purchase price to the city treasurer within 5 days of the transfer.

passed 8 February 2006
Explanatory notes
Collection of this information is required to facilitate collection of the Land Transfer Tax documented in Neualtenburg land deeds. Note: obsolete, Hippo reports parcel transfers to the Treasurer

NL 5-5 Treasurer Act Note - is this obsolete?
The responsibility of the Treasurer is defined as follows:

Duties of the Treasurer

2. To handle real estate transactions under the direction of the appropriate government bodies of Neufreistadt; e.g., to receive applications from new members and existing citizens for the purchase or transfer of sim(s) land; to prepare necessary the deeds, to guide applicants through the process to ensure transactions are properly executed, and to keep accurate public records regarding the sim(s); the land, the parcels, the ownership configuration, and the obligations of each citizen regarding their monthly fee.

Ceasar Xigalia
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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Ceasar Xigalia »

To ensure fairness and equality the execution of government actions by the Executive I urge the RA to consider the following amendments to the proposed bill. Unlimited power in the Executive lies in the ability to use legal discretion regarding land ownership or the lack thereof so long as land it tied to votes.

Whereas CDSL 13-03 is obsolete and alignment needed with CDSL 16-03, the Citizenship Establishment Act and applicable parts of CDSL 13-10 the Citizenship Bill.

1. Citizens of CDS are expected to pay tier to the CDS Treasurer in a timely fashion. The Treasurer shall setup a tier system using Hipporent (or other similar automated system).

2. Citizens are expected to ensure that they do not go into arrears with their tier.

3. The CDS Executive Branch shall provide for notice (which may be by IM or notecard) to each land owner when they have failed to pay tier rental by the established due date within 5 days of the delinquency.

4. Five calendar days after the due date, a landowner who has failed timely to pay rental tier becomes a ‘provisional citizen’, and shall not have the right to vote or hold office in the CDS until and unless all amounts overdue to CDS are paid in full. The citizen shall receive a notice (by IM or notecard) advising her or him of this risk and imminent change is status, and noting the deadline for final payment pursuant to this Act.

5. CDS has the right to make public the lists of provisional citizens from time to time, as reasonably needed for its administration of government.

6. Fourteen days after the due date, if the landowner has continued to fail to pay the full amount then overdue to CDS, then CDS shall reclaim all the parcel owned by the landowner. Objects on the parcels will be returned to the landowner and the parcels be set for re-sale at the next Land Sale Day.

7. The CDS Executive Branch is encouraged to take reasonable additional steps to notify citizens of past due amounts and all other matters described in this Act, but timely rent payment primarily is the citizen’s responsibility to monitor.

8. CDSL 13-03 pertains to a since-retired proprietary tier collection system. SInce the system has changed, it is impossible for the Executive to comply with CDSL 13-03. Therefore we propose this Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill.

9. Since 2011, CDS has used the Hippo Rental system; significantly altering the method by which CDS collects tier.

10. Tier is paid, to the Estate Owner, in advance of use, beginning on the date a citizen acquires a parcel. Citizens pay tier via the Hippo object assigned to their parcel. They can pay for 1, 2 or 3 months at a time.

11. Through the Hippo object, citizens can collect a refund when selling or abandoning a parcel. There are three types of abandonment and/or ownership termination events and appropriate procedures and responsibilities associated with each.

12. The Executive shall employ the following procedures for tier collection, reclaiming parcels and clearing Hippo objects.

a. Parcel abandoned from the land tool only - Executive attempts to contact the citizen and ascertain if they intended to abandon their land or if it was an error. If the citizen confirms they intended to abandon then the Executive clears the Hippo object refunding any outstanding funds. If the ‘abandon land’ was an error the Executive sets that land for sale to the citizen who made that mistake. If no contact can be made the Executive waits the 14 days for the tier to become delinquent.
b. Parcel abandoned (ownership terminated) via Hippo only - Executive attempts to contact the citizen and ascertain if they intended to abandon their land or if it was an error. If the citizen confirms they intended to abandon then the Executive clears the Hippo object refunding any outstanding funds. If the ‘abandon land’ was an error the Executive sets that land for sale to the citizen who made that mistake. If no contact can be made the Executive waits the 14 days for the tier to become delinquent.

c. Parcel abandoned from land tool and ownership terminated via Hippo - Executive repossesses the parcel and puts it into the Land Sale Day process.

13. The Hippo objects shall be set to use the notice functions that alert landowners of the expiration of their tier in advance of due date, and the days remaining until they are due. The Hippo object also announce numbers of days overdue. Landowners are expected to be in world to receive such notices and/or have provided LL with an email address allowing them to receive IMs while offline. Landowners are expected to set preferences to receive IMs when off line. Landowners are encouraged to provide the Chancellor with a working email address.

14. The Chancellor shall maintain a list of citizens and the email addresses they’ve provided. Upon leaving office, the outgoing Chancellor will transfer that list to the incoming Chancellor.

15. The EO should include the following reclamation language in the CDS Covenant land tool: “The right to vote and stand for election is reserved for citizens in good standing.”

16. Reclamation - Within 24 hours of showing up in arrears on the Chancellor’s Hippo spreadsheet, the Executive must notify citizens of impending land reclamation at 14 days of delinquency. Refer to CDSL 16-03, Item 2 regarding potential loss of voting rights.

17. At fourteen days overdue, if the landowner has failed to pay the full amount outstanding, then the Executive shall reclaim the parcel. Objects on the parcel shall be returned to the landowner and the parcels set for sale at the next Land Sale Day.

18. Land that has reverted to government ownership under the provisions of this act shall be set for sale using the following procedure. The Chancellor shall set two times and dates for each week when land shall be made available. These shall be known as Land Sale Days. These times and dates must be set at least one week in advance of the actual Land Sale Days. Land that becomes available will be notified in the forums and by CDS notice in world with at least 24 hours notice prior to a Land Sale Day. So long as the 24 hour notice period has been satisfied land that becomes available will be sold on the next Land Sale Day. There will be two land sale days each week. Land set for sale in this way will remain for sale until someone purchases it.

For clarity this procedure does not apply to citizens private sales of their own parcels.

19. The Treasurer adds the list of provisional citizens to the bottom of the monthly census. The Executive posts it to the Forum using the subject line “Census, (month, day, year)." Treasurer adds the list to the Praetorium census dispenser.

20. This law repeals any provisions of prior CDS laws (including CDSL 13-03) that specify land reclamation or rent payment methods, to the extent that they contradict the explicit terms of this law.

Ceasar Xigalia,
“I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day.”
― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt
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Felicia Fortune
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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Felicia Fortune »

"The CDS Executive Branch shall provide for notice (which may be by IM or notecard)."

Maybe I've missed something but I think anything in this bill that requires citizens to be notified about land payments be changed from "which may be by IM or notecard" to "will be by IM AND notecard).

Rather than relying on automated systems which do occasionally fail, this puts the Executive Branch in charge of actually sending out a notecard to the delinquent land owner.

This avoids the problem of capped IMs, doesn't it?

“Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” - Mark Twain
Widget Whiteberry
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Re: Proposed Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill - Rev

Post by Widget Whiteberry »

For help with this final round, the Powers Commission thanks Sudane, Tor, Patroklus, Ceasar and Felicia.

In this document and bill, “Executive” refers to the Chancellor and all members of the Office of the Chancellor per CDS Constitution, Article II, Section 2 – Powers of the Chancellor, (d)

2014 Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill

CDSL 13-03 pertains to a since-retired proprietary tier collection system. SInce the system has changed, it is impossible for the Executive to comply with CDSL 13-03. Therefore we propose this Tier Collection and Land Reclamation Bill

Alignment is needed with CDSL 16-03, the Citizenship Establishment Act, and applicable parts of CDSL 13-10 the Citizenship Bill.

Repeal CDSL 13-03 Motion to amend NL 9-2 the Land Sales Reclamation Act , NL 4-3 Land Sales Reporting Act and NL 5-5 Section 2, Duties of the Treasurer as obsolete because they also pertain only to retired systems:.

Three sections: Tier Collection, Reclamation - Special Circumstances

Part One: Tier Collection

Since 2011, CDS has used the Hippo Rental system; significantly altering the method by which CDS collects tier.

1. Tier is paid, to the Estate Owner, in advance of use, beginning on the date a citizen acquires a parcel. Citizens pay tier via the Hippo object assigned to their parcel. They have the option to pay for one, two or three months at a time. Citizens must pay tier – via the Hippo object – on a parcel that lists them as the owner in the land tool.

2. Through the Hippo object, a citizen can collect a refund when selling or abandoning a parcel. There are three types of abandonment and/or ownership termination events and appropriate procedures and responsibilities associated with each.

3. The Executive shall employ the following procedures for tier collection, reclaiming parcels under ordinary circumstances and clearing (resetting) Hippo objects.

a. Parcel abandoned from the land tool only - Executive clears the Hippo object and returns any outstanding funds if the avatar responds to IM. If no response from an avatar who has left CDS, the refund goes into the CDS general funds.
b. Parcel abandoned (ownership terminated) via Hippo only - Executive reclaims the land within a week and resets the Hippo object. (see Part Two for exceptions.)
c. Parcel abandoned from land tool and ownership terminated via Hippo - Executive resets the land for sale.
d. Before resetting the hippo object, the Executive informs the Treasurer – via email – of the name of the avatar , the refund amount or the balance due per the Hippo object.

4. The Hippo objects shall be set to use the notice functions that alert landowners of the expiration of their tier in advance of due date, and the days remaining until they are due. The Hippo object also announce numbers of days overdue. Landowners are expected to be in world to receive such notices and/or have provided LL with an email address allowing them to receive IMs while offline. Landowners are expected to set preferences to receive IMs when off line. Landowners who do not make provision to receive IMs in email, nor provide an email to the Executive, are still required to pay tier in a timely manner.

5. Because the Hippo object sometimes fails to send IMs, The Executive drops a notecard, sends an IM and sends an email to landowners who have provided their email address.

The Chancellor shall maintain a list of citizens with the email addresses provided by citizens on a no-modify notecard with an explicit request to notify them by the provided email address. “<date>: To the Chancellor: please use the following email address if you need to contact me about tier.”

Upon leaving office, the outgoing Chancellor will transfer that list to the incoming Chancellor.

6. The Estate Owner should include the following reclamation language in the CDS Covenant land tool: “The right to vote and stand for election is reserved for citizens in good standing, i.e. are current with tier.

Part Two: (Timing) When Tier Expires

1. Beginning three days before tier expires, the Hippo object is supposed to begin sending IMs to the parcel owner.

2. Within 7 days of being in arrears:

• The remaining time shows up on the Hippo spreadsheet, available to all Hippo managers.
• The Executive notifies citizens (via IM, notecard, email) of impending land reclamation at 14 days of delinquency and loss of voting rights once tier expires. Refer to CDSL 16-03, Item 2 regarding potential loss of voting rights.

3. Once tier runs out
• Hippo continues to send IMs until the object is reset
• The Executive notifies citizens (via IM, notecard, email) to the (now probationary) citizen.
• The 14 day time period begins in which the citizen can reclaim their parcel by paying all owed amounts. (Notification by IM, notecard and email - or IM when the citizen is not logged in.)
• The Executive announces the date of the impending land sale, both in the Forums and as a Group notice.

4.In addition to the census, CDS has the right to make public the lists of provisional citizens from time to time, as reasonably needed for its administration of government. The Treasurer creates the list, with provisional citizens noted at the bottom. The Executive posts it to the Forum using the subject line “Census, (month, day, year)." Treasurer adds the lists to the Praetorium census dispenser. Additionally, the Executive posts a notice to CDS group, announcing the publication of the list and it’s availability via the Forum or the Census Dispenser at the Praetorium.

5.At fourteen days overdue, if the landowner has failed to pay the full amount outstanding and absent a declaration of ‘special circumstances.’ then the Executive shall reclaim the parcel. Objects on the parcel shall be returned to the landowner and the parcels set for sale unless there are plans to redraw parcel lines or the parcel added - temporarily – to the public parcel holdings.

Part Three: Reclamation - Special Circumstances

From time to time, real life circumstances – either personal or technical – prevent a citizen from keeping current with tier (coming in-world and paying). On the ‘in-world’ side, Hippo objects sometime fail to send proper notification; IMs are sometimes capped per LL and may prevent a citizen from receiving email. We refer to these as ‘special circumstances.’

In the event of special circumstances either before or after reclamation – where the Citizen does not intend to let tier lapse – the Citizen, members of a group to which the parcel is assigned, friends of the citizen, the community at large, and the Executive might
offer to pay tier (parcel owner or partner of)
contact the parcel owner
notify the Executive of special circumstances
notify the community of special circumstances and call for help
petition the SC for relief

Citizens whose circumstances advise using the partner option on the Hippo object, can recruit someone to cover their tier. Note, paying tier as a partner does not confer citizenship. Repeated payment by the named partner can result in status change to ‘provisional’ and put voting rights in jeopardy.

This law repeals and replaces CDSL 13-03, any provisions of prior CDS laws (including CDSL 13-03) that specify land reclamation or rent payment methods, to the extent that they contradict the explicit terms of this law.

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