Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

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Josie Fotherington
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Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Josie Fotherington »

Here is the latest data snapshot of the estate:

Some key points:

1. Last month we had 77 citizens. This month we have 74.
2. We lost a long-time resident, Richie Deschanel
3. Last month's income vs expenses on the sims was -371.01 USD. This month's is -427.66 USD.
4. The summer slump is over and tenancy levels are on the upswing in estates across the SL grid.

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Widget Whiteberry
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Re: Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Widget Whiteberry »

Josie, I'm glad to hear they are on the upswing. Six weeks ago, we had — not counting Friedsee - 36 available parcels. (I made a dumb clerical error and reported 31.) Today we have 45. Friedsee is estimated to add 38.

I can only wonder what the current and immediately previous members of the RA — as the body that has led and authorized the effort to approve and bring a new region online — is thinking about how to maintain a sustainable occupancy rate. "That's the Chancellor's responsibility" is not an answer. The Chancellor is charged with implementing the RA's decisions.

I write this in hopes that there is a strategy — a sensible way of thinking about this challenge — that I can support.

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Re: Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Josie Fotherington »

I feel the same way you do Widget.

Back at the beginning of this term, when I laid out my goals as PIO, I said that I would do the best job that I am capable of doing in regards to marketing the CDS. I also said that it is possible that nothing that I do will work. I made no promises other than to try.

We have had some new people move in, but we have also had people move out. CDS' population has hovered between 70-80 for YEARS. The one exception to that was just over a year ago, prior to the election that brought Ceasar Xigalia in to the Chancellor's office. Anyone who thought, or still thinks, that the number of 100+ citizens at that time was a valid number based in reality was/is smoking some *seriously* good weed. That number was inflated by Xigalia supporters and a whole lot of alts.

I will continue to do my best at my tasks, but at this point we could add 20 new citizens to CDS and still have a ton of unoccupied land.

Does anyone have some of that weed left? Pass it over! :-)

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Re: Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Han Held »

Widget Whiteberry wrote:

I can only wonder what the current and immediately previous members of the RA — as the body that has led and authorized the effort to approve and bring a new region online — is thinking about how to maintain a sustainable occupancy rate.

The decision to get the new sim was made in the 22nd RA, turning around and saying "no, we're not doing this" wasn't really an option for us in the 23rd -the course had been decided, we carried it out.

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Widget Whiteberry
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Re: Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Widget Whiteberry »

The decision to get the new sim was made in the 22nd RA, turning around and saying "no, we're not doing this" wasn't really an option for us in the 23rd -the course had been decided, we carried it out.

Han, you raise a very important philosophical question about the RA. AFAIK, nothing in the Constitution stipulates that one RA cannot change a course set by a previous RA. Did the entire 23rd RA share this conviction?

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Re: Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Han Held »

Widget Whiteberry wrote:

The decision to get the new sim was made in the 22nd RA, turning around and saying "no, we're not doing this" wasn't really an option for us in the 23rd -the course had been decided, we carried it out.

Han, you raise a very important philosophical question about the RA. AFAIK, nothing in the Constitution stipulates that one RA cannot change a course set by a previous RA. Did the entire 23rd RA share this conviction?

You're implying that we had a reason to consider shutting the sim construction down, rather than placing our faith in Coop and Josie and their previous sim-building/sim managing experience and the judgment of the previous RA, I had ...still have faith... that we in the CDS have the expertise to use this as a means to grow (even if we aren't right now -it's not open yet, is it?) and that the region could be a marketing asset, a draw to attract residents and visitors.

What reason would there have been to cancel and undo the previous administrations' decision? No one approached us and requested that we voice their concerns, no one approached us and told us that they wanted it shut down; really the only reason I even thought of it was because of my own personal misgivings.

I can't tell you the consensus of the RA because I didn't take a survey --what would have prompted one?

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Re: Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Han Held »

I'm concerned that the perception I see being voiced in this thread that Friedsee is a failure before it's even opened will do more to undercut Friedsee's success more than anything else; how can you sell something you don't believe the value in yourself?

The lack of confidence I hear being voiced will carry over to design, marketing, advocacy and policy decisions; if no-one's confident this can succeed then it doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell. Not that I believe anyone involved will do a half-assed job, far from it, but going through the motions is just going through the motions regardless of your level of skill and experience.

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Widget Whiteberry
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Re: Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Widget Whiteberry »

Han - you misread me. My concerns regard sustainability and occupancy rates and are not in the least about the Chancellor's team. As a minor member of that team, I'm fully appreciative of it. Nor am I trying to lay blame to the 22nd or the 23rd RA. I think we have something to learn from what we — as a community — are doing.

Those occupancy rates have been public all along, as has been the yellow on the map. Some of us have expressed reservations, but perhaps not in the right places and not clearly enough. Or we've not always been heard. I don't know.
It is also the case that many of the strongest proponents of expansion — at this time — are no longer part of CDS.

I'm feeling my way towards a better understanding of the processes by which a virtual, multi-cultural, multi-lingual democracy works. Accepting each of our parts in getting to where we are is key to learning.

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Re: Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Han Held »

Widget Whiteberry wrote:

It is also the case that many of the strongest proponents of expansion — at this time — are no longer part of CDS.

I think that's the most significant part of this whole experience; for good or bad we're paying the piper but the ones who called the tune are long gone. That's something that's worth mulling over.

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Cadence Theas
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Re: Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Cadence Theas »

Han Held wrote:
Widget Whiteberry wrote:

It is also the case that many of the strongest proponents of expansion — at this time — are no longer part of CDS.

I think that's the most significant part of this whole experience; for good or bad we're paying the piper but the ones who called the tune are long gone. That's something that's worth mulling over.

Not completely true. I was pro-responsible expansion (e.g. against a sim that was being forced upon us by wealthy supporters of the Xigalia camp who wanted to dump a sim on us). I was also the LRA when the decision to add the new sim was taken, and a vocal critique of the undemocratic attempt to force a sim on CDS and very pro consulted sim development.

I did then and still do think that a new sim is a very important step for CDS, especially a sim that was voted for in referendum even before the Xigalias packed the census (a post new sim vote census that had the clear attempt to overrun the new sim with little Xigalias).

I think it is important because growth signifies social maturity, and even without the rabid expansionists, CDS was long overdue for a real gesture towards growth, in addition to having the savings that would allow us to take the time and care to grow in a responsible manner without suffering undue loss.

We have to ask ourselves, how can we make ourselves a go-to sim, a community of reference for SL newcomers and long established residents? I think we have already taken the first steps: the forum is now almost a pleasure to read because the things that are discussed are real issues and not baseless accusations and character assassinations, we have become almost civilized in our discussions in the forum and this is TRULY a welcome change. We have begun a process of coherence between sims in terms of the covenant, and a process of efficiency in terms of public land impact. We have still a viable democratic institution and the enthusiasm to make it better and more reflective of the changing population and expectation. We have long standing members and new members participating on equal footing as is only possible in a viable democratic experiment. These are all very positive values that we are cultivating in an atmosphere of respect and due process (mostly).

We have to undo, or divest ourselves of a recent and painful history where we let a few people affect us so much that CDS became a place that revolved around them and not around the original objectives of a virtual democracy. The vestiges of these recent terms are going to be with us for awhile, but with commitment and resolve, we can undo this history and make CDS a desirable place to be. It already is, but I am one of the convinced.

Friedsee is an opportunity, an ENORMOUS opportunity if we choose to see it in that light. I invite every member of CDS to see the new sim in this manner, and to continue to contribute, as so many have done, in the truly amazing experience that CDS represents.

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Re: Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Rosie Gray »

Cadence Theas wrote:

...We have to ask ourselves, how can we make ourselves a go-to sim, a community of reference for SL newcomers and long established residents? I think we have already taken the first steps: the forum is now almost a pleasure to read because the things that are discussed are real issues and not baseless accusations and character assassinations, we have become almost civilized in our discussions in the forum and this is TRULY a welcome change. We have begun a process of coherence between sims in terms of the covenant, and a process of efficiency in terms of public land impact. We have still a viable democratic institution and the enthusiasm to make it better and more reflective of the changing population and expectation. We have long standing members and new members participating on equal footing as is only possible in a viable democratic experiment. These are all very positive values that we are cultivating in an atmosphere of respect and due process (mostly).

We have to undo, or divest ourselves of a recent and painful history where we let a few people affect us so much that CDS became a place that revolved around them and not around the original objectives of a virtual democracy. The vestiges of these recent terms are going to be with us for awhile, but with commitment and resolve, we can undo this history and make CDS a desirable place to be. It already is, but I am one of the convinced.

Friedsee is an opportunity, an ENORMOUS opportunity if we choose to see it in that light. I invite every member of CDS to see the new sim in this manner, and to continue to contribute, as so many have done, in the truly amazing experience that CDS represents.

What you have so eloquently described is exactly how I feel about this. Especially with regards to Friedsee being an enormous opportunity!

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Re: Data Snapshot - September 17 2015

Post by Em Warden »

Thank you, Cadence :)

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