Transcript RA Meeting December 18, 2021

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

Moderator: SC Moderators

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Jerry McNally
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
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Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:35 am

Transcript RA Meeting December 18, 2021

Post by Jerry McNally »

[2021/12/18 12:12] Almut Brunswick: Dear Mister Chancellor, dear Madame. Ex-Chancellor, Honorable Members of the SC, Dear CDS Citizens (today more than just Lilith the People's Voice^^) and Dear fellow RA members. welcome to our 2nd. RA Meeting of the 36th Term.
[2021/12/18 12:12] Rosie Gray: :)
[2021/12/18 12:12] Almut Brunswick: I call this meeting to order.
[2021/12/18 12:13] Almut Brunswick: Please find the Agenda and an additional handout in the blue-white box.
[2021/12/18 12:13] Almut Brunswick: 1. Administrative Business

1.1 Approval of the Agenda
[2021/12/18 12:13] Almut Brunswick: 1.2 Review and approval of the Minutes of the Ninth RA Meeting of the 35th Term, Nov. 6, 2021
* Note: We need to repeat this voting because the Minutes were not yet available on our last meeting, so our voting was null and void.
[2021/12/18 12:14] Rosie Gray: Motion to accept the Agenda as presented
[2021/12/18 12:14] Han Held: second
[2021/12/18 12:15] Almut Brunswick: At this point, I need to thank our dedicated Archivist Jerry McNally that he took the task to make a very nicely structured Minutes paper from our chitchat in the transscript.
[2021/12/18 12:15] Han Held: GJ, Jerry
[2021/12/18 12:15] Jerry McNally: you're welcome, just doing my job
[2021/12/18 12:15] Rosie Gray: yes, thanks Jerry
[2021/12/18 12:16] Rosie Gray: for catching up on my missed ones
[2021/12/18 12:16] Almut Brunswick: You did the job of Rosie from last term, but that's fine. _ Thank you, then let's vote.
[2021/12/18 12:16] Han Held: Aye
[2021/12/18 12:16] Jerry McNally: aye
[2021/12/18 12:16] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2021/12/18 12:17] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): rrrrrrooooooooosie
[2021/12/18 12:17] Almut Brunswick: Ro-SIE??
[2021/12/18 12:17] Rosie Gray: we need a motion to vote on
[2021/12/18 12:17] Almut Brunswick: [12:14] Rosie Gray: Motion to accept the Agenda as presented
[12:14] Han Held: second
[2021/12/18 12:17] Rosie Gray: unless you are talking about my motion for the Agenda
[2021/12/18 12:17] Rosie Gray: which we didn't vote on yet
[2021/12/18 12:17] Han Held: That's...what we were voting on?
[2021/12/18 12:18] Rosie Gray: getting confused :(
[2021/12/18 12:18] Almut Brunswick: Jerry, please remind me that we need to make it understandable for a German brain
[2021/12/18 12:18] Rosie Gray: haha
[2021/12/18 12:18] Almut Brunswick: [12:14] Rosie Gray: Motion to accept the Agenda as presented
[12:14] Han Held: second
[2021/12/18 12:18] Rosie Gray: okay if we are voting on my mition to accept the Agenda, then aye
[2021/12/18 12:18] Rosie Gray: *motion
[2021/12/18 12:18] Almut Brunswick: Motion carries... then we voted.
[2021/12/18 12:19] Almut Brunswick: We can practice that on the next Minutes right now again:D
[2021/12/18 12:20] Rosie Gray: Motion to accept the Minutes of Nov. 6th as posted on the forum
[2021/12/18 12:20] Almut Brunswick: Let's vote again!
[2021/12/18 12:20] Rosie Gray: need a second
[2021/12/18 12:20] Almut Brunswick: we already had one...
[2021/12/18 12:20] Jerry McNally: Second
[2021/12/18 12:20] Almut Brunswick: Motion carries
[2021/12/18 12:20] Rosie Gray: /me laughs
[2021/12/18 12:20] Han Held: I didn't vote
[2021/12/18 12:20] Rosie Gray: we need to vote
[2021/12/18 12:21] Han Held: hahahaha anyway, Aye
[2021/12/18 12:21] Almut Brunswick: (I swear you, I will cut off that old braid!^^)
[2021/12/18 12:21] Rosie Gray: #1 Motion, #2 Second, #3 discussion if there is any, #4 vote
[2021/12/18 12:21] Almut Brunswick: /me faints
[2021/12/18 12:22] Almut Brunswick: When there isn't any further need to discuss this point (#3), let's vote (#4)
[2021/12/18 12:22] Rosie Gray: aye
[2021/12/18 12:22] Almut Brunswick: aye
[2021/12/18 12:22] Jerry McNally: aye
[2021/12/18 12:22] Han Held: Aye (to be safe )
[2021/12/18 12:22] Almut Brunswick: hehe
[2021/12/18 12:23] Almut Brunswick: The most agreed Minutes ever, Jerry!
[2021/12/18 12:23] Almut Brunswick: 1.3 Review and approval of the Minutes of the First RA Meeting of the 36th Term, Dec. 4, 2021
[2021/12/18 12:23] Jerry McNally: and that was just for the first set
[2021/12/18 12:23] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2021/12/18 12:23] Almut Brunswick: Do I hear a motion?
[2021/12/18 12:23] Rosie Gray: So moved
[2021/12/18 12:24] Han Held: yeah that second
[2021/12/18 12:24] Almut Brunswick: /me tabs nervously with her boots on the marble floor)
[2021/12/18 12:24] Almut Brunswick: Any need to discuss it or can we vote?
[2021/12/18 12:24] Tor Karlsvalt: Marble floor is cold
[2021/12/18 12:24] Han Held: I'm ready to vote
[2021/12/18 12:24] Almut Brunswick: I have snow boots on
[2021/12/18 12:24] Almut Brunswick: Vote!
[2021/12/18 12:24] Rosie Gray: aye
[2021/12/18 12:24] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2021/12/18 12:24] Han Held: Aye
[2021/12/18 12:24] Jerry McNally: aye
[2021/12/18 12:24] Almut Brunswick: Thank you!
[2021/12/18 12:25] Almut Brunswick: 1.4 Election of remaining RA Officers
1.4.1 Election of the RA's LUC Representative
* Note: Cathy Sabre is ready to volunteer ... but she is not here
[2021/12/18 12:25] Rosie Gray: :(
[2021/12/18 12:25] Han Held: Yeah...
[2021/12/18 12:25] Han Held: I think we should accept her anyway
[2021/12/18 12:25] Jerry McNally: is there a time zone difficulty?
[2021/12/18 12:25] Rosie Gray: I don't think so
[2021/12/18 12:25] Almut Brunswick: Motion to table it. I don't like to vote for somebody who is not attending.
[2021/12/18 12:25] Almut Brunswick: No, she is at SLT.
[2021/12/18 12:26] Han Held: Second
[2021/12/18 12:26] Rosie Gray: I agree, I don't want to vote for someone not here either
[2021/12/18 12:26] Almut Brunswick: Is there anybody else who wants this office?
[2021/12/18 12:26] Han Held: Not that I'm aware of ...?
[2021/12/18 12:26] Almut Brunswick: (that is this #3 thing)
[2021/12/18 12:27] Rosie Gray: well, I know Cathy said she'd like to do it, but if she's not here then...
[2021/12/18 12:27] Almut Brunswick: Volunteers! - Rosie! :) (runs for cover)
[2021/12/18 12:27] Rosie Gray: I would be willing to do it again, but would like to wait for the next meeting still
[2021/12/18 12:27] Han Held: I think it's more telling if she's not at the LUC meetings themselves
[2021/12/18 12:27] Rosie Gray: give her another chance
[2021/12/18 12:27] Han Held: I agree
[2021/12/18 12:27] Rosie Gray: the Guild still needs to meet to get their reps too
[2021/12/18 12:27] Han Held: I agree about giving her another chance
[2021/12/18 12:27] Almut Brunswick: Well, I already made th emotion to table it (even when I'm not happy about it).
[2021/12/18 12:28] Han Held: She's around we're hearing from her, we don't know what's up with her but I dont' feel she's necessarily skipping out
[2021/12/18 12:28] Jerry McNally: if Cathy has expressed an interest, that's good to know
[2021/12/18 12:28] Almut Brunswick: So we had the discussion, and thus let's vote for the tabling.
[2021/12/18 12:28] Han Held: Aye
[2021/12/18 12:28] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2021/12/18 12:28] Jerry McNally: aye
[2021/12/18 12:28] Rosie Gray: aye
[2021/12/18 12:29] Delia Lake: /me inserts that at the time of the last RA meeting Cathy unexpectedly had to work in RL
[2021/12/18 12:29] Almut Brunswick: Thank you!
[2021/12/18 12:29] Almut Brunswick: Yes, Delia, I know! I talked with her.
[2021/12/18 12:30] Han Held: The fact she's around is why Im willing to vote for her to be on the LUC, but I can understand and respect not voting for someone who isn't here
[2021/12/18 12:30] Almut Brunswick: So that might happen that RL interferes unexpectedly. However, that should not happen so often that she is hindered to fill her obligations.
[2021/12/18 12:30] Almut Brunswick: So I think tabling is the best solution for now.
[2021/12/18 12:30] Han Held: I can live with it :D
[2021/12/18 12:30] Almut Brunswick: 1.4.2 Election of LUC Citizen Representatives
* Note: Currently one official application by Mizou Vavoom
[2021/12/18 12:31] Almut Brunswick: And that is good news!
[2021/12/18 12:31] Han Held: It is!
[2021/12/18 12:31] Almut Brunswick: However, we still need another RA Citizen Representative
[2021/12/18 12:32] Lilith Ivory: has there been an official call for volunteers yet?
[2021/12/18 12:32] Almut Brunswick: So we need to repeat the call for volunteers in the Forum
[2021/12/18 12:32] Almut Brunswick: Yes
[2021/12/18 12:32] Han Held: I don't remember seeing a group notice or anything
[2021/12/18 12:32] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): and inworld group?
[2021/12/18 12:32] Han Held: but i"ve been distracted /shrug
[2021/12/18 12:32] Lilith Ivory: please keep in mind that many of our newer citizens might not even be aware of the forum
[2021/12/18 12:32] Han Held: and it's a bit obscure to check, even for oldbies
[2021/12/18 12:32] Almut Brunswick: Like I said. We need to repeat it, and then on all channels we have.
[2021/12/18 12:33] Jerry McNally: who will take that forward?
[2021/12/18 12:33] Han Held: I'll try to do the group notice
[2021/12/18 12:34] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Han.
[2021/12/18 12:34] Almut Brunswick: And I can post it inworld.
[2021/12/18 12:34] Han Held: Cool, sounds good
[2021/12/18 12:35] Almut Brunswick: Thank you! Now lets move to vote for Mizou.
[2021/12/18 12:35] Rosie Gray: errrm... group notice is the same thing as posting inworld
[2021/12/18 12:35] Jerry McNally: we need someone on the forum
[2021/12/18 12:35] Almut Brunswick: Rosie is right. Who is doing the Forum part?
[2021/12/18 12:35] Rosie Gray: I thought you had already?
[2021/12/18 12:35] Han Held: I think Almut volunteered me for the forum post and offered to do the group notice -and i agreed to that
[2021/12/18 12:36] Rosie Gray: sounds good then :)
[2021/12/18 12:36] Han Held: Orginally I was offering to do the group notice
[2021/12/18 12:36] Almut Brunswick: Ok, then it is sorted out:D
[2021/12/18 12:36] Almut Brunswick: Han is thinking like me:D
[2021/12/18 12:36] Han Held: :D
[2021/12/18 12:36] Almut Brunswick: Ok then, do I hear a motion for Mizou's approval?
[2021/12/18 12:36] Han Held: I so move
[2021/12/18 12:37] Rosie Gray: second
[2021/12/18 12:37] Almut Brunswick: Is it ok when I just type #3 for "when there is still a need for discussion..." and then #4 Let's vote?
[2021/12/18 12:38] Han Held: I'd skip to "let's vote" personally
[2021/12/18 12:38] Rosie Gray: well it's better if you ask the questions
[2021/12/18 12:38] Almut Brunswick: sighs
[2021/12/18 12:38] Jerry McNally: agreed, otherwise it's just more jargon to unpick
[2021/12/18 12:38] Almut Brunswick: When there is still a need for discussion, that this is the point to do it.
[2021/12/18 12:38] Rosie Gray: I know that we tend to go straight to the voting after the second, but technically that's not the process
[2021/12/18 12:39] Han Held: "If no one has any objections, then let's vote"
[2021/12/18 12:39] Rosie Gray: and what Jerry said too
[2021/12/18 12:39] Han Held: covers both
[2021/12/18 12:39] Almut Brunswick: (Jerry, we MUST change this: I freak out here!)
[2021/12/18 12:39] Rosie Gray: yes, exactly Han
[2021/12/18 12:39] Almut Brunswick: "If no one has any objections, then let's vote" han, thank oyu!
[2021/12/18 12:39] Han Held: :)
[2021/12/18 12:39] Rosie Gray: and at that point, if someone does have something to say, they can jump in
[2021/12/18 12:40] Han Held: Yep
[2021/12/18 12:40] Rosie Gray: mostly, we won't
[2021/12/18 12:40] Han Held: anyway, Aye
[2021/12/18 12:40] Almut Brunswick: Dare it! :D
[2021/12/18 12:40] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2021/12/18 12:40] Rosie Gray: aye
[2021/12/18 12:40] Jerry McNally: aye
[2021/12/18 12:40] Almut Brunswick: Phew...thank you. Mizou is now elected RA Citizen Representative to the LUC.
[2021/12/18 12:40] Rosie Gray: yay!
[2021/12/18 12:40] Han Held: Almut, how long do you have until your thing?
[2021/12/18 12:41] Almut Brunswick: my thing?
[2021/12/18 12:41] Almut Brunswick: It is already running
[2021/12/18 12:41] Han Held: DIdn't you say you had to do something after this meeting?
[2021/12/18 12:41] Han Held: oh
[2021/12/18 12:41] Almut Brunswick: I just left to be here
[2021/12/18 12:41] Han Held: nm
[2021/12/18 12:41] Almut Brunswick: yes
[2021/12/18 12:41] Almut Brunswick: Anyway, let's continue: 2. Executive Report
[2021/12/18 12:41] Almut Brunswick: Mr. Chancellor, you have the stage.
[2021/12/18 12:42] Han Held: (afk a min -don't move on, I have questions after he's done)
[2021/12/18 12:42] Almut Brunswick: (ok)
[2021/12/18 12:42] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): /me pokes Tor
[2021/12/18 12:43] Almut Brunswick: (Let's sing "Anchors Aweigh" and he will be awake in no time)
[2021/12/18 12:43] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2021/12/18 12:43] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[2021/12/18 12:43] Almut Brunswick: see? ^^
[2021/12/18 12:43] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2021/12/18 12:43] Tor Karlsvalt: I will be brief.
[2021/12/18 12:43] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): or announce a land auction
[2021/12/18 12:44] Han Held: (back)
[2021/12/18 12:44] Tor Karlsvalt: Just want to start out saying that Ariel has taken the positon of PIO.
[2021/12/18 12:44] Almut Brunswick: YAY
[2021/12/18 12:44] Tor Karlsvalt: She will not be planning events but will promote them.
[2021/12/18 12:45] Tor Karlsvalt: An I hope we can get some system to promote land sales.
[2021/12/18 12:45] Lilith Ivory: Yay!
[2021/12/18 12:45] Tor Karlsvalt: You may have noticed that I placed some Scriptomatic kiosks around.
[2021/12/18 12:46] Tor Karlsvalt: I will be using the scriptomatic for land sale announcements and event announcements.
[2021/12/18 12:46] Tor Karlsvalt: This will allow people to subscribe without using a group slot.
[2021/12/18 12:47] Rosie Gray: great idea, tor
[2021/12/18 12:47] Tor Karlsvalt: Idea being that people coming in for events may be interested in CDS but not enough to use a Group slot. they will have this alternative and we will be able to reach them
[2021/12/18 12:47] Tor Karlsvalt: It's free
[2021/12/18 12:47] Han Held: /me raises my hand
[2021/12/18 12:47] Tor Karlsvalt: at least until we go over 500 subscribers.
[2021/12/18 12:48] Tor Karlsvalt: yes Han
[2021/12/18 12:48] Han Held: If I remember correctly, you talked about looking into the forum for promoting land sales? If I'm remembering right, have you had a chance to do that?
[2021/12/18 12:48] Tor Karlsvalt: I have in the past.
[2021/12/18 12:49] Tor Karlsvalt: What that entails is creating some postings promoting the CDS.
[2021/12/18 12:49] Tor Karlsvalt: Sometimes in response to questions raised.
[2021/12/18 12:50] Tor Karlsvalt: One thought I had is that the PIO could keep a breast of items we could respond to and use the opportunity to push our land,
[2021/12/18 12:51] Tor Karlsvalt: Anyway the subscribo is a trial, it's free and it's easy.
[2021/12/18 12:51] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now:
[2021/12/18 12:51] Han Held: Thanks!
[2021/12/18 12:51] Lilith Ivory: /me raises her hand
[2021/12/18 12:51] Almut Brunswick: Please continue.
[2021/12/18 12:51] Almut Brunswick: Oh sorry...Lilith please.
[2021/12/18 12:51] Lilith Ivory: thank you :)
[2021/12/18 12:52] Lilith Ivory: perhaps we should try to ellbow our way into the destination guide too - here
[2021/12/18 12:52] Lilith Ivory:
[2021/12/18 12:52] Lilith Ivory: done
[2021/12/18 12:52] Tor Karlsvalt: You should know we have detected problem with the land scanner. It seems to be isolated to Friedsee. Sudane has been informed and it might have already been fixed. I'll keep you posted.
[2021/12/18 12:52] Tor Karlsvalt: Lilith?
[2021/12/18 12:52] Tor Karlsvalt: I think that would be good.
[2021/12/18 12:53] Han Held: I thoguht we had one or two entries in the destination guide already?
[2021/12/18 12:53] Han Held: if not, then I agree
[2021/12/18 12:53] Lilith Ivory: might just need a little Linden babies kissing ;-)
[2021/12/18 12:53] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2021/12/18 12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: I asked a friend to critique our ski run in Monastery.
[2021/12/18 12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2021/12/18 12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: I would like to post that to the destination guide, but I think it needs some improvements.
[2021/12/18 12:54] Tor Karlsvalt: I have already made some nice posters from Monastery
[2021/12/18 12:54] Tor Karlsvalt: One is at the ski run, another is on Mexana. You call can go see them.
[2021/12/18 12:54] Tor Karlsvalt: When it is s ready, I will promote skiing in CDS.
[2021/12/18 12:54] Jerry McNally: /me raises his hand
[2021/12/18 12:54] Tor Karlsvalt: yes Jerry
[2021/12/18 12:54] Almut Brunswick: Jerry please
[2021/12/18 12:55] Jerry McNally: Just to note that the Monatery is in the guide already?
[2021/12/18 12:55] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2021/12/18 12:55] Rosie Gray: so is the platz
[2021/12/18 12:55] Jerry McNally: but not the ski part, I guess
[2021/12/18 12:55] Tor Karlsvalt: It had been many years ago.
[2021/12/18 12:55] Han Held: I thought as much, I do think a ski feature could be a good draw, though
[2021/12/18 12:55] Tor Karlsvalt: Do they have a current picture of the Monastery?
[2021/12/18 12:55] Rosie Gray: totaly agree!
[2021/12/18 12:56] Delia Lake: /me raises her hand
[2021/12/18 12:56] Rosie Gray: yes, it's current tor
[2021/12/18 12:56] Han Held: I doubt it, Tor
[2021/12/18 12:56] Almut Brunswick: Yes, even for January!
[2021/12/18 12:56] Tor Karlsvalt: yes Delia
[2021/12/18 12:56] Rosie Gray: looking at it now
[2021/12/18 12:56] Han Held: oh, heheh, shows what I know :D
[2021/12/18 12:56] Almut Brunswick: Delia please
[2021/12/18 12:56] Delia Lake: I like highlighting the ski area. it's a marked out trail
[2021/12/18 12:56] Delia Lake: if we are to advertise it
[2021/12/18 12:56] Tor Karlsvalt: It is a bit bumpy.
[2021/12/18 12:56] Tor Karlsvalt: I am hoping Udo can offer some pointers.
[2021/12/18 12:56] Delia Lake: I think we should have a picture in the ad of some of us gathering and skiing
[2021/12/18 12:57] Almut Brunswick: OMG Udo is the expert??? LOL
[2021/12/18 12:57] Tor Karlsvalt: One that I already decerned is that I need a TP at the bottom to go back up to the top.
[2021/12/18 12:57] Delia Lake: part of the bumpy is that Monastery is tricky to terraform in some places
[2021/12/18 12:57] Tor Karlsvalt: Udo, does a lot of skiing in SL.
[2021/12/18 12:57] Almut Brunswick: I know. he is one of my best friends
[2021/12/18 12:57] Delia Lake: and Udo uses our ski slope
[2021/12/18 12:58] Han Held: Then that's great news!
[2021/12/18 12:58] Tor Karlsvalt: So
[2021/12/18 12:58] Tor Karlsvalt: moving on
[2021/12/18 12:58] Tor Karlsvalt: More staffing.
[2021/12/18 12:58] Almut Brunswick: Udo is the Swiss Menace of the Green Slopes... and he is everywhere in SL where a flake of snow touches the soil.
[2021/12/18 12:58] Almut Brunswick: So he is the perfect promoter
[2021/12/18 12:58] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2021/12/18 12:59] Tor Karlsvalt: I will have Ariel as an EM, tho she will only need that role while hosting events
[2021/12/18 12:59] Tor Karlsvalt: More for security.
[2021/12/18 13:00] Tor Karlsvalt: We have a holiday event planned for tomorrow at noon. At the community center
[2021/12/18 13:00] Almut Brunswick: It is nonetheless great news that she eventually agreed to volunteer in the CDS
[2021/12/18 13:00] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[2021/12/18 13:00] Rosie Gray: /me raises a hand
[2021/12/18 13:00] Almut Brunswick: Rosie please
[2021/12/18 13:00] Tor Karlsvalt: The CDS will sponsor Colt a the Aphroditi on Jan 1st at noon.
[2021/12/18 13:00] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes rosie
[2021/12/18 13:01] Rosie Gray: sorry, just wondering why she will need to be an EM if she's not managing land
[2021/12/18 13:01] Han Held: I think to do security for events?
[2021/12/18 13:01] Rosie Gray: the Lv group provides for everything required for a PIO to host events
[2021/12/18 13:01] Tor Karlsvalt: Well in case she needs to ban a griefer.
[2021/12/18 13:01] Han Held: kick/ban powers?
[2021/12/18 13:01] Han Held: not sure that isn't provided by LV access though
[2021/12/18 13:01] Rosie Gray: wouldn't there always be EMs around?
[2021/12/18 13:01] Tor Karlsvalt: that will get off a parcel not out of a region.
[2021/12/18 13:01] Tor Karlsvalt: and they can come back.
[2021/12/18 13:02] Rosie Gray: it's just that we actually need more people to help manage the land, in my opinion
[2021/12/18 13:02] Tor Karlsvalt: Well Kyoko resigned.
[2021/12/18 13:02] Tor Karlsvalt: And I don't think we are full on EMs
[2021/12/18 13:02] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2021/12/18 13:02] Han Held: How many active EMs are there now?
[2021/12/18 13:02] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): well I have resigned as EM (dtress reductiuoin) so when Sudane gets me de powered there is another slot for an active EM
[2021/12/18 13:03] Rosie Gray: I note that Laure is still there too, so that's another space
[2021/12/18 13:03] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): The active ones last term, other than me were Lilith, Rosie and Laura
[2021/12/18 13:04] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): Laura is excellent
[2021/12/18 13:04] Rosie Gray: /me nods at Kyoko
[2021/12/18 13:04] Lilith Ivory: I honestly don´t think being an EM just for banning griefers - which we get once every few years is necessary
[2021/12/18 13:04] Lilith Ivory: you can do a lot of dammage as EM if you are not experienced
[2021/12/18 13:04] Rosie Gray: exactly
[2021/12/18 13:04] Han Held: I can get the idea, but it does seem like a lot less of a problem than in years past. I dont' see the harm in it
[2021/12/18 13:04] Tor Karlsvalt: Well, we have the room. I think we can have 10.
[2021/12/18 13:04] Tor Karlsvalt: And guys
[2021/12/18 13:04] Han Held: if there's still room to hire active EMs too
[2021/12/18 13:04] Tor Karlsvalt: get real
[2021/12/18 13:05] Tor Karlsvalt: you need to encourage participation
[2021/12/18 13:05] Tor Karlsvalt: Little by little
[2021/12/18 13:05] Lilith Ivory: I would prefer to have EMs who are willing to help with the land
[2021/12/18 13:05] Rosie Gray: that's true, but my point was what Lilith just said
[2021/12/18 13:05] Tor Karlsvalt: /me looks for his magic hat
[2021/12/18 13:05] Rosie Gray: there's more to being an EM than having the title
[2021/12/18 13:05] Han Held: Same, but I don't think that this gets in the way of that. If so, we can revisit it then.
[2021/12/18 13:05] Lilith Ivory: believe it or not but it took me FIVE years before I was trusted enough to become EM lol
[2021/12/18 13:06] Tor Karlsvalt: that's all great
[2021/12/18 13:06] Tor Karlsvalt: moving on
[2021/12/18 13:06] Tor Karlsvalt: You see the proposed budget before you
[2021/12/18 13:06] Han Held: and I have questions
[2021/12/18 13:06] Tor Karlsvalt: As you can see revenues are down.
[2021/12/18 13:07] Almut Brunswick: Link please!
[2021/12/18 13:07] Tor Karlsvalt: But that is the past. We can work to improve that
[2021/12/18 13:07] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2021/12/18 13:07] Jerry McNally:
[2021/12/18 13:08] Tor Karlsvalt: ... 6d2e95c1cd
[2021/12/18 13:08] Tor Karlsvalt: There is a poster rezzed before you
[2021/12/18 13:08] Tor Karlsvalt: Actually CDS has not been doing that badly.
[2021/12/18 13:08] Almut Brunswick: Yes, but izt won't be in the transscript
[2021/12/18 13:09] Tor Karlsvalt: Our reserve declined only slightly in the last 10 year.
[2021/12/18 13:09] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): the image can be
[2021/12/18 13:09] Tor Karlsvalt: Basically it is similar to last year.
[2021/12/18 13:10] Tor Karlsvalt: I creased event expenditures slightly
[2021/12/18 13:10] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): `*~*`WooT WooT`*~*`
[2021/12/18 13:10] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): `*~*`WooT WooT`*~*`
[2021/12/18 13:10] Tor Karlsvalt: I am not sure if we will have additional costs for SLB.
[2021/12/18 13:10] Tor Karlsvalt: The ad budget is the same.
[2021/12/18 13:10] Tor Karlsvalt: We will probably get an interview out of it.
[2021/12/18 13:11] Tor Karlsvalt: Web hosing fees have actually been paid.
[2021/12/18 13:11] Tor Karlsvalt: Back in Apr 2020 we bought 36 months.
[2021/12/18 13:12] Tor Karlsvalt: I gather that his is more of an annotation to put it in here
[2021/12/18 13:12] Tor Karlsvalt: In short we might run a deficit.
[2021/12/18 13:12] Tor Karlsvalt: Han you had a question?
[2021/12/18 13:13] Han Held: I have a statement, and a couple of questions, at least one question
[2021/12/18 13:13] Han Held: First, thank you for including the deficit in your draft
[2021/12/18 13:13] Han Held: Second, I'd like to ask you, Rosie, and Kyoko if you three feel like we're getting our money's worth out of the Newser subscription, and what you feel /or see it is that we do get from it
[2021/12/18 13:14] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): raises her hand
[2021/12/18 13:14] Han Held: Third I noticed that Mon and FS are in the red, but you don't seem to be concerned so I will table talking about that
[2021/12/18 13:14] Han Held: done
[2021/12/18 13:14] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now:
[2021/12/18 13:14] Tor Karlsvalt: As far as I know we have no data.
[2021/12/18 13:15] Lilith Ivory: Mon in the red? where did you see that Han?
[2021/12/18 13:15] Almut Brunswick: (Kyoko after Tor)
[2021/12/18 13:15] Tor Karlsvalt: Bixyl mentioned he could do an interview with me.
[2021/12/18 13:15] Han Held: In the nov report linked from the budget draft, Lilith; though it's possible I"m reading the chart wrong.
[2021/12/18 13:15] Tor Karlsvalt: I think most advertising has little data.
[2021/12/18 13:15] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[2021/12/18 13:15] Lilith Ivory: ok, looking
[2021/12/18 13:16] Jerry McNally: /me raises a hand
[2021/12/18 13:17] Han Held: Almut, Tor...*looks towards Jerry who's wiating to speak*
[2021/12/18 13:17] Tor Karlsvalt: Jerry
[2021/12/18 13:17] Jerry McNally: For clarity, can I check, that by SL Newser, you mean ?
[2021/12/18 13:17] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): and I want to speak to the newser question
[2021/12/18 13:17] Almut Brunswick: Ermmm...Kyoko was first
[2021/12/18 13:17] Rosie Gray: yes that's the one, Jerry
[2021/12/18 13:17] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): yes Jerry
[2021/12/18 13:17] Han Held: I apologize, Kyoko. I'm sorry.
[2021/12/18 13:17] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): no worries
[2021/12/18 13:17] Jerry McNally: thanks
[2021/12/18 13:18] Almut Brunswick: then use the beacon for the sequence - thank you
[2021/12/18 13:18] Han Held: (I did specifically call on Kyoko to speak)
[2021/12/18 13:18] Han Held: (and then forgot 'cos I'm out of it :()
[2021/12/18 13:18] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2021/12/18 13:19] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): almut needs to call on me LOL
[2021/12/18 13:19] Han Held: Almut?
[2021/12/18 13:19] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): well Rosie as RA should have preference
[2021/12/18 13:19] Almut Brunswick: Rosie is the next according to the beacon
[2021/12/18 13:19] Almut Brunswick: Use it please, I start to loose overview.
[2021/12/18 13:20] Rosie Gray: oh I thought Kyoko was next
[2021/12/18 13:20] Almut Brunswick: Kyoko is already speaking
[2021/12/18 13:20] Rosie Gray: ah
[2021/12/18 13:20] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[2021/12/18 13:20] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): speaks
[2021/12/18 13:20] Almut Brunswick: you are the next
[2021/12/18 13:20] Rosie Gray: okay, well Han asked what we thought about how relevant the advertising was
[2021/12/18 13:21] Han Held: Yes, and I'd still like to know
[2021/12/18 13:21] Rosie Gray: when I looked around for something different to put those funds to for advertising, frankly I couldn't find anything else
[2021/12/18 13:21] Rosie Gray: there are other websites that are way out of our price range that would be great
[2021/12/18 13:22] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): sorry for the caps
[2021/12/18 13:22] Rosie Gray: the SL newser's target market is more for Furries
[2021/12/18 13:22] Rosie Gray: but Bixyl does do his job covering our events, very well
[2021/12/18 13:22] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): 2. Bixyl has been very generous in his coverage of our events and elections
[2021/12/18 13:22] Almut Brunswick: (Furries...Lilith should not wear her fur coat then...^^)
[2021/12/18 13:22] Rosie Gray: so, to me it's a bit of a mixed review
[2021/12/18 13:22] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): that's what I just said Rosie
[2021/12/18 13:22] Rosie Gray: done
[2021/12/18 13:22] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): ok still speaking
[2021/12/18 13:23] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): I agree Rosie but
[2021/12/18 13:23] Almut Brunswick: Yes, carry on, Kyoko
[2021/12/18 13:23] Lilith Ivory: hehe
[2021/12/18 13:23] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): There really is no other blog that I saw the last timne I looked that takes ads
[2021/12/18 13:23] Lilith Ivory: in fact we had two furries in CN lately
[2021/12/18 13:23] Lilith Ivory: one bought the land, deleted all descriptions and abandomed it again ...
[2021/12/18 13:24] Lilith Ivory: and the other paid the box but never purchased the land
[2021/12/18 13:24] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): also since Strawberry became a Linden her blog, which provided very good data to advertisers, is no more
[2021/12/18 13:24] Delia Lake: we have furries and horses already
[2021/12/18 13:24] Tor Karlsvalt: Don't we have some at events regularly?
[2021/12/18 13:24] Tor Karlsvalt: yes!
[2021/12/18 13:24] Rosie Gray: horses aren't furries though
[2021/12/18 13:24] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): Porobably a good idea to search the blogsphere to see if that has changed.
[2021/12/18 13:24] Delia Lake: no but they are not humanoid either
[2021/12/18 13:24] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): And Bixyl is very resonsive
[2021/12/18 13:25] Delia Lake: just saying that diversity is fine
[2021/12/18 13:25] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): So I think it evens out in the end
[2021/12/18 13:25] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): done
[2021/12/18 13:25] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now: Han Held
[2021/12/18 13:25] Tor Karlsvalt: Well not all furries are furrie all the time.
[2021/12/18 13:25] Almut Brunswick: I'm sorry when I intervene at this point, but we are still in 2. Executive Report. After Han#s statement and your response, I would like to continue. Thank you.
[2021/12/18 13:26] Tor Karlsvalt: Well I would urge to pass a budget asap.
[2021/12/18 13:26] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now:
[2021/12/18 13:26] Tor Karlsvalt: Oh I did want to say
[2021/12/18 13:26] Tor Karlsvalt: our new person today is Blue Lilly
[2021/12/18 13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: She lives over at FDS 8. So welcome her when you see her.
[2021/12/18 13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: She is looking for a mature educated civil group to talk with. I suggested CDS is the place to find that in SL.
[2021/12/18 13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: Done.
[2021/12/18 13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2021/12/18 13:28] Rosie Gray: :)
[2021/12/18 13:28] Almut Brunswick: really? You are done? ^^ Thank you, but we need to talk about the definition of "brief report" over a class of wine next time.
[2021/12/18 13:28] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): Please excuse me. I have some RL making noises
[2021/12/18 13:28] Tor Karlsvalt: heeh
[2021/12/18 13:28] Rosie Gray: bye Kyoko
[2021/12/18 13:28] Han Held: Was good to see you Kyoko
[2021/12/18 13:29] Tor Karlsvalt: bye Kyoko
[2021/12/18 13:29] Almut Brunswick: Bye Kyoko
[2021/12/18 13:29] Almut Brunswick: If there aren't any further questions to Tor, I would like to continue in the Agenda.
[2021/12/18 13:29] Rosie Gray: Motion to accept the budget as presented.
[2021/12/18 13:29] Han Held: We're at a ~$300 deficit, and the newser is ~$95-$100usd of that. I'll just point that out. I think it's worth keeping but we need to be thinking it over
[2021/12/18 13:30] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): is offline.
[2021/12/18 13:30] Lilith Ivory: /me wonders if the budget has been published for 7 days already
[2021/12/18 13:30] Almut Brunswick: It has not, Lilith
[2021/12/18 13:30] Tor Karlsvalt: no got it out last night
[2021/12/18 13:30] Almut Brunswick: So we cannot vote yet
[2021/12/18 13:31] Rosie Gray: oh... sorry forgot about that
[2021/12/18 13:31] Lilith Ivory: that´s what I am thinking
[2021/12/18 13:31] Rosie Gray: I withdraw my motion
[2021/12/18 13:31] Tor Karlsvalt: probably it was out about 1pm yesterday
[2021/12/18 13:32] Han Held: oh, so it'll have to be next meeting then
[2021/12/18 13:32] Almut Brunswick: Jerry, please take a note as a reminder in the Minutes that we shall not forget to vote about the budget in the next meeting.
[2021/12/18 13:32] Han Held: at least I'll be ready to vote :D
[2021/12/18 13:32] Rosie Gray: :D
[2021/12/18 13:32] Jerry McNally: ok
[2021/12/18 13:32] Almut Brunswick: Ok then...
[2021/12/18 13:32] Almut Brunswick: 3. Old Business

3.1 Call for a MoCa Curator
[2021/12/18 13:33] Tor Karlsvalt: /me future if he has any charts he'll put a link in them
[2021/12/18 13:33] Tor Karlsvalt: Sorry noting to report on that Almut
[2021/12/18 13:33] Almut Brunswick: I propose than Han and I will combine it with the call for the second RA Citizen Delegate to the LUC.
[2021/12/18 13:33] Almut Brunswick: yes, I was already afraid of it.
[2021/12/18 13:34] Almut Brunswick: So we just can continue with our common search for a suitable candidate.
[2021/12/18 13:34] Han Held: Madam LRA?
[2021/12/18 13:34] Almut Brunswick: Yes?
[2021/12/18 13:34] Han Held: I want to ping Delia a min
[2021/12/18 13:34] Han Held: about this
[2021/12/18 13:34] Han Held: if you'll allow me
[2021/12/18 13:34] Almut Brunswick: Sure
[2021/12/18 13:35] Han Held: IM sent
[2021/12/18 13:35] Almut Brunswick: ok, we'll see what Delia will state
[2021/12/18 13:36] Almut Brunswick: May we continue and we would go back when Delia replies, Han?
[2021/12/18 13:36] Han Held: nm, move on
[2021/12/18 13:36] Han Held: yes, please.
[2021/12/18 13:36] Almut Brunswick: 3.2 Constitution review Article III, Sections 1 and 2, and CDSL 16-07 Scientific Council Affirmation Procedures Act to bring them into alignment
* See appendix below for the references
[2021/12/18 13:37] Almut Brunswick: Ok, that was originally planned as the main part of our meeting today.
[2021/12/18 13:37] Jerry McNally: /me looks at his watch
[2021/12/18 13:37] Almut Brunswick: I allowed myself to extract some thoughts we had about this topic on our meeting at Nov. 6
[2021/12/18 13:37] Rosie Gray: /me looks at Jerry's watch too
[2021/12/18 13:38] Almut Brunswick: Yes, Jerry, I do th esame.
[2021/12/18 13:38] Han Held: /me looks at our bleary tired eyes :D
[2021/12/18 13:38] Almut Brunswick: Oh, UK time - we have one hour longer^^
[2021/12/18 13:38] Almut Brunswick: No, just kidding
[2021/12/18 13:38] Han Held: :P~~~~
[2021/12/18 13:38] Han Held: Hey, it's noon and I have coffee...bring it! :P~~~~
[2021/12/18 13:39] Almut Brunswick: Anyway, I propose we will post the content of this compilation of the discussion into the Forum
[2021/12/18 13:39] Delia Lake: /me raises her hand
[2021/12/18 13:39] Almut Brunswick: to continue there and also to point the SC to a probably overseen detail we've seen.
[2021/12/18 13:39] Almut Brunswick: Delia please.
[2021/12/18 13:41] Delia Lake: The SC has undertaken to review all our policies and procedures, the sections of the Constitution that refer to us and the Laws that apply to the SC. When we have done that and written some recommended changes, we will send them to the RA and put them out for comment. Until then, I recommend that the RA not address these matters
[2021/12/18 13:42] Almut Brunswick: Oh?
[2021/12/18 13:42] Han Held: That sounds good to me. Heck, I'd even make a motion to that effect
[2021/12/18 13:42] Delia Lake: The RA will have ample opportunity to weigh in but now doesn't seem like the time to do that
[2021/12/18 13:44] Almut Brunswick: Can it be that the SC might overestimate their constitutional role here? I mean, the RA is the legislative instance, not the SC. Theoretically, we even could start reworking the entire Code of Laws and not wait for your expertise beforehand. However, that is not what we really want to do.
[2021/12/18 13:45] Rosie Gray: /me nods with agreement
[2021/12/18 13:45] Almut Brunswick: Your statement is noted but I totally disagree with it.
[2021/12/18 13:46] Delia Lake: I don't think so. The RA has a legislative role. But the Constitution specifies a separation of powers as well by defining a legislative, an executive and a judicial branch
[2021/12/18 13:46] Han Held: I disagree with your disagreemnt, this seems like an RA over reach and I really want to see this hashed out a lot more before we act on it
[2021/12/18 13:46] Rosie Gray: /me raises a hand
[2021/12/18 13:46] Han Held: /me nods in agreement with Delia
[2021/12/18 13:46] Almut Brunswick: Rosie please
[2021/12/18 13:46] Rosie Gray: thanks Almut
[2021/12/18 13:47] Rosie Gray: why don't both the RA and the SC work on this, and then compare notes?
[2021/12/18 13:47] Rosie Gray: we don't need to see it as an adversarial thing
[2021/12/18 13:47] Almut Brunswick: Nods, hence continuing in the Forum
[2021/12/18 13:47] Rosie Gray: yes, totally agree with you Almut
[2021/12/18 13:47] Rosie Gray: done
[2021/12/18 13:47] Almut Brunswick: Thank you
[2021/12/18 13:47] Han Held: idk, this has an adverserial feel to me, but we seem to agree that it would be good to hash it out on the forum?
[2021/12/18 13:48] Delia Lake: While the SC would not presume to tell the RA what its policies and procedures should be, the SC strongly believes that it also sets its policies and procedures. so that with the experience of working on issues for many years the SC will draft recommendations at which time the RA and the public for that matter should comment
[2021/12/18 13:48] Delia Lake: and eventually proposed legislation would be set forth by the RA
[2021/12/18 13:48] Jerry McNally: raises a hand
[2021/12/18 13:49] Almut Brunswick: well, that might be your way of seeing things. But the initiative right for laws is still in our hands.
[2021/12/18 13:49] Delia Lake: hashing out in the forum is not a productive first step here
[2021/12/18 13:49] Almut Brunswick: Jerry after Delia will be done.
[2021/12/18 13:50] Delia Lake: theoretically the RA can vote to remove all the laws and replace them with a mandate that citizens wash their feet in jello every morning. and yes this is facitious, but just because something can be done doesn't mean it should be done.
[2021/12/18 13:50] Delia Lake: And the RA cannot unilaterally change the Constitution. those changes have to be done by referrendum
[2021/12/18 13:52] Delia Lake: yes there should be RA involvement, and yes there should be public input but the SC needs to put out first drafts first
[2021/12/18 13:54] Almut Brunswick: Well, you came up with a couple of statements we need to think over. When you claim the right to do the first step here, I need to remind the SC that you ask the RA in one of your last SC meetings to take action here.
[2021/12/18 13:54] Rosie Gray: /me raises a hand
[2021/12/18 13:54] Delia Lake: no the SC did not ask the RA to take any action at this time
[2021/12/18 13:54] Almut Brunswick: When Delia is done, Jerry, then Rosie.
[2021/12/18 13:54] Delia Lake: done for now
[2021/12/18 13:55] Almut Brunswick: Thank you.
[2021/12/18 13:55] Delia Lake: but may have more in response later
[2021/12/18 13:55] XD-Moderator Speaker List v2.36: Current Speaker is Now:
[2021/12/18 13:55] Jerry McNally: I just wanted to note that my recollection of the Nov 6 transcript was that this issue was first brought up in an SC meeting, so it makes sense that the SC experts think their SC issues through before the RA provides further feedback
[2021/12/18 13:55] Jerry McNally: they're the experts after all. done
[2021/12/18 13:56] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2021/12/18 13:56] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Jerry. Rosie please.
[2021/12/18 13:56] Rosie Gray: thanks Almut
[2021/12/18 13:56] Rosie Gray: I think that the RA can change the Constitution with a 2/3 vote, not just a majority vote. If this isn't correct, I'd like to see where it is defined under the law.
[2021/12/18 13:56] Rosie Gray: done
[2021/12/18 13:58] Almut Brunswick: I propose the following: We will wait for the SC's motion to present the detected issues in the Forum, but in a reasonable time.
[2021/12/18 13:59] Almut Brunswick: It does, however, not mean that we as the RA will add our point of view and thoughts to open a discussion as it is common in living democracies.
[2021/12/18 13:59] Almut Brunswick: You will not experience that we as the RA will just nod in agreement to every proposal for changes you bring up.
[2021/12/18 14:00] Jerry McNally: /me is certainly not washing his feet in jello
[2021/12/18 14:00] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2021/12/18 14:00] Almut Brunswick: Jerry, let me repeat this sentence: It does, however, not mean that we as the RA will NOT add our point of view and thoughts to open a discussion as it is common in living democracies.
[2021/12/18 14:01] Han Held: I'm certainly getting my 2 cent's in even if it's in jello ;)
[2021/12/18 14:01] Delia Lake: it is not expected that the RA will just nod in agreement, nor should the public for that matter
[2021/12/18 14:02] Delia Lake: and to Rosie's point while the RA can amend the constitution with a 2/3 vote, major changes have traditionally been taken to the citizenry
[2021/12/18 14:03] Rosie Gray: tradition does not equal the law though Delia. so let's be clear about things like that ㋡
[2021/12/18 14:03] Han Held: It would be more democratic to take it to the people tahn to dunk folks in jello by fiat because we can.
[2021/12/18 14:04] Almut Brunswick: Tradition...No, when it is not expressis verbis written in the Constitution, it shall be either added or abolished. We don't have any Common Law here, there is a written Constitition and only this.
[2021/12/18 14:04] Rosie Gray: /me tries to remember seeing Jello in the last 20 years
[2021/12/18 14:05] Almut Brunswick: Anyway. I made this proposal that the SC may start the discussion in the Forum by presenting their proposal where to apply changes.
[2021/12/18 14:05] Almut Brunswick: But we need to limit this prerogative to a reasonable due date.
[2021/12/18 14:05] Jerry McNally: /me gets distracted with ... 15430.html
[2021/12/18 14:06] Almut Brunswick: Jerry! :D
[2021/12/18 14:06] Rosie Gray: /me laughs
[2021/12/18 14:06] Han Held: Honestly, we should consider passing a law that does require a referendum before changes to the constitution are made. Just to be on the safe side.
[2021/12/18 14:07] Han Held: unchecked power tends to bite folks on the rear historically
[2021/12/18 14:07] Almut Brunswick: I'm not happy how the discussion went now. I think we should table it, also when looking on the clock.
[2021/12/18 14:07] Han Held: I move we table this disucssion until later
[2021/12/18 14:08] Almut Brunswick: Second
[2021/12/18 14:08] Han Held: any objection to voting?
[2021/12/18 14:08] Rosie Gray: not by me
[2021/12/18 14:08] Almut Brunswick: No
[2021/12/18 14:08] Almut Brunswick: Let's vote
[2021/12/18 14:08] Rosie Gray: aye
[2021/12/18 14:08] Han Held: aye
[2021/12/18 14:08] Almut Brunswick: aye
[2021/12/18 14:08] Almut Brunswick: aye
[2021/12/18 14:08] Jerry McNally: aye
[2021/12/18 14:08] Vandeverre: is offline.
[2021/12/18 14:09] Almut Brunswick: And please note in the Minutes that the LRA is really upset about it.
[2021/12/18 14:09] Almut Brunswick: Ok anyway.
[2021/12/18 14:09] Almut Brunswick: 4. New Business
[2021/12/18 14:09] Almut Brunswick: We don't have any.
[2021/12/18 14:09] Almut Brunswick: 5. Citizen Concerns
[2021/12/18 14:10] Almut Brunswick: Looks in the audience. Are there any concerns?
[2021/12/18 14:10] Lilith Ivory: nope
[2021/12/18 14:11] Almut Brunswick: Ok thank you
[2021/12/18 14:11] Almut Brunswick: 6. RA Member Concerns
[2021/12/18 14:11] Han Held: YeSaH!
[2021/12/18 14:11] Almut Brunswick: Han?
[2021/12/18 14:12] Almut Brunswick: I hear none?
[2021/12/18 14:12] Han Held: I'd like to ask Delia if they're going to replace ALiasi Stonebender who seems to no longer be in SC?
[2021/12/18 14:12] Almut Brunswick: ah
[2021/12/18 14:12] Han Held: Do they have anyone in mind?
[2021/12/18 14:12] Han Held: Done
[2021/12/18 14:13] Almut Brunswick: Delia, can you give us an answer please?
[2021/12/18 14:13] Delia Lake: The SC is not intending to replace anyone until we have a proposed number of regular SC members which currently there is not. This is one of the many things we will be addressing in our draft
[2021/12/18 14:14] Almut Brunswick: Thank you
[2021/12/18 14:14] Han Held: works for me, thanks!
[2021/12/18 14:14] Almut Brunswick: any further RA member concerns?
[2021/12/18 14:14] Han Held: none here.
[2021/12/18 14:14] Jerry McNally: nope
[2021/12/18 14:15] Rosie Gray: not from me
[2021/12/18 14:15] Almut Brunswick: ok thank you
[2021/12/18 14:15] Almut Brunswick: 8. Next RA meeting (Proposal: Saturday 31, 2021, 12 PM SLT ...of course that is a silly proposal
[2021/12/18 14:15] Rosie Gray: :d
[2021/12/18 14:15] Han Held: Yeah, I'd suggest the week after that...
[2021/12/18 14:15] Almut Brunswick: this is Silvester, so we are partying
[2021/12/18 14:15] Almut Brunswick: ok
[2021/12/18 14:15] Almut Brunswick: works for me
[2021/12/18 14:15] Han Held: :D
[2021/12/18 14:16] Almut Brunswick: January 7, 12 PM SLT?
[2021/12/18 14:16] Rosie Gray: 7th is a Friday
[2021/12/18 14:16] Jerry McNally: January 7 is a Friday?
[2021/12/18 14:16] Han Held: That would be a friday; I suggest Jan 8th 12pm SLT
[2021/12/18 14:16] Almut Brunswick: Then January 8
[2021/12/18 14:16] Almut Brunswick: yes
[2021/12/18 14:16] Almut Brunswick: perfect. Sorry, my mistake
[2021/12/18 14:16] Han Held: That has my vote!
[2021/12/18 14:16] Han Held: no worries
[2021/12/18 14:17] Almut Brunswick: Motion carries to vote for January 8
[2021/12/18 14:17] Jerry McNally: Second
[2021/12/18 14:18] Almut Brunswick: When nobody dares to discuss it anymore ^^, let's vote
[2021/12/18 14:18] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2021/12/18 14:18] Rosie Gray: aye
[2021/12/18 14:18] Han Held: hehehehehehe
[2021/12/18 14:18] Han Held: aye
[2021/12/18 14:18] Almut Brunswick: aye
[2021/12/18 14:18] Jerry McNally: aye
[2021/12/18 14:18] Almut Brunswick: Phew
[2021/12/18 14:18] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2021/12/18 14:18] Almut Brunswick: That was a tough ride! My party is probably already over and the beer empty
[2021/12/18 14:18] Han Held: I really appreciate everyone being here even with everything and all
[2021/12/18 14:18] Rosie Gray: clap clap clap
[2021/12/18 14:18] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[2021/12/18 14:19] Almut Brunswick: 9. Adjourn
[2021/12/18 14:19] Han Held: \o/ \o/ \o/
[2021/12/18 14:19] Han Held: Sorry -thought we were heheheh
[2021/12/18 14:19] Almut Brunswick: Motion carries to close our last meeting in 2021
[2021/12/18 14:19] Han Held: second
[2021/12/18 14:19] Tor Karlsvalt: The multitudes are ecstatic
[2021/12/18 14:19] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[2021/12/18 14:19] Jerry McNally: Also Almut: Preferences > Chat > typing > Auto-replace to swap out things like #3 for "Vote for etc"
[2021/12/18 14:19] Almut Brunswick: #3 and #4. Vote
[2021/12/18 14:19] Han Held: aye
[2021/12/18 14:19] Almut Brunswick: aye
[2021/12/18 14:19] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2021/12/18 14:20] Han Held: Ok, I'm parking my avi at home and getting grub
[2021/12/18 14:20] Han Held: see y'all tomorrow!
[2021/12/18 14:20] Almut Brunswick: Thank you for being here for this way too long meeting
[2021/12/18 14:20] Rosie Gray: I just put it on the CDS google calendar
[2021/12/18 14:20] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Rosie!
[2021/12/18 14:20] Han Held: ❤Ⓣⓗⓐⓝⓚ Ⓤ❤
[2021/12/18 14:20] Han Held: bye everyone!
[2021/12/18 14:21] Jerry McNally: /me is looking forward to writing up *these* minutes
[2021/12/18 14:21] Almut Brunswick: Bye Han
[2021/12/18 14:21] Almut Brunswick: Poor Jerry!
[2021/12/18 14:21] Almut Brunswick: but at the beginning, you can make it much shorter, Jerry
[2021/12/18 14:21] Lilith Ivory: bye all, I need to run
[2021/12/18 14:22] Jerry McNally: it's all good
[2021/12/18 14:22] Rosie Gray: bye Lilith
[2021/12/18 14:22] Jerry McNally: bye for now
[2021/12/18 14:22] Almut Brunswick: #1-3,then #4: unanimously agreed. Done :D
[2021/12/18 14:22] Tor Karlsvalt: bye all
[2021/12/18 14:22] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2021/12/18 14:22] Almut Brunswick: Bye everybody

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