Minutes RA Meeting November 4, 2023

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jerry McNally
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
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Minutes RA Meeting November 4, 2023

Post by Jerry McNally »

Representative Assembly Meeting
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 10:00 SLT

Attending: Almut Brunswick, Jerry McNally, Rosie Gray
Also attending: Callipygian Christensen, Delia Lake, Tor Karlsvalt

1 Administrative Business

1.1 Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda as presented. Jerry 1st, Rosie 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

1.2 Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Sixth RA Meeting on October 14, 2023
Motion to approve the minutes as presented. Almut 1st, Rosie 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

2. Executive Report

Tor Karlsvalt reported on the success of the Oktoberfest events; a party on the Platz, a parade, a triple artist event, a flotilla, and a ball. He thanked the participants and the decorators, and mentioned the positive feedback from the attendees and the tier box income. He also expressed his hope to do more events with Etopia, a neighboring community. He praised Sandy’s stamp for the flotilla event, and thanked Lilith and Moon for the fun Halloween party. He pointed out the Remembrance Day memorial that he and Rosie placed on his land next to the Mexana, and mentioned Joa’s Point to Hearing musicology seminars, which were held on the first Thursday of the month and were very well attended. These events were partly educational and could be seen as contributing to the Eduverse.

3. Citizen Concerns

3.1 Tor reported that he was griefed by a Russian avatar, and that he dealt with the problem by banning the avatar and sending an official notecard, copied to the Scientific Council.

3.2 Rosie Gray raised a concern about a house set to full bright in Monastery, near the lake. Tor said he would check on it.

4. RA Member Concerns

Almut Brunswick expressed a general concern about the lack of interest on the political life of the CDS, and the difficulty of attracting more people for government and creative participation. Suggestions discussed on how to increase the visibility of the Assembly meetings included moving its location around the CDS estate, in a similar way to the Q&A Hours events, as well as tying the meetings alongside more social CDS events. A collaboration with the VWEC was also suggested.

5. Announcements

As well as the social events included in the Chancellor's update, the upcoming Artisan Guild meeting on November 11 was also highlighted. All upcoming CDS events are displayed on the CDS Google Calendar, as shown on the cdsdemocracy.org homepage.

6. Next RA meeting

Sunday, November 19, 2023, at 10:00 SLT.

7. Adjourn

Adjourned at 11:24 SLT.

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