SC Meeting transcript May 7

Announcements by the Dean of the Scientific Council

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SC Meeting transcript May 7

Post by Callipygian »

[08:08] Delia Lake: I call this meeting of the SC to Order
[08:08] Delia Lake: The first order of business it the Government Officers for the 39th Term of government

[08:09] Delia Lake: Thankfully we had candidates declare, unfortunately we didn't have sufficient candidates to hold voting
[08:10] Delia Lake: We had 1 candidate declare for the office of Chancellor, Tor Karlsvalt
[08:12] Delia Lake: is there any discussion as to why in regard to our laws, policies that Tor should not be acclaimed as our next Chancellor
[08:13] Callipygian Christensen: not from me
[08:13] Delia Lake: Tor is a CDS citizen in good standing, and has served well in the Chancellorship in past years.
[08:14] Lilith Ivory: not from me either
[08:14] Delia Lake: would someone please move that we acclaim Tor as Chancellor for the 39th Term?
[08:14] Lilith Ivory: (I did plan to check this morning if all candidates are in good standing but sadly I got distractd in the middle of it)
[08:14] Lilith Ivory: I move
[08:14] Callipygian Christensen: I somove
[08:14] Callipygian Christensen: or second
[08:15] Delia Lake: All in favor of acclaiming Tor Karlsvalt as our next CDS Chancellor?
[08:15] Lilith Ivory: aye
[08:15] Callipygian Christensen: aye
[08:15] Delia Lake: aye
[08:16] Delia Lake: So, Moon, Tor is now officially your successor :)
[08:16] Moon Adamant: yay!
[08:16] Lilith Ivory: hehe
[08:16] Moon Adamant: \o/
[08:17] Delia Lake: I did check everyone on the list last week, Lilith and I think that's the proper timeframe anyway
[08:17] Callipygian Christensen: Now you can stand in the byelection for RA!
[08:17] Lilith Ivory grins
[08:18] Delia Lake: Now to the RA. 4 people declared candidacy for 5 open RA seats. Again, there are fewer candidates than open seats so there is no citizen voting.
[08:18] Moon Adamant: uh I am more the operative type :-D
[08:18] Callipygian Christensen: I move that we acclaim the declared candidates
[08:19] Lilith Ivory: I second
[08:19] Delia Lake: The 4 declared candidates are Almut Brunswick, Sandy Burgess, Rosie Gray, Jerry McNally
[08:19] Delia Lake: lag, lol
[08:19] Delia Lake: All in favor of acclaiming the candidates for RA as members of the RA for the 39th term?
[08:19] Lilith Ivory: aye
[08:19] Callipygian Christensen: aye
[08:20] Delia Lake: aye
[08:20] Moon Adamant: yay too ㋡
[08:21] Delia Lake: So our declared candidates have now been acclaimed unanimously as the CDS government officers for the 39th term

[08:22] Delia Lake: Since there are 5 Representative Assembly seats and only 4 RA members for the upcoming term, we must decide on holding a By-Election
[08:23] Callipygian Christensen sighs, unfortunately this is becoming the norm :/
[08:23] Delia Lake: CDSL 20-02 ... dures-act/ governs By-Election procedures
[08:24] Lilith Ivory: I wish there was something about this in the by-election act so we don't have to figure out procedure every time again :(
[08:25] Delia Lake: the solution to having to figure out by-election procedures is having sufficient candidates to not only fill the seats but also have more than the offices so we hold voting
[08:25] Lilith Ivory: yea but I guess this is out of our hands to achieve
[08:25] Delia Lake: yes and no

[08:26] Callipygian Christensen: an alternate would be what many boards of directors do and allow those seated to appoint someone to fill the vacancy
[08:27] Delia Lake: I think that all of us who are serving in government have to put our heads together and figure out how to engage more citizens in the everyday workings of government in small ways at least
[08:27] Callipygian Christensen: too bad we have this whole democracy and support of the poulace thing to worry about :)
[08:27] Lilith Ivory: indeed
[08:27] Lilith Ivory: and also you can only appoint those who are willing

[08:28] Delia Lake: in the US in rl we have having this kind of problem too. it's what has gotten us zealots elected. At least we don't have that here in the CDS now
[08:29] Callipygian Christensen: Perhaps we suggest an amendment to the byelection act for some specifics around this situation
[08:29] Lilith Ivory: good idea
[08:29] Callipygian Christensen: first though we should decide on dates etc for this one
[08:29] Lilith Ivory: I wonder if we have not done this before as this is not a new situation
[08:30] Delia Lake: I've been thinking about our Gov't Q & A sessions and wondering if we can't creatively put out info signs and maybe a couple of comments at every CDS event
[08:31] Delia Lake: yes right now we need to decide on dates and process for what is immediately at hand but I think suggesting an amendment to 20-02 would be good for the future
[08:31] Lilith Ivory nods
[08:32] Delia Lake: so regarding right now, do we schedule a by-election right now or wait until after the new term officers are seated?
[08:33] Lilith Ivory: Sudane is taking a census today as far as I know and I think we should use this one if possible
[08:33] Lilith Ivory: we got a couple of promising new citizens after the last census was taken
[08:34] Callipygian Christensen: we should schedule it now
[08:34] Delia Lake: the law as written assumes that we had voting and had a pool of unsuccessful candidates...not the case
[08:34] Callipygian Christensen: we know it has to happen so why wait
[08:34] Lilith Ivory nods
[08:35] Delia Lake: I agree
[08:35] Delia Lake: So we'll know by morning if the Census ran properly
[08:36] Lilith Ivory: yes I think so and it does not happen often that a census is not valid (like it happened yesterday)
[08:36] Delia Lake: Moon, if it did, will you please post that as the official Census for a by-election as soon as you can tomorrow?
[08:37] Moon Adamant: sure!
[08:37] Delia Lake: I'll post today that we will have a by-election and the citizen census will be take tonight
[08:38] Delia Lake: so .... 22 days out from tomorrow is....
[08:38] Delia Lake: 23 May?
[08:39] Delia Lake: no 22 May
[08:39] Lilith Ivory: 29th?

[08:39] Delia Lake: lol I need to actually open my calendar
[08:40] Lilith Ivory: I have mine open lol
[08:40] Lilith Ivory: 7+22 = 29
[08:40] Delia Lake: and we'll see if we have actual voting at that time
[08:42] Delia Lake: if we do have more than 1 candidate, campaigning would start on the following Saturday, 3 June
[08:43] Delia Lake: with polls opening on 10 June
[08:43] Delia Lake: did I could that correctly?
[08:44] Delia Lake: *count
[08:45] Lilith Ivory: looks ok for me

[08:46] Delia Lake: ok. I'll post that today
[08:46] Lilith Ivory: great
[08:47] Callipygian Christensen: thinking ahead to amendments for this situation, I'd like to see all the timeframes cut in half
[08:47] Delia Lake: I agree
[08:48] Callipygian Christensen: census the day declarations close, call for candidates the following day and on from there
[08:48] Delia Lake: and that would make it possible to have a by-election in a chancellor vacancy that happened after the halfway of the term
[08:48] Delia Lake: it has bothered me that we could go for months without a Chancellor under this law
[08:49] Callipygian Christensen: sorry..having something specific for lack of candiates wouldnt change anything for midterm vacancies
[08:49] Delia Lake: shortening the timeframe could
[08:49] Lilith Ivory: I like your idea Calli
[08:49] Callipygian Christensen: iirc the probem is that when we tried to shorten things in general for byelections there was resistance - perhaps that has changed
[08:50] Callipygian Christensen: Delia..then you are talking amending the whole act, not just having a election-specific change
[08:50] Delia Lake: I think the intent in the law was that you couldn't hold a by-election after the term has half over because you would run right into the voting for the next term
[08:51] Delia Lake: the RA can run with 4 members, but actually it couldn't run with 2 members

[08:51] Delia Lake: so if for some unforseen reason we lost more than half of the RA it would be nonfunttional

[08:52] Tor Karlsvalt: Hi all
[08:52] Lilith Ivory: (hi Tor)
[08:52] Delia Lake: but to have a situation of no Chancellor for 2 months would not be great
[08:52] Callipygian Christensen: I can look at the current and suggest possible changes for us to send t
[08:53] Delia Lake: Hi Tor and congratulations. you have been acclaimed the Chancellor for the 39th Term
[08:53] Tor Karlsvalt: Thanks
[08:53] Tor Karlsvalt: It is an honor.
[08:53] Delia Lake: thank you, Calli. That would be excellent and much appreciated
[08:55] Delia Lake: I think it would be good to review this law and suggest possible changes. This was written in 2014 and modified in 2019. That's quite a while ago
[08:55] Delia Lake: and situations have changed a bit
[08:56] Delia Lake: Tor, we are talking about the by-election and CDSL 20-02
[08:57] Delia Lake: do we have anything else to handle right now regarding the By-Election?
[08:58] Lilith Ivory: I think not
[08:58] Delia Lake: Then let's move on to Soro's portrait
[08:58] Delia Lake: Calli, have you talked with Emilia about a date?
[09:01] Delia Lake: I think Calli may be drafting law mods :)
[09:01] Delia Lake: in the meantime, 2 things.
[09:01] Callipygian Christensen: Delia, I talked to her before I left in Febrary and it was left that you and she would pick a date :/
[09:01] Callipygian Christensen: Let me try to fin my log
[09:02] Delia Lake: Oh dear. I didn't see that
[09:02] Delia Lake: I can talk with her about it
[09:02] Delia Lake: perhaps we can schedule our next SC meeting and have it during that
[09:03] Delia Lake: might we meet either June 4 or 10?

[09:03] Lilith Ivory: both work for me
[09:04] Delia Lake: and have a little ceremony at the end where the public would be specially invited?
[09:04] Delia Lake: I'll ask Emilia if either of those dates work for her
[09:04] Moon Adamant: avoid June 3 please -- Inauguration Ball ㋡
[09:05] Delia Lake: 4 and 10 are Sundays
[09:07] Delia Lake: Calli, do either or both of those Sundays work for you?
[09:08] Callipygian Christensen: the 4th early is fine, but we had talked about having a very public one so that people could attend
[09:08] Delia Lake: yes
[09:08] Delia Lake: I have no idea what is the best time for public events though
[09:09] Moon Adamant: noon to 2pm
[09:09] Delia Lake: certainly not 8 am slt but would 9 am or 9:30 or a Sunday ....
[09:09] Delia Lake: ok
[09:09] Callipygian Christensen: I'll contact Emilia again and apologize for the confsion and see what she would like to do
[09:09] Delia Lake: ok. thank you

[09:09] Moon Adamant: that way you get all US, but not too late for EU if a 1-hour event
[09:10] Callipygian Christensen: maybe before or after a RA meeting would mean some can attend
[09:10] Delia Lake: that's a good idea
[09:11] Callipygian Christensen: anyway, Ill contact her
[09:11] Delia Lake: thank you
[09:11] Moon Adamant: hmmm make it a bit wider... 10AM to 2PM SLT shoudl work

[09:14] Delia Lake: Calli, does either 4 or 10 June work for you for our next SC meeting?
[09:15] Callipygian Christensen: sorry..I answered back there along with other stuff lol..the 4th early is ok but I am booked after 10
[09:15] Delia Lake: so let
[09:15] Moon Adamant: sorry everyone, I need to go
[09:15] Delia Lake: s schedule for 4 June
[09:16] Delia Lake: motion to adjourn?
[09:16] Lilith Ivory: I move :)
[09:17] Delia Lake: second and in favor?
[09:17] Lilith Ivory: aye
[09:19] Callipygian Christensen: aye'

People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote -- a very different thing.

Walter H. Judd
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