Guild Meeting Minutes December 2th 2023

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Lilith Ivory
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Guild Meeting Minutes December 2th 2023

Post by Lilith Ivory »

Attending: Rosie Gray, Cathy Sabre, Lilith Ivory, Sudane Erato, Moon Adamant, Tor Karlsvalt

1) getting all the artisans to fill out the form of skills ... sp=sf_link
2) Addition from Lilith: Discussion who should report to the RA
3) the Locus Amoenus covenant revisions

Item 1: getting all the artisans to fill out the form of skills
9 Artisans have filled out the „Declared Skills of the CDS Guild Artisans“ form already, Leslie, Jon and Tan were still missing
Cathy stated she wants to replace Leslie as guild member. It was decided that Leslie who is not a citizen at the moment could stay in the group as friend of the guild while Cathy becomes a full Artisan after having filled the „Declared Skills“ form.

Item 2: Who reports to RA?
Deciding on who will report to the RA
Motion to make the Guildmeisterin the one to report to the RA, and Cathy Sabre as the second, with the Guild Secretary placing a prim for reading the Guild Minutes in the Praetorium.
Lilith moved, Sudane seconded, all in favor, motion carried

Item 3: Locus Amoenus covenant revisions
Lilith has created a zoning map and a new Draft of the Locus Amoenus Covenant ... f6p3hzi6xc
The Covenant was discussed, corrections were made if necessary and most of the draft got approved during discussion.

Zone F, the boat parcels, and adjusting the harbor design still need to be discussed and worked on.
Tor stated that Ceasars bridge is not a problem for sailboats so it was decided to keep that bridge.
It was agreed to remove the staging from the vacant boat parcels. And to break parcel F.05 into boat berths according to what is reasonable

It was also agreed to add the CN Development plan to the next agenda so it can be discussed.

Next meeting : 16th December 10:30 am slt

"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."
Terry Pratchett
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