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About expanding... NEW SIM

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:50 pm
by Rosie Gray

"We've been talking about getting a new sim since it seems like our vacancy rate is rather low. Do you feel we are ready for a new sim? What do you see as the risks and rewards? DO you have any ideas on how you will work with CDS to determine the theme? How do you see the RA and Chancellor working together towards this goal if you feel a new sim should be done?"

I think the time is ripe for a new sim, both in terms of our occupancy rate and in terms of citizen enthusiasm. The risks I see are mostly that we will fail to agree on how to expand and it may generate into another round of arguing. I don't really see that happening, but it is a possibility! Another risk is that we don't continue to expand and the new sim or sims end up being a financial burden. Again, I don't really see that as too likely, but the risk is there.

The RA would first need to decide on how many sims and what type we should acquire - a full sim, a full sim and a homestead or void - whatever that decision is needs to be arrived at by some careful consideration and discussions within the RA internally and through discussions with the community at large. In fact the way expansion is to happen within the CDS is set out in our laws: NL 8-2 'In-Theme' Expansion Act. Because some things have changed since this act was written, the RA needs to address this first.

As to theme, this has been discussed now for YEARS. I am reminded of this thread: I would recommend that everyone refresh themselves by reviewing it, so that we don't have to start all over again. There were some good ideas there, but of course citizens now might have different ideas as well. I think where new sim(s) are located and what the theme(s) would be needs to be discussed with all citizens and a commission should be set up to do this.

The RA's job is to make the decision on sim aquisition and designate the themes. The Chancellor's job is to oversee the undertaking (NOT to terraform or build), and act as a Project Manager, ensuring that citizens who wish to have a roll to play in the project can participate in some way appropriate to their wishes and talents.

Re: About expanding... NEW SIM

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:25 pm
by cleopatraxigalia


That risk can mitigated I believe by having these great questions of yours put in the form of referendum questions and ask them at the next election.
No one will be bickering if everyone has had a chance to say and have their voice heard.. step one.. done by June 1 .. move forward with implementation.