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Transcript - RA Meeting 3 February 2018

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:18 am
by Tanoujin Milestone

[09:23] Bagheera Kristan: Good morning everyone, as LRA pro tempore, I call this meeting to order
[09:24] Bagheera Kristan: The first order of business is the review and approval of the Agenda
[09:24] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): So moved
[09:24] Laura Azalee: second
[09:24] Bagheera Kristan: I have one addition, please
[09:24] Laura Azalee: ok?
[09:24] Bagheera Kristan: we need to determine who is going to post the minutes and transcript for this meeting since Tan is not here
[09:25] Bagheera Kristan: So I would like to add that to the Agenda, I'm sorry
[09:26] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I can.
[09:26] Bagheera Kristan: or does that need to be added?
[09:26] Bagheera Kristan: Okay, thank you Gaius
[09:26] Bagheera Kristan: So would someone like to make a motion again to approve the agenda with the addition of Gaius taking the minutes?
[09:26] Laura Azalee: moved
[09:26] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Seconded
[09:26] Bagheera Kristan: Vote please
[09:27] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Aye
[09:27] Laura Azalee: aye
[09:27] Bagheera Kristan: Aye
[09:27] Bagheera Kristan: The motion carries
[09:27] Bagheera Kristan: Next is review and approval of the minutes
[09:27] Bagheera Kristan: let me get the link, just a moment
[09:28] Bagheera Kristan:
[09:28] Bagheera Kristan: Here is the link to the Minutes
[09:28] Bagheera Kristan: If someone would like to make a motion to approve the minutes?
[09:28] Bagheera Kristan: or discuss
[09:28] Laura Azalee: there is a mistake tho
[09:28] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): So moved
[09:28] Pip Torok: hi Bran !
[09:28] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Oh?
[09:28] Laura Azalee: it's 7-day vote not 2-day
[09:29] Rosie Gray: hiya Brooke
[09:29] Brooke Brandenburg: Hey Rosie
[09:29] Laura Azalee: hey Brooke!
[09:29] Brooke Brandenburg: Hey Laura :)
[09:29] Bagheera Kristan: okay, so we want to note the correction to the minutes that it should reflect 7 day vote, not two day
[09:29] Bagheera Kristan: Is there a motion to approve the minutes with that correction?
[09:30] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): So moved
[09:30] Laura Azalee: seconded
[09:30] Bagheera Kristan: Let's vote ,please
[09:30] Laura Azalee: aye
[09:30] Bagheera Kristan: Gaius?
[09:30] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Aye
[09:30] Bagheera Kristan: Aye
[09:31] Bagheera Kristan: Motion to approve the minutes with the correction that it should read 7 day vote (instead of 2 day) carries
[09:31] Bagheera Kristan: Next on the Agenda is Executive Report. Rosie, is there anything you wish to share?
[09:31] Rosie Gray: yes thank you
[09:31] Rosie Gray: a couple of things
[09:32] Rosie Gray: I've been working on a project for the last week to acquire and set up an updated couples dance machine with MoCap dances in it
[09:32] Rosie Gray: for the CDS
[09:32] Rosie Gray: owned by Archie
[09:33] Rosie Gray: now it is pretty much finished (although Archie still has a bit of money to put a few more in, if I can find some good ones)
[09:33] Rosie Gray: and the nice thing about this system, is that one dance machine can be placed in each region, on public land
[09:33] Rosie Gray: and repeaters can go wherever we want them, so there is access anywhere we have a venue
[09:33] Bagheera Kristan: nice !
[09:34] Laura Azalee: cool
[09:34] Rosie Gray: and also to any citizen who might want one on their private parcel
[09:34] Rosie Gray: as you probably know, the MoCap dances are really expensive
[09:34] Rosie Gray: so I thought this would be not only a good idea for our events, but a nice bonus for citizens so they don't have to spend the money
[09:34] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): ㋡
[09:34] Laura Azalee: yes very nice
[09:35] Bagheera Kristan: yes
[09:35] Callipygian Christensen: excellent idea
[09:35] Rosie Gray: the other thing, is to remind everyone that tomorrow we have the Ceremony to replace the Omphalos, and including a new time-capsule
[09:35] Rosie Gray: for citizens to put their items in
[09:35] Rosie Gray: that's tomorrow at 10 am slt
[09:36] Laura Azalee: not 11?
[09:36] Rosie Gray: so if you haven't already thought of something to put in the time capsule, please do ㋡
[09:36] Rosie Gray: it must be copy and transferable
[09:36] Rosie Gray: then, the last thing, is that we have a Reggae beach party scheduled
[09:36] Laura Azalee: a beach party?
[09:36] Rosie Gray: "It's Summertime kSomehwere"
[09:36] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Hah!
[09:36] Rosie Gray: Feb 11, 10 am slt
[09:37] Laura Azalee: not in the snow I hope lol
[09:37] Rosie Gray: nope, on the beach!
[09:37] Rosie Gray: hehe
[09:37] Rosie Gray: that's all I have for now
[09:37] Rosie Gray: any questions?
[09:37] Laura Azalee: oh sorry tomorrow is February4?
[09:37] Rosie Gray: yes
[09:37] Bagheera Kristan: Thank you Rosie ! Laura asked for clarification on the time for the Omphalos ceremony
[09:38] Laura Azalee: yes lol
[09:38] Bagheera Kristan: is it 10 am or 11 am?
[09:38] Laura Azalee: you said Feb 11
[09:38] Rosie Gray: tomorrow, Feb 4, 10 am slt
[09:38] Laura Azalee: ahhhhhhh
[09:38] Bagheera Kristan: okay, thank you very much !
[09:38] Laura Azalee: ok!! lol
[09:38] Rosie Gray: I'll send out another notice to the group shortly
[09:38] Bagheera Kristan: *claps in appreciation for Rosie's hard work*
[09:38] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): clap clap clap
[09:38] Laura Azalee: yes great job with the dances!
[09:38] Rosie Gray: thanks!
[09:39] Bagheera Kristan: :)
[09:39] Bagheera Kristan: okay, moving on, next is the Report on the LUC. I don't have anything, the floor is open if someone else has something on it, please.
[09:39] Rosie Gray: perfect!
[09:40] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker) hears a cricket.
[09:40] Bagheera Kristan: Okay, that appears to have nothing at the moment, lol
[09:40] Bagheera Kristan: Next, report on the Road Committee
[09:40] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[09:40] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I have nothing.
[09:40] Bagheera Kristan: Okay, thank you Gaius :)
[09:41] Bagheera Kristan: Moving on to Citizen Concerns, please use the Talking Stick on the table to get on the list
[09:41] Bagheera Kristan: Calli?
[09:41] Callipygian Christensen: Thanks - a request that the agenda always be posted in RA announcements so that it's easier for those who have to search and find things in the future
[09:42] Callipygian Christensen: done
[09:42] Bagheera Kristan: I believe it was, but we'll make a note to continue to do so :) thank you !
[09:43] Laura Azalee: I think the previous one wasnt.. but I might be wrong
[09:43] Bagheera Kristan: Calli, if you could please remove your name from the list? Thank you
[09:45] Bagheera Kristan: waits to see if Calli has more to say or removes her name from the list
[09:46] Bagheera Kristan: okay, thank you.
[09:46] Bagheera Kristan: As there are no more citizen concerns, moving on to RA concerns
[09:46] Bagheera Kristan: please use the talking stick to add yourself to the list
[09:47] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I have none.
[09:47] Laura Azalee: me neither
[09:47] Bagheera Kristan: nor do I. Thank you.
[09:48] Bagheera Kristan: Moving on to Old Business - we have Review of CDSL 24-01 Responsible Estate Management Act - the floor is open for discussion
[09:48] Bagheera Kristan: Rosie?
[09:48] Callipygian Christensen: ./me raises her hand
[09:48] Bagheera Kristan: please add your name to the list using the talking stick
[09:48] Rosie Gray: sorry I forgot something that is fairly important
[09:48] Bagheera Kristan: okay, go ahead Rosie, please
[09:48] Rosie Gray: to remind everyone that it's IMPORTANT that they double-check the citizen's list when it is published, after a census
[09:48] Rosie Gray: I realized,after a bit
[09:49] Rosie Gray: that Widget was missing from the list
[09:49] Rosie Gray: so I have petitioned the SC to have her name added back, as per the law
[09:49] Rosie Gray: but I remind citizens, that it is their reponsibility to check the list
[09:50] Rosie Gray: done
[09:50] Bagheera Kristan: Thank you, Rosie.
[09:50] Bagheera Kristan: Calli, the floor is yours
[09:51] Callipygian Christensen: sorry..I am trying to wrangle multipe grandkids and brunch but wanted to speak to two things :/ So Ill do both now if that's ok then leave..I have people over my shoulder lol
[09:51] Bagheera Kristan: of course, please go ahead
[09:51] Callipygian Christensen: As Bagheera mentioned elsewhere this IS the time to review and make any changes to 24-01 - when it isn't 'an issue'.
[09:52] Callipygian Christensen: Also, its good when people start saying 'this is a useless law' to look back to *why* the law came into being - it often provides some context of what the law is trying to do or cause or prevent
[09:53] Callipygian Christensen: I believe SOME process needs to be in place to do what thislaw is meant to do, so I urge amendment not just out and out rescndment
[09:54] Callipygian Christensen: Second subject - review of laws. There is an NGO with an clear process in place to allow ALL citizens to get involved in law review. It hasn't 'failed''s become inactive for, I am guessing, a few reasons. I'd urge that instead of a RA commitee to review laws,that RA work on specific laws one at a time , and ask for people interested in getting the NGO active again to step up
[09:56] Callipygian Christensen: Mush as our Guild went through some dormant times (often for the same sorts of reasons I think), just writing off a good process because a citizen is no longer around to chair etc is, imo, short sighted
[09:57] Callipygian Christensen: It's important to get citizensinvolved if we are ever to have an election again where it isn't just 'ok, guess its my turn' to ensure we can even fill seats. This is a great way to do that.
[09:57] Callipygian Christensen: I'd chair it, but there will be concern that as an SC member I am exeerting yada yada gazpacho I am guessing - but I am sure someone else who might want to be on RA or SC someday might want to do it.
[09:58] Callipygian Christensen: Done
[09:58] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Thank you, Calli.
[09:58] Bagheera Kristan: Thank you Calli :) Enjoy your brunch and grandkids. We'll take your words under advisement :) definitely
[09:58] Bagheera Kristan: if you can remove your name from the talking stick before you go, please :)
[09:59] Callipygian Christensen: ok..oout of here!
[10:01] Bagheera Kristan: Okay - to the discussion of CDSL 24-01 specifically - we'll address the general law review committee separately when we get to it
[10:01] Bagheera Kristan: does anyone have anything they want to say? I do, but I won't add my name to the talking stick, lol, so if anyone else has anything to say, please add your name to the talking stick now, pelase
[10:02] Bagheera Kristan: okay, so what I want to say...
[10:04] Bagheera Kristan: Last week I started a thread on the forums to open this up for discussion to all the citizens. This - as I understood it - was what the RA voted to do at the last meeting. A discussion has now begun on the forums with Tan contributing and Soro has posted he wants to take a look at it and weigh in, so my thought at this time is to table any vote and allow the process to continue on the forums, since it seems to be active and moving forward.
[10:06] Bagheera Kristan: I don't know if, as LRA pro tempore, I can make a motion to table? so if someone can help me out here? or if someone wants to make a motion to vote? or speak? please indicate, thank you. done
[10:06] Pip Torok wd be glad to see that as motion

[10:07] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I move we table discussion.
[10:07] Laura Azalee: second
[10:07] Bagheera Kristan: Let's vote :)
[10:07] Laura Azalee: aye
[10:07] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Aye.
[10:07] Bagheera Kristan: Aye
[10:07] Bagheera Kristan: Motion to table the discussion on CDSL 24-01 is passed.
[10:07] Bagheera Kristan: Moving on to New Business
[10:08] Bagheera Kristan: Establish RA committee to review laws. Discussion is open. Please add your name to the talking stick to discuss. I have something to say but I will wait for others first
[10:09] Bagheera Kristan: Okay, what I have to say...
[10:11] Bagheera Kristan: As Calli said, there is already an NGO set up for law review so if we feel it is necessary, we might be better served to get that jumpstarted. In addition, as I understand it, it is core to the duties of the RA to review laws - so setting up a separate committee to do so seems like an unnecessary complication and could cause confusion - where RA members might feel they can't talk about law review unless it is in committee - when it is what the RA does - a core reason for its existence. Okay done
[10:11] Bagheera Kristan: Would anyone else like to speak?
[10:12] Bagheera Kristan: Gaius, go ahead please
[10:12] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Thank you.
[10:13] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I agree with Calli's sentiments, but I suspect that some citizens who are interested in reviewing laws might feel overwhelmed by the idea of joining an unofficial NGO which is inactive now.
[10:13] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): That is, also an NGO which has no by-laws as I understand them and whose leadership and membership are largely inactive themselves.
[10:14] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Instead, I would suggest that, if the need to review our laws is fitting, we either set up a committee ourselves to discharge that mandate; or, we let individual citizens who are so compelled to read the laws and to note parts which are out-dated or which seem ill-conceived.
[10:14] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Done.
[10:15] Rosie Gray: clap clap clap
[10:16] Bagheera Kristan: So, I am responding now, as if I were the next speaker since no one else is on the list...
[10:17] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): As one does in a discussion...
[10:18] Bagheera Kristan: What I gather from what you wrote, Gaius, is you are concerned there are citizens who won't join the NGO because they don't like its structure. My questions to that part are 1) did I understand you correctly? and 2) do you know of actual citizens who have expressed such a concern, or is that just theoretical (not looking for names, just looking for actual versus theoretical)?....
[10:19] Bagheera Kristan: Secondly, it is not clear to me if you think the RA needs to set up a committee or not? I don't think it does because that is already inherent to the duties of the RA. If you believe it does, can you talk further about why?
[10:19] Bagheera Kristan: or whatever you want to say to that. :) please. done
[10:20] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I believe you have understood me correctly. The Law Review was not an NGO per se because it was not a corporation. Its functions, as I understand, can be better compared to an amorphic political movement.
[10:20] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I know of no citizens who have raised issues with the laws we have so far, except for the CDSL 24-01 law which we are considering now.
[10:20] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): As thing are now, I do not see a need to set up a committee.
[10:20] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Done.
[10:20] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): *things
[10:20] Bagheera Kristan: Thank you. Gaius
[10:21] Bagheera Kristan: Laura, please go ahead
[10:22] Laura Azalee: I don't see the need for a committee either - there is a discussion going on, we let it develop, and then it's up to the RA. If I said something stupid please bear with me, I am still a noob here. Done
[10:22] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker) nods.
[10:22] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): No, what you said is reasonable.
[10:22] Bagheera Kristan: I agree as well and I don't think youare stupid, Laura :)
[10:22] Laura Azalee: oh good
[10:23] Laura Azalee: lol
[10:23] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[10:23] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): We should not, in my opinion, make more work for ourselves for the sake of making work.
[10:23] Bagheera Kristan: Would someone like to make a motion ?
[10:23] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I motion we table discussion on 5a.
[10:23] Laura Azalee: second
[10:24] Bagheera Kristan: I believe to table means it will be up for discussion at the next meeting, that didn't correlate with what I just heard was wanted. Do we want to talk about making a committee at the next meeting?
[10:24] Laura Azalee: not really no
[10:25] Laura Azalee: we all agree that we don't need a committee

[10:25] Bagheera Kristan: That's waht I thought I heard too. Gaius, would you like to amend your motion?
[10:25] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Sure.
[10:25] Laura Azalee: so maybe table was not the right word
[10:25] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I move we move on.
[10:25] Bagheera Kristan: is there a second?
[10:25] Laura Azalee: second
[10:26] Bagheera Kristan: We are voting to remove discussion or consideration to create a committee to review laws by the RA at this time. Vote please
[10:26] Laura Azalee: aye
[10:26] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Aye
[10:26] Bagheera Kristan: Aye
[10:26] Bagheera Kristan: The motion carries
[10:27] Bagheera Kristan: Okay, general announcements
[10:27] Bagheera Kristan: Rosie mentioned that tomorrow is the Omphalos ceremony and there will be a Raggae on the Beach Party
[10:27] Bagheera Kristan: Are there any other announcements?
[10:28] Bagheera Kristan: Okay, moving on....
[10:28] Bagheera Kristan: Next RA Meeting
[10:28] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I am busy 17 February.
[10:28] Rosie Gray whispers: the beach party is on the 11th though, not tomorrow.
[10:29] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): But we can meet then to continue the trend of bi-weekly meetings.
[10:29] Bagheera Kristan: Okay, when would be a good time for you
[10:29] Bagheera Kristan: Laura? what works for you?
[10:29] Laura Azalee: well I ceetainly can't on 24
[10:29] Laura Azalee: if it has to be on Saturday
[10:29] Bagheera Kristan: would anytime between the 15th and the 19th work for you?
[10:30] Laura Azalee: 18 would be good
[10:30] Bagheera Kristan: I know Saturdays are best for Ranma if possible
[10:30] Laura Azalee: but any other day
[10:30] Laura Azalee: yes but they are worst for me
[10:30] Bagheera Kristan: Gaius, can you meeting Sunday the 18th?
[10:30] Bagheera Kristan: meet*
[10:30] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Could we hold off until 24 February? 16-18 February is a major Tibetan Buddhist holiday
[10:31] Bagheera Kristan: oh!
[10:31] Bagheera Kristan: okay
[10:31] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): And my university has a weekend-long event then too...
[10:31] Laura Azalee: ohhhh... are you a tibetan buddhist Gaius? thats great
[10:31] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I am ㋡
[10:31] Bagheera Kristan: Laura, when would be the first day you could meet from the 24th on?
[10:31] Laura Azalee: not the 24 I repeat, probably not the 25th either for me
[10:32] Bagheera Kristan: Monday the 26th?
[10:32] Laura Azalee: well no, sorry, 25 would be good at this time
[10:32] Laura Azalee: or Monday too
[10:32] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): 25th, then?
[10:32] Laura Azalee: ok 25 at 9 am?
[10:32] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Either work for me
[10:33] Bagheera Kristan: So Monday the 25th at 9am
[10:33] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Works for me!
[10:33] Laura Azalee: wait
[10:33] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): That is a Sunday, however.
[10:33] Laura Azalee: 25 I Sunday, 26 is monday
[10:33] Bagheera Kristan: *waits*
[10:33] Bagheera Kristan: so the 26th - Monday?
[10:34] Laura Azalee: Monday would be best
[10:34] Laura Azalee: yes
[10:34] Bagheera Kristan: Okay - so the next meeting will be Monday, Feb 26 at 9 am
[10:34] Bagheera Kristan: vote please
[10:34] Laura Azalee: ok
[10:34] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Aye
[10:34] Laura Azalee: aye
[10:34] Bagheera Kristan: aye
[10:34] Bagheera Kristan: just wanted to be sure we had it correct
[10:34] Bagheera Kristan: thank you
[10:34] Bagheera Kristan: is there a motion to adjourn?
[10:34] Laura Azalee: I motion to adjourn
[10:34] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Second
[10:34] Bagheera Kristan: vote please
[10:34] Laura Azalee: aye
[10:35] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Aye
[10:35] Bagheera Kristan: aye
[10:35] Bagheera Kristan: We are adjourned ! Thank you veryone
[10:35] Bagheera Kristan: everyone