Chancellor's Office handles all Covenant Enforcement

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Chancellor's Office handles all Covenant Enforcement

Post by Bagheera »

Dear Citizens:

As part of my Chancellor's office campaign platform, I had pledged that all covenant enforcement would be done through the Chancellor's office. This prevents unhappy neighbor interactions and also keeps the channels of covenant compliance clear as the Chancellor's office makes final decisions and waivers regarding covenant.

If a citizen has any complaints about another citizen's property, please direct your comments to me (or hired representatives of the Chancellor's office) to follow up. Please do not take it upon yourself to enforce covenants regarding any other citizens' property, but instead, take it to your Chancellor to handle.

If you are a citizen with questions about covenant or just struggling with making your build be all that you want, please feel free to tap the Chancellor's office and the Guild for assistance, they can assist citizens when sought out for help with compliance.

Some people have expressed frustration with my "slowness" in responding to complaints. My policy, modelled after Linden Labs' policy, is to follow up quickly but I am not necessarily going to get back to the complaining party unless they are directly affected. In terms of achieving compliance, when a citizen tells me they are going to fix it, I want to give them the time and space to act so they may achieve the harmony and balance in their own parcel that feels like it is their "own" a complaint may have been lodged and some time may pass before compliance is finalized.

In order of prioritizing complaints - when an adjoining neighbor or someone who is directly affected by a neighbor's non-compliance tells me there is an issue - I will respond more swiftly and work closely with the citizens affected to get to compliance as soon as possible so that all may co-exist in harmony. If you are directly affected, please tell me when you file your complaint.

When it is an issue that someone brings to my attention but the complaining party is not directly affected (such as a government official visiting a sim they do not reside in), I will follow up, assess who may be suffering immediate damage and prioritize the timeline for getting it fixed based on how significantly it affects surrounding neighbors...then using the model above, endeavor to work with citizens in a way so that they may feel their parcel still expresses their own creativity within the parameters of our covenants.

At the RA meeting of January 4th, the topic came up of members rezzing on government land. Although there were other side-issues about the nature of what was rezzed - the core directive here is - even if you have the powers - check first with the Chancellor's office before rezzing on government land. The real danger wasn't the quality or nature of the builds but that - with our 2x and 8x prim sims - it is easy to go over the total prim allocation for the sim or a parcel and objects will be sent back. We already lost the historical sewers of Colonia Nova due to the well-intentioned but unknowing actions of citizens trying to protect the sim's assets without all the knowledge necessary.

Thank you.

Usually I Dislike a Cloud Sky
Tonight I Realize That a Cloud Sky
Makes Me Appreciate the Light of the Moon
- impromptu poem composed by Gen'i
as depicted in Yoshitoshi's 100 Aspects of the Moon
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