Minutes LUC Meeting 120614

Announcements and transcripts of the Land Use Commission

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anti Wirefly
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Minutes LUC Meeting 120614

Post by anti Wirefly »

2nd meeting of the CDS Land-Use Commission
in the Garden Room (lower level) of the Praetorium CN
Saturday, the 6th of December 2014 at 8:00 AM SLT

RA approved members -- Rosie Gray and anti Wirefly (Citizens by Guild); Josie Cooperstone and Leslie Allandale (Citizens by RA); Shep (Chancellor's Office Representative); Timo Gulfer, (RA Member)
Guests -- Pip Torok, Widget Whiteberry, Bells Semyorka

A.Welcome newly approved members.
Leslie welcomes Timo and states he is happy we have a builder from the RA to help us.

B.Approve minutes of 1st meeting.
Timo moves to approve the minutes from the November 15, 2014 meeting as all members were able to review them before the meeting. Shep seconds and the motion carries.

C.Approve Commission membership rotation, and forward to RA for approval.

Leslie notes the RA and Exec members are appointed concurrently with elections on December 1 and June 1, and the 4 citizens are to be appointed on a mid-election basis.
Anti moves to send a proposal to the RA that 2 citizen members be appointed March 1, and the other September 1. Josie seconds. Discussion confirms there are no term limits as of now. The motion carries.
Anti moves that the Guild and RA will nominate members to replace the current member of their choice. Josie seconds and the motion carries.

D.Reports from Committee Chairs

1.Leslie: Law Review
Leslie states that he and Josie have been working with Law Review on laws that affect LUC. They have agreed to table 4 of them and are working on the covenants, which are much in need of revision. He requests that one would like to be part of the Law Review team as a rep of LUC should contact him.

2.Josie: New sim installation
Josie has created a general list of all of the steps that occur during the development of a new region. She outlined the document and gave a link to the full document.

3.Rosie: Inspecting, approving or recommending changes to existing and proposed builds
Rosie notes that the commissioners have access her draft for inspecting, approving or recommending changes to existing and proposed builds. Josie moves to approve Rosie's document, Leslie seconds and the motion carries.

4.Shep: Protocols for interface with Chancellor's Office and other organizations
The item was tabled.

5.Rosie: Revise the CDS Genera Plan
Josie moves that item 5 and 7 be tabled in the interest of time, anti seconds and the motion carries.

6.Timo (from Tor) Establish a calendar and time line, per RA request.
Timo moves the calender be tabled until the next meeting. Leslie seconds and the motion carries.

7.Leslie: LUC overview
The item was tabled.

E.Open discussion to Member concerns.
No additional concerns were voiced.

F.Third meeting
It was agreed that the time be decided at a later time

G.Call for questions from Citizens.
No questions were raised.

anti moves to adjourn, Josies seconds, and the meeting is adjourned at 10:11.

Respectfully submitted,

anti Wirefly

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