As a citizen of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators I would like to submit my proposal for legislation to the Representative Assembly, the Land Sale and Tier Act, and asked it be placed on the agenda for the next RA meeting after August 1st 2014. I would like to be present at the meeting to answer any questions or concerns. My availability to attend meetings are Mon - Thu 2pm SLT - 5pmSLT (these are the times I can be at the start of a meeting taking into consideration a typical RA meeting lasts 2 hours). Friday 2pmSLT - 7pmSLT. Saturday and Sunday anytime up till 7pm SLT.
Land Sale and Tier Act
The Confederation of Democratic Simulators is preparing to expand. As we expand we must plan and prepare properly. Before we accept proposals on a new sim the submitters need a framework from which to work from. Whether we expand by one sim or one hundred sims some constants must be known from the beginning.
We want our tier to be the same throughout the CDS, one tier for full sims and one tier for homestead sims. We want our occupancy level or break-even point to be the same throughout the CDS. With both of these variables set from the beginning everything else falls into place. These two variables determine the public to private land ratio.
1. All CDS owned land on a Full Sim placed for sale by the government shall be at the rate of L$1.50 per sqm for a single-prim parcel and L$3.00 per sqm for a double-prim parcel.
2. All CDS owned land on a Homestead Sim placed for sale by the government shall be at the rate of L$6.00 per sqm.
3. All Full Sims tier rate is US$0.03 (3cents) per prim.
4. All Homestead Sims tier rate is US$0.06 (6 cents) per prim.
5. The occupancy level or break-even point is 75%.
6. The prim multiplier for all Homestead Sims (excluding Monastery) is 6.
7. New tier pricing will take effect the day sim number six is ready to accept citizens.
8. New tier pricing in Neufriestedt, Colonia Nova, Alpine Meadows, and Locus Amoenus will take effect on CDS owned parcels that are NOT owned by citizens the same day.
9. Current tier pricing on NFS, CN, AM, and LA will remain in place until ownership of the parcel changes hands.
This next part is for clarification purposes only. Using the above information here is the framework for all new Full Sims and Homestead Sims brought into the CDS.
Full Sim – Monthly tier to Linden Labs US$295. Tier collected at 100% occupancy US$393
Single-Prim Sims Private SQM 57,326 Public SQM 8,210. Private Prims 13,100 Public Prims 1,900
Double-Prim Sims Private SQM 28,663 Public SQM 36,873 Private Prims 13,100 Public Prims 1,900
Homestead Sim – Monthly tier to Linden Labs US$125. Tier collected at 100% occupancy US$166.
Six Prim Multiplier – Private SQM 8,071 Public SQM 57,465 Private Prims 2,767 Public Prims 983
Trebor Warcliffe