The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

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The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Moon Adamant »

Hello all,

Today we have completed the Alpine Meadows plan by completing and approving the Covenants.
The plan was presented at the RA and approved as well.

I will post next the 3 parts of the plan, for consultation. They are the Alpine Meadows Map, Covenant and Financial Plan.

My many, many thanks to everyone who helped us achieve this! :) :)

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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Moon Adamant »

The Alpine Meadows Map


Edit: fixed the link and replaced the image with a smaller one

Edit #2: SORRY! I had uploaded an older map which had the wrong Zone letters! This is is the correct map. My apologies also to Diderot and Sudane, who commented and referred to the older version.

Last edited by Moon Adamant on Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Moon Adamant »

The Alpine Meadows Covenants

1. General CDS Covenants

1. All structures and scripts are subject to review.
2. No terraforming unless the sim covenant allows it (*)
3. No SL or RL commercial pornography is permitted
4. The use of excessive scripts which adversely effect sim performance is not permitted, determination of the same is at the sole discretion of the Chancellor, who is entitled to remove the scripts. An appeal of the Chancellor decision can be submitted to the SC.
5. Scripts which use llListen (voice command) are only permitted, if they listen only after a touch and then deactivate after a certain period of time.
6. Scripts which spy on residents are not permitted.
7. Bounce scripts are not permitted.
8. Particles can only be used in effects that have real-world analogies, such as lights, smoke, and fire.
9. Particles should be set no higher than 10 particles per second.
10. Scripts and particles attached to avatars are unregulated.
11. Subletting is not permitted
12. No skyboxes are permitted below 512 m in altitude
13. No default wood textured prims are to be left in place longer than 24 hours
14. Exterior signs are allowed, unless they be floating, particle emitting, or rotating.

2. Alpine Meadows Sim-Wide Covenants

The following provisions apply to all parcels in the Alpine Meadows Sim:

1. Alpine Meadows is defined as having a general Alpine, Rural and Antique theme.
2. Alpine Meadows is a double prim sim: this means that a 512 m2 parcel has 234 prims alloted instead of the usual 117.
3. Alpine Meadows allows Direct Teleporting, but will feature a centralized default Hub in the sim
4. Skyboxes will be allowed over all private parcels, at a height no less than 512 m. These skyboxes must fall totally inside the parcels' limits.
5. All buildings under the 512 m high mark must be physically plausible.
6. General Restrictions
1. No outdoor hot tubs are permitted
2. Clubs are not permitted
7. Commercial function is allowed if falling within the theme of the sim, or, failing that, be kept in interior spaces.
8. Alpine Meadows has five zones, defined by expected appearances of builds and/or different administration of land: Hamlet (H), Mid-Slope (S), Top Plots (T), Commons (C) and Monastery (M)
9. Alpine Meadows has 4 different typologies, defined by plot type: A, B, C, and D. It also features a special M plot.
10. Plots are identified by a string XY0,corresponding to Typology-Zone-Number.
11. All the buildings exteriors must be built in pre-industrial materials, namely:
1. Structural elements can be stone, brick or wood
2. Roofing elements can be wood, slate or terracota shingles, and thatch.
3. Exterior flooring elements can be brick, ceramics, stone or wood.
4. Wall elements can be stone, brick, wood or stucco.
5. Door and window elements can be wood or metals, raw or painted. Large panes of glass in any colour must be partitioned by appropriate framing.
12. Terraform is allowed within a difference of +2/-2 meters, and further terraforming must be approved.
13. Per person a maximum of 2 parcels may be owned. A person cannot own more than 4096 m2.
14. In order to reduce lag, when building a house or large object, textures no larger than 512*512 or equivalent must be used.
15. Anything contrary to what is disposed in the Sim-wide, Zones and Typologies Covenants must require a waiver by the Executive Branch.

3. Alpine Meadows Zones Covenant

1. Zone H (Hamlet)

1. The Zone H is the Zone on the north of the sim that is adjacent to Colonia Nova
2. Buildings in this zone aim to resemble alpine (mountain) styles of Alpine Europe, but can incorporate classical elements such as columns, entablatures and pediments in their design in a point manner, to allow visual transition of style to Colonia Nova sim.
2. Zone S (Mid-Slope)
1. The Zone S is the Zone encompassing the middle of the slope, roughly till Monastery level
2. Buildings in this zone aim to resemble alpine (mountain) styles of Alpine Europe
3. Zone T (Top Plots)
1. The Zone T is the Zone encompassing the top of the slope, roughly from Monastery level, and up to the border with Neufreistadt sim.
2. Buildings in this zone aim to resemble alpine (mountain) styles of Alpine Europe, and should aim to link visually with the styles present in Neufreistadt.
4. Zone C (Commons)
1. The Zone C is the Zone encompassing all public land and structures in the sim, including landscape features, river and roads.
2. This zone is defended from any private building.
3. This zone is directly administered by the Executive Branch of the CDS
5. Zone M (Monastery)
1. The Zone M is the Zone concerned directly with the Monastery building.
2. This zone is defended from any private building other than the Monastery NGO.
3. This zone is directly administered by the Monastery NGO, in compliance with these covenants and other applying CDS legislation.

4. Alpine Meadows Typologies Covenant

1. At any given point on plots A and B, the maximum height of the builds is 26 m above the intersection of the build with the ground
2. At any given point in plots C and D, the maximum height of builds is 20 m above the intersection of the build with the ground
3. For all plots except D plots, there will be a border on the sides where the plots meet another. This border of no construction is of 4 metres for A and B plots, and of 2 m for C plots. The borders can have trees of small gardens.
4. Plots A and B must have an open area for garden or woods not inferior to 40% of the area of the plot. The border area counts for these 40%. These areas can feature small builds like gazebos and pavillions, as long as they comply with the border and height rules.
5. Plots A and B must feature no less than 4 trees per each 512 m2 of plot area
6. All plots can feature any kind of alpine structure, but only A plots can feature a château.
7. The external appearance of the pre-fab buildings in the D plots is fixed and must not be altered.
8. No border rule, garden, or height rules apply to the M (Monastery) plot.

(*) Text adopted at the RA in 18th Nov 2007

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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Moon Adamant »

Alpine Meadows Financial Plan


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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Sudane Erato »

I have sent this email to all members of our community.

Yesterday, the RA approved the final plans for the new sim (Alpine Meadows, to be located between our current sims Neufreistadt and Colonia Nova). They have authorized that the new sim be purchased as soon as we have one third of the land sold.

If you have *ANY* interest in buying land on the new sim, please inspect the map, the covenants and the financial information here ( ). Then, should you be interested in buying, please let me know ASAP! We are very anxious to sell our one third, get the sim purchased, and have it in place by the Christmas holidays.

DO NOT REPLY to this email! I will not get it! Contact me via IM, or via my email [email protected].


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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Diderot Mirabeau »

Congratulations to all of those, who have been involved in the realisation of these plans. It seems to me you have proven that compromise can indeed be beautiful! I wish the best of luck and lots of inspiration to those, who will be busy in the near future terraforming, landscaping and building on our new alpine sim.

I have one remark/suggestion and one question, which I hope one of you may be able to answer:

Remark: Since it seems to me that all the parcels of typology "U", "S" and "H" are clustered together (in zones) and since the letter "A", "B", "C" or "D" is largely derived by way of the size of the parcel would it not be more visually intuitive to reverse the order in which the letters are put together for the zone/typology designation of plots? It seems logical to me that all plots in the valley would start with "U", all the plots on the slope with "S" and all the plots at the top with "H" - and after that would follow a 'model' designation specifying the size of the plot. In other words the "U" family of plots characterised by being placed in the valley would have individual members of different sizes. Speaking of a family as being characterised by sharing the same size but being located in different areas could of course also make sense - but for me it makes less sense than the other way around. Anyway, I'm being nitpicky - just ignore me!

Question: This could most likely be derived by reading through the transcripts of the Sim Planning meetings or by sitting in at the meetings but perhaps nobody will mind me asking it here instead. Is the topology of the AM sim going to look like terraced gardens of Babylon or will the topology be more gradually sloping in nature with different degrees of slope progression and elevation along the same ridge/plateau?

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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Sudane Erato »

For information.... for those considering purchasing in Alpine Meadows....
(and I will try to keep this post up to date)

We have now sold more than one third of the parcels in the new sim. As per the decision made by the RA last Sunday, I will now proceed to order the new sim.

[Parcels sold so far:]

I have just set all parcels in AM either for transfer to their "already paid up" new owners, or for sale. Therefore there's no need to keep this list updated, since you can see available parcels by looking at the map.


Last edited by Sudane Erato on Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:24 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Congratulations :)) I can't say how pleased I am with this :D

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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Sleazy_Writer »

This is great! :)

Gwyneth wrote:

I can't say how pleased I am with this

But you can show it! -->


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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Sudane Erato »

The order for the new sim is placed. Unfortunately, the name "Alpine Meadows" appears to be taken, so I have ordered the sim with the name "Alpine Meadow".

When I hear any word about delivery date, I'll let you know.


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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Claude Desmoulins »

Congratulations to all on completing the planning process. I look forward to walking from the Forum to the Platz.

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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Sonja Strom »

Yes, congratulations!! I look forward to being able to drive from one to the other!



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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Sleazy_Writer »

We could even have a " Tour de CDS " :) (with some vehicle)

The roadblock sign could be used for the official opening of AM. A dignitary could knock it down in some way after which AM is officially declared open. The sign itself could be given to MoCA, I think that would be a nice gesture. It's also possible to have two smaller ceremonies, one in NFS and one in CN.

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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Moon Adamant »

Really happy to know that we have sold already 1/3 of the sim... and very impressed!

We have tons of things to discuss at the Guild next Sunday :)

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Re: The Approved Alpine Meadows Plan, Covenants, Financial Plan

Post by Moon Adamant »

Hmmm, the "Alpine Meadows" should be corrected in all instances on this thread... but i am not sure if i shouldn't inform/request authorization from the RA to do that first. So i'll ask on Sunday.

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