Beathan wrote:Well, the SC totally dropped the ball once again.
I can understand the ruling on Tyrrant -- although the principle of Hapeas Corpus is one of general concern and should not turn on the individual desires of a party. Any CDS citizen should be able to address the CDS banning process to make sure that some miscarriage of justice that happened to someone does not, at some time in the future, happen to them. However, I must state that the hearsay report about what Tyrrant allegedly said contrasts substantially to what he said to me when I was preparing the Petition -- which I did in consultation with him and submitted only after he reviewed it.
The petition was specific to allowing Tyrrant to attend a hearing- something he clearly has no interest in doing, nor in having the ban lifted. Since we are not a court of law we have no power to force Tyrrant to appear, thus the petition has no further action. I agree, however, that any citizen should be able to address the banning process; my suggestion would be to propose a clear set of infractions that can result in a ban, and initiating a process where any ban that is applied is reported to both RA and SC immediately. I am not aware of either being the process in place now, but if one or both are, then they should be followed.
You state, though: 'the hearsay report about what Tyrrant allegedly said' - what are you implying here Beathan? If you are basing this statement on the transcript of the SC meeting, let me quote the relevant part:
"[2011/12/30 15:42] Callipygian Christensen: Delia contacted Tyrant by notecard and she and I both received his response
[2011/12/30 15:43] Callipygian Christensen: I will quote from it, wtth his permission: "
How is this either 'hearsay' or 'allegedly said'?
Beathan wrote:However, the real problem is in the ruling concerning the election. That Petition was not primarily addressed to an individual injustice. It was primarily addressed to a general error in the citizen list that had the substantial public effect of having a 5 seat RA rather than a 7 seat Ra. That was the critical issue -- and it wasn't even addressed. Who is a citizen is not an issue of concern only to the individual citizens because it affects how all of us are represented in government.
Futher, these were my Petitions -- and not only did the SC never consult me about them and disregarded its own procedure -- the SC scheduled every hearing considering these for a time when I was not available. The SC must follow the required statutory procedure. That procedure DOES NOT involve EX PARTE contact of critical witnesses by freelance members of the SC followed by HEARSAY reports back to the SC about what those people allegedly said, which was considered as the critical evidence in the case. That really cannot pass without comment. It is an absurd parody of a justice system that any child could see was just plain wrong.
C'mon SC -- you really must do a much better job.
Beathan, I assume before you request/attend hearings in your RL legal activities that you do research. No hearing has been held about this petition at this point - what has happened is research and discussion of how to proceed. Any formal hearing will, I am sure, be scheduled by the Dean at a time that you can attend to present your arguments - but at this point in time what the SC has is information from Sudane stating that there was no error in the census and no tier ever paid to establish the disputed citizenship. What you so cavalierly describe as 'freelance' ex parte discussion and 'hearsay' reports is an effort by a member of the SC to establish if jia53 or her partner have information that contradicts Sudane's records, and are willing to present it at a hearing if they do. None of the resulting information, of which there was very little, was presented as 'evidence'; again, I'll quote from the transcript of the SC meeting on Jan 30th:
Callipygian Christensen: Since the original petitioner had posted on the Forums that jia53 should appear before the SC, asking her what her wishes are seemed appropriate
[2011/12/30 16:05] Callipygian Christensen: I have not received any reply indicating what is desired, or any supporitng materials for the petition to move forward
[2011/12/30 16:06] Callipygian Christensen: Therefore, at this time, I suggest I will followup with jia53 and her partner SDolphin to establish thier preferences in how to proceed.
[2011/12/30 16:06] Callipygian Christensen: Until we have such an indication, I propose the petition be tabled.
Finally, the original petition can be found here:
The petition had 4 parts; parts 2,3 and 4 - your critical issue, are totally dependent on a change to the voter roll, based on the result of part 1. Until such time as it is established that the voter roll should, or should not, be changed those parts of the petition cannot be addressed.