Commissioners present: Tor Karlsvalt, Chair, Covey Homewood, Delia Lake, Mizou Vavoom, Widget Whiteberry.
Citizens present: Butterfli, Spider, Starlight, Tim, Shep.
Powers Commission Scope is here: ... 639#p33521
Delia reported on Evolution of the 3rd Branch of the CDS Government: the Executive. Based on Article 2 of the CDS Constitution, Delia presented eight questions for the Commission to consider and then edited them further. (A discussion topic will be posted to the forum.)
1. What powers does a Chancellor need to have in order to carry out the Constitutionally mandated responsibilities of that office?
2. Which laws support carrying out the Chancellor duties specified in the Constitution?
3. Are there active laws that assign duties, responsibilities, and powers to the Chancellor and to the office of Chancellor but are “out of sync” with the duties and role assigned by the Constitution? If so, which laws are they?
4. What laws, if any, may need to be changed?
5. What new government functions, if any, may need to be established? Rationale? How? Where? Authority and responsibility?
6. Are the Executive Branch duties and responsibilities specified in the Constitution supported by the laws that facilitate, but do not overstep or overreach, the constitutional mandate?
7. Over time, executive powers and responsibilities were transferred from the Artisanal Collective (which was the executive branch and established as a “workers cooperative”) into the elected Chancellorship: are the day-to-day duties and competencies for managing a set of sims for the community adequately enumerated and supported by law?
8. What, if any, are the unassigned occasional duties that have fallen to the Executive branch? Do these require particular competencies? If so, what? e.g., recommending plans and strategies – to the RA – for community development; including expansion or contraction.
9. Are there duties aggregated in the Executive that have been inadequately addressed from the perspectives of government functionality and also community involvement or participation?
Next Commission meeting tba.