24th RA and Chancellor - Swearing In

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24th RA and Chancellor - Swearing In

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

I'll reply to this post when the full ceremony is done, but here is the swearing in of Rosie Gray and Shep Titian done today, for posterity.

[13:04] Aliasi Stonebender: anyway, 3 after, so let's get this show on the road. This is not a meeting of the RA as such, as the Saturday event will be, but a small session ahead of time to swear in Rosie and Shep.
[13:04] Aliasi Stonebender: At that time the RA will be officially electing the LRA and other such official business.
[13:04] Aliasi Stonebender: So, Rosie, if you'd care to approach the stage?
[13:05] Rosie Gray: yes m'am
[13:06] Aliasi Stonebender: Please proceed with giving your affirmation.
[13:06] Rosie Gray: yes
[13:06] Rosie Gray clears her throat
[13:06] Rosie Gray: I, Rosie Gray, having been elected Chancellor of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully discharge my duties as such to the best of my ability,
[13:06] Rosie Gray: that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Confederation of Democratic Simulators,
[13:07] Rosie Gray: and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of Confederation of Democratic Simulators.
[13:07] Aliasi Stonebender: Thank you, Rosie. Now, Shep, if you would care to come on stage?
[13:07] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[13:07] Aliasi Stonebender: Shep, if you would proceed with YOUR affirmation?
[13:08] Shep (shep.titian): Certainly
[13:08] Shep (shep.titian): I, Shep Titian having been elected as a Member of the Representative Assembly of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully discharge my duties as such to the best of my ability, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of Confederation of Democratic Simulators.
[13:08] Aliasi Stonebender: Thank you Shep, and and thank you both for volunteering your service.
[13:09] Pip Torok: APPLAUSE .......
[13:09] Shep (shep.titian): Thank you for your time :)

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Re: 24th RA and Chancellor - Swearing In

Post by Han Held »

What's the reason for swearing in Shep separately from the rest of the RA?
I asked her if she was able to attend Saturday and she led me to believe she'd be able to be there.

It's one thing for Nolligan --who cannot attend because of RL-- to take a seperate oath, but it's BS for anyone who can be sworn in with us to take one.

This is some rinky-dink bullshit, y'all.

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Re: 24th RA and Chancellor - Swearing In

Post by Shep »

Han Held wrote:

What's the reason for swearing in Shep separately from the rest of the RA?
I asked her if she was able to attend Saturday and she led me to believe she'd be able to be there.

It's one thing for Nolligan --who cannot attend because of RL-- to take a seperate oath, but it's BS for anyone who can be sworn in with us to take one.

This is some rinky-dink bullshit, y'all.

Rinky dink BS eh ... what an encouraging start ... basically it was just oportunistic of me .. I asked if it were possible and was told yes .. end of .. no drama .. we should have been sworn in by now with LRA elected and able to move forward ... and there is no ceremony attached to being sworn in, we cannot do our jobs until we are and that's it .. no subterfuge .. no drama ... no conspiracy ... just wanted to get the job done ... oh and yes I still hope to be there on Saturday .. RL permitting ..

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Re: 24th RA and Chancellor - Swearing In

Post by Tanoujin Milestone »

I was there and did not take the opportunity to be sworn in because not every Rep was present. It makes no difference, Han, it is just a ceremony that needs to be done asap.

Oh, btw, I hope we can have two RA meetings in December. As Shep explained to me we can do no substancial work on 12/6 but elect a LRA because we will have no valid Agenda...

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Re: 24th RA and Chancellor - Swearing In

Post by Han Held »

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If y'all don't care, no reason I need to...it's not like my plate isn't full to over-flowing anyway.

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Re: 24th RA and Chancellor - Swearing In

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

As promised, the subsequent meeting.

[10:04] Aliasi Stonebender: Okay, I call this extraordinary meeting of the RA to order.
[10:05] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held) waves silently to Pip
[10:06] Aliasi Stonebender: Most of you are aware, but for those who are not, the purpose of this meeting of the RA is to both swear in the new representatives, amd to allow them to choose an LRA who can begin drafting up the agenda for the first normal meeting of the term. Shep was handled earlier this week, although I'm glad to see you were able to attend now, but the rest of you, I've handed the affirmation notecard.
[10:06] Aliasi Stonebender: As I call on each of you, please copy it into chat with your name in there.
[10:07] Aliasi Stonebender: guillaume? Go ahead, please.
[10:07] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I, Gaius Tiberius Curio né Guillaume Mistwalker, having been elected as a Member of the Representative Assembly of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully discharge my duties as such to the best of my ability, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of Confederation of Democratic Simulators.
[10:07] Aliasi Stonebender: Thank you, Gaius. Han? You next.
[10:08] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Thanks...
[10:08] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I, Han Held, having been elected as a Member of the Representative Assembly of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully discharge my duties as such to the best of my ability, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of Confederation of Democratic Simulators.
[10:08] Aliasi Stonebender: Thank you, Han.
[10:09] Aliasi Stonebender: Tanoujin?
[10:09] Tanoujin Milestone: I, Tanoujin Milestone, having been elected as a Member of the Representative Assembly of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully discharge my duties as such to the best of my ability, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of Confederation of Democratic Simulators.
[10:09] Aliasi Stonebender: Thank you all. And in a mild repeat of last term, I present to you all 4/5ths of the 24th RA. :)
[10:10] Pip Torok: Applause ......
[10:10] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): ㋡
[10:10] Aliasi Stonebender: So, as seems to be traditional at this point, would the RA care to select the LRA now? If so, I would like to hear nominations.
[10:10] Rosie Gray: ··•°•··..☺ Applauds! ☺ ..··•°•··..
[10:10] Tanoujin Milestone: I nominate Shep Titian
[10:11] Shep (shep.titian): thank you Tan .. am happy to be put forward
[10:11] Aliasi Stonebender: Any other nominations?
[10:12] Callipygian Christensen applauds
[10:12] Shep (shep.titian): Thank you very much
[10:12] Shep (shep.titian): And thank you Aliasi fr the swearing in
[10:13] Lilith Ivory wonders if the RA memebers don´t have to vote for Shep
[10:13] Pip Torok: can we cheer now?:)
[10:13] Shep (shep.titian): I only have one bit of business for today
[10:13] Widget Whiteberry nods to Lil. Or affirm...
[10:13] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I have no idea, we weren't voted in, technically; we ran unopposed...
[10:13] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Congratulations, Shep ㋡
[10:13] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): She's unopposed...it's the unopposed RA :3
[10:14] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Congrats, Shep
[10:14] Rosie Gray: :D
[10:14] Lilith Ivory: I´d suggest you call for a vote anyway to have this in dry sheets
[10:14] Shep (shep.titian): Thank you guys
[10:14] Aliasi Stonebender: well, yeah. Still, 'being the only people not to step backwards when volunteers were called for' still counts in a way.
[10:14] Shep (shep.titian): LOL
[10:14] Pip Torok: congratulations, Shep !!!
[10:14] Rosie Gray: for sure it does!
[10:14] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held) chuckles "good way to put it, Aliasi..."
[10:14] Shep (shep.titian): Ah well
[10:14] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): ok, shall we vote?
[10:14] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Aye
[10:15] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I vote for Shep
[10:15] Aliasi Stonebender: Anyway, you do have RA business to attend to, selecting your archivist and such, but I'll let Shep handle that. Good luck with this term!
[10:15] Aliasi Stonebender: Ah,yes.
[10:15] Shep (shep.titian): Thank you Aliasi
[10:16] Shep (shep.titian): Does anyone relish the job of archivist?
[10:16] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Thanks, Aliasi
[10:16] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): No, lool...I had it last term.
[10:16] Shep (shep.titian): The silence is deafening
[10:17] Shep (shep.titian): G .. would you fancy a spell at it?
[10:17] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Sure ㋡
[10:17] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Thanks, Gaius :)
[10:17] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): For the record, you're far better at it than I am
[10:17] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): '
[10:17] Shep (shep.titian): Awww cool thank you .. you have a way with words .. safe hands :)
[10:17] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Hah, I doubt that!
[10:18] Shep (shep.titian): You'll be fine .. I know it!
[10:18] Shep (shep.titian): How about Pro tem .. anyone lusting?
[10:19] Tanoujin Milestone pokes Han
[10:19] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Tan?
[10:19] Shep (shep.titian): LOl
[10:19] Shep (shep.titian): ok Han want to be understudy?
[10:19] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker) chuckls.
[10:19] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Ok, sure.
[10:19] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): :)
[10:19] Shep (shep.titian): excellent
[10:19] Shep (shep.titian): thank you Han :)
[10:20] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): On the job training FTW
[10:20] Shep (shep.titian): Which leaves an extrodinary meet I'd like to call for tomorrow
[10:20] Shep (shep.titian): Just to ratify Rosies budget
[10:21] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): At what time?
[10:21] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, that is good
[10:21] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): more than 24 hours from now
[10:21] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I suggest 11:30 SLT
[10:21] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Hah, yes, Han ㋡
[10:21] Shep (shep.titian): Will be relatively short and needs to be 24 hours from now so I can post the agenda
[10:21] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Could we do 12:00 SLT?
[10:21] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): noon or 1pm would be better still
[10:21] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): I can be here any time tomorrow afaik.
[10:21] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): I work tomorrow and have a project due.
[10:22] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): Tan?
[10:22] Shep (shep.titian): Ok so G best for you?
[10:22] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): After 12pm is best for me
[10:22] Tanoujin Milestone: any time before the ball would work for me
[10:22] Tanoujin Milestone: 12 is okay
[10:22] Shep (shep.titian): Excellent .. lets make it 12.30
[10:22] Gaius Tiberius Curio (guillaume.mistwalker): Wonderful ㋡
[10:22] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): awesome
[10:23] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): do we need to vote, or was that the vote?
[10:23] Shep (shep.titian): Cool .. Extradordinary meeting of the 24th RA .. Sunday the 6th Dec at 12.30 pm ..
[10:23] Rosie Gray waves at Leslie
[10:24] Shep (shep.titian): Okay .. Move to adjourn
[10:24] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held) waves quietly to Leslie
[10:24] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): second
[10:24] Shep (shep.titian): vote
[10:24] Shep (shep.titian): aye
[10:24] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): aye
[10:24] Tanoujin Milestone: aye :)
[10:24] Leslie Allandale: waves at Rosie and the crowd
[10:24] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): meeting adjourned then
[10:24] Lilith Ivory applauds
[10:24] Rosie Gray: clap clap clap
[10:24] Hannah Marie Bloodwolf (han.held): \o/ \o/ \o/
[10:24] Shep (shep.titian): Yes meeting adjourned

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Re: 24th RA and Chancellor - Swearing In

Post by Lilith Ivory »

and here we go with the swearing in of Nolligan Nino at wednesday dec 9th 6:30 am slt:

[06:38] Lilith Ivory: HI Shep :)
[06:38] Nolligan (nolligan.nino): Ni hao Shep
[06:38] Lilith Ivory: let me find that Notecard with the text
[06:39] Shep (shep.titian): Hi there both
[06:39] Shep (shep.titian): Hmm don't see Nolli
[06:39] Lilith Ivory: oh and I should send a group note too in case someone else wants to come
[06:44] Lilith Ivory: now we have only wait a few minutes to give some a chance to join us
[06:53] Lilith Ivory: HI Lam :)
[06:53] Nolligan (nolligan.nino): Hi Lam
[06:53] Lam Erin: hello :)
[06:53] Lilith Ivory: great you could make it to be our witness
[06:54] Lam Erin: my pleasure :)
[06:54] Nolligan (nolligan.nino): yes - thanks a lot
[06:54] Lilith Ivory smiles
[06:54] Lilith Ivory: ok Noli , let´s start :)
[06:54] Lilith Ivory: ah and here comes Shep :)
[06:55] Lilith Ivory: wb Shep :)
[06:55] Shep (shep.titian): Thanks
[06:56] Shep (shep.titian): what a palaver
[06:56] Lilith Ivory: aawww
[06:56] Shep (shep.titian): Hi Lam
[06:56] Lam Erin: hi Shep :)
[06:56] Lilith Ivory: let´s get started now if you all are rezzed
[06:57] Shep (shep.titian): Yep
[06:57] Nolligan (nolligan.nino): okay
[06:57] Shep (shep.titian): lets get him done!
[06:57] Lilith Ivory: Nolligan Nino, to become a full member of the RA I ask you now to say the oath
[06:58] Nolligan (nolligan.nino): I, Nolligan Nino , having been elected as a Member of the Representative Assembly of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully discharge my duties as such to the best of my ability, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of Confederation of Democratic Simulators.
[06:58] Lilith Ivory applauds
[06:59] Shep (shep.titian): hahaha
[06:59] Shep (shep.titian): wel done
[06:59] Lam Erin: ole!

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