Passing of Pip Torok

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Delia Lake
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Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Delia Lake »

It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that I write to tell you that our good friend and neighbor, Pip Torok, passed away on January 18, 2021. Pip came to live in the CDS over a decade ago, buying a fachwerk in Neufriestadt and soon became an active member of our community. Pip was elected to the RA and worked to make the CDS a better place for all of us.

We are planning a gathering to celebrate Pip's life in the CDS and in SL. Pip LOVED a good party! He never tired of dancing and good conversation and debate. And then there's poetry. Pip loved to read poetry and to write it as well. To start, please send us your stories, photos and poems that embody your times spent in Pip's company. And any creative ideas you have for this event.

We'll be in touch soon with a date and location.

thanks to all,
Delia and Naftali

Here's a photo of Delia and Pip to start the collection going.


Delia and Pip dancing _ Schloss Neufreistadt Ballroom,.png
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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Bagheera »

I am very sad to hear of this, although I know Pip lived a full long life, and may we all be so blessed. I am glad to have known him.

Pip was a good friend who gave the benefit of the doubt. He respected my opinion even when I was difficult.

I'd like to share one of our earliest *chats* which consists mostly of poetry he had shared with everyone the night before and I missed it.

= = = = = = = =
From 2010
= = = = = = = =
[1:14] Pip Torok: I get my inspiriation from others bright ideas btw
[1:14] Bagheera Kristan: I feel so badly that I have not made it over
[1:15] Bagheera Kristan: Ha! I'm just making circles and squares here :)
[1:15] Pip Torok: do you want to see the poem i wd have recited last night?
[1:15] Bagheera Kristan: I would be honored :)
[1:15] Pip Torok: hang on then
[1:17] Pip Torok: FOR YOU . . .

for you I will write poetry
which paints rainbows
in your heart.
for you I will smile and laugh.
I will ravish you in the darkness
I will celebrate with you by day.
We will walk hand in hand

My honesty leaves me naked on the grass
the dew pleasant
but unpleasantly cold
You are pleased with my responsiveness.

for you I will whisper
soft melodies of love songs
written only for you to hear.
for you I will wait in silence.
I will cleanse my mind and soul
I will wash you with the moonlight
we will swim without making waves.


[1:19] Pip Torok: heres one of my earliest ....

[1:21] Pip Torok: A Joy

I need to write in crimson flame
I need to write in tunes -
I need to write in hill and dale,
in swirling sea and moons.

This medium's too sterile!
This joy I need to share...
A love for all good folk I've met,
the beauty everywhere.

So tell me please, what should I do
to best express a Heaven?
Sing perhaps - or dance - or just
accept these things I'm given?

I sometimes feel that I'll light-up;
with happiness I'd glow -
and bit by bit grow brighter yet...
then suddenly I'll go

to some place where the stars do flame -
where I'd just be my soul;
where happiness and sadness fuse
to make a perfect whole.

[1:22] Bagheera Kristan: oh yes!
[1:22] Bagheera Kristan: This is wonderful - I'm trying to put my thoughts into words :)
[1:23] Bagheera Kristan: It is a VERY happy poem and makes me happy to read it - that sounds trite when I write it, but a lot of poetry gets muddled and maudlin - this is bright and fresh and reaches my emotional center
[1:23] Bagheera Kristan: I like it very much!


[7:53] Pip Torok: (Saved Thu Apr 22 07:28:32 2010) Hi ... Good Morning .. I hope it finds you fine and well ... I like what you've done in LA ... and so does my cleaner ("What a lovely picture" she'd said, leaning over my monitor) ... Pip
[7:53] Pip Torok: (Saved Thu Apr 22 07:29:03 2010) CHANSON
Jacques Prévert
(translated by Pip Torok)

Le malheur avait mis
les habits du mensonge
Ils étaient d'un beau rouge
couleur du sang du coeur
Mais son coeur à lui était gris
Penché sur la margelle
il me chantait l'amour
Sa voix grinçait comme la poulie
Et moi
dans mon costume de vérité
je me taisais et je riais
et je dansais
au fonds du puits
Et sur l'eau qui riait aussi
la lune brillait contre le malheur
la lune se moquait de lui.


Mister Misfortune had put on
his garment of falsehood
Such a fine scarlet, it was! ...
the colour of hearts-blood ...

But his real heart was colourless.
He leaned over the edge of the well
singing to me of love,
But his voice grated just like the pulley

[7:53] Pip Torok: (Saved Thu Apr 22 07:29:38 2010) And me ??
In my clothes of truth ??
Well, I was saying nothing --
just laughing and dancing as I was
At the bottom of my well

And over laughing waters,
the Moon shone out against our Mister Misfortune,
Scorned him, derided and ridiculed him! ...


Usually I Dislike a Cloud Sky
Tonight I Realize That a Cloud Sky
Makes Me Appreciate the Light of the Moon
- impromptu poem composed by Gen'i
as depicted in Yoshitoshi's 100 Aspects of the Moon
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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

That news broke my heart...

Alas, we all were very aware of his advanced age, and all I can say is that I truly hope that the many, many years he spent with us in-world gave him some joy.

Farewell, old friend. We will remember you with great fondness!

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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Han Held »

I'll be sad that I didn't know him better, but happy that he touched my life and esp made me feel warmly welcome when I first joined the CDS.

"I could talk talk talk, talk myself to death
But I believe I would only waste my breath" -Roxy Music "Remake, remodel"
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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Rosie Gray »

Although not all that unexpected, the passing of our friend and co-citizen is very sad. Pip was always friendly, thoughtful and helpful to the community, and indeed to me. I will miss him.

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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Rosie Gray »

[mention]Bagheera[/mention] That is a wonderful remembrance. Thanks for adding your voice here and Pip's poetry.

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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Rosie Gray »

In the Alpine Meadow Community Centre that bears his name, there is a Poems Dispenser, just underneath the RL portrait of Pip/Pete. Touch it, and it gives a random poem. If anyone has some poems out of Pip's collection, kindly share them with me and I'll add them to the Poems Dispenser. I have found about 20 so far, but I know there were far, far more.

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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Emilia Avindar »

So sad to hear when this news finally reached me today. Pip was at the top of the list of folks who welcomed me to Second Life and the good company of CDS. He was generous with his time and had a great knowledge of poetry, which he shared often, even from his memory. He was an outstanding Citizen of CDS and a fine example of good company and good humor. I remember when he had weekly socials and poetry readings. He was the most hospitable and welcoming figure across many years, and a great neighbor when I finally became a Citizen after merely hanging around in my early years here. Salute, Rest in Peace, and thank you, Pip Torok.

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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Naftali Torok »

Dear friends of CDS, I just has started a "Memorial Book for Pip" where we can share our memories in word, sound and pixels. You are welcome to visit, sign the condolence register or/and contribute something. There is also a page where we can exchange ideas about the content of the program for the upcoming memorial party. Feel free to brainstorm with us, any contribution is welcome. Here is the link to (the first page of) the book:
Thank you for visiting

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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Naftali Torok »

excusé, (cant find where i can correct my earlier message:) I just have started.....:)

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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Almut Brunswick »

We all lost a great friend and a wise but also witty mind. No spontaneous dancing (on usual and unusual times) and no lyrics talk anymore :cry:

Pip, you left a gap in our CDS community and in numerous hearts!


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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Keila Forager »'s taken me this long to put my thoughts into words and probably not very well. Pip's passing has been the hardest of all loses I've experienced in SL. Pip was one of the most friendly and welcoming citizens, funny, serious, talented, creative and so much more. I've known Pip since the beginning of his time in CDS. I loved our impromptu conversations, the out of the blue TP to "come dance with me" , the just sitting in the garden or as I called it, " his windmill place" to just chat. Pip was one person that reached out to me in difficult times and took the time to really listen and care. I shall treasure the poetry you shared with me and I will leave you Pip , with 2 poems that speak to my heart.

Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in heaven, where the love of our lost ones pours through shining down upon us to let us know they are happy.~~~Eskimo prayer.

To Those I Love and Those Who Love Me
When I am gone, release me, let me go. I have so many things to do and see.
You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears, be happy that we had so many years.
I gave you my love, you can only guess how much you gave me in happiness.
I thank you for the love you each have shown, but now it's time I travel on alone.
So grieve for a while , for if grieve you must, then let your grief be comforted by my trust.
It's only for a while that we must part, so bless the memories within your hearts.
I won't be far away, for life goes on. So, if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you can't see or touch me, I'll be near, and if you listen with your heart, you'll hear all my love around you, soft and clear.
And then, when you must come this way alone, I'll greet you with a smile, and "Welcome You Home"

I'm sad I can not attend Pip's Celebration of Life as I have to work RL. I have set out a memorial garden at my house across from the pond by the gates. Feel free to go and sit and remember Pip, have a dance ( I set out a dance ball), or light a candle in his memory. I have some photos somewhere, but my favorite is out at the Memorial Garden. I hope I can honor Pip by living my best RL and SL.

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Re: Passing of Pip Torok

Post by Brooke Brandenburg »

Please join us to remember the life of our friend, Pip Torok who passed away this January.

Sunday, March 14, 2021
Noon SLT - 14:00 SLT

We will dance, tell some stories, read some poems. All things that Pip loved.
Naftali Torok will play some music, Calli will DJ.

We start at the Pip Torok Gemeindezentrum - Community Centre, in Alpine Meadow ... 110/98/104

We will move on to his Alpine Meadow home, Arpar Del Pip ... /81/139/76

And finally to the Mexana Monica, just down the road. ... /83/185/55

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