SDF is no longer a faction in Neufreistadt

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Patroklus Murakami
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SDF is no longer a faction in Neufreistadt

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Well, I wasn't entirely on my lonesome at 3pm yesterday! (ty to Moon, Gwyn and Jon for keeping me company :))

But as of today the SDF has only Eugene and me as members in Neufreistadt and I am leaving the SDF inworld group. For all intents and purposes, the SDF is no longer a functioning faction within Neufreistadt.

I guess it's up to the RA to decide what to do about the vacant seats that, sadly, I see no way of filling in advance of the next election. My recommendation FWIW would be to keep them vacant.

To the Forum Mods: I think you can safely archive this particular board :)


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