LUC Meeting Transcript - 29 april 2023

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Mizou Vavoom
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LUC Meeting Transcript - 29 april 2023

Post by Mizou Vavoom »

Land Use Commission – Meeting Minutes
Saturday April 29, 2023, 09:30 am SLT
In the Rathaus of Neufreistadt ... 98/181/182
RA representative: Sandy Burgess
Chancellor representative: Rosie Gray
RA citizen appointments: Leslie Allandale – LUC Chair, Delia Lake
CDS Artisan Guild appointments: Mizou Vavoom – Archivist
Absent: Sudane Erato
Guests: Tor

[2023/04/29 09:27] Leslie Allandale: Good morning
[2023/04/29 09:28] Sandy Burgess: Good morning
[2023/04/29 09:28] Rosie Gray: hi Sandy
[2023/04/29 09:29] Sandy Burgess: Thank you Leslie
[2023/04/29 09:30] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Rosie, Leslie, Sandy
[2023/04/29 09:30] Rosie Gray: hi Mizou
[2023/04/29 09:31] Sandy Burgess: Hello Mizou
[2023/04/29 09:32] Mizou Vavoom: Thanks Leslie
[2023/04/29 09:33] Leslie Allandale: Mizou, Rosie, Sandy, thanks for being here.
[2023/04/29 09:34] Leslie Allandale: I wass hoping we would have Delia.
[2023/04/29 09:34] Rosie Gray: yeah
[2023/04/29 09:34] Rosie Gray: Leslie, I don't think I have an Agenda
[2023/04/29 09:35] Rosie Gray: thank you
[2023/04/29 09:35] Rosie Gray: I guess we need a notice sent through the CDS group that the meeting is about to begin
[2023/04/29 09:36] Rosie Gray: shall I send it?
[2023/04/29 09:36] Leslie Allandale: My viewer is meager, Rosie.
[2023/04/29 09:36] Leslie Allandale: Ty, yes.
[2023/04/29 09:37] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2023/04/29 09:37] Rosie Gray: one moment then
[2023/04/29 09:38] Leslie Allandale: The way we are structuring things, our meetings should be brief.
[2023/04/29 09:39] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2023/04/29 09:40] Rosie Gray: hi Tor
[2023/04/29 09:40] Sandy Burgess: Hello Tor
[2023/04/29 09:40] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Tor
[2023/04/29 09:40] Tor Karlsvalt: hi all
[2023/04/29 09:40] Tor Karlsvalt: /me looks for a chair without a glowing orange cloud.
[2023/04/29 09:40] Leslie Allandale: Tor!!!
[2023/04/29 09:41] Rosie Gray: /me primps her orange glow
[2023/04/29 09:41] Sandy Burgess: /me grins. Ah - right clicking Tor helps getting him dressed
[2023/04/29 09:41] Rosie Gray: lol, yes I just did that too
[2023/04/29 09:41] Mizou Vavoom: lol it does
[2023/04/29 09:41] Tor Karlsvalt: lol
[2023/04/29 09:41] Tor Karlsvalt: ooops
[2023/04/29 09:42] Mizou Vavoom: he does have a shirt
[2023/04/29 09:42] Rosie Gray: otherwise you were a floating head with shoes, that I saw
[2023/04/29 09:42] Sandy Burgess: Don't worry - nothing to see
[2023/04/29 09:42] Mizou Vavoom: no trousers
[2023/04/29 09:42] Tor Karlsvalt: Level of campaigning has really declined in CDS
[2023/04/29 09:42] Leslie Allandale: Delia seems to be awk.
[2023/04/29 09:43] Sandy Burgess: Level of campaigning?
[2023/04/29 09:43] Rosie Gray: she often can't make Saturday morning meetings
[2023/04/29 09:43] Rosie Gray: or not on time anyway
[2023/04/29 09:43] Tor Karlsvalt: I guess I am resorting to nudity
[2023/04/29 09:43] Mizou Vavoom: /me grins at Tor
[2023/04/29 09:43] Sandy Burgess: For me they are Saturday evening which sometimes is a bit awkward too
[2023/04/29 09:43] Tor Karlsvalt: Full transparency in government.
[2023/04/29 09:43] Leslie Allandale: Shall we start?
[2023/04/29 09:43] Sandy Burgess: Lol
[2023/04/29 09:43] Rosie Gray: yes please
[2023/04/29 09:43] Mizou Vavoom: lol
[2023/04/29 09:43] Sandy Burgess: Sure
[2023/04/29 09:44] Leslie Allandale: Everyone have agenda.
[2023/04/29 09:44] Mizou Vavoom: sure
[2023/04/29 09:44] Mizou Vavoom: yes thanks
[2023/04/29 09:44] Rosie Gray: yes thanks
[2023/04/29 09:45] Rosie Gray: motion to approve the Agenda as presented
[2023/04/29 09:45] Mizou Vavoom: i have a question about the agenda
[2023/04/29 09:45] Sandy Burgess: yes
[2023/04/29 09:45] Leslie Allandale: go
[2023/04/29 09:46] Mizou Vavoom: should 2. Tram not be Cable car? or has there been a change?
[2023/04/29 09:47] Leslie Allandale: It could be just public transportation at this point.
[2023/04/29 09:47] Rosie Gray: I was thinking it was still up in the air too
[2023/04/29 09:47] Sandy Burgess: It should be. The term cable car has a double meaning since some Americans grins have misused it for trams being pulled by a cable
[2023/04/29 09:48] Mizou Vavoom: so we go for CDS Transport
[2023/04/29 09:48] Leslie Allandale: yes.
[2023/04/29 09:48] Sandy Burgess: I agree
[2023/04/29 09:49] Rosie Gray: okay, motion to accept the Agenda as amended
[2023/04/29 09:49] Leslie Allandale: second.
[2023/04/29 09:49] Leslie Allandale: ?
[2023/04/29 09:49] Mizou Vavoom: aye
[2023/04/29 09:49] Sandy Burgess: aye
[2023/04/29 09:49] Rosie Gray: aye
[2023/04/29 09:50] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2023/04/29 09:50] Leslie Allandale: I will amend the forum post
[2023/04/29 09:50] Leslie Allandale: carried
[2023/04/29 09:50] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2023/04/29 09:51] Leslie Allandale: Minutes?
[2023/04/29 09:51] Rosie Gray: Minutes look fine to me
[2023/04/29 09:51] Leslie Allandale: motion?
[2023/04/29 09:51] Sandy Burgess: motion to approve
[2023/04/29 09:51] Rosie Gray: second
[2023/04/29 09:52] Mizou Vavoom: aye
[2023/04/29 09:52] Rosie Gray: aye
[2023/04/29 09:52] Leslie Allandale: aye
[2023/04/29 09:52] Leslie Allandale: carried
[2023/04/29 09:53] Leslie Allandale: Rosie? Do you have anything on Covenants?
[2023/04/29 09:54] Rosie Gray: Covenants? No I was taking Signage
[2023/04/29 09:54] Rosie Gray: I thought it was you and Delia handling covenants
[2023/04/29 09:54] Leslie Allandale: signage , of course.
[2023/04/29 09:54] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2023/04/29 09:55] Leslie Allandale: my bad.
[2023/04/29 09:55] Rosie Gray: so signage... we are at the stage of writing on the document what the signs themselves will say, and what the information inside them will say
[2023/04/29 09:55] Leslie Allandale: Sign Tex
[2023/04/29 09:55] Rosie Gray: I haven't gotten any further with it because I've been really busy in RL
[2023/04/29 09:56] Leslie Allandale: Me too
[2023/04/29 09:56] Rosie Gray: but I do intend to work on it again soon and get to some level ready to actually start making them
[2023/04/29 09:56] Leslie Allandale: Yay
[2023/04/29 09:57] Rosie Gray: if I get stuck on something I'll ask for help, and of course bring it to this group for review before proceeding to the Guild level of production
[2023/04/29 09:57] Rosie Gray: if that works for everyone?
[2023/04/29 09:57] Mizou Vavoom: /me nods
[2023/04/29 09:57] Sandy Burgess: If you need and proof reading re German terms let me know. I can't really proof read for accuracy because I don't know that much about our history though
[2023/04/29 09:57] Leslie Allandale: yes
[2023/04/29 09:57] Rosie Gray: than you Sandy, that would be really helpful
[2023/04/29 09:58] Rosie Gray: one thing about the signs
[2023/04/29 09:58] Rosie Gray: there was a mention of having a choice between having them whispered
[2023/04/29 09:58] Rosie Gray: or having them spoken
[2023/04/29 09:58] Rosie Gray: I had said that I could do the voicing
[2023/04/29 09:58] Rosie Gray: but the hold up on that for me is that I can't pronounce the German words properly
[2023/04/29 09:58] Leslie Allandale: Could we start a thread in LUC discussions?
[2023/04/29 09:59] Rosie Gray: also I'm thinking that it's really not that necessary
[2023/04/29 09:59] Sandy Burgess: If you want we can do a practice session on those words
[2023/04/29 09:59] Rosie Gray: oh okay
[2023/04/29 09:59] Rosie Gray: maybe it would be best to get the written parts all done first and then go back and do the voiced parts afterwards
[2023/04/29 10:00] Rosie Gray: I think that would be the most productive way
[2023/04/29 10:00] Tor Karlsvalt: brb
[2023/04/29 10:00] Rosie Gray: and I'm done ㋡
[2023/04/29 10:01] Sandy Burgess: Yes, I agree. We should get the written parts first.
[2023/04/29 10:01] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2023/04/29 10:01] Rosie Gray: and here is Delia ㋡
[2023/04/29 10:01] Sandy Burgess: Hello Delia
[2023/04/29 10:01] Mizou Vavoom: Hi Delia
[2023/04/29 10:01] Leslie Allandale: move to Sandy?
[2023/04/29 10:02] Delia Lake: Hello :)
[2023/04/29 10:02] Leslie Allandale: Delia. gtsy.
[2023/04/29 10:05] Leslie Allandale: We are on the CDS Transit report.
[2023/04/29 10:05] Sandy Burgess: I can repeat Rosie: Quite busy in RL and will get back to the transport as soon as I have a bit more time. Mizou is working on the mesh. ... and in the last RA meeting Almut seemed disappointed that I was not asking her after she said she had no time on the last LUC meeting :| ... I hate politics ...
[2023/04/29 10:06] Leslie Allandale: seconds
[2023/04/29 10:06] Mizou Vavoom: oh really?? she very much gave the impression that she had no time. On that note, i wont be making any transport meshes until after the SLB20 build is done
[2023/04/29 10:06] Mizou Vavoom: but i do have a design to show to use as model
[2023/04/29 10:07] Mizou Vavoom:
[2023/04/29 10:07] Sandy Burgess: I agree Mizou. She sounded quite firm.
[2023/04/29 10:07] Tor Karlsvalt: b
[2023/04/29 10:07] Mizou Vavoom: this is an old cable car
[2023/04/29 10:07] Sandy Burgess: I like the style of that car
[2023/04/29 10:07] Leslie Allandale: Super.
[2023/04/29 10:07] Mizou Vavoom:
[2023/04/29 10:07] Rosie Gray: it looks uncomfortable ;)
[2023/04/29 10:08] Mizou Vavoom: this is the pole to go with it, someone has already made it in blender, as these are blender files
[2023/04/29 10:08] Sandy Burgess: /me grins. We will put leather seats in
[2023/04/29 10:08] Rosie Gray: :D
[2023/04/29 10:08] Rosie Gray: those look great
[2023/04/29 10:08] Mizou Vavoom: yes and they were uncomfortable, i did ride in one in Switserland in 1975
[2023/04/29 10:08] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2023/04/29 10:08] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe, looks good tho.
[2023/04/29 10:08] Mizou Vavoom: going up from lake Lucern to Seelisberg
[2023/04/29 10:09] Tor Karlsvalt: Looks like you better have a good jacket
[2023/04/29 10:09] Rosie Gray: and the 1975 version seems like vintage enough?
[2023/04/29 10:09] Leslie Allandale: I agree.
[2023/04/29 10:09] Sandy Burgess: lol. It will not be as long a ride as in Switzerland - we only have to cross 3 sims and 200 meters in height and not 10 times that
[2023/04/29 10:09] Mizou Vavoom: :)
[2023/04/29 10:09] Leslie Allandale: good work.
[2023/04/29 10:10] Tor Karlsvalt: /me nods
[2023/04/29 10:10] Leslie Allandale: At least we are moving forward here.
[2023/04/29 10:11] Mizou Vavoom: yes, and I am glad it has been apporved
[2023/04/29 10:11] Sandy Burgess: I think there can be a lot done with texturing to make it look a bit steampunkish
[2023/04/29 10:11] Rosie Gray: yes ㋡
[2023/04/29 10:11] Mizou Vavoom: steampunk ok :)
[2023/04/29 10:11] Rosie Gray: steampunky and a bit decrepit?
[2023/04/29 10:11] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2023/04/29 10:12] Tor Karlsvalt: steampunky doen't have to be decrepit.
[2023/04/29 10:12] Rosie Gray: true
[2023/04/29 10:12] Tor Karlsvalt: I sometimes think too much decrepit looks sad.
[2023/04/29 10:12] Sandy Burgess: Yes Rosie - that is what I imagined. But we will see what Mizou will make of it. I am sure she will do a great job
[2023/04/29 10:12] Rosie Gray: and I guess Germans aren't too fond of decrepit so it wouldn't be so accurate for our theme
[2023/04/29 10:12] Leslie Allandale: Rosie likes a lived-on look.
[2023/04/29 10:12] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2023/04/29 10:12] Rosie Gray: I do, but it's difficult to do it in SL
[2023/04/29 10:13] Mizou Vavoom: yes i will bake the textures with old scratched metal so
[2023/04/29 10:13] Mizou Vavoom: so it looks used
[2023/04/29 10:13] Sandy Burgess: Almut is a lot more German in that respect than me. ... after all she lives in NF and I moved into a half ruin in CN
[2023/04/29 10:13] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2023/04/29 10:14] Leslie Allandale: Any more transit news?
[2023/04/29 10:14] Mizou Vavoom: i have a question about the actual cable car
[2023/04/29 10:15] Mizou Vavoom: when you make a mesh to walk in, one needs to make exact walkable physics, but if we only have stand poses inside the mesh there is no need for walkable physics, so the question is walkable physics or just pose inside the car?
[2023/04/29 10:16] Mizou Vavoom: pose or poses
[2023/04/29 10:16] Rosie Gray: oh good question
[2023/04/29 10:16] Leslie Allandale: pose
[2023/04/29 10:16] Sandy Burgess: How much work is the physics?
[2023/04/29 10:16] Mizou Vavoom: a lot more work
[2023/04/29 10:16] Sandy Burgess: Ok then we start with poses. And if you feel like making the physics we can go there later
[2023/04/29 10:16] Rosie Gray: aren't most items like this in SL just poses?
[2023/04/29 10:17] Mizou Vavoom: i was wondering myself if normal cars, planes are just poses inside
[2023/04/29 10:17] Sandy Burgess: There are some really cool elevators that are physical
[2023/04/29 10:17] Rosie Gray: true
[2023/04/29 10:17] Mizou Vavoom: yes true
[2023/04/29 10:17] Rosie Gray: thinking of trains and buses
[2023/04/29 10:17] Leslie Allandale: I wouldn't expect it not to be "ride."
[2023/04/29 10:17] Mizou Vavoom: you usually click on the train/bus and get a seat right away
[2023/04/29 10:18] Mizou Vavoom: ride = poses
[2023/04/29 10:18] Leslie Allandale: yes.
[2023/04/29 10:18] Delia Lake: yes
[2023/04/29 10:18] Sandy Burgess: And what I have seen in some things vehicles is that they use the control event to make movement possible ... that is a lot more work script wise
[2023/04/29 10:18] Rosie Gray: yes and if there are a couple of different positions and some choices of the poses, that's great
[2023/04/29 10:18] Mizou Vavoom: yes will make sure of that
[2023/04/29 10:19] Mizou Vavoom: i can add a seat and standing poses
[2023/04/29 10:19] Mizou Vavoom: sit and stand poses
[2023/04/29 10:19] Rosie Gray: sounds good
[2023/04/29 10:19] Mizou Vavoom: or even couple poses :)
[2023/04/29 10:19] Rosie Gray: that's a good idea too
[2023/04/29 10:19] Mizou Vavoom: for a romantic CDS view
[2023/04/29 10:20] Rosie Gray: as long it's not only couple poses!
[2023/04/29 10:20] Rosie Gray: /me grins
[2023/04/29 10:20] Mizou Vavoom: lol
[2023/04/29 10:20] Mizou Vavoom: that's it from me
[2023/04/29 10:20] Sandy Burgess: /me considers making a detour to 1000 meter height for the couple poses ...
[2023/04/29 10:20] Mizou Vavoom: /me grins
[2023/04/29 10:21] Sandy Burgess: From me too.
[2023/04/29 10:22] Mizou Vavoom: /me is poking Leslie
[2023/04/29 10:22] Leslie Allandale: Go stuck in mouse view
[2023/04/29 10:23] Mizou Vavoom: :)
[2023/04/29 10:23] Leslie Allandale: moving on
[2023/04/29 10:23] Leslie Allandale: Covenants.
[2023/04/29 10:23] Leslie Allandale: Delia has agreed to help with Covenants. ty, Delia.
[2023/04/29 10:24] Delia Lake: yes,
[2023/04/29 10:24] Leslie Allandale: Perhaps she has comments.
[2023/04/29 10:25] Delia Lake: well, first off I think that it's appropriate for us to review covenants periodically, just in case things change in the CDS or with LL
[2023/04/29 10:26] Tor Karlsvalt: /me nods
[2023/04/29 10:26] Delia Lake: second, if we want people to comply with covenants we have to make them easy to understand for everyone depending what is their first language
[2023/04/29 10:27] Delia Lake: and third, the covenant for each region should reflect the reality of that region. right now for instance, CN has some changes to it.
[2023/04/29 10:27] Delia Lake: not quite done yet though, but when that happens we should also review to update
[2023/04/29 10:28] Delia Lake: that's all for now
[2023/04/29 10:28] Leslie Allandale: ty, Delia.
[2023/04/29 10:28] Leslie Allandale: Comments from anyone?
[2023/04/29 10:29] Rosie Gray: not from me
[2023/04/29 10:29] Sandy Burgess: Me neither
[2023/04/29 10:29] Mizou Vavoom: none
[2023/04/29 10:30] Leslie Allandale: New business.
[2023/04/29 10:31] Leslie Allandale: I want RA to accept our committee structure, formally.
[2023/04/29 10:32] Rosie Gray: why is that, Leslie?
[2023/04/29 10:33] Leslie Allandale: you think it is not necessary, Rosie?
[2023/04/29 10:33] Rosie Gray: well not really
[2023/04/29 10:33] Rosie Gray: not that it hurts though
[2023/04/29 10:33] Rosie Gray: what are your thoughts about it?
[2023/04/29 10:34] Sandy Burgess: How would you define that structure?
[2023/04/29 10:34] Leslie Allandale: that's what i thought.
[2023/04/29 10:36] Leslie Allandale: That we do the brunt of our work in committees, then approve the results as a commission.
[2023/04/29 10:37] Mizou Vavoom: And we did that in the past if i remember correctly but it was never 'a thing'
[2023/04/29 10:37] Tor Karlsvalt: /me raises hand.
[2023/04/29 10:37] Leslie Allandale: That would streamline the meetings.
[2023/04/29 10:37] Leslie Allandale: Tor.
[2023/04/29 10:38] Tor Karlsvalt: I was just wondering why you want the RA to 'recognize' how you do business. Sort of opening the door a crack.
[2023/04/29 10:38] Tor Karlsvalt: LUC has it's charter.
[2023/04/29 10:39] Tor Karlsvalt: I imagine RA should step in if things got our of control or somehting, but why invite them?
[2023/04/29 10:39] Leslie Allandale: I agree, but think it being structure would guide the process.
[2023/04/29 10:40] Leslie Allandale: Good point , Tor.
[2023/04/29 10:40] Leslie Allandale: I was just being pro-active.
[2023/04/29 10:41] Sandy Burgess: I don't see the need to regulate things that are running well. If they get out of hand there may be need for this but regulating the current working process might be restricting some future working mode
[2023/04/29 10:41] Tor Karlsvalt: /me nods
[2023/04/29 10:41] Leslie Allandale: good.
[2023/04/29 10:41] Mizou Vavoom: /me nods
[2023/04/29 10:42] Mizou Vavoom: /me raises hand
[2023/04/29 10:42] Sandy Burgess: And at the moment the RA is off the LUCs tail. "Don't wake sleeping dogs" as we say in Germany
[2023/04/29 10:42] Leslie Allandale: then we can move on. I appreciate your support.
[2023/04/29 10:43] Leslie Allandale: Next meeting?
[2023/04/29 10:43] Sandy Burgess: /me pulls out her calendar
[2023/04/29 10:44] Leslie Allandale: Any time is good for me.
[2023/04/29 10:44] Rosie Gray: /me also pulls out the calendar
[2023/04/29 10:45] Mizou Vavoom: 27 may?
[2023/04/29 10:45] Sandy Burgess: ok
[2023/04/29 10:45] Rosie Gray: I have an RL meeting that morning
[2023/04/29 10:45] Rosie Gray: how about the 28th?
[2023/04/29 10:45] Mizou Vavoom: 22 may?
[2023/04/29 10:45] Mizou Vavoom: the sunday?
[2023/04/29 10:46] Rosie Gray: yes
[2023/04/29 10:46] Rosie Gray: Sudane can only do weekends
[2023/04/29 10:46] Mizou Vavoom: ok so far nothing on
[2023/04/29 10:46] Mizou Vavoom: i really need to go to my class in BB
[2023/04/29 10:46] Leslie Allandale: Yes. 9:30?
[2023/04/29 10:46] Mizou Vavoom: yes 9:30
[2023/04/29 10:46] Rosie Gray: sure
[2023/04/29 10:47] Leslie Allandale: adjourn?
[2023/04/29 10:47] Sandy Burgess: 22 is Monday
[2023/04/29 10:47] Mizou Vavoom: sorry ladies and gents but i have to go
[2023/04/29 10:47] Tor Karlsvalt: Me too
[2023/04/29 10:47] Sandy Burgess: See you tomorrow Mizoe
[2023/04/29 10:47] Sandy Burgess: Mizou
[2023/04/29 10:47] Mizou Vavoom: see you tomorrow Sandy
[2023/04/29 10:47] Tor Karlsvalt: see you all soon
[2023/04/29 10:47] Rosie Gray: 28th I thought we were talking about
[2023/04/29 10:47] Leslie Allandale: ta, Mizou.

'Egidius, waer bestu bleven, mi lanct na di, gheselle mijn. Du coors die doot, du liets mi tleven. Dat was gheselscap, goet ende fijn.'
Gruuthuuse-handschrift -circa 1400
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