Minutes RA Meeting May 18, 2024

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jerry McNally
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
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Minutes RA Meeting May 18, 2024

Post by Jerry McNally »

Representative Assembly Meeting
Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 11:00 SLT

Attending: Almut Brunswick, Jerry McNally, Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane, Rosie Gray
Also attending: Agatha Macbeth, Anjoux Landau Herbit, Gwyneth Llewelyn, Radioactive Rosca, Lilith Ivory

1 Administrative Business

1.1 Approval of the Agenda
The published agenda was renumbered following the identification of a minor error. Motion to approve the agenda as renumbered. Rosie 1st, Kyoko 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

1.2 Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Eighth RA Meeting on May 4, 2024
Motion to approve the minutes as presented. Rosie 1st, Kyoko 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

2 Old Business

2.1 RA-20240413-5.1: LRA to review CDSL 34-02 Transparent Region Development Act
In line with the dissolving of the Land Use Commission and the establishing of the Artisan Guild as a government body, an amendment to CDSL 34-02 Transparent Region Development Act was proposed. Motion to amend CDSL 34-02 Transparent Region Development Act as follows: "3) The Artisan Guild (AG) reviews the regions on a regular basis and finds areas that need attention for upgrades or changes. If changes are small they may recommend them to the Chancellor directly. If important changes are being recommended (see item 2 above), then the AG creates a proposal and presents it to the Chancellor and the Representative Assembly (RA) and posts to the forum for a minimum of 10 days for public comment. If the Chancellor agrees to the changes, the Chancellor assigns the work to a CDS Artisan Guild or a member of the Executive team." Rosie 1st, Almut 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

3 New Business

3.1 RA-20240504-1.3: LRA to propose an amended Chancellor Election Act in the Forum, that will then be voted on at the next Assembly meeting
Following the identification of an issue with Tor's candidacy for next term's Chancellorship, which would be his third in a row, various adjustments to the CDSL 13-05 Chancellor Election Act were debated.

Motion to amend paragraph 1 of CDSL 13-05 Chancellor Election Act as follows: "1) Chancellors are elected for a 6-month term and can hold at most two contested terms in succession. This preserves interest in serving as Chancellor, and allows an existing incumbent to continue to sit if uncontested." Almut 1st, Rosie 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

Motion to amend paragraph 8 of CDSL 13-05 Chancellor Election Act as follows: "8) In the event that the elected Chancellor resigns after less than half the term, a new Chancellor who fills in shall finish that term. This new Chancellor can be either the candidate with the second most votes or a by-elected citizen. After this term, this citizen is granted to become regular candidate for Chancellorship under the same conditions like any other citizen in good standing." Rosie 1st, Almut 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

4 Adjourn

Adjourned at 12:06 SLT.



  • RA-20240518-2.1: RA Archivist to submit new version of CDSL 34-02 Transparent Region Development Act to the Scientific Council and upload to CDS website

  • RA-20240518-3.1 RA Archivist to submit new version of CDSL 13-05 Chancellor Election Act to the Scientific Council and upload to CDS website

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