CDS Artisan Guild
Saturday, August 31, 2024
10:00 SLT, Neufreistadt School
Artisans attending: Rosie, Sudane, Moon, Tor, Delia
Also attending: Agatha Macbeth, Cathy Sabre
1) Approve the Agenda
Motion to accept the Agenda. Sudane 1st, Moon 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.
2) Approve the previous meeting Minutes
Motion to accept the Minutes. Sudane 1st, Moon 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.
3) Old Business:
3.1. Historical signs (Rosie)
Nothing new to report.
3.2 Cable car connecting the lower parts (Colonia Nova or Locus Amoenus) with Neufreistadt or Friedsee. (Sandy)
Tabled until Sandy can attend.
3.3 Sim Improvements updates.
New items were added by Sudane and others to the planning spreadsheet. The attending members discussed items on the sheet including:
how to manage Archie's inventory, requirements for newly purchased items for group management, terrain textures, the old amphitheatre replacement and more.
Sudane and Rosie offered to help build the proposed new developments for CN that Moon has designed.
Designs for updating the southeast city quadrant of Colonia Nova, and the Garden of Peace current parcels have yet to be presented to the citizens and approved by the Chancellor before they can be placed.
3.4 Neufreistadt street signs (Almut)
Tabled for when Almut can attend.
4) New Business:
Bots for more engaging visitor contact.
Next Meeting: August 31, 2024, 10:00 am slt
Adjournment: 12:10 pm, slt.