CDS Artisan Guild
Saturday, January 11, 2025
10:00 SLT, Neufreistadt School
Attending: Rosie Gray, Tor Karlsvalt, Almut Brunswick, Sudane Erato, Mizou Vavoom, Moon Adamant
Also attending: Barbara Collazo, Camie Rembrandt, Tori Landau
Meeting called to order at 10:06 am slt
1) Approve the Agenda
Motion to approve the Agenda. Sudane 1st, Almut 2nd, all in favour, motion carried
2) Approve the previous meeting Minutes
Unfortunately there are no previous Minutes for the last two meetings as we do not have a Secretary. Rosie promises to try and do Minutes for this meeting.
Motion to bring item #4 up for discussion before the Old Business. Rosie 1st, Sudane 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.
4) New Business:
4.1 Discussion: PBR and EEP. Settings for environments and creating policies around using them. Special guest: Barbara Collazo
Barbara teaches at Happy Hippo on how to use PBR and EEPs from a photographer's perspective and has scoured SL for information and samples. She kindly shared some PBR EEPs with the group.
There was a discussion about when it would be appropriate to start using PBR terrain, given that there are still a lot of people not upgrading to the PBR enabled viewers. There was also discussion around the HDRI lighting models. Barbara provided a link to some PBR-EEP collections on MP here: ... t/25626640
Rosie put one of the PBR-EEPs, Saberhagen AP1 HDRiMatch environment, onto the NFS School parcel as an experiment so that everyone could see the difference in lighting. It made quite a difference especially on the water.
A question remains about PBR-EEPs and if someone who is not using a PBR enabled viewer will see the water as white or if there is a fallback that they will see.
More information is still required before we will fully understand PBR-EEPs and HDRI for terrain and environments.
There was a suggestion that came up again to do a survey on which viewers people are using.
3) Old Business:
3.1. Cable car connecting the lower parts (Colonia Nova or Locus Amoenus) with Neufreistadt or Friedsee.
Mizou updated the group on the status of the pylons which are designed but she was still working on the materials for it. The cabin still requires the metal part that links to the wires, and there is a mock-up available to look at in CN.
There was discussion on where and how the cable-car would terminate in Neufreistadt and in Colonia Nova.
Almut suggested using a second texture to make the door to the cable-car open and close.
The group made a field-trip to the junction of the bridge and platz in NFS, as this was suggested by Sudane as to where the car should arrive. The plaza could be build out/adjusted for this. Moon can adjust the bridge as necessary.
Sudane volunteered to create the departure and arrival platforms for the cable-car. The car can go back and forth, rather than making any turns at arrival. Almut made some suggestions as to how the car could make a 90° turn.
Rosie pointed out that the proposed route at NFS would mean that the cables interfere with Cathy's oak tree, and wondered what she would think of that.
Moon pointed out that another possible point of arrival would be the Paragliding rock.
It was agreed that more discussion was needed including with Sandy re scripting, and Almut needs to expand on her solution.
Since most people had to leave the rest of the Agenda is tabled for the next meeting.
3.2 Sim Improvements: See Google spreadsheet here.
3.3 Neufreistadt street signs (Almut)
5) Other items:
Next Meeting: TBA
Adjournment: 12:24 pm