Transcript, RA Meeting, January 26, 2025

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Cathy Sabre
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Transcript, RA Meeting, January 26, 2025

Post by Cathy Sabre »

[12:05] Jerry McNally: Welcome everyone to another meeting of the RA!
[12:05] Jerry McNally: The agenda is in the blue cube thing and online at viewtopic.php?t=10819
[12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: Super to be here.
[12:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 👏
[12:06] Jerry McNally: Super to have you here Tor!
[12:06] Almut Brunswick: even in due time
[12:06] Camie Rembrandt: Hello everyone!
[12:06] Rosie Gray: hi Camie
[12:06] Jerry McNally: Item 1, Welcome and Apologies
[12:06] Almut Brunswick: Hello Camie
[12:06] Mizou Vavoom: hi Camie
[12:06] Jerry McNally: Hi Camie, welcome!
[12:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Welcome Camie!
[12:06] Moon Adamant: hi Camie ㋡
[12:06] Ais Aeon: Apologies are always welcome I guess ;)
[12:07] Jerry McNally: I've not received any apologies from missing members of the RA, as we're all here!
[12:07] Moon Adamant: (and all newcomers, was afk for a minute myself!)
[12:08] Tor Karlsvalt turns his draw down so he can type.
[12:08] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): I so Propose
[12:08] Jerry McNally: Hopefully we've had a chance to check it out and can approve it?
[12:08] Jerry McNally: A second please?
[12:08] Almut Brunswick: Second
[12:08] Rosie Gray: you only need to see us right now, Tor ㋡
[12:08] Jerry McNally: Thanks Almut
[12:08] Jerry McNally: votes please
[12:09] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Aye
[12:09] Cathy Sabre: Aye
[12:09] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[12:09] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[12:09] Sandy Burgess: aye
[12:09] Jerry McNally: Aye
[12:09] Jerry McNally: thanks all
[12:09] Jerry McNally: 2.2 Review and Approval of the Minutes of RA Meeting January 4, 2025: viewtopic.php?t=10810
[12:09] Jerry McNally: Can I just start with an apology of my own
[12:09] Cathy Sabre: sure
[12:10] Jerry McNally: I sent our Archivist some notes for the minutes, and these had the wrong date for the next (this) meeting, sorry about that#
[12:10] Jerry McNally: more haste less speed next time
[12:10] Almut Brunswick: There was some confusion about the date of today's meeting. So I "falsified" the date in the Google calendar, too
[12:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: uh oh
[12:10] Jerry McNally: but we're all here now, so that's the main thing
[12:11] Almut Brunswick: Yes!
[12:11] Tor Karlsvalt thinks he might have noticed it moved.
[12:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn takes notes about the mnutes having been falsified
[12:11] Sudane Erato: hehe
[12:11] Jerry McNally: so other than that, can we approve the minutes otherwise?
[12:11] Tor Karlsvalt where's she who will not be named when you need her?
[12:12] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Mark corrections necessary
[12:12] Cathy Sabre: Here,Tor
[12:12] Indy Melody is offline.
[12:12] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): sorry I meant were any corrections necessary?
[12:13] Jerry McNally: not to the body of the minutes Anj, just to the date of this meeting
[12:13] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Oh fine thenI so Propose
[12:13] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): I so Propose
[12:13] Jerry McNally: thanks Anj
[12:13] Almut Brunswick: I second Anj
[12:13] Jerry McNally: Thanks Almut
[12:13] Jerry McNally: votes then, please
[12:13] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Aye
[12:13] Sandy Burgess: I aye
[12:13] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[12:13] Jerry McNally: Cathy?
[12:14] Cathy Sabre: aye
[12:14] Jerry McNally: super, Aye from me too
[12:14] Jerry McNally: Thanks everyone
[12:14] Jerry McNally: So, on to 3 Executive Report from Tor
[12:14] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[12:14] Jerry McNally: can we have this in two parts please?
[12:14] Jerry McNally: A general, then the budget?
[12:14] Jerry McNally: 3.1 General update, including update on RA/Exec tour of Grumpy Harbor: Grumphmunch (186,164,23)
[12:14] Tor Karlsvalt: Sure, no problem.
[12:15] Tor Karlsvalt: Thank you Mr. LRA and members,
[12:15] Tor Karlsvalt: As you mentioned the budget posted and in the agenda.
[12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: Otherwise winter has been off to farily good start. We holld pretty close to rencent levels of citizens.
[12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: We had a super skating party that was well atteded.
[12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: I have arranged to have a cruise party on Feb 2nd at Grumpy Harbor.
[12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: As you know, Moon and Rosie have placed some really nice additions to CN.
[12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: Things look good community wise.
[12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: We went on a field trip yesterday to Grumpy Harbor, our joint project with SLNE.
[12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: Had a good turn out, lots of good questions and real interest.
[12:19] Jerry McNally: the beginnings of a great project
[12:19] Tor Karlsvalt: Naturally, we worked to get it set up quickly.
[12:19] Tor Karlsvalt: I am sure things will evolve from here.
[12:19] Tor Karlsvalt: But interest seems good.
[12:20] Tor Karlsvalt: I think it will be a good way to get the CDS noticed and out there in the wider SL. Hopefully spur some citizenship in the CDS.
[12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: Cathy has graciously offered to have and event that will be our Q&A.
[12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: We have it tentatively on the calendar. The date escapes me atm. I imagine members of Government can be early or late at the event in case questions spill over.
[12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: OK thats about it for highlights.
[12:22] Jerry McNally: super, thanks Tor
[12:22] Moon Adamant: (For the record, Sudane and Rosie placed the very nice additions to Colonia Nova!)
[12:22] Jerry McNally: any questions for Tor about any of that?
[12:22] Sudane Erato: Designed by Moon :)
[12:23] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[12:23] Camie Rembrandt: Love my new place :D
[12:23] Tor Karlsvalt: Sorry I had that wrong. lol
[12:23] Moon Adamant: and I love mine <3
[12:23] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): No questions here
[12:23] Jerry McNally: The Grumpy harbour seemed to be full of potential for things like MoCA projects and so on
[12:23] Tor Karlsvalt: They are a real improvement
[12:24] Tori Landau is online.
[12:24] Camie Rembrandt waves to neighbor Moon
[12:24] Sandy Burgess: I like that new house too even though I had no time yet to set it up ... moving too many houses atm
[12:24] Moon Adamant waves back to Camie ㋡
[12:24] Jerry McNally: and there was talk at the tour of using it as a start/end of sailing tours or something?
[12:24] Sandy Burgess: We should have a permanent stamp there once the event stamp expires
[12:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn: mm hmm
[12:24] Moon Adamant: (and to new neighbour Sandy too ㋡
[12:25] Camie Rembrandt waves to neighbor Sandy :)
[12:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn wonders how many neighbours Moon has
[12:25] Tor Karlsvalt is glad he's not a billionaire in RL. He'd have too many houses. Or a cot in the Oval Office
[12:25] Moon Adamant: :D
[12:25] Jerry McNally: Is there anything the Exec needs from the RA at this point regarding the Grumpy project?
[12:25] Almut Brunswick: and weird buddies like Elon
[12:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Jerry: Money! Lots!
[12:25] Almut Brunswick raises a hand
[12:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn giggles
[12:26] Jerry McNally: Almut please
[12:26] Camie Rembrandt: Tor meme bitcoin?
[12:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn chuckles
[12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: Not really Jerry. As you know I am seeing Grumpy as a PR expense. That is in the budget.
[12:26] Jerry McNally: ok thanks Tor
[12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL, @bitcoin.
[12:26] Almut Brunswick: I think Sudane has explained it very well how the outpost will be shared 1:1 between CDS and SLNE.
[12:26] Almut Brunswick: Would it be a good idea to be present on the LCC event to make some advertisement?
[12:27] Sudane Erato: Yes!
[12:27] KleinPhoenix is online.
[12:27] Tor Karlsvalt: Of for sure. I know I will probably sail it and attend the party.
[12:27] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL, I can take passengers.
[12:27] Ais Aeon: "It is a PR world"
[12:27] KleinPhoenix is offline.
[12:27] Almut Brunswick: And the next question is if this region will become somehow a territorial part with a representant in the RA. Done
[12:27] Moon Adamant: I am planning to be at the land part of the event
[12:27] Jerry McNally: Could you explain what the LCC event is please?
[12:27] Tor Karlsvalt: I have a sail with a CDS Logo
[12:27] Tor Karlsvalt: Sure
[12:28] Tor Karlsvalt: The Leeward Cruise Club runs long cruises in SL>
[12:28] Tor Karlsvalt: They typically start at one point and go across many regions.
[12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: The use outposts as stat points and end points
[12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: There is a large party at the end point
[12:29] Jerry McNally: Sounds great!
[12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: They supply the DJ who plays throughout the cruise
[12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: These events last hours.
[12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: The cruise itself is usually more than an hour
[12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: Often these are attened by merfolk as well
[12:30] Almut Brunswick raises her hand again.
[12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: Indeed, Grumpy might be a great place for the merfolk.
[12:31] Jerry McNally: it's a strange world indeed
[12:31] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): You I believed almight asked about ra representation for the output outpost at grumpy
[12:31] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Almut*
[12:32] Tor Karlsvalt: Good Idea Anj.
[12:32] Jerry McNally waits for Almut to finish typing
[12:32] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Not my idea - Almuts
[12:32] Tor Karlsvalt: We have a CDS exhibit there, but we can place some presentation on how we are governed.
[12:32] Almut Brunswick: Yesterday, my SL sister Vincenza has attended our field trip. She is a sailing novice, and her sailing school is not far from Grumpy Harbor. She made the proposal to add a public rez spot on a reasonable place with auto-return, and to establish something that makes the place attractive to not-so-experienced sailors. I think these are valid points and good proposals. Done.
[12:33] Jerry McNally: Thanks Almut
[12:33] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 👏
[12:33] Jerry McNally: I'm sure the Exec would take that on board
[12:33] Moon Adamant noted down Vincenza's suggestions ㋡
[12:33] Tor Karlsvalt: We will place a free boat. The one that is at most harbors. That is good for novices who don't have a boat.
[12:33] Rosie Gray: but it's already set that way
[12:34] Sudane Erato: For the record, the entire parcel is a public rez spot
[12:34] Almut Brunswick: Vince said her hammer icon was greyed out all the time
[12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: I think Vincenza suggested some short cruises with wayponts in a vendor
[12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: We can do that.
[12:34] Almut Brunswick: Yes, Tor
[12:34] Rosie Gray thinks perhaps it was a matter of lag for Vincenza
[12:35] Moon Adamant: still, maybe we can place a Rez Your Boat Here sign as people may expect one
[12:35] Tor Karlsvalt: There are several great landmarks an easy sail from Grumpy. The Leviathan skeleton is one. Also Nautilus would be easy to reach.
[12:35] Sudane Erato: agree w Moon
[12:35] Tor Karlsvalt: I could come up with those.
[12:35] Almut Brunswick: Yes, Moon, something underwater and what can be seen on the map
[12:36] Camie Rembrandt: Big storm over the house atm. If I disappear = no power.
[12:36] Tor Karlsvalt: We have a sky sign already, but it is more of a placeholder atm
[12:36] Moon Adamant thinks about a Free Sail sky sign
[12:36] Rosie Gray: ooo, be safe, Camie
[12:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: uh oh — fingers crossed, Camie!
[12:36] Camie Rembrandt: ty, Gwyn :)
[12:36] Moon Adamant: Camie, fingers crossed!
[12:36] Ais Aeon: Stay safe, keep candles handy in case of a storm like that
[12:36] Jerry McNally: in terms of representation, I wouldn't expect renting a slip there would grant CDS citizenship? Or am I wrong?
[12:36] Almut Brunswick: Hence my question, Jerry
[12:36] Camie Rembrandt: TY Moon, Ais
[12:37] Tor Karlsvalt: Right Jerry
[12:37] Sudane Erato: Jerry correct
[12:37] Sudane Erato: its not CDS territory...
[12:37] Jerry McNally: so the representation question doesn't apply then?
[12:37] Jerry McNally: that makes things simple
[12:37] Sudane Erato: only a project that CDS is participating in for PR benefit
[12:37] Tor Karlsvalt: We are trying to keep Grumpy as more of an extra territorial outpost. :)
[12:37] Jerry McNally: yep, that's what I thought
[12:37] Camie Rembrandt: A real colony :D
[12:38] Tor Karlsvalt forgets Almut's word.
[12:38] Camie Rembrandt: Empire! :))
[12:38] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL
[12:38] Sandy Burgess: Lets make CDS great again
[12:38] Rosie Gray: hmmm
[12:38] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): so there will be no CDs residents who are resident at grumpy
[12:38] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm
[12:38] Almut Brunswick: Schutzgebiet, Tor!
[12:38] Camie Rembrandt: LOL
[12:38] Tor Karlsvalt pours a scotch
[12:38] Camie Rembrandt looks for the vodka
[12:38] Sudane Erato: Anj, CDS citizens are welcome to rent at Grumpy!
[12:38] Tor Karlsvalt: Shutzgebiet.
[12:39] Sandy Burgess looks for a strong smoke
[12:39] Almut Brunswick: Sch-
[12:39] Moon Adamant: exactly!
[12:39] Sandy Burgess: Schutzgebiet
[12:39] Camie Rembrandt: Yes!
[12:39] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[12:39] Almut Brunswick: :)
[12:39] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): ? Confused sorry we are saying that grumpy is not CDs territory
[12:39] Ais Aeon: What's the theme at Grumpy? New England 1970s?
[12:39] Tor Karlsvalt: I'll try to study that word
[12:39] Almut Brunswick: hahaha Ais, but good idea!
[12:39] Tor Karlsvalt: Right Anj, it isn't technically.
[12:40] Moon Adamant: Ais, we looked into coastal cities in Normandy
[12:40] Almut Brunswick: Schutzgebiet is simply "protected area"
[12:40] Jerry McNally: Grumpy is not CDS territory Anj, just an advertising project
[12:40] Tor Karlsvalt: Ok, Oona Aurelia, a good friend, owned this parcel.
[12:40] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): But we pay half the rental?
[12:40] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): tierr
[12:40] Tor Karlsvalt: She was taking a break from SL and offered it to us for use by CDS and SLNE.
[12:40] Camie Rembrandt: LOL Anjoux
[12:40] Moon Adamant: as we wanted to build very fast, so needed to use a mix of buildings from all over CDS
[12:40] Tor Karlsvalt: Sudane took posession of it
[12:41] Sudane Erato: Anj, yes. But we collect rentals to lower the costs for the two estates
[12:41] Tor Karlsvalt: However we figure it will cost her an extra 120 USD to hold it
[12:41] Camie Rembrandt: So Grumpy is now possessed? ;)
[12:41] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes, reason for the rental is to lower the cost to our estates.
[12:41] Sudane Erato: If I get zero income from Grumpy, the 2 estates must share the full cost
[12:41] Sudane Erato: exactly
[12:42] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Sorry to ask these questions but the budget as I am sure we will get too shortly is showing short for seems it might be a larger amount to spend
[12:42] Sudane Erato: but if I can collect rental income, the CDS cost lowers
[12:42] Tor Karlsvalt: Well I a not spending on VCR radio this term
[12:42] Jerry McNally: perhaps now would be a good time to move to 3.2 Discussion on Budget proposal and tier increase recommendation: viewtopic.php?t=10818
[12:42] Sudane Erato: If Grumpy can collect a full US$120 in rentals, CDS cost is zero
[12:42] Tor Karlsvalt: And Grumpy might cost us little or nothing with rents
[12:42] Camie Rembrandt is going to Grumpy and rent something after this meeting.
[12:43] Tor Karlsvalt: Right, what she said.
[12:43] Moon Adamant: yay!
[12:43] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[12:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aw. So that means that VCR is really not streaming to non US/UK/Canada sites?
[12:43] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): for just advertisingmy question to is we'll CDs citizens rent there given they will have no CDs representation
[12:43] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): or 3DS standing
[12:43] Sammie Asp is online.
[12:43] Camie Rembrandt: Booo! No taxation without representation. lol
[12:43] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, people have complained that VCR is not being heard by euros.
[12:44] Jerry McNally: VCR?
[12:44] Ais Aeon: "Taxation with no representation"? Sounds good on paper, but it led to some big bad outcomes in the past. Just sayin'
[12:44] Sudane Erato: Anj, CDS citizens often rent in addition parcels in many parts of SL
[12:44] Tor Karlsvalt: Not to mention they went dark on us for days.
[12:44] Tor Karlsvalt: Virtural Community Radio
[12:44] Moon Adamant: about VCR Radio: people in EU cannot hear it anymore, tested in Portugal and a SL resident in France couldn't hear it either
[12:44] Jerry McNally: ok thanks
[12:44] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): one okay so again thanks for the info I'm just doing due diligence on the budget
[12:44] Sudane Erato: some CDS citizens rent in New England :)
[12:44] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): I have other questions too
[12:45] Tor Karlsvalt: My old standby had been Radio Nightengale.
[12:45] Ais Aeon: VCR unavailable here as well.
[12:45] Jerry McNally: so is the question - what can SL users who only rent in Grumpy expect from the CDS, if anything? My answer is nothing?
[12:45] Camie Rembrandt: Grumpy, the last frontier... :)
[12:45] Sudane Erato: Jerry, correct
[12:45] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): yes thank you Jerry
[12:45] Rosie Gray: correct, Jerry
[12:45] Sudane Erato: nothing
[12:45] Jerry McNally: sorted
[12:45] Sudane Erato: and very pleasant place
[12:45] Tor Karlsvalt: Well, I think they can expect to be notified of our events and active community.
[12:45] Moon Adamant: well, we are planning to integrate Grumpy events into teh CDS events
[12:45] Camie Rembrandt: So Puerto Rico?
[12:46] Sandy Burgess: The horse boxes are also rentals that do not grant citizenship
[12:46] Camie Rembrandt: :)
[12:46] Moon Adamant: events' planning, that is
[12:46] Jerry McNally: good point Sandy
[12:46] Rosie Gray: right, Sandy
[12:46] Tor Karlsvalt: LOL, I will not toss them paper towels
[12:46] Almut Brunswick: Or if so, just for the horses.
[12:46] Ais Aeon: "So Puerto Rico?" - you mean the taxation with no representation part? Kinda sorta. Also Guam
[12:46] Sandy Burgess: Lol Almut
[12:46] Jerry McNally: ok ok, can we wrap this up and move on soon?
[12:46] Camie Rembrandt: Bitcoin, Tor
[12:47] Jerry McNally: I really want to get to 3.2 Discussion on Budget proposal and tier increase recommendation: viewtopic.php?t=10818
[12:47] Tor Karlsvalt: I think CDS citizens can expect from Grumpy a friendly and valiliar place to rezz their boats on the LL waters.
[12:47] Sudane Erato: May I add... PLEASE keep in mind. The sole and primary purpose of Grumpy is as a promotional mechanism for the CDS and SLNE
[12:47] Camie Rembrandt: Yes
[12:47] Tor Karlsvalt: familiar*
[12:47] Sudane Erato: the rentals are PURELY to lower our cost of having that promotional tool
[12:47] Jerry McNally: Yes I thought that was clear Sudane, but perhaps not
[12:47] Camie Rembrandt: Noted
[12:47] Moon Adamant: that being said, its' a very nice place ㋡
[12:48] Camie Rembrandt: LOOOL
[12:48] Tor Karlsvalt: Ideas of having some CDS related events at Grumpy has been floated.
[12:48] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): sorry Jerry I was only raising it after seeing the budget and looking for ways to avoid Tierra tear race is possible
[12:48] Tor Karlsvalt: We have a great exposition space
[12:48] Jerry McNally: no worries Anj, you raised good points
[12:48] Jerry McNally: so Tor, the budget
[12:49] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[12:49] Jerry McNally: would you like to give an overview of your proposal?
[12:49] Tor Karlsvalt: Sure
[12:49] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit) Raises Hand
[12:49] Tor Karlsvalt: Anj first
[12:50] Tor Karlsvalt: Basically, we don't have a lot of leeway in the budget. LL Tier and our web hosting costs are baked in.
[12:50] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): thanks I just wanted to say how criminal it is that Linden Labs charges us for the privilege of paying their t and in addition to it it looks like we have no choice
[12:50] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): but to consider raising tear in my mind
[12:51] Jerry McNally: thanks Anj, noted
[12:51] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): 3.5% on top of tier just to pay them in US dollars
[12:51] Sudane Erato: 5%
[12:51] Tor Karlsvalt: Naturally, the more land we have occupied, the better we are. Citizenship has been fair, but not enough to cover expenses like events, and PR.
[12:51] Tor Karlsvalt: Right, we owe LL conversion fees.
[12:52] Tor Karlsvalt: These are constant issues pointed out in Sudan's reports.
[12:52] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): you would think that given lindens are Linden Labs currency that they would allow
[12:52] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): tear to be paid in their currency
[12:52] Tor Karlsvalt: We have a very good reserve. Almost $9800.
[12:53] Sandy Burgess: That is US$ ?
[12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: LL is likes to charge you going and coming with Lindens.
[12:53] Sudane Erato: yes
[12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: You pay a fee to buy the Lindens.
[12:53] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Done
[12:54] Tor Karlsvalt: and another fee to convet them to USD to pay the tier.
[12:54] Sudane Erato: plus now we must pay local sales tax
[12:54] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, that was a big hit
[12:55] Ais Aeon: That is not great. At leats you don't pay 23 % VAT
[12:55] Tor Karlsvalt: I am thinking if all goes well Grumpy could perhaps even pay a dividend.
[12:55] Tor Karlsvalt: But as you know, sometimes you have to spend money to get money. We need citizens to buy in.
[12:56] Sudane Erato: (Tor is very optimistic)
[12:56] Camie Rembrandt: :)
[12:56] Jerry McNally: Looking at the first tab of the budget, Total Revenue By Terms, it looks like 40th term at $441k was much more successful than 41st at $264k - any reasons for that?
[12:56] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[12:56] Tor Karlsvalt notes that our tour resulted in a Grump resident
[12:57] Tor Karlsvalt: Winter/Summer
[12:57] Tor Karlsvalt: Often we get winter lovers on the mountain
[12:58] Tor Karlsvalt: I know we have several already. Old returning members who come for winter,
[12:58] Camie Rembrandt wants to be a Grumpy; wonders if there's a group she can join.
[12:58] Jerry McNally: the total revenue from the 36th to the 41st term looked pretty steady, but that 40th term stands out a little
[12:58] Tor Karlsvalt: yeah, those were some rough calculations I was making to get my head around this stuff.
[12:58] Ais Aeon: Also, people in RL winter in the northern hemisphere have more time to spend online.
[12:58] Moon Adamant: ongoing sales analysis for teh last handful of terms shows that winter term sales are stronger than summer term
[12:59] Tor Karlsvalt: Keep in mind tho, we often ran loses even during those terms.
[12:59] Tor Karlsvalt: This isn't a new problem.
[12:59] Tor Karlsvalt: Also, CDS does very welll with events We are blessed with number of great DJs who work for tips basically.
[13:00] Tor Karlsvalt: Please remember to tip them
[13:00] Moon Adamant: yes!
[13:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hear, hear!
[13:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 👏
[13:00] Sudane Erato: yes!
[13:00] Ais Aeon: Aye
[13:00] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): I don't think there's much room in a budget for saving any more without considerable consequential cost question is if the proposed to present rise enough and if it's likely that we will need to raise tier again next term if so mighty be better to make a slightly larger Rice now to buffer us from an incoming term
[13:01] Tor Karlsvalt: And we really want this place to be a community and not a business.
[13:01] Jerry McNally: ok so the recommendation from the Chancellor in the budget proposal is that CDS raise tier at least 2% this term - thoughts on that from anyone?
[13:01] Tor Karlsvalt: Se don't eant to make a profit.
[13:01] Jerry McNally: when was the last time it was raised?
[13:01] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): you see my comment above please Jerry
[13:01] Tor Karlsvalt: Also, I think we need to look at this from year to year.
[13:02] Jerry McNally: yes Anj
[13:02] Sudane Erato: Jerry, other than the sales tax raise, it was a VERY llong time ago
[13:02] Jerry McNally: it sounds like a raise is overdue then?
[13:02] Tor Karlsvalt: I am not opposed to a larger incease.
[13:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe Anj — you're not the first one to suggest that
[13:03] Tor Karlsvalt: Well we have, including me, who along with Trebor, worked to reduce our tier in the distant past.
[13:03] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): well it's just that if we want to record of Raising here very infrequently then we need to consider the amount of tear increase to prolong that position
[13:03] Jerry McNally: any comments from other RA members? Or from anyone else here?
[13:03] Tor Karlsvalt: We have never wanted to raise tier. Sort of a necessary evil imo
[13:04] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): I'm thinking about a little more pain now for far less pain later
[13:04] Sudane Erato: My suugestion is that we keep rises very low but also have the mindset to rise the tier regularly... like every year a very small amount
[13:04] Camie Rembrandt: I agree with Sudane
[13:05] Sudane Erato: this way there is less shock on current residents
[13:05] Jerry McNally: like an annual inflation rate? sounds reasonable
[13:05] Sudane Erato: Jerry, yes
[13:05] Tor Karlsvalt nods
[13:05] Camie Rembrandt: exactly
[13:05] Tor Karlsvalt: RA needs to look at this yearly.
[13:05] Candy Azure is online.
[13:06] Tor Karlsvalt: Mind we have a good reserve, but at some point there will be a bottom to that if tier isn't addressed.
[13:06] Jerry McNally: I'm tempted to take the silence behind me (Anj notwithstanding) as consent to consider a raise now of 2%, with a view to keep this on the agenda for this time next year
[13:07] Sudane Erato: May I make a somewhat longer comment?
[13:07] Jerry McNally: sure
[13:07] Tor Karlsvalt: And the reserve keeps us nimble when opportunities arise.
[13:07] Sudane Erato: As your Treasure, I urge you sometime to look at the monthly report, and in partcular the page which shows All Time Cash Balance
[13:08] Sudane Erato: you will see when you look
[13:08] Sudane Erato: that the cash balance has been somewhat steady for the past 10 years
[13:08] Sudane Erato: BUT
[13:08] Jerry McNally: ... r/reports/
[13:08] Sudane Erato: it is drifting downward
[13:08] Sudane Erato: if left unattended
[13:09] Sudane Erato: it will drift to zero
[13:09] Sudane Erato: our purpose here
[13:09] Sudane Erato: is to reverse that drift
[13:09] Tor Karlsvalt I will compile a spreadsheet with the balances on one tab of my budget sheet
[13:09] Sudane Erato: and perhaps create the conditions where it drifts ever so slightly upward
[13:09] Sudane Erato: craeting a very slow GROWTH in the cash balance
[13:10] Sudane Erato: this i consider our best and healithest goal
[13:10] Sudane Erato: and that's why I suggest a small annual growth
[13:10] Sudane Erato: whweich we can reevaluate each year
[13:10] Sudane Erato: and even pause if we find growth going too fast
[13:11] Sudane Erato: we do NOT need to be RICH
[13:11] Tor Karlsvalt notes when I was first chancellor the law required us to put money in the reserve. One reason our reserve got large. At the time I thought that was a burden .
[13:11] Sudane Erato: we simply need to be responsibly safe
[13:11] Sudane Erato: Done
[13:11] Camie Rembrandt: 👏👏👏
[13:11] Tor Karlsvalt: /appl
[13:11] Jerry McNally: thanks Sudane, that all sounds very reasonable and appropriate
[13:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 👏
[13:12] Jerry McNally: in terms of the mechanics of this, then
[13:12] Jerry McNally: if we - the RA - approve this budget, will that tie in the 2% increase, or do we have to vote on that separately?
[13:13] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes
[13:13] Tor Karlsvalt: I think so.
[13:13] Jerry McNally: and I know we can't vote on the budget directly at this meeting as it needs to be on the forum for 7 days first
[13:13] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): ton which lol
[13:13] Tor Karlsvalt: You might actually need a comment period
[13:14] Jerry McNally: well the comment period will be between now and the next RA meeting, when we can formally accept the budget
[13:14] Tor Karlsvalt nods
[13:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sounds reasonable to me!
[13:14] Jerry McNally: can i ask other RA members for their input here? Are they minded to accept this budget and the 2% increase?
[13:14] Tor Karlsvalt: Perhaps we can enter a motion now
[13:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn fumbles for her 'No taxation without representation' sign
[13:15] Almut Brunswick: I would suggest to vote right now when it is supported by the others.
[13:15] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Aye to the rise, but ay to the amount
[13:15] Camie Rembrandt looks for the flag of Guam, sorry Grumpy
[13:15] Sandy Burgess: As the tier here in CDS is one of the lowest I have encountered in SL I think a small increase is reasonable. - We do not want to run into financial problems
[13:15] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Nay**
[13:16] Jerry McNally: thanks. Cathy, any comment?
[13:16] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): it can ask a question
[13:17] Jerry McNally: one moment Anj
[13:17] Cathy Sabre: Tier is cheaper on the mainland, and some estates, but weneed to balance the books.
[13:17] Jerry McNally: thanks Cathy
[13:17] Jerry McNally: did you have a question Anj?
[13:18] Ais Aeon: There are land barons who rent homestead parcels cheaper than homestead parcels on Friedsee. Not a criticism mind you, but just stating the facts.
[13:18] Ais Aeon: Land barons benefit from the economy of scale of course.
[13:18] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): syes a simple and short one- hopefully it does the proposed percentage raise take into account a varying or maybe even falling populations or are we going to see more Rises in the immediate future if the population Falls
[13:18] Tor Karlsvalt: Yes, I suspect LL gives them a break.
[13:19] Jerry McNally: my view Anj would be that a commitment from us to look at this raise annually would take the rising and falling populations into account
[13:19] Sudane Erato: Anj, as I said, I would support reviewing the rate annually with an eye to a continuing small annual increase... but NOT varying from that schedule
[13:20] Tor Karlsvalt: i suppose for us it is always a political issue. We have not lost any regions while many of ou friends have closed or cut back
[13:20] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): okay I'll just didn't want to see us as turning from a community which races here almost never to one which could be described in the future as always rating tier
[13:20] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): does 2% cover it
[13:20] Tor Karlsvalt: We have maintained a healthy reserve to weather our downturns
[13:20] Nikki (nikkibabbee) is online.
[13:20] Jerry McNally: 2% this year, maybe 2% next year, and so on and so on
[13:21] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): so moving to and always Rising
[13:21] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): model
[13:21] Moon Adamant: I'd like to add that increased sales may decrease further rises in tier too
[13:21] Ais Aeon: I'm gonna put on my Poor People's Campaign historic bade. Just sayin' ;)
[13:21] Ais Aeon: badge*
[13:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehehehe
[13:21] Sudane Erato: unless the balance raises too fast, in which case we stop
[13:21] Tor Karlsvalt: Well times are rough for a lot of us.
[13:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: sigh
[13:22] Jerry McNally: ok I'm counscious of the time
[13:22] Rosie Gray: try having a Canadian $ converted to US $ for L$
[13:22] Jerry McNally: can I wrap this up by saying
[13:22] Rosie Gray: that's an additional 30%
[13:22] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): okay I'll stop now I think I've asked all the questions that may be
[13:22] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): in folks Minds
[13:22] Tor Karlsvalt: My argument is that we need to shore things up. And we do need to spend. Our method of governance needs the forums and website.
[13:22] Jerry McNally: that we need to have the budget on the forum for 7 days before we can vote on it (Im sure that's right)
[13:23] Tor Karlsvalt: Many estates really don't worry about transcripts and citizen lists and community.
[13:23] Jerry McNally: so let's agree to vote on this at the next meeting, to accept the budget and accept the 2% increase
[13:23] Tor Karlsvalt: Sounds good.
[13:23] Jerry McNally: and to accept the notion that this may be an annual thing
[13:23] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Seconded
[13:24] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): iiosAye
[13:24] Jerry McNally: and if anyone wants to add any comment to that, they do so on the forum
[13:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn nods
[13:24] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): yea
[13:24] Almut Brunswick: Vote?
[13:24] Jerry McNally: it does feel like the forum is being used less for discussion these days, but that's where I would expect any issues to be raised
[13:25] Jerry McNally: we can't vote now Almut as the budget has not been on the forum long enough
[13:25] Jerry McNally: so if that's clear, I'd like to move on
[13:26] Jerry McNally: So, 4 Artisan Guild Report
[13:26] Jerry McNally: perhaps Rosie could give us a quick update?
[13:26] Rosie Gray: yes indeed, Jerry
[13:26] Rosie Gray: the Guild had a meeting last Saturday, Jan 11
[13:27] Rosie Gray: we had a special guest come and speak to us about using PBR EEPs
[13:27] Rosie Gray: Barbara Collazo, a friend of Sandy's I believe, who teaches at Happy Hippo
[13:28] Sandy Burgess: That is correct Rosie
[13:28] Rosie Gray: she gifted us some PBR EEPs, and we are using one of them now on the regions
[13:29] Rosie Gray: we are still unclear as to when would be a good time to switch over to PBR terrain textures, as there are still a lot of people who aren't using the PBR enabled viewers
[13:29] Rosie Gray: then, we moved on to discussing the Cable Car proposal
[13:29] Rosie Gray: Mizou has posted about that on the forum
[13:30] Rosie Gray: we made a 'field trip' to look at one of the ideas of where the cable car could land in NFS
[13:30] Rosie Gray: and, not far from here in CN is the proposed cable car stop for here
[13:31] Rosie Gray: Mizou is still working on some of the mesh for this project, and I believe Sandy is still working on the scripting
[13:31] Mizou Vavoom: hand
[13:32] Rosie Gray: what we really need is another meeting that includes Mizou, Sandy, Almut and Sudane all together, as there is a lot of collaboration required for this project
[13:32] Rosie Gray: and I would encourage anyone living in Colonia Nova, Alpine Meadow, and Neufreistadt to have a look at the proposal and make comments on the forum about it.
[13:32] Rosie Gray: done
[13:32] Sandy Burgess: I have a basic script but it needs to be adjusted to the factual placing. But the last weeks I have been moving house and sick in bed so I have not been involved in the recent developments
[13:33] Rosie Gray: any questions?
[13:33] Mizou Vavoom: The cable car mesh and pylons are complete, also with changes to some textures proposed on the forum
[13:33] Jerry McNally: here's the link viewtopic.php?t=10807
[13:33] Mizou Vavoom: I have a question
[13:34] Jerry McNally: go ahead Mizou
[13:34] Mizou Vavoom: Do we have a road map for the cable car? At th emoment it just goes as far as Mexicana
[13:34] Rosie Gray: Moon has some ideas
[13:35] Mizou Vavoom: in other words i would like to know where to place the pylons
[13:35] Rosie Gray: and yes, the route does need to be decided
[13:35] Almut Brunswick: Of course you need a road map
[13:35] Mizou Vavoom: so that Sandy can do the scripts
[13:35] Almut Brunswick: or more exact: a track network map
[13:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: we need OpenStreetMap for the CDS! lol
[13:35] Moon Adamant: I think that a with pylons already made, they can be placed as a mock-up
[13:36] Rosie Gray: I think that we need to see the pylons in proposed locations in order to really see what affect they will have on the landscape
[13:36] Mizou Vavoom: just the height will need to be adapted for each place
[13:36] Moon Adamant: Rosie is right
[13:37] Jerry McNally: it sounds like the Artisan Guild have some more work to do on this
[13:37] Rosie Gray: yes, Jerry
[13:37] Jerry McNally: perhaps we'll hear more at the next RA meeting?
[13:37] Almut Brunswick: Yes, and when looking at the clock, we should continue.
[13:37] Rosie Gray: and we need to hear from citizens who have concerns about it
[13:37] Jerry McNally: quite right. Any other updates Rosie?
[13:37] Rosie Gray: that's it, Jerry ㋡
[13:37] Jerry McNally: thanks Rosie
[13:38] Sandy Burgess: I need to go to bed really soon - nearly falling asleep.
[13:38] Jerry McNally waits for others to finish typing
[13:38] Mizou Vavoom: same here
[13:38] Moon Adamant: I think the ascent into NFS, specially, needs the mock-up
[13:38] Mizou Vavoom agree
[13:38] Jerry McNally: I like to keep these RA meetings to 1 and a half hours, so I suggest we table 5 Old Business and move to 6 Citizen Concerns
[13:39] Rosie Gray: I will note that Cathy has already commented on the forum that she's not happy with the view
[13:39] Jerry McNally: is that ok with other RA members?
[13:39] Almut Brunswick: Yes, just a quick proposal regarding the workshop date
[13:39] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): aye
[13:39] Sandy Burgess: Ok with me
[13:39] Jerry McNally: go ahead Almut then
[13:39] Almut Brunswick: I suggest to book Februrary 1 for it
[13:40] Almut Brunswick: 10:00 AM maybe
[13:40] Jerry McNally: sounds good
[13:40] Sandy Burgess: What workshop is that?
[13:40] Moon Adamant is glad Sandy asked
[13:40] Sandy Burgess: Feb. 1st is no good for me
[13:40] Almut Brunswick: About the yet open points in the "Universal Election Act"
[13:40] Jerry McNally: sort it out by email then outside this meeting
[13:40] Almut Brunswick: Yes, agreed.
[13:40] Jerry McNally: it relates to 5.1 Update on Review of CDSL 13-05 Chancellor Election Act viewtopic.php?t=10676 and/or all election-related acts Sandy
[13:40] Almut Brunswick: Let's continue.
[13:41] Jerry McNally: Any Citizen Concerns?
[13:41] Ais Aeon: Two
[13:41] Camie Rembrandt: I have two questions as well :)
[13:41] Jerry McNally: Go ahead Ais
[13:41] Ais Aeon: More comments than concers thogh:
[13:41] Jerry McNally: then Camie
[13:41] Ais Aeon: First: I see Friedsee consistently having higher occupation rates than the full sims. Perhaps in the long term increasing the number of homestead sims could help with the budget.
[13:42] Ais Aeon: Second:
I'm not saying I am against balancing the budget, but I want to offer a cautionary tale, perhaps to offer a wider perspective.
There is a region, currently 4 renting sims in total (and 2, mostly decor homestead sims), called the Wastelands. It is a post-apocalyptic region More of a themed community than roleplay. Full of friendly people and cahrming builds. One thing that they were doing though, was many persistent tier increases over time, as well as "unequal" increases with "grandfathered tiers" and older residents allowing to keep their earlier lower tiers..
This led to a decrease in growth, less activity, diision and discontent. Many people left. I still like the community, but I no longer rent there.
o my advice is: think carefully about making tier rises a regular constant feature, instead always consider them with relation to rising costs. Also, raise tiers equally across all parcels and sims, without "grandfathering" or any special concessions.
[13:42] Ais Aeon: That is all from me.
[13:42] Jerry McNally: that is a great point Ais, thanks for that
[13:43] Jerry McNally: I'm sure the Exec would be interested in that perspective
[13:43] Jerry McNally: Camie please?
[13:43] Camie Rembrandt: 1 )I totally agree with Sudane's suggestion and the 2% raise. However, increasing the number of citizens seems equally important. Maybe we could think about ways of attracting new citizens to the CDS. What kind of people are we looking for, and what can we do to make them feel like becoming citizens?
2) Also, are there any CDS posters or other merch that I could add to the Sofonisba Anguissola exhibition gift packs? I'm sending invitations to people I know in the Education community, and some of them might be tempted to join the oldest (and probably the only) democracy in SL.
[13:43] Camie Rembrandt: That's it
[13:44] Jerry McNally: certainly your first point relates directly to the discussions around Grumpy harbour
[13:44] Jerry McNally: and I'm sure the Exec and its team would be more than happy to discuss with you some ideas
[13:44] Camie Rembrandt: Not necessarily, I see a lot of empty lots in CN
[13:44] Moon Adamant: indeed!
[13:45] Sudane Erato: Moon is overflowing with posters :)
[13:45] Camie Rembrandt: LOL
[13:45] Moon Adamant: lol
[13:45] Camie Rembrandt: I was thinking of something like Uncle CDS wants you lol
[13:45] Sudane Erato: hehe
[13:45] Rosie Gray: can we not make it American, please?
[13:45] Jerry McNally: o_O
[13:45] Sudane Erato: Rosie... agreed!
[13:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn: heh
[13:46] Camie Rembrandt: I was joking🫣
[13:46] Mizou Vavoom: :)
[13:46] Rosie Gray: okay :D
[13:46] Moon Adamant: Camie, a big part of Exec action is organizing events and doing PR. The more visitors we get, the more citizens we will have
[13:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Also, we have Minerva :)
[13:46] Rosie Gray: we do have lots of posters and info can be given to you for your packages, Camie
[13:46] Sudane Erato: Athena
[13:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Both :)
[13:46] Ais Aeon: @ Rosie - that is NOT an american poster idea
[13:46] Ais Aeon: ... mbnail.jpg
[13:46] Sudane Erato: hehe
[13:47] Camie Rembrandt: Thank you, Ais
[13:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ais, indeed, the poster is British :)
[13:47] Moon Adamant: that being said, we welcome new ideas! So let's keep talking, though after RA hours ㋡
[13:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: the original one
[13:47] Almut Brunswick: George V.
[13:47] Jerry McNally: if there's nothing else, let's move to 7 RA Member Concerns
[13:47] Camie Rembrandt: Owl with mustaches? lol
[13:47] Rosie Gray: ah.... but not immediately what jumps to mind for most people I think, Ais!
[13:47] Jerry McNally: do you lot behind me have any concerns? are you still awake?
[13:48] Camie Rembrandt: Zzzzz
[13:48] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): think ive done mine Jerry
[13:48] Almut Brunswick: No concerns aside of being very hungry.
[13:48] Jerry McNally: item 8, Announcements then
[13:48] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[13:48] Jerry McNally: anything to share that's not on the CDS Events calendar?
[13:48] Camie Rembrandt always has dinner before these meetings. 😅
[13:49] Tor Karlsvalt is happy to see the attendance at RA lately.
[13:49] Jerry McNally: yes Tor, the more the merrier
[13:49] Almut Brunswick: Not sure what the food in my stomach does when the meeting lasts too long, Camie
[13:49] Cathy Sabre: agrees with Tor.
[13:49] Moon Adamant must start having dinner before tehse meetings too ㋡
[13:49] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[13:49] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Tori has sent something on Discord
[13:49] Jerry McNally: there should be a table with refreshments at the end of this hall I reckon
[13:49] Camie Rembrandt: 🧀 for everyone
[13:50] Camie Rembrandt: Camembert of course
[13:50] Camie Rembrandt: 😄
[13:50] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe, each branch can rotate bringing donuts
[13:50] Jerry McNally: let's move to 9 Date of Next RA Meeting
[13:50] Jerry McNally: any preference? Saturday 15 or Sunday 16 February, 2025, 11:00 AM or 12:00 noon SLT
[13:51] Almut Brunswick: Saturday would be better for me, and 11 AM is better than 12 PM
[13:51] Jerry McNally: sounds good
[13:51] Jerry McNally: any other comments?
[13:51] Jerry McNally: Saturday 15 Feb at 11 it is then
[13:52] Cathy Sabre: agrees
[13:52] Sandy Burgess: I prefer Sundays
[13:52] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): Just a heads up I may have to take a 7 day at the next meeting we are almost 18 contracts exchange and I may be moving house at that time I'll try and keep J in the
[13:52] Anjoux Landau Herbit (anjoux.herbit): loop Lo
[13:52] Jerry McNally: let's do Sundays the time after Sandy
[13:52] Jerry McNally: "you can't please all the avatars all the time" etc
[13:53] Camie Rembrandt: 😅
[13:53] Cathy Sabre: Or,any.
[13:53] Jerry McNally: which takes us to 10 Adjourn!

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