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Transcript RA Meeting July 2, 2022

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 2:29 pm
by Jerry McNally

[2022/07/02 12:05] Almut Brunswick: Dear Chancellor, honorable member of the SC, dear citizens of the CDS and of course dear RA colleagues, I call this meeting to order. Welcome and thank you for being here!
[2022/07/02 12:06] Almut Brunswick: Somehow I missed this post, and I should tell Brian to notify me directly in such cases, too.
[2022/07/02 12:07] Almut Brunswick: But I think it won't be needed today.
[2022/07/02 12:07] Almut Brunswick: 1. Administrative Business
1.1 Approval of the Agenda
[2022/07/02 12:07] Rosie Gray: Motion to approve the Agenda as presented
[2022/07/02 12:07] Almut Brunswick: I assume you have the agenda open
[2022/07/02 12:07] Jerry McNally: two things about that from me
[2022/07/02 12:07] Almut Brunswick: Jerry, please after the vote.
[2022/07/02 12:07] Rosie Gray: oh I see... the numbering
[2022/07/02 12:08] Almut Brunswick: ah yes
[2022/07/02 12:08] Rosie Gray: Jerry's favourite ;)
[2022/07/02 12:08] Jerry McNally: the link to the minutes is wrong too, should be
[2022/07/02 12:08] Almut Brunswick: New Business could be stricken
[2022/07/02 12:08] Tor Karlsvalt: /me raises hand
[2022/07/02 12:09] Almut Brunswick: I will renumber and correct it
[2022/07/02 12:09] Almut Brunswick: Tor?
[2022/07/02 12:09] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): raises hand
[2022/07/02 12:09] Tor Karlsvalt: Thanks
[2022/07/02 12:09] Tor Karlsvalt: I am just opening the agenda
[2022/07/02 12:09] Tor Karlsvalt: I would hope the budget is mentioned.
[2022/07/02 12:09] Tor Karlsvalt: That might be new busensess
[2022/07/02 12:09] Rosie Gray: that would be your report, no?
[2022/07/02 12:09] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): Almut Remember Breila volunteered for LUC
[2022/07/02 12:10] Tor Karlsvalt: done
[2022/07/02 12:10] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): so LUC is fine
[2022/07/02 12:10] Almut Brunswick: We can add it. Isn't it part of your report?
[2022/07/02 12:10] Tor Karlsvalt: it is
[2022/07/02 12:10] Almut Brunswick: 2. Executive Report with Budget Draft (Tor)
[2022/07/02 12:10] Lilith Ivory: approval of theadiscussion and perhaps aproval of the budget should be a topic of its own I guess
[2022/07/02 12:11] Almut Brunswick: Shall we vote for the budget? Then Lilith is right
[2022/07/02 12:11] Jerry McNally: it was part of the executive report last time
[2022/07/02 12:11] Lilith Ivory: /me slaps the fingers of her lazy typist
[2022/07/02 12:11] Almut Brunswick: But when we need to vote, the change is too late
[2022/07/02 12:11] Tor Karlsvalt: It is
[2022/07/02 12:12] Almut Brunswick: it should have been added to the published agenda 24 h before
[2022/07/02 12:12] Rosie Gray: we can discuss it today, and vote on it next time
[2022/07/02 12:13] Almut Brunswick: yes, and Jerry is right: Let's treat it like last term as part of your speech, Tor
[2022/07/02 12:13] Almut Brunswick: updating the LUc part yet
[2022/07/02 12:14] Jerry McNally: so where does that leave our agenda now? can we move?
[2022/07/02 12:15] Rosie Gray: I was waiting for Almut's renumbered/fixed version
[2022/07/02 12:15] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): stifles a giggle
[2022/07/02 12:15] Almut Brunswick: No, hold on please. ok, numbering is in line, link corrected, Tor's budget is added and Breila's candidacy, too
[2022/07/02 12:15] Lilith Ivory: HI Breila
[2022/07/02 12:15] Rosie Gray: hello Breila
[2022/07/02 12:16] Agatha Macbeth: Hello Breila
[2022/07/02 12:16] Almut Brunswick: New agenda is in the cube
[2022/07/02 12:16] Almut Brunswick: Please grab one
[2022/07/02 12:17] Rosie Gray: Motion to accept the updated Agenda as presented
[2022/07/02 12:17] Almut Brunswick: Do I head a second?
[2022/07/02 12:17] Jerry McNally: Second
[2022/07/02 12:17] Almut Brunswick: her*
[2022/07/02 12:18] Almut Brunswick: When there is no further need for discussion, let's vote
[2022/07/02 12:18] Rosie Gray: aye
[2022/07/02 12:18] Agatha Macbeth: Aye
[2022/07/02 12:18] Jerry McNally: aye
[2022/07/02 12:18] Almut Brunswick: aye
[2022/07/02 12:18] Mona (monamour.shamen): aye
[2022/07/02 12:18] Almut Brunswick: Thank you. Agenda is accepted.
[2022/07/02 12:18] Almut Brunswick: (Thank you, Mona! :) )
[2022/07/02 12:18] Almut Brunswick: 1.2 Review and approval of the Minutes of the First RA Meeting on June 4, 2022
[2022/07/02 12:19] Almut Brunswick: I think there is not much critical content in it. Thank you, Jerry!
[2022/07/02 12:20] Jerry McNally: yes, very plain...
[2022/07/02 12:20] Rosie Gray: Motion to accept the Minutes as presented
[2022/07/02 12:20] Almut Brunswick: Second
[2022/07/02 12:21] Almut Brunswick: No need to discuss? Let's vote!
[2022/07/02 12:21] Rosie Gray: aye
[2022/07/02 12:21] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2022/07/02 12:21] Agatha Macbeth: Aye
[2022/07/02 12:21] Almut Brunswick: aye
[2022/07/02 12:21] Almut Brunswick: Thank you
[2022/07/02 12:21] Almut Brunswick: 2. Executive Report with Budget Draft (Tor)
[2022/07/02 12:21] Almut Brunswick: (knitting time! YAY)
[2022/07/02 12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: oh
[2022/07/02 12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: Sorry
[2022/07/02 12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: thank you
[2022/07/02 12:22] Almut Brunswick: Tor, you have the stage
[2022/07/02 12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: I handed out my report so you can follow allong better than last time.
[2022/07/02 12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: Good afternoon, Madam LRA, members of the RA and public.
[2022/07/02 12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: This term we enter a new period of the CDS as a member of the Eduverse. The CDS brings its unique form of democracy in Second Life to the attention of a wider audience. In these times of anti-democratic movements across the globe, but particularly in the country where SL is located, a demonstration of democracy here adds a small light in the world, not just a virtual world.
[2022/07/02 12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: On behalf of the CDS, I thank Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane) for her work the VWEC and our move to the Eduverse. In addition, Word assisted Kyoko and deserves a load of thanks during the last term in the Eduverse effort.
[2022/07/02 12:23] Tor Karlsvalt: I also note that Rosie Gray and Lilith Ivory have been emissaries by volunteering to help with VWEC events. Lastly, Delia Lake offered her landscaping skills on the VWEC hub island. As you can see, CDS members have already had a positive impact on the Eduverse.
[2022/07/02 12:23] Tor Karlsvalt: A few points about the Eduverse. First we have been positioned very well. We are near the VWEC Eduverse Hub island. When people look on the map for the VWEC Eduverse island, we will be one of the estates in view. Hopefully, this will encourage visits to the CDS and interest in our democracy.
[2022/07/02 12:23] Tor Karlsvalt: In addition, Etopia is our nearest neighbor. It is an excellent community of about 40 individuals and seven regions. Four of which are full regions and most of them have navigable water.
[2022/07/02 12:23] Tor Karlsvalt: We have already broached the idea of connection via water sims. However, a word of caution. Connection with Etopia is more of a brainstorm than a plan at the moment. It is an idea that is worth discussion. Connection via two water sims would allow sailing over about seven sims, perhaps eight if you count the river running though LA and CN. I have introduced my self to the EO of Etopia and Sudane and Kyoko have had fruitful meetings with her.
[2022/07/02 12:24] Tor Karlsvalt: Over the last term, we have done well in terms of activity. We have some new and returning citizens. Some of which have been active in government or administration. We have a new EM, Ryonen Moon (ryonen). Events have been well received with the help of Kyoko who has done a wonderful job.
[2022/07/02 12:24] Tor Karlsvalt: Moon Adamant, Rosie, Han Held, and I worked worked to create a well received SL19B exhibit on behalf of the CDS. Moon especially did the heavy lifting with her Nutcracker Music Box. It was a wonderful exhibit for the CDS and a tasteful homage to our late founder, Kendra Bancroft. The exhibit would not have been fully complete without the landscaping work done by Rosie, and, of course, my posters. Hats off to the CDS SL19B team!
[2022/07/02 12:24] Tor Karlsvalt: You really should visit it before goes, if you have not done so already. The SL19B Celebration will end on July 5th. ... /164/63/23
[2022/07/02 12:25] Rosie Gray: yay :)
[2022/07/02 12:25] Moon Adamant: :-D
[2022/07/02 12:25] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): yay!
[2022/07/02 12:25] Almut Brunswick: Last Wednesday, we had a VWEC field trip also to this CDS plot
[2022/07/02 12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: I should insert her that I will be proposing an NGO to handle SLBs and our 20th anniversary in 2024.
[2022/07/02 12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: It is worth mentioning that during this past week, VWEC lead a tour of the member SL19B exhibits. The CDS exhibit was well received by our fellows in the VWEC.
[2022/07/02 12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: Over the last term, I have promoted the CDS on the SL Forums and highlighted most of the regions. More will be done there. Postings there are free and do get more than 60 views.
[2022/07/02 12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: The Casper Land Page has been fine tuned to include pictures or ads for each of the available parcels. This tool is available on our webpage, linked to my forum postings and linked to the casper vendors located in Colonia Nova. This tool will make finding a suitable parcel easier.
[2022/07/02 12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: I set up the Casper kiosk in the Rathaus. This kiosk will allow a citizen to pay multiple tier boxes at one location. Very handy for many of us to be sure. One nice perk is that you can see all the casper tier boxes where you might owe tier. You can only pay the CDS tier at this kiosk but you can use it to look at parcels you might own elsewhere.
[2022/07/02 12:27] Tor Karlsvalt: Sylvia Tamalyn updated our EM Info. She and Rosie have trained and helped our new EM, Ryonen Moon (ryonen).
[2022/07/02 12:27] Tor Karlsvalt: Lastly, due to SL ending it practice of absorbing sales tax, our sims had an increase in tier. Rosie, Sylvia and Lilith did a wonderful job updating all the over 200 parcels of CDS and the Casper admin page. Three cheers for that effort. It was huge. I showed up with my coffee and donut just as work was ending. So a round of applause for those three hard workers.
[2022/07/02 12:27] Almut Brunswick: (I still would like to get a copy)
[2022/07/02 12:27] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): ♪♥♪·.¸♪♥♪·.¸APPLAUSE!!¸.·♪♥♪¸.·♪
[2022/07/02 12:27] Tor Karlsvalt: The fact remains we have not increased our numbers. We hover around 70 citizens. Some of us have also shed additional parcels. So I have a lot of work ahead this term to gain new members. We have already started since joining the Eduverse. I hope this trend continues. We are not in danger but we can not run forever on our reserves, a fund established years ago by many who are no longer active members of our community and paid a great deal more tier than we do now.
[2022/07/02 12:28] Moon Adamant: Cheers!!
[2022/07/02 12:28] Tor Karlsvalt: We have two of our new citizens here now.
[2022/07/02 12:28] Tor Karlsvalt: Mona and Breila
[2022/07/02 12:28] Tor Karlsvalt: Welcome
[2022/07/02 12:28] Almut Brunswick: Welcome!
[2022/07/02 12:28] Rosie Gray: ··•°•··..☺ Applauds! ☺ ..··•°•··..
[2022/07/02 12:28] Agatha Macbeth: :)
[2022/07/02 12:28] Mona (monamour.shamen): thank you
[2022/07/02 12:28] Jerry McNally: Hi Mona and Breila!
[2022/07/02 12:28] Tor Karlsvalt: This term Kyoko will server as PIO and handle events. I intend to share responsibility with promotion and hosting as necessary. Additional help will probably be needed for Oktoberfest events and balls. I am envisioning a spread out Oktoberfest, but more on that later.
[2022/07/02 12:28] Moon Adamant: welcome Mona and Brella! :-)
[2022/07/02 12:28] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): ♪♥♪·.¸♪♥♪·.¸APPLAUSE!!¸.·♪♥♪¸.·♪
[2022/07/02 12:28] Breila Jenvieve: Thank you!
[2022/07/02 12:29] Almut Brunswick: We hope not to scare them off, so take care, fellow CDS veterans :D
[2022/07/02 12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: I will name Delia Lake as the Exec Representative to the LUC.
[2022/07/02 12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: I have asked Lilith to work with building a cabaret in the event space below the Platz. We will plan an event around that space.
[2022/07/02 12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: More work on promotion on the forums will highlight the remainder of our regions and probably cycle though others.
[2022/07/02 12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: I propose a portal to the VWEC Eduverese Hub on our our Platz. I am suggesting the empty area near the wall and the bridge just south of the Kirche for the location of a portal.
[2022/07/02 12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: Finally, I urge consideration of the Budget asap. It is much like the budget for the last term. I have made some room for sim improvement and Oktoberfest. I anticipate some improvements needed to LA in particular if we go ahead with linking to Etopia.
[2022/07/02 12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: Thank you for your attention.
[2022/07/02 12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: I would
[2022/07/02 12:30] Jerry McNally: Corrected link for the budget
[2022/07/02 12:30] Rosie Gray: thanks Jerry
[2022/07/02 12:30] Almut Brunswick: I was about to ask for it, Jerry
[2022/07/02 12:30] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): Tor?
[2022/07/02 12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: like to let Kyoike make an announcement
[2022/07/02 12:31] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks Jerry
[2022/07/02 12:31] Jerry McNally: no worries
[2022/07/02 12:31] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): Thank you for the kind words Tor
And yes, we are on our way! More soon.
[2022/07/02 12:31] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): The VWEC Quarterly Meeting on July 6 is in CDS Notices
[2022/07/02 12:31] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): here is one important item in the note that I will emphasize.
To access the Holiday Island you need to be a member of Virtual World Education Consortium.
[2022/07/02 12:31] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): Group joiners are on the VWEC Eduverse Deck ... 184/189/30
[2022/07/02 12:32] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): also p;ick up your Madori Education Bear ;)
[2022/07/02 12:32] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): /done
[2022/07/02 12:32] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, Kyoko
[2022/07/02 12:32] Almut Brunswick: Are there any questions to our Chancellor Tor right now?
[2022/07/02 12:32] Lilith Ivory: (me raises hand
[2022/07/02 12:33] Jerry McNally: Quite a lot to take in!
[2022/07/02 12:33] Almut Brunswick: Loloth please
[2022/07/02 12:33] Almut Brunswick: Lilith*
[2022/07/02 12:33] Lilith Ivory: hehe
[2022/07/02 12:33] Lilith Ivory: do we have a teleport portal in the welcome area already?
[2022/07/02 12:33] Lilith Ivory: and will we have one here to teleoprt to the welcome area?
[2022/07/02 12:33] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): Not yet LOL
[2022/07/02 12:33] Lilith Ivory: done
[2022/07/02 12:34] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): work in progres and Word is working on multi-destination portals
[2022/07/02 12:34] Lilith Ivory: is anyone working on that?
[2022/07/02 12:34] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): is not Tor
[2022/07/02 12:34] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): /done
[2022/07/02 12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: Right, no one has the job yet
[2022/07/02 12:34] Almut Brunswick: Good point, Lilith! The last time Delia showed me around a bit, they were pondering moving the existing ones on that sort of backyard on a more central place.
[2022/07/02 12:34] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): raises her hand
[2022/07/02 12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: Well our portal there would have to be the CDS job.
[2022/07/02 12:34] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): I can get one from Word
[2022/07/02 12:34] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): /done
[2022/07/02 12:35] Jerry McNally: /me raises a hand
[2022/07/02 12:35] Rosie Gray: /me raises a hand
[2022/07/02 12:35] Almut Brunswick: Yes, Tor, I think, Lilith was referring to the one at the VWEC Welcome Plaza
[2022/07/02 12:35] Almut Brunswick: Jerry, then Rosie
[2022/07/02 12:35] Lilith Ivory: I was asking about both
[2022/07/02 12:36] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): sighs
[2022/07/02 12:36] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): Welcome plaza is in progres
[2022/07/02 12:36] Tor Karlsvalt: Well, if it is the one I remember at the welcome plaza, I think we could make one that that would better fit our theme.
[2022/07/02 12:36] Almut Brunswick: Jerry?
[2022/07/02 12:36] Jerry McNally: Thanks. About the budget, you may have mentioned it, but the budget has the line "make improvements to the sims should we be able to connect to Etopia". What's that referring to, briefly?
[2022/07/02 12:36] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): take a lok at Word's it doesn't lok like an outhouse or a graveyard
[2022/07/02 12:36] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): but you the bos ;)
[2022/07/02 12:37] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): shuts up
[2022/07/02 12:37] Agatha Macbeth: Word's is good...I've seen it
[2022/07/02 12:37] Tor Karlsvalt: Well generally we have some money set aside for sim improvements. Usually this better plants or landscaping in general.
[2022/07/02 12:38] Tor Karlsvalt: I am just anticipating any adjustments or improvement necessary to LA IF we link to Etopia. That is a big IF at this point.
[2022/07/02 12:39] Jerry McNally: So this is more than last term's budget, then?
[2022/07/02 12:39] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[2022/07/02 12:39] Jerry McNally: that deficit, though
[2022/07/02 12:39] Almut Brunswick: Can we afford it?
[2022/07/02 12:40] Tor Karlsvalt: We might not spend all of if.
[2022/07/02 12:40] Tor Karlsvalt: But if we do link up we will probably need to spend some money on infrastructure.
[2022/07/02 12:40] Tor Karlsvalt: We can afford it. We have the reserves.
[2022/07/02 12:41] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): raises her hand
[2022/07/02 12:41] Tor Karlsvalt: Believe me, I do not like spending the reserve. But if it is for a good cause we should.
[2022/07/02 12:41] Almut Brunswick: (passenger and container terminals, cranes... ^^)
[2022/07/02 12:41] Almut Brunswick: Rosie first
[2022/07/02 12:41] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): of course
[2022/07/02 12:41] Rosie Gray: thank you Almut
[2022/07/02 12:41] Jerry McNally: Ok, thanks Tor
[2022/07/02 12:41] Almut Brunswick: Now Rosie
[2022/07/02 12:42] Rosie Gray: I don't have a problem with the deficit since I think that the likelihood of us joining this term with Etopia is remote
[2022/07/02 12:42] Lilith Ivory: /me nods
[2022/07/02 12:42] Rosie Gray: I wanted to comment on the teleporters to and from VWEC
[2022/07/02 12:42] Almut Brunswick: nods
[2022/07/02 12:43] Rosie Gray: I do think that ours need to be distinctive and reflect our own community, even if it's similar to the VWEC ones (or not)
[2022/07/02 12:43] Rosie Gray: but primarily I would like to see the one from here fit in structurally with our regions
[2022/07/02 12:43] Rosie Gray: so they don't look like sore thumbs :)
[2022/07/02 12:43] Rosie Gray: done
[2022/07/02 12:43] Tor Karlsvalt: /me nods
[2022/07/02 12:44] Almut Brunswick: or a pissoir :D
[2022/07/02 12:44] Rosie Gray: hehe
[2022/07/02 12:44] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2022/07/02 12:44] Almut Brunswick: Kyoko please
[2022/07/02 12:44] Jerry McNally: /me raises an eyebrow
[2022/07/02 12:44] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): I agre with Rosie on this end for the portal back
[2022/07/02 12:45] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): The um outhouses I think wil be replaced by multiple destination teleporters by category
[2022/07/02 12:46] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): which Wordsmith is working on
[2022/07/02 12:46] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): no eta for that but I can poke
[2022/07/02 12:46] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): (and do frequently)
[2022/07/02 12:46] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): /done
[2022/07/02 12:47] Almut Brunswick: Thank you. May we continue now to the next topic?
[2022/07/02 12:47] Almut Brunswick: 3. Old Business
3.1 Election of the RA's Citizen Representatives for the LUC / Status of LUC
[2022/07/02 12:47] Jerry McNally: We're voting to approve the budget or not at the next meeting, yes?
[2022/07/02 12:47] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2022/07/02 12:48] Almut Brunswick: Correct. We cannot yet vote.
[2022/07/02 12:48] Jerry McNally: Cool beans, just checking
[2022/07/02 12:48] Almut Brunswick: But I doubt there will be more discussion needed then.
[2022/07/02 12:49] Almut Brunswick: (Please correct silently in your copy of the corrected agenda Breila's name. I twisted it to Brelia.)
[2022/07/02 12:49] Rosie Gray: okay
[2022/07/02 12:51] Almut Brunswick: It is obviously hard to find enough candidates this term, so we should discuss if and how we can help to establish the next LUC. Therefore, I'm more than glad to hear that Tor has meanwhile nominated his candidate, and that we as the RA have now two citizens ready and capable to join the LUC as well: Moon Adamant and Breila Jenvieve
[2022/07/02 12:51] Almut Brunswick: Therefore, only the Guild still needs to find a vict... willing member to complete the LUC.
[2022/07/02 12:51] Almut Brunswick: But one after another!
[2022/07/02 12:51] Moon Adamant: :-D
[2022/07/02 12:52] Jerry McNally: Excellent progress
[2022/07/02 12:52] Almut Brunswick: Breila and Moon are here today and we should acknowledge their willingness to serve with our votes.
[2022/07/02 12:52] Moon Adamant: /me waves
[2022/07/02 12:52] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[2022/07/02 12:52] Agatha Macbeth: /me waves back
[2022/07/02 12:53] Breila Jenvieve: Happy to help!
[2022/07/02 12:53] Rosie Gray: Motion to approve Breila and Moon as RA representatives on the LUC
[2022/07/02 12:53] Almut Brunswick: I received their applications right in time before the meeting and published their candidacies in the Forum.
[2022/07/02 12:53] Jerry McNally: Happy to second that
[2022/07/02 12:54] Almut Brunswick: No discussion, otherwise they probably would change their mind *smirks*. Let's vote!
[2022/07/02 12:54] Agatha Macbeth: Aye
[2022/07/02 12:54] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2022/07/02 12:54] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2022/07/02 12:54] Rosie Gray: aye
[2022/07/02 12:54] Almut Brunswick: Thank you! Fantastic, what a relief!
[2022/07/02 12:54] Almut Brunswick: Congratulations, Breila and Moon!
[2022/07/02 12:54] Breila Jenvieve: Thank you!
[2022/07/02 12:55] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): Please excuse me.
[2022/07/02 12:55] Tor Karlsvalt: hehe
[2022/07/02 12:55] Moon Adamant: thanks everyone! :-)
[2022/07/02 12:55] Kyoko Barzane (samara.barzane): /me bows humbly
[2022/07/02 12:55] Agatha Macbeth: TC Kyoko
[2022/07/02 12:55] Almut Brunswick: How and when will the first LUC meeting will be scheduled?
[2022/07/02 12:56] Almut Brunswick: Rosie and Lilith, what used to be the procedure in previous terms?
[2022/07/02 12:57] Lilith Ivory: I guess we first neeed the guild members
[2022/07/02 12:57] Almut Brunswick: Lilith, yes, sure! I meant, once we have the last missing LUC delegate, who will call for the first meeting?
[2022/07/02 12:57] Rosie Gray: normally someone who was on the last LUC called a first meeting
[2022/07/02 12:58] Almut Brunswick: Looks at Lilith then :D
[2022/07/02 12:58] Rosie Gray: but it can be anyone who is on the LUC now who wants to take the reins to organize one
[2022/07/02 12:58] Almut Brunswick: Rosie, just not that one waits for another and eventually nobody moves :D
[2022/07/02 12:59] Rosie Gray: indeed
[2022/07/02 12:59] Almut Brunswick: Ok, the schedule is to call for a Guild meeting first
[2022/07/02 12:59] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2022/07/02 12:59] Almut Brunswick: and on that meeting, we will likely elect somebody who has been in the LUC before
[2022/07/02 13:00] Almut Brunswick: so we can "unofficially" poke that being to schedule the initiating meeting :D
[2022/07/02 13:01] Rosie Gray: /me raises a hand
[2022/07/02 13:01] Almut Brunswick: Rosie please
[2022/07/02 13:01] Rosie Gray: just to note that we have an Artisan Guild meeting scheduled for July 10th, so we can do that then
[2022/07/02 13:01] Almut Brunswick: Perfect
[2022/07/02 13:01] Almut Brunswick: right before my holidays
[2022/07/02 13:02] Almut Brunswick: Ok, I think we can move to the next topic
[2022/07/02 13:02] Almut Brunswick: 3.2 Proposed Revised Constitution
[2022/07/02 13:03] Jerry McNally: /me raises a hand
[2022/07/02 13:03] Almut Brunswick: I went through Jerry's working document yesterday and came to the conclusion that most sections just have some formal changes. They thus could be finalized quickly. Others, however, need still some discussion.
[2022/07/02 13:03] Almut Brunswick: Jerry please.
[2022/07/02 13:05] Jerry McNally: Thanks. Just to say that I'd really like people to comment on that document ... sp=sharing or send me comments and we can incorporate them into the comments column and start to get some conclusions suggested. It's been going on for ages, and needs a resolution. Done.
[2022/07/02 13:05] Almut Brunswick: Agreed.
[2022/07/02 13:06] Almut Brunswick: Like I said: There are some "hot spots" remaining while the rest could actually be agreed very quickly. Therefore, I propose to conduct section-wise instead of trying finalizing everything in one vote.
[2022/07/02 13:06] Jerry McNally: Disagree.
[2022/07/02 13:06] Almut Brunswick: Why?
[2022/07/02 13:07] Jerry McNally: We should approve the formal, non-controversial aspects (numbering etc), and then focus on the two outstanding issues, regardless of what section they're in
[2022/07/02 13:08] Almut Brunswick: Is it in contradiction to what I said?
[2022/07/02 13:09] Jerry McNally: Let's just move on *all* the minor points, regardless of their section, then take solid proposals for the outstanding issues
[2022/07/02 13:10] Rosie Gray: /me raises a hand
[2022/07/02 13:10] Almut Brunswick: I remember that I already have made some proposals, but they are not yet visible in your draft
[2022/07/02 13:10] Jerry McNally: Basically, everthing's fine except the SC revisions, which is what started all this in the first place
[2022/07/02 13:10] Almut Brunswick: Rosie pleae
[2022/07/02 13:11] Rosie Gray: Would it be helpful if we on the RA went onto the document and made a comment on each section, saying either 'agree', or making some other suggestion if we don't agree
[2022/07/02 13:11] Almut Brunswick: Well, we once were already at that point
[2022/07/02 13:11] Rosie Gray: then we would all know where the areas to discuss are
[2022/07/02 13:12] Rosie Gray: well we have new RA members now
[2022/07/02 13:12] Jerry McNally: Yes, that's true
[2022/07/02 13:12] Rosie Gray: and some of the comments were not in agreement, but didn't propose new language, which isn't that helpful
[2022/07/02 13:12] Almut Brunswick: I made some surely partly radical proposals I don't see even as comments anymore
[2022/07/02 13:12] Almut Brunswick: Just that they were not yet agreed
[2022/07/02 13:13] Rosie Gray: so I think now we are at the stage where we can hone in on the few pieces that aren't in agreement and get everyone to agree on the rest of them, on the document, so that next meeting it can go smoothly
[2022/07/02 13:13] Jerry McNally: Sounds good
[2022/07/02 13:13] Almut Brunswick: yes, I hope that will help
[2022/07/02 13:13] Rosie Gray: we will need Brian's vote too, anyway
[2022/07/02 13:14] Rosie Gray: and Agatha, not sure if you have seen it all yet either.
[2022/07/02 13:14] Rosie Gray: done
[2022/07/02 13:14] Almut Brunswick: However, I just can encourage you to add your comments, too, and we need Brian's opinion and not just his vote
[2022/07/02 13:14] Agatha Macbeth: I was just looking at it
[2022/07/02 13:14] Almut Brunswick: same applies to Agatha
[2022/07/02 13:15] Almut Brunswick: The second controversial topic was to delete that faction section
[2022/07/02 13:16] Jerry McNally: There were comments for and against deletion, perhaps more for the latter
[2022/07/02 13:16] Rosie Gray: I can withdraw my suggestion to delete it
[2022/07/02 13:16] Almut Brunswick: I'm clearly pro deletion, because I regard it as ballast. But it doesn't hurt to keep it in.
[2022/07/02 13:16] Rosie Gray: I was just thinking in terms of cleaning it up
[2022/07/02 13:16] Almut Brunswick: Yes, me too, Rosie
[2022/07/02 13:17] Almut Brunswick: It is more a romantic attitude to keep it in the constitution.
[2022/07/02 13:17] Agatha Macbeth: What was the reason for wanting it deleted?
[2022/07/02 13:17] Almut Brunswick: We haven't had factions in the RA for at least 10 years.
[2022/07/02 13:17] Agatha Macbeth: Ah
[2022/07/02 13:17] Agatha Macbeth: Makes sense then :p
[2022/07/02 13:17] Almut Brunswick: In fact, we are glad to have enough RA members at all!
[2022/07/02 13:18] Agatha Macbeth: Indeed
[2022/07/02 13:18] Jerry McNally: yes, quite!
[2022/07/02 13:18] Rosie Gray: and we could always make a separate law/s about factions, if we need to
[2022/07/02 13:18] Rosie Gray: it doesn't need to go in the constitution
[2022/07/02 13:18] Almut Brunswick: So it mirrors a reality many years ago
[2022/07/02 13:18] Almut Brunswick: Yes
[2022/07/02 13:18] Agatha Macbeth: Understood
[2022/07/02 13:18] Almut Brunswick: It does not need to be a constitutional body
[2022/07/02 13:19] Lilith Ivory: it is still possible to found or reactivate a faction and somewhere this needs to be written down so people know about this possibility
[2022/07/02 13:19] Lilith Ivory: imo factions could even help to get more active citizens again
[2022/07/02 13:19] Almut Brunswick: Wishful thinking!
[2022/07/02 13:19] Moon Adamant: /me is one of the founders of the SDF ;-)
[2022/07/02 13:19] Almut Brunswick: Sorry to say it in such harsh words. But the reality today is very different
[2022/07/02 13:20] Lilith Ivory: ermmmmm , no it is not ;_)
[2022/07/02 13:20] Agatha Macbeth: Reality is reality
[2022/07/02 13:20] Lilith Ivory: same problems then and now
[2022/07/02 13:20] Jerry McNally: I can't see how the Constitution is lessened with this section being retained
[2022/07/02 13:20] Jerry McNally: There are other priorities
[2022/07/02 13:21] Rosie Gray: well it doesn't matter to me much, either way
[2022/07/02 13:21] Almut Brunswick: Like I said: It won't hurt to keep it in, however, we can review it in two years or so and still recognize: There won't be any factions till 2022.
[2022/07/02 13:21] Almut Brunswick: Right, Jerry!
[2022/07/02 13:21] Tor Karlsvalt: /me reflects that we could still form parties.
[2022/07/02 13:22] Moon Adamant: /me changes her group tag :-)
[2022/07/02 13:22] Almut Brunswick: Well, when you REALLY could form parties as NGOs again and that attracts new citizens, go for it :D
[2022/07/02 13:23] Jerry McNally: That aside, are we saying that the RA should go through that document and signal agreement or otherwise with each section, and formulate some concrete proposals for the next meeting?
[2022/07/02 13:23] Almut Brunswick: But as Jerry said: We have other priorities in fact.
[2022/07/02 13:23] Rosie Gray: agreed
[2022/07/02 13:24] Almut Brunswick: Yes, let's isolate the few controversial points and discuss them
[2022/07/02 13:24] Almut Brunswick: but then not just with the statement "is still controversial "^^
[2022/07/02 13:25] Almut Brunswick: Let's discuss the pros and cons directly there and find some compromises
[2022/07/02 13:25] Moon Adamant: ah, i knew it
[2022/07/02 13:26] Almut Brunswick: The SC will yell in pain anyway, so our work won't be done then already once we will present the results :D
[2022/07/02 13:26] Jerry McNally: So can we move on for now?
[2022/07/02 13:26] Lilith Ivory: /me does not think "pain" is the correct word
[2022/07/02 13:27] Almut Brunswick: Panic
[2022/07/02 13:27] Almut Brunswick: :D
[2022/07/02 13:27] Almut Brunswick: Anyway, yes, let's proceed like this.
[2022/07/02 13:27] Rosie Gray: /me nods
[2022/07/02 13:27] Almut Brunswick: Next topic:
[2022/07/02 13:27] Almut Brunswick: 4. Citizen Concerns
[2022/07/02 13:27] Almut Brunswick: /me looks in the rows of our citizens?
[2022/07/02 13:28] Almut Brunswick: Any concerns from you?
[2022/07/02 13:28] Almut Brunswick: Seems not to be the case. Then I would have one topic:
[2022/07/02 13:29] Almut Brunswick: Though of course in the discretion of the Executive, I propose to organize a mid-term ball with the topic "Cabaret", maybe as final event of the traditional Oktoberfest. Tor has already said something about it in his report.
[2022/07/02 13:30] Almut Brunswick: I think this theme "Cabaret" has some attraction not only for me, but also for Lilith, Moon and some others.
[2022/07/02 13:31] Almut Brunswick: Personally, I could imagine a ball either at the Schloss or in a yet to be erected Cabaret building with a music porfolio which is more balanced than on the last ball will mainly English titles and just a few French tunes.
[2022/07/02 13:32] Almut Brunswick: It is, however, not a real concern, just more a proposal.
[2022/07/02 13:32] Almut Brunswick: Thank you.
[2022/07/02 13:32] Lilith Ivory: Tor gave me the job to build a cabarte under the PLatz
[2022/07/02 13:32] Jerry McNally: Sounds like a great idea
[2022/07/02 13:32] Almut Brunswick: Great!
[2022/07/02 13:32] Moon Adamant: yay for Lil!
[2022/07/02 13:32] Rosie Gray: /me hums a familiar tune...
[2022/07/02 13:33] Almut Brunswick: So that is ideal: that the solution for a concern is already on the move :D
[2022/07/02 13:34] Almut Brunswick: When there aren't any further Citizen Concerns, let's move to 5. RA Member Concerns
[2022/07/02 13:34] Tor Karlsvalt: I have no problem with an advisemen from the RA on this matter. I will point out it is the Exec that organizes official events. Citizen are more then welcome to organize their own parties. and events however. I am very interested in having a cabaret as an event in CDS.
[2022/07/02 13:35] Almut Brunswick: Oh yes, I even brought it on the table just as a citizen, not even as a RA member.
[2022/07/02 13:35] Almut Brunswick: And I'm glad you are already working on it
[2022/07/02 13:35] Tor Karlsvalt: /me nods
[2022/07/02 13:35] Almut Brunswick: Are there any RA member concerns?
[2022/07/02 13:36] Agatha Macbeth: Not from me
[2022/07/02 13:36] Jerry McNally: I am unconcerned
[2022/07/02 13:36] Rosie Gray: nor from me
[2022/07/02 13:36] Almut Brunswick: I'm happy as well :D
[2022/07/02 13:36] Almut Brunswick: 6. Announcements:
Kyoko will surely update us
[2022/07/02 13:37] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[2022/07/02 13:37] Almut Brunswick: 7. Next RA meeting (to be discussed)
* Almut will be on RL holidays from July 14 till July 22
[2022/07/02 13:37] Jerry McNally: How is July 23 for everyone?
[2022/07/02 13:37] Rosie Gray: works for me
[2022/07/02 13:37] Agatha Macbeth: Ok for me
[2022/07/02 13:38] Almut Brunswick: I will be on a RL party this day
[2022/07/02 13:38] Rosie Gray: how about the 24th then?
[2022/07/02 13:38] Almut Brunswick: The Sunday?
[2022/07/02 13:38] Rosie Gray: yes
[2022/07/02 13:38] Jerry McNally: Good for me
[2022/07/02 13:38] Agatha Macbeth: Ok
[2022/07/02 13:39] Almut Brunswick: yes, that works for me, too
[2022/07/02 13:39] Almut Brunswick: No Rain class?
[2022/07/02 13:39] Rosie Gray: I stopped going
[2022/07/02 13:39] Almut Brunswick: ah
[2022/07/02 13:39] Jerry McNally: I'll turn the transcript and minutes round quick and get the word to Brian, would be good to check he can come.
[2022/07/02 13:40] Almut Brunswick: Ok, thank you
[2022/07/02 13:40] Rosie Gray: good idea, Jerry
[2022/07/02 13:41] Jerry McNally: Still at 12:00 SLT, then, on Sunday?
[2022/07/02 13:41] Almut Brunswick: Yes
[2022/07/02 13:41] Jerry McNally: Super
[2022/07/02 13:41] Rosie Gray: :)
[2022/07/02 13:41] Rosie Gray: it's on the calendar now
[2022/07/02 13:42] Tor Karlsvalt: Should be ok for me
[2022/07/02 13:42] Almut Brunswick: Till then, we will have some homework. Thank you, Rosie!
[2022/07/02 13:42] Tor Karlsvalt: see you all later folks
[2022/07/02 13:42] Almut Brunswick: bye Tor!
[2022/07/02 13:42] Jerry McNally: Thanks Tor
[2022/07/02 13:42] Agatha Macbeth: Be well
[2022/07/02 13:42] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks
[2022/07/02 13:42] Tor Karlsvalt: you too
[2022/07/02 13:42] Rosie Gray: bye Tor
[2022/07/02 13:43] Almut Brunswick: When there aren't any further points, I propose to adjourn the meeting.
[2022/07/02 13:43] Rosie Gray: and thank you
[2022/07/02 13:43] Tor Karlsvalt: is offline.
[2022/07/02 13:43] Lilith Ivory: bye Tor
[2022/07/02 13:43] Rosie Gray: motion to adjourn
[2022/07/02 13:43] Almut Brunswick: second
[2022/07/02 13:44] Jerry McNally: Second
[2022/07/02 13:44] Almut Brunswick: hehe
[2022/07/02 13:44] Almut Brunswick: Let's vote then.
[2022/07/02 13:44] Agatha Macbeth: Aye
[2022/07/02 13:44] Jerry McNally: Aye
[2022/07/02 13:44] Almut Brunswick: Aye
[2022/07/02 13:44] Rosie Gray: aye
[2022/07/02 13:44] Almut Brunswick: Thank you, the meeting is adjourned. Thank you for bearing with us! :D