Attack in Neualtenburg

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Jon Seattle
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Attack in Neualtenburg

Post by Jon Seattle »

Someone entered my home early in the morning and attacked me verbally and physically. As I am a relative newcomer to SL I did not yet know how to the use ban, mute, and report abuse tools. I do very much thank the live help person who helped.

This is probably just random violence, but I am mentioning this just in case it has city security implications. I understand Sudane has been temporarily banned the avatar pending action by the SC.


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Pelanor Eldrich
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Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

I'd never heard of something like that before in NB. I had put feelers out to the new police group anticipating a possible need. I'd prefer something formal like this to a group such as the mafia.

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Patroklus Murakami
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Post by Patroklus Murakami »

That's dreadful Jon, I hope you don't think that experience is typical of Second Life. I've found it to be pretty rare.

FWIW I now look back on being shot across the sim when out shopping to be a mildly amusing event. At the time I remember I felt incredibly hurt and upset by the event.

Now that you know more about the tools at your disposal you'll be able to tackle any future situation with confidence. I'm still waiting for a chance to freeze someone on my land and then threaten to rez embarrassing objects nearby and post pictures to Snapzilla!


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Post by Salzie Sachertorte »

Would you mind outlining these tools - what, where, how - for the rest of us noobs who don't know about them?

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Re: Whoa!

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Pelanor Eldrich":24gr1kyq]I'd never heard of something like that before in NB. I had put feelers out to the new police group anticipating a possible need. I'd prefer something formal like this to a group such as the mafia.[/quote:24gr1kyq]

I'd prefer we handle such matters ourselves, personally.

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Patroklus Murakami
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Post by Patroklus Murakami »


Here's what I think you can do (oldbies pls feel free to jump in and correct):

1)Sit down on something. AFAIK you can't be pushed or shot across the sim when you're sitting down.

2)Right-click on the intruder. You should see the options to 'Freeze' them or 'Eject' them.

3)Once you've frozen them you can (if they don't log off!) taunt them, ask them to beg you to unfreeze them in IM, rez large phallic objects and make pleasing arrangements of them around the intruder, take snapshots and send them to Snapzilla... be creative about your punishments!

4)Right click on your land and select 'About Land'. Under the 'Ban' tab add in the miscreants name and then they can't get back on to your land to annoy you.

I've never had the chance to play with these tools. If you like I'll come over to yours and we can test them!

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Post by Sudane Erato »

[quote="Patroklus Murakami":165psqzv]
2)Right-click on the intruder. You should see the options to 'Freeze' them or 'Eject' them.

4)Right click on your land and select 'About Land'. Under the 'Ban' tab add in the miscreants name and then they can't get back on to your land to annoy you.

I've never had the chance to play with these tools. If you like I'll come over to yours and we can test them![/quote:165psqzv]
In my experience, these tools don't work well on private islands. So, yes, I think we might all benefit from some thorough testing of the "personal tools".

I think the reason is that the tools relate to treatment of a visitor avatar on land owned by you. On the mainland, they only work on *your* land. On a private sim, the land is only owned by groups. And, probably, since a group is not = to you (even if you are the founder or an officer), the tools are not effective.

Or, alternatively, some of the griefers may have tools which defeat these effects on them.

I base this on my own experience with griefers on my own land in Cosy. I was able to insert their names on the parcel ban list, but I couldn't freeze them or eject them prior to this.

A much more effective solution is to notify any Estate Manager of the problem, as Jon did to me. I couldn't prevent the attack unless I was there at the moment it occurred (when I would have been able to eject them from anywhere in the sim), but I banned this person, which is completely effective.

We have yet to develop an organized Estate Manager system. At the moment, I think Gwyn, Claude and I hold that role, but from no special systematic reason, only as the need came up.


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Aliasi Stonebender
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Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

[quote="Sudane Erato":30nhe05c]In my experience, these tools don't work well on private islands. So, yes, I think we might all benefit from some thorough testing of the "personal tools".

I think the reason is that the tools relate to treatment of a visitor avatar on land owned by you. On the mainland, they only work on *your* land. On a private sim, the land is only owned by groups. And, probably, since a group is not = to you (even if you are the founder or an officer), the tools are not effective.

You can both freeze and eject avatars on group land, provided you are an officer of the group. I.e., my land group is Stonebender Corp. I am, quite naturally, an officer. I may freeze you over my land - although I think you may also need to have the group active.

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