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Proposal: A framework to support Citizen Initiative Groups (CIG)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 12:41 pm
by Moon Adamant

Hello everyone,
Here's a proposal for consideration:

A framework to support Citizen Initiative Groups (CIG)
We have many spaces in the CDS Common Lands that are a result of projects initiated by citizens. Supporting the citizens’ initiatives is one strength of the CDS as a democratic community, and therefore it should be encouraged by the Executive branch.
We can also consider that these projects can confer benefits to the citizens of the CDS: they enhance our built environment and can foster a richer community life. Likewise, the CDS itself can benefit from the enhanced Second Life visibility and awareness that these projects can promote.
Nevertheless, it is noticeable that the interest in some projects has faded with time: maybe the citizens who started the projects are away, or our focus has moved elsewhere. These projects have become a legacy on our space, locking land and prims in our Common Lands. Eventually, the CDS may run out of the communal resources to support newer projects.
This proposal attempts to establish a framework for the CDS support to citizen’s activities. It is inspired by Rosie’s and Kyoko’s excellent proposal for the CDS Artist in Residence (CDS-AR).

Definition, scope and aims
The CIG-Citizen Initiative Groups are defined as groups of citizens who want to carry out a definite CIG Project and require resources granted by the CDS.
CIG Projects are defined as projects that take place in the CDS Commons Lands and use the resources of land and prims in those CDS Commons Land, with the primary aim of contributing to the CDS community life, and with the secondary aim of enhancing the Second Life community awareness about the CDS. Specifically, CIG Projects do not encompass privately-held land.
Legacy Spaces are spaces already existing on the CDS Common Lands that do not contribute actively to the CDS community life, nor do they contribute to the promotion of the CDS within Second Life.

The CIG is a SL group with at least three CDS citizens as Officers.
The purpose of the CIG is to present a CIG Project to the Executive branch, and to develop the actions necessary to deliver the commitments described on the CIG Project proposal.

The CIG Project
The CIG will present a proposal for their CIG Project to the Chancellor.
The CIG Project proposal will contain an estimate of the resources required from the CDS; and also, the CIG’s proposed commitments to achieve the aims described above.

Commitments of the CIG Project
The commitments on the CIG Project are a condition for the awarding of the CIG Grant. These commitments will be agreed upon by the CIG Officers and the Chancellor.

Grant of land and prim resources
The Chancellor will decide on granting land and prim resources to the CIG project on the merit of the CIG Project proposal. That decision will be formalized as an Executive Announcement, describing the CIG Project, its grant, and its commitments.

Duration of the CIG Grant
The duration of the CIG Project grant is one Term. Renewal of the grant at each new Term can be initiated by both the CIG and/or the Chancellor.

Legacy Spaces
The Chancellor can call for the creation of CIGs to resume the support of legacy spaces. If no CIG Group arises to present a CIG project for the legacy space within two months of the call, the Chancellor can take steps to change its land use.