Note that a parallel thread exists in Legislative Discussion.
Expanding off what I posted there:
I think there's general agreement that ownership of land in common is not an issue. The MoCA seems to work fine as a collectively "owned" parcel because, AFAIK, no citizen depends on that parcel for his or her citizenship.
Even groups with one citizen deriving his/her citizenship from a parcel aren't difficult. Back in the day, before you could deed land to individuals on an island, we had to have groups. You would make one, often with alts, but Sudane knew who "the citizen" associated with each parcel was.
So, the entire issue is about allowing multiple citizens to base their citizenship on one parcel.
Option 1: Don't allow this
This would in essence be a return to how we used to do things. Every time a parcel was transferred, the buyer(s) indicate to the EO whether or not an avatar derives his/her citizenship from it, and if so, which avatar.
Option 2: Allow multiple citizenships per parcel.
If we do this, then we get into questions such as:
Who is responsible for paying land fee?
If some of the citizens belonging to a parcel don't pay fees, what happens?
Pat has proposed that each individual is reponsible for his or her own fees and that revocation of citizenship for non-payment also be individual. He also suggests that other members of the group would somehow be responsible for their non-paying peers. I'm unclear how this would work. If only the non-payer was at risk of losing citizenship, what reason would the other group members have to do anything if one of their group didn't pay?