Dear chancellor,
Could you please put these three things toghether?
NL 5-1 Flag Act wrote:s1 The city of Neufreistadt shall adopt as its flag a black and white owl on a divided field of blue and white
s2 This adoption shall be contigent on the securing of appropriate IP rights
s3 The PIO is directed to develop a seal, logo, and icon based on the flag design .
s4 Funds for IP acquisition shall be taken from the stage one promotion line item in the existing budget.
passed 5 August 2006
Dianne Mechanique, about missing wall, March 12, 2007 wrote:(...) Again, I have posted many times about how no one in any official position in the CDS has ever done the "right thing" by me and given me any kind of recompense for all the work I have done on it as well as other projects I have made for the city and the CDS. I am not trying to be bitchy about it, in fact I have been exceedingly patient, but I would be an idiot to give up on something that took me two or three weeks of solid effort to make, and hundreds of hours to maintain for no return.
It's not even about the money (even though other members of the CDS have gotten some real sweetheart deals for construction in the past), it's more about my own sense of personal dignity. If you sense that I might be slightly pissed off about it, you may be right.
Dianne Mechanique, e-mail about post above, March 13, 2007 wrote:(...) In terms of promises, I was promised several times that the CDS would officially contract me "after the fact" to make the wall, the flag and so forth, but it never happened.
The downside for the CDS is that technically, the CDS does not even have the right to use these works. If I wanted to be a bitch about it I could take the flag and the wall tomorrow for instance, and stop anyone in the CDS from using it just as Ulrika did with the previous versions. I won't ever do that of course, but how did we get into a situation almost a year after Ulrika caused all those problems wherein I could basically do the same thing? We learned from the Ulrika Mistake that we should license or purchase all builds, yet at least in my case it hasn't happened. (...)
Feel free to copy or distribute the ideas and comments in this email, (...) --Dianne
1. May I be bold and propose we don't limit ourselves to the flag but show that we value our people?
2. And why, some may wonder, did I post this in 'Sim and City Planning'? Hm ..
Sincerely, --TOP.
PS. Commissions can be a handy thing.