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RSS Feeds

Post by Rubaiyat »

Is it possible to get RSS feeds from the forums? I seem to be always reacting to posts because I do not get them fast enough (I just don't seem to log in enough) but if I had an RSS feed they would automagically show up in Thunderbird for me.

Anyone know?


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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Hi Rubaiyat! As a matter of fact, phpBB does not have inbuilt RSS feeds. However, this is the most "modded" bulletin board system around, so it was rather easy to patch it with a "mod" for RSS feeds. I hope it's working now fine for you.

Every time there is an upgrade, the RSS feeds might "disappear" for a while, until I remember to add them again :) Apologies in advance for that (I'm pretty sure it'll happen!)

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wow, thanks

Post by Rubaiyat »

I'll let you know how it works.


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Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Looks good on Apple's Safari ;)

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Post by Dianne »

Just as information, the RSS feed does not work for me either. I just get a page of HTML code. I find that although I like them a lot, the biggest problem I have with the forum is the fact that one can't quickly see "what's new" as one can in the old LL forum. If the RSS feed can do that, and if anyone techie has an idea as to why it might not work for me, please email me or whatever.

I am using Safari on Mac OS-X so if it works for Gwyn it should work for me?

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Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »


Since you have Safari, does the [RSS] blue box show up on the input box of the URL? It should, and it should work from there as well...

In any case, if you log in, you can always click the link "View posts since last visit"... which should work fine :)

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  -- Philip "Linden" Rosedale, interview to Wired, 2004-05-08

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Diderot Mirabeau
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Post by Diderot Mirabeau »

RSS feature works fine for me using Firefox 1.5+ under Windows XP. I can test it later using the same browser plus Safari under OS/X and Ubuntu Linux later if it is deemed to be useful?

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also works in thunderbird

Post by Rubaiyat »

which is a godsend. so now I will only be mia if I am pissed off

or too busy to reply.


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Post by Dianne »

Still doesn't work for me (I don't see the blue RSS box for some reason), but the "new posts since last visit does the trick. :)

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