A Goodbye and Thanks for the Chicken

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A Goodbye and Thanks for the Chicken

Post by Sleazy_Writer »


I've given the chancellor my resignation for the crucial job of 'caretaker', and in fact I will be leaving the CDS and SL for some (long) time to come, that's the intention anyway, due to what you could call a SL overdose. We had some good and interesting times in our corner of SL, without your personal efforts there would be no interesting experiment, so: thank you. I wish you and the fascinating CDS project all the best.

let the revolution begi .. err: LET THE EVOLUTION CONTINUE! :) --TOP.

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Post by Nikki »

All the best to you TOP Genosse!!! :D

We will miss you, but you should do what is best for you.

Thank you very much for everything you have done for Neufreistadt and the CDS.

Hope we will hear from you again, and look forward to that time.

bis dann - Nikki

Last edited by Nikki on Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Arria Perreault
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Thank you

Post by Arria Perreault »

I guess that you took your time to decide to leave us. Thank you for your work here and your help. MoCA is a great realisation to which you participate.
Live in community like CDS is not easy everyday and I think that we will have to evolve in the future to find harmony. I agree too with the fact that SL is time-consuming.
I wish you all the best in RL and I really hope to hear about you sometimes.

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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

thanks :) I forgot to mention that
[color=blue:13huiqef]My parcels are for sale right now (NFS), all proceeds will go to the museum, Rudeen Edo/Sudane Erato is the person to contact.[/color:13huiqef]

* 1630 Talenstr. (Platz, right of Rathaus), 144 sqm, 33 prims, 8.35US$ purchase (2545L$), 452L$ monthly fee (1.48US$)

* P230 (Valley, north of green alien), 720 sqm, 166 prims, 20.88US$ purchase (6362L$), 1272L$ monthly fee (4.18US$)

Nikki & Arria: Best of luck with your Switzerland-ization and sim-design work I think it's great 8)

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Pelanor Eldrich
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Sorry to hear of you going.

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

Hi TOP, sorry to hear you go. We hope you'll pop in time to time and maybe even rejoin us should RL ever permit. Many thanks for your wonderful energy and contributions. You will be sorely missed. -Pel

Pelanor Eldrich
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Re: A Goodbye and Thanks for the Chicken

Post by Sleazy_Writer »

[quote="TOPGenosse":35hb9tfv]I will be leaving the CDS and SL for some (long) time to come, that's the intention anyway[/quote:35hb9tfv]
OK that clearly failed :roll: So now I'm half back again, with some land and all that. .. Just to let you know that if I meddle in CDS business that it has some 'validity'.

Rose Springvale
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Post by Rose Springvale »

Welcome back TOP. Glad to have you among the "living" again.

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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

Rose, be careful, you're on the forum - quick leave while you can! ;)

- - -
Edit Sun. June 24th: Allrighty -- another attempt, see 1st post.

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