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Minutes RA Meeting April 13, 2024

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 1:46 pm
by Jerry McNally

Representative Assembly Meeting
Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 10:30 SLT

Attending: Almut Brunswick, Jerry McNally, Kyoko Jarvinen-Barzane, Rosie Gray, Sandy Burgess
Also attending: Agatha Macbeth, DeliaLake Pinion, Mizou Vavoom, Tor Karlsvalt

1 Administrative Business

1.1 Approval of the Agenda
The published agenda was renumbered following the identification of a minor error. Motion to approve the agenda as renumbered. Rosie 1st, Jerry 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

1.2 Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Sixth RA Meeting on March 23, 2024
Motion to approve the minutes as presented. Rosie 1st, Almut 2nd, all in favour, motion carried.

2 Executive Report

Tor provided positive updates on parcel sales and citizenship figures currently sit at 80, with the potential to rise if outstanding tier payments are received. There has been a slight decline from a previous peak of 88 citizens. A larger exhibit is in development for the SL Community Exhibition, potentially incorporating a section of the NFS wall. Approval for the exhibit is still pending. Tor also discussed plans to apply for SL21B with the theme "Earth, wind, fire." Assembly members debated how best to organise input on the exhibit concept from the Artisan Guild and the wider CDS citizenry. Suggestions included asking the Chancellor to make a general announcement inviting citizens who want to participate to contact him, as well as potentially establishing a standing committee to plan such exhibits.

3 Artisan Guild Report

Rosie outlined their March 30 meeting, which primarily focused on the Cable Car project. Progress has been made on scripting, and the next phase involves a gondola prototype and discussions on catenary masts. The project details will be posted on forums for citizen feedback. Additional topics discussed included building signage for staged parcels, a land purchasing tutorial for CDS, and a HUD linking to the Casperlet land sales website. The next Guild meeting is scheduled for April 27 at 10:00 SLT.

4 Old Business

4.1 RA-20240302-2.1: Contacting the Scientific Council regarding ongoing management of the Discord server through the Chancellor
As outlined in a previous Assembly meeting, the Chancellor has been investigating ways of working with the Scientific Council to ensure the CDS Discord server remains under the control of appropriate officers, whilst still maintaining a team of 'Engineers' to handle day-to-day matters. Following an initial review of the CDSL 23-03 Social Media Act, Assembly members suggested that the Chancellor share the appropriate passwords with the Leader of the Representative Assembly as well as the Dean of the Scientific Council. Whilst the popular instant messaging social platform is not specifically identified in CDSL 23-03, it was agreed that Discord is encompassed by it.

4.2 RA-20240302-2.2: Asking the Chancellor for more info regarding the possible expansion of the CDS exhibit at the SL Welcome Hub
Covered by item 2 above.

4.3 Website Refresh Project
Jerry highlighted updates to the Governance pages on the CDS website, including a dedicated page for the Artisan Guild. A map with yellow indicators has been added to the Land page and the Support section is nearly complete. Additionally, there are plans to transform the Visit Us page into a broader Community page showcasing galleries, amenities, descriptions, and SLURLs. And potentially the MoCA gallery list may be converted into a HUD that directs users to a webpage.

5 New Business

5.1 Review of the CDSL 34-02 Transparent Region Development Act as it still refers to the LUC
In line with the dissolving of the Land Use Commission and the establishing of the Artisan Guild as a government body, it was felt timely to replace references to the LUC in this Act with the Artisan Guild. Given that other changes might be required, the LRA suggested it be reviewed then placed on the agenda for the next RA meeting, with an appropriate post in the Forum.

6 Citizen Concerns

No concerns were raised.

7 RA Member Concerns

No concerns were raised.

8 Announcements

Almut shared with the Assembly a MoCA update from Tori beginning with an announcement of an upcoming "Elements" exhibition, broadly themed to align with SL21B (submission deadline May 3, opening May 18). The CDS Galleries Egg Hunt will officially conclude on April 15 at noon; participants are reminded to collect their stamp and souvenir egg at the Museum. The current exhibit featuring CDS artists in the Public Information Office will continue with future exhibitions planned. Soon, the International Women's Day exhibition in the MoCA garden will be replaced by a Fantasy Faire tribute (running April 18-May 5). Those interested in displaying pieces from the MoCA collection in other public locations should contact Tori.

Upcoming CDS events are displayed on the CDS Google Calendar, as shown on the CDS Events webpage.

9 Next RA Meeting

Saturday, May 4, 11:00 SLT.

10 Adjourn

Adjourned at 12:16 SLT.



  • RA-20240413-4.1: Chancellor to share Discord passwords with the LRA as well as the Dean of the SC

  • RA-20240413-5.1: LRA to review CDSL 34-02 Transparent Region Development Act and place on the agenda for the next RA meeting, with an appropriate post in the Forum