In order for CARE in general -and me in particular- to re-consider our engagment with the current RA, we would need to see the following consultative bodies being set up by the RA within the next 2 weeks:
1. A Citizenship Commission with wide popular consultation (as opposed to 3 or 4 individuals on the forums) designed to define what we all mean by CDS citizenship and what we could do to become a more open and inviting community, rewarding all those who wish to join us and put their time and effort in building our community (possibly chaired by Claude);
2. A Public Service Commission with wide popular consultation (as opposed to 3 or 4 individuals on the forums) designed to discuss the issues of non-cumulation of public functions and of term limits in all public institutions (possibly chaired by Aliasi);
3. A Constitutional Convention with wide popular consultation (as opposed to 3 or 4 individuals on the forums) designed to address the unacceptable current state of our institutions where the Scientific and Judiciary branches cumulate in effect in only one individual, and re-establishing these branches as real and active institutions in the CDS, based on democratic principles and the rule of law (possibly chaired by Gwyn).
4. A Public Servants' Ethics Commission with wide popular consultation (as opposed to 3 or 4 individuals on the forums) designed to set up new standards of public behaviour for all public servants, addressing in particular personal accusations, attacks, insults, insinuations and negative campaigning in all public fora of the CDS (possibly chaired by Sudane).
The Commissions would submit reports and draft legislations on their particular topics to the RA by June 15th and resulting legislation would be tabled and voted on by the RA by June 30th.
Unless such steps are undertaken by the RA, CARE as a whole and I in particular do not intend to take any further part in the governance of the CDS. Although individuals who currently are CARE members and whose names were on the ballot in the last elections may well choose to join this RA if offered a seat, the CARE Excutive has decided that they would not be able to do so under the CARE banner.