CDS SL21B Planning Meeting - May 8, Noon and 4PM SLT

Forum to discuss and coordinate the expansion of the CDS and the redevelopment of existing territories.

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Tor Karlsvalt
Posts: 425
Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:56 am

CDS SL21B Planning Meeting - May 8, Noon and 4PM SLT

Post by Tor Karlsvalt »

reetings Citizens,

It is SLB time! This year Second Live celebrates its 21st birthday.

The 21st annual Second Life birthday celebration (SL21B) will be held from June 21st through July 21st.

I have just submitted the application or CDS.

We will have our fist meetings on the plan for the CDS exhibit this Wednesday. I have scheduled two time so we can get maximum input.

Wednesday, May 8th at Noon and 4PM SLT.

We will have the meeting at a sandbox for the SLB. ... 4/125/1201

See you there.

A sort of loose agenda includes:

1 Explanation
What is SL21B
History of CDS involvement.

2 General Plan
Mountain, Stream, Meadow, cave, small interpretive center, rustic with info about CDS.

3 Tentative tasks
Who are the listed exhibitors?
Who are probably exhibitors from other groups who might offer assistance? If you are one, I'd like to know.
Likelihood of getting getting more slots of exhibitors. (actually good)

4 Anything we can think of.

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