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CDS Census - 7 November 2024 (By-Election)

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2024 10:58 am
by Tor Karlsvalt

On 7 November 2024, a census was taken in accordance with CDSL 16-04, “Citizenship Membership Publication for Election Purposes,” CDSL 20-02, “By-Election Procedures Act,” and at the request of the Scientific Council. ... -purposes/ and ... dures-act/

This census will be used to determine who may stand for election and vote in the CDS by-election scheduled to begin, Saturday, December 7, 2024 and run through Saturday, December 14, 2024.

Please check the list.

Any citizen may challenge inclusions or exclusions within 14 days of publication, by notecard to Callipygian Christensen, Dean of the SC. Where no challenges have been received, or once any challenges have been resolved, the Citizen List will be deemed accurate and official.
Citizenship is defined in CDSL 16-03 Citizenship Establishment Act ... hment-act/.

A copy of this will be issued via the Forum, C.D.S. group notices, and placed in the column at the Praetorium in Colonia Nova.
This census was required to fill one RA and the Chancellor vacancies via by-election. Please refer to Dean Callipygian Christensen’s forum post for important dates in this by-election cycle. viewtopic.php?t=10757

Note that this is a snapshot of the citizens in good standing on November 7th. Currently, there are 91 citizens in good standing.

CDS Citizen List
91 citizens

Agatha Macbeth
Ais Aeon
Almut Brunswick
Amandat Tamatzui
Andromeda Mesmer
Anecim Resident
Angelika Courtois
Anjoux Herbit
Ariel Lancaster
Arria Perreault
Augustinus Foggarty
Badgerofzen Resident
Bernice Galtier
Beverleythames Resident
Brian Livingston
Bricolage Tremont
Bridget Genna
Callipygian Christensen
Camie Rembrandt
Cathy Sabre
Ceasar Xigalia
Cindy Ecksol
Cocojewell08 Resident
Coltrane Shostakovich
Coolin Seaside
Delia Lake
Doctorken Resident
Drmikeanderson Resident
Edward Auxifur
Elizabethzoey Resident
Ellie Baily
Emilia Avindar
Emmagoldman3 Resident
Emwarden Resident
Fenella Allen
Five Valeska
Francesca Alva
Galexia Graves
Ginna Constantine
Gwyneth Llewelyn
Hayatihabek Resident
Hayaz Avril
Hilda Manx
Indigo Starling
Inekeb Resident
Iskrin Nightfire
Jedburgh30 Dagger
Jeremy Querilo
Jerry Mcnally
Jill Forzane
Joaquin Gustav
Jon Seattle
Kaleb Nightingale
Kayly Iali
Keila Forager
Len0Rmand Resident
Lilith Ivory
Lord Junibalya
Lucasvonbroich Resident
Mini Larsen
Mizou Vavoom
Moon Adamant
Moonrise Azalee
Okrah Koskinen
Onionpencil Musashi
Oona Aurelia
Oriscus Zauberflote
Oslagriffin Resident
Petronella Piers
Presbyter Resident
Professor Woodsheart
Radioactive Rosca
Raikohgray Resident
Ranma Tardis
Rosie Gray
Ryonen Resident
Sakura Firehart
Samara Barzane
Sandy Burgess
Sebi Wuyts
Sonja Strom
Speelo Snook
Sudane Erato
Tanoujin Milestone
Tor Karlsvalt
Tori Landau
Trudy Takacs
Ulysse Alexandre
Vanessa Hamer
Wordsmith Jarvinen
Yanashvaniva Resident