[b:zzchon8f][i:zzchon8f]Sale of Undeveloped Area Bill:[/i:zzchon8f][/b:zzchon8f]
"Parcels in the 'undeveloped area' (formerly known as 'Altenburg' area) will only be sold to prospective citizens with a maximum of one per person. This act will expire when parcels from the third CDS sim go on sale to the general public."
Rationale: To ensure better availability of parcels to prospective citizens during the months that the third sim is not officially open yet and parcels are likely to become increasingly rare. Feel free to adjust the text.
- This is a good match with my [url=http://forums.neufreistadt.info/viewtop ... 8:zzchon8f]detailed proposal for the undeveloped area.[/url:zzchon8f]
- Who wants to support this? I'm currently not a citizen
- With 'prospective' I mean new citizens, those who buy their first parcel.