Proposed NL 6-3: A Bill to Establish a CDS Radio Station

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Justice Soothsayer
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Post by Justice Soothsayer »

I don't have the access to post to the wiki; I did send the chat log to Pelanor, the RA Archivist, for posting immediately after the meeting.

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Bromo Ivory
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Post by Bromo Ivory »

[quote="Patroklus Murakami":fnbpby7n] [...]
Drax is too busy with other projects to take the VPR idea forward. He had, apparently, asked Michel to withdraw the bill from consideration at the RA.
Perhaps we can rescue something positive from this if a citizen (or group of citizens) is inspired to start a regular podcast about life in the CDS? Voice is in Second Life's near future and pocasts with 1000s of listeners are already part of the SL media landscape so, why not?[/quote:fnbpby7n]

I think this demonstrates a willingness to take smart risks on CDS's part - though RL intervening is always a risk!

I think a CDS oriented podcast talking about issues of the day (SL and CDS) and perhaps some interviews with interesting people, factions as well as some of the newbies and oldbies would be a good thing. I have no experience with podcasting (nor the equipment), but I would not mind helping in some way if someone were to take the central responsibility.

This could be a way to encourage community participation. (How is that for a wet behind the ears - eyes wide with enthusiasm and idealism type of comment!)

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Post by michelmanen »


Just to put the record straight: Drax said that radio is his passion, that he really wanted to work on it (which is why he attended an RA meeting many weeks ago to present his project but was given no time to speak because there was no time for him that day, and why the VPR bill was introduced 3 weeks ago), but he decided to go ahead with the TV gig "because they pay and they move ahead with no delay".

So, rather than pointing the finger at others, it would be more honest if you acknowledged how your utter incompetence and misadministration of this community have driven yet more capable and enthusiastic people away from the CDS.

You truly have a unique record of disastrous failure in promoting CDS interests and taking advantage of available opportunities and of alienating and driving away some of its most outstanding citizens to run for re-election on!

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Patroklus Murakami
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Post by Patroklus Murakami »


Let's examine the facts, shall we?

[list:8286l27l]1. According to you, Drax "attended an RA meeting many weeks ago to present his project but was given no time to speak because there was no time for him that day". This was on 22 April when you tied up the meeting with discussion of the need for a 'New Guild' subforum (which is an SC responsiblilty outside of the RAs remit) and insisted on killing the idea of events promotion in the CDS by limiting the budget to a ridiculous three months. The transcript is [url= ... 7:8286l27l]here[/url:8286l27l].

2. You and Draxtor drafted a bill for the RAs consideration and posted it in this thread on 5 May.

3. Neither you nor Draxtor turned up to put the case for the proposal at the two RA meetings where this was discussed on 13 May and 20 May.

4. I spoke to Draxtor inworld about this proposal around 10 May and on 19 May at the Citizenship Commission. He seemed to be enthusiastic about the idea and wanted to implement it in the CDS.

5. The RA took a decision, in principle, to support the idea at the meeting on 20 May and asked me to contact Draxtor and see which parts of the idea were up for negotiation. The transcript is posted earlier in this thread.

6. I asked you and Gwyn at the close of the RA meeting to contact Drax and let him have my email address and ask him to contact me. I IMd him from within SL immediately and evey day thereafter.

7. I finally received an IM from Drax on Thursday 24 May saying that he was too busy to commit to the radio station idea and that [b:8286l27l]he had asked you to withdraw the bill[/b:8286l27l].[/list:u:8286l27l]

So, I stand by my statement that "It's a shame that the last RA meeting was so focussed on this issue given that we had no realistic chance of this going forward; it feels like our time was wasted really."

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Post by Beathan »

As a person who put up my own money -- by donation to the CDS -- to move this project forward, I am personally, as well as politically, affronted by Michel's behavior here. I believe that this bill was a stalking horse put forward by Michel for the purpose of creating an issue. The bill is a horrendous drafting mess, which leaves serious questions unanswered while simultaneously using about ten times as many words as necessary. However, the underlying idea is good, and Michel would have a nice soundbite out of "RA rejects CARE-sponsored public radio."

That said -- the RA did not bite at this hook. We moved forward -- and moved forward quickly -- despite the "out-of-the-blue" manner in which this proposal was presented. I agree with Pat's assertions and observations of fact completely.


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I'd be willing to donate & RA transcripts posted

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

Hi All,

Sorry for the delay, but the RA meeting transcripts for May 13th and May 20th have been posted. I'm also willing to donate the $L equivalent of $20USD for the VPR project. -Pel

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Bromo Ivory
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Post by Bromo Ivory »

This VPR thread obviously has some non-VPR related baggage attached due to the flames back and forth, so I will type gingerly as I jump right in... :?

As I see it:

The VPR station bill is dead due to [i:5ntian0u]withdrawal[/i:5ntian0u], the RA discussed it, thought it was a good idea, and sounded like they were going to proceed. The person looking for the CDS sponsorship [u:5ntian0u]quit[/u:5ntian0u] ... and the "why" isn't that important to me except I was disappointed as the idea was great and ambitious!

[b:5ntian0u]Now[/b:5ntian0u] ... the best question, rather than degenerating into recriminations and accusations, is ... [i:5ntian0u]where do we go from here?[/i:5ntian0u]

If Michel really likes the idea (and it sure sounds like he does!), could he sponsor a re-submittal of the bill with him as the lead instead of Drax or find someone else? Could anyone else do it instead of Michel? I heard someone mention a podcast that might be an alternative ... would anyone be willing to do that, and would that be a good idea?

(Or are we more comfortable "flaming" each other for some perceived shortcomings? If no one wants to pick up the idea and run with it - then it really [i:5ntian0u]is[/i:5ntian0u] dead ... for now. Perhaps we need to move on to something else ... :?: )

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Dnate Mars
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Post by Dnate Mars »

[quote="Bromo Ivory":2gcuu0i3]This VPR thread obviously has some non-VPR related baggage attached due to the flames back and forth, so I will type gingerly as I jump right in... :?

As I see it:

The VPR station bill is dead due to [i:2gcuu0i3]withdrawal[/i:2gcuu0i3], the RA discussed it, thought it was a good idea, and sounded like they were going to proceed. The person looking for the CDS sponsorship [u:2gcuu0i3]quit[/u:2gcuu0i3] ... and the "why" isn't that important to me except I was disappointed as the idea was great and ambitious!

[b:2gcuu0i3]Now[/b:2gcuu0i3] ... the best question, rather than degenerating into recriminations and accusations, is ... [i:2gcuu0i3]where do we go from here?[/i:2gcuu0i3]

If Michel really likes the idea (and it sure sounds like he does!), could he sponsor a re-submittal of the bill with him as the lead instead of Drax or find someone else? Could anyone else do it instead of Michel? I heard someone mention a podcast that might be an alternative ... would anyone be willing to do that, and would that be a good idea?

(Or are we more comfortable "flaming" each other for some perceived shortcomings? If no one wants to pick up the idea and run with it - then it really [i:2gcuu0i3]is[/i:2gcuu0i3] dead ... for now. Perhaps we need to move on to something else ... :?: )[/quote:2gcuu0i3]
But flaming is so much fun!

Just kidding.

I still am against the idea that the CDS is going to spend the money on something that I see as something that should fall completely into the private sector. I love the idea, but I don't think this is the best way to spend the limited money that we have currently. With a new sim and the current events within the CDS, I think we could much better spend our money on things like advertisements and event promotions.

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