I'm happy to report that the Chancellor has given the go ahead to the anniversary ball and it will take place on [b:1tda4kup]Sunday June 24, 2007 [/b:1tda4kup] at 2 pm slt. Our own Draxtor Despres has agreed to MC with his live stream. Drax is a real pro and he will make the event all the more fun He's even agreed to take requests and read dedications... preferably submitted in advance. You can send them to me or Draxtor directly.
I could use some help on theme/invitations if anyone is feeling creative. My plan is to send an invitation to each citizen of CDS, and possibly a few guests who will want to celebrate with us. I'm still rather new, so if there are people you all want to recieve an invitation, please just send me the names. Notecards are great.. just make sure you im me that you've given me one.
Also... the idea for this ball came from a New Guild meeting, and while it is not a fundraising ball per se, i'm thinking (if time doesn't run out) that there will be a silent auction to raise money for the New Guild. Anyone have anything to donate for the auction or thoughts re same should check in with me too.
For now, just mark your calendars. I'd really like to see most CDS people at least stop in.
Questions? issues? ideas? Just im me I don't know all the answers, but i'm pretty good at finding them.
Rose, getting a bit giddy. I do love a nice party