[color=blue:1totbycp]Please feel free to add an event if you are willing to put it on![/color:1totbycp]
[b:1totbycp]Ongoing events:[/b:1totbycp]
Tour-bot tour of the City
[i:1totbycp]Neufreistadt 128, 128, 0[/i:1totbycp]
Self-guided tours of the Sim
[i:1totbycp]Neufreistadt 128, 128, 0[/i:1totbycp]
Exhibit of Model of the Colonia Nova
[i:1totbycp]Neufreistadt 128, 128, 0[/i:1totbycp]
[i:1totbycp][b:1totbycp]Saturday, June 24th[/b:1totbycp][/i:1totbycp]
Lecture - Gwyneth Llewelyn
"History of a Self-Governed Community in SL"
Saturday, June 24, 10 AM SL time
Biergarten, [i:1totbycp]Neufreistadt, 200, 202, 178 [/i:1totbycp]
Lecture - Aliasi Stonebender
Saturday, June 24, 5 pm SL
Biergarten, [i:1totbycp]Neufreistadt, 200, 202, 178[/i:1totbycp]
Lecture - Jon Seattle
"From Educational MOOs to Second Life"
Sunday, June 25, 12:00 noon SL
The Red House, [i:1totbycp]Neufreistadt 101, 62, 127[/i:1totbycp]
"Neualtenburg - Neufreistadt: Revolutionary, Evolutionary"
Sunday, June 25, 12:00 noon SL
Marktplatz Neufreistadt 128, 128, 0