[b:1vbquetc]CSDF Election Public Meeting - 3pm Thurs 12 July.[/b:1vbquetc]
[b:1vbquetc]The Red House, The Lowland Road, Neufreistadt.[/b:1vbquetc]
The Citizens' Social Democratic Faction, alone among the factions in the CDS, has been holding weekly meetings open to all for over a year now. This week's meeting is an 'Election Special'. Come to speak to our candidates - Jon Seattle, Moon Adamant and Patroklus Murakami - and to ask questions about our election platform.
In this election the CSDF stands for getting 'Back to Basics'; we want to fix the basic things the CDS needs to get right to attract visitors to our sims, expand with new citizens and give them compelling reasons to get involved. Our three key themes are "Accessibility", "Focus" and the "Chancellor". (More details available [url=http://forums.neufreistadt.info/viewtop ... 9:1vbquetc]here[/url:1vbquetc]).