Candidates and lists for the elections of July, 15th

Announcements by the Dean of the Scientific Council

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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Candidates and lists for the elections of July, 15th

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Dear citizens of the CDS,

Here are the lists with all candidates that were willing to serve on the Representative Assembly as well as the complete faction list members, as submitted by the candidates (the order is as received by email/PM).



Bromo Ivory
Jo Sapeur
Mizou Vavoom
ThePrincess Parisi


Asha Pinion
Biscuit Carroll
Bromo Ivory
Dave Attenborough
Delia Lake
Draxtor Despres
Erasmus McMillan
Gelf Yalin
Jeremy Utarid
Jo Sapeur
justus Yiyuan
Michel Manen
Mizou Vavoom
Odile Glineux
ThePrincess Parisi
Torin Golding

[b:255a6a34]Simplicity Party[/b:255a6a34]


Beathan Vale
Brian Livingston


Aliasi Stonebender
Diderot Mirabeau
Brian Livingston
Gxeremio Dimsum
Publius Crabgrass
Blingbling Cassowary
Beathan Vale



Patroklus Murakami
Jon Seattle
Moon Adamant


Patroklus Murakami
Jon Seattle
Moon Adamant
Yogeswari Padar
Gwyneth Llewelyn
Leon Ash
Dexter Leopold
Sijtse Kuttelwascher
TOPgenosse Brouwer

There has been some issues about the DPU being or not a valid faction to run on these elections. However, the two DPU candidates registering their willingness to serve did that 12 days after the due date, as per the following requirements (the list of members was also presented out of time as well):

NL 5-18: Faction leaders are required to submit a complete list of faction members to the Chancellor and the Dean of the Scientific Council no later than 3 days before the start of the RA election period.

Article IV, Sec. 2 states, No later than 15 days prior to the opening of the polls, faction members will report to the SC Dean their willingness or unwillingness to serve in the RA.

I do apologise if the requirements seem confusing, but I would like to remember the DPU members and affiliates that Salzie had posted the "Elections 101" out by July 3 to make sure everybody read the relevant details. Note that the "list of members" is actually less important (it was made a law to make sure the groups only list active citizens) than sending in the notice of willingness to serve (a constitutional requirement that specifically states that the SC Dean has to be notified).

However, if any DPU members would like to contest this decision, they're welcome to do so by notifying any SC member, which will (hopefully) meet as quickly as possible to analyse any counterclaim.

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