Text of the CDS Election Debate, July 14, 2007

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Sudane Erato
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Text of the CDS Election Debate, July 14, 2007

Post by Sudane Erato »

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[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: ok lets start[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Welcome everyone to the 2007 Election Debate... July version :)[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: I trust everyone can hear us[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: please be informed that this event may/will be recorded[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: and posted to the forum[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Just a few comments first[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: The factions have information available for you at CDS website, the CDS Forums and at inworld dispensers, and at least one at their own website.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Their members are also available to chat, so you shouldn't have any difficulties getting the information you need to vote.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: There is a guide to how voting works in the CDS, posted at the homepage of the CDS website, for your perusal.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: The polls opened at noon SLT today. If you have any problems voting, contact Gwyn or Flyingroc for help.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: So... Please vote[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: On to the debate[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: We have three factions running in the elections and each has a representative here today. They are, in alphabetical order of the factions:[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: hmm -- four[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Bromo Ivory - Citizens' Alliance for Rights and Equality ... CARE[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Patroklus Murakami - Citizen's Social Democratic Faction.... CSDF[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Beathan Vale - Simplicity Party .... SP[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: and yes, sorry[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: you'll have to excuse me if the DPU is out of order[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: because i was not ready with it in the script[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: No problem. The DPU is sometimes out of order. :0[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: :)[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: so, also, Pelanor Eldrich, Democratic Pramagists Union, DPU[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: we'll debate in the alphabetical order of the factions... and hope we get the DPU approx right[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: We will begin with a five minute opening statement by each faction's debater. we will then have 30 minutes of questions from the audience. Finally, each candidate will have the opportunity to make a 3 minute closing statement.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: I will IM each debater with a notice that they have 30 seconds remaining, so debater, please do not be "busy".[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: When I call time by saying "stop", I ask that speaker finish his sentence and we will move on to the next person.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Should any debater crash during his time, we will move on to the next person. Upon re logging successfully, the crashee will be resume once the current debater finishes, and hopefully we will be back in order.[/color:1fh03hu3]

[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: We being with the five minute opening statement. Bromo Ivory, from the Citizens' Alliance for Rights and Equality, is first.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Bromo, you may begin[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: Hello - and I would like to extend a thanks to everyone that could make it![/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: I would like to introduce myself, Bromo Ivory, co-Chair of CARE, a Citizen since the Spring and a SL resident since late January this year. In RL I am a Electrical Engineering that manages a development group of about 20 individuals.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: I will be speaking in these short 4 minutes, which is frankly not enough time to cover our very detailed plan, but will touch upon our philosophy and then expand upon it with more specifics during the discussion later. I encourage you to seek out our website for our complete vision![/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkSlateBlue:1fh03hu3][i:1fh03hu3]http://www.care-cds.com/forum/index.php#15 [/i:1fh03hu3][/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: I come to you troubled - I find these times uncertain. We have 2 beautiful SIMs, and a Third in the planning stages, but since my time before and as a citizen in CDS I find the Sims beautiful but EMPTY. We are missing a large vibrant, enthusiastic community.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: Now, before I go any further, I would like to pay tribute, personally and in the name of all CARE members, to the exceptional team of sim planners, landscapers, architects, builders and scripters who developed and build both NFS and CN - and who belong to other parties. We all owe them a great debt of gratitude for their vision, the time and the effort they invested in building our sims. Three of them - Moon Adamant, Jon Seattle and Dnate Mars are currently leading our New Guild and we hope to see them take the same active role and be as involved in the development of our new sim as they did with the first two. But the most pressing issue facing us today is not the architectural quality of our sims. It is building a true CDS community - vibrant, dynamic, enthusiastic.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: "How many of you have come to your homes or business fronts in CDS to find yourself the only resident in the SIM?"[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: "How many times when a friend and fellow CDS citizen has an event or party it is held somewhere else?"[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: "How many times did the things debated in the RA didn't seem to matter very much to you as a CDS citizen - as if sitting behind closed doors passing laws that mattered little?"[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: "As a business owner, how many times does it occur to you to grow your business elsewhere?"[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: Exactly.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: Our old style of politics has failed us, the demands and challenges we face, require us to look at our world in an entirely new light! We must not only come up with different answers, we have not been asking the right questions![/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: The Choice we face is: The politics that failed us or a path to a vibrant future![/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: We, at CARE LISTENED and HEARD - we hope to show you our PLAN and PLATFORM for re-invigorating and making the "CDS - A Dynamic Community on the Edge of Tomorrow"[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: First off, Our full name is, Citizens Alliance for Rights and Equality, and that certainly isn't changing, but we think we need a new nickname:[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: CARE =>[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: COMMERCE - In order to have a vital sim, we must have a vibrant commercial base[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: ARTS - We must insure that the arts, well represented in CDS, is fostered and encouraged[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: RECREATION - People come to Second Life as their recreation, priomarily, and we beleive the CDS can do more to encourage social events and help create a presence of fun and activity[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: EDUCATION - With SL people learn - exchange ideas, build, and so on - CDS can and should support and revitalize old methods and work with the peopel to create new ones.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: THese are out 4 priorities[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: We will also pursue our agenda by creating 6 commissions, each Chaired by a RA, and working directly with the citizenry to forge our direct path:[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: A CDS Development Commission whose task will be to address CARE's top four priorities earlier mentioned.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: A CDS Legislative Commission whose task will be to rethtink elections, improve our legislative process, and creating a direct referendum process.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: A CDS Constitutional Commission with a madate to draft or revise the founding documents defining our community and make them clear, accessible and future-oriented.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: A CDS Governance Commission to examine how we as a community interact with the various environments we are part of - local, Second Life, and Real World and what image of ourselves we project both to ourselves and others[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: A CDS Judiciary Commission designed to develop a stable, professional, effective and user-friendly dispute resolution system - whether in a public or private, personal or commerical capacity.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: CARE will encourage its belief and approach in these - we have a specific proposal - we will work with the citizens directly in order to forge the exact direction. Mizou pioneered this method in the Citizenship Act very successfully and we feel an approach like this is both transparent but inclusive.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: Only with your support, and with active citizen participation in a new OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE, DEMOCRATIC process of government we can, together, bring about transforming CDS into a Dynamic Vibrant community!Only with your support, and with active citizen participation in a new OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE, DEMOCRATIC process of government we can, together, bring about transforming CDS into a Dynamic Vibrant community![/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: So, I ask for your enthusiastic support, in joining me in changing and transforming us into "CDS - A Dynamic Community on the Edge of Tomorrow"[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: Thank - YOu ![/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Thank you Bromo :)[/color:1fh03hu3]

[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Next up is Patroklus Murakami, from the Citizen's Social Democratic Faction[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Pat, you may begin.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: thank you sudane :)[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: i don't have a prepared speech[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: it's on the forums. you can read it when you have time :)[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: will you offer any comments?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: i want to say why you should vote for the Citizens' Social Democratic Faction[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: in preference to the others[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: Firstly, we are not only committed to democracy, we actually are a democracy[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: alone almong the factions in the CDS, we have held weekly meetings open to all for over a year now[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we have held elections for our officers every six months[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: our first secretary-general was moon adamant, followed by me and then jon seattle[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we don't resign from the RA and then hold the RA to ransom[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we don't have a dictator deciding how can, and who can't, represent our party[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we are democrats and we behave democraticallly[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: and we have a positive set of policies for change[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we don't plan to tie up the community in six talking shops for a year[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we have practical policies to effect change[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: an active chancellor[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: a single web portal[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: more accessible government[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: an expanded citizenship[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: a more focussed government[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we have achieved a lot in opposition[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: despite being a minority in the past two RAs[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we have achieved most of our goals[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: through compromise and active engagement with other factions[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: now is the time to give us the confidence of the community by voting in a CSDF government[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we have a proven team with a track record of success[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: Moon Adamant, Jon Seattle, even myself :)[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: stop[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we hope you will vote for us and a change for the CDS[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: thank you[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Thank you Pat.[/color:1fh03hu3]

[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Next up is Pelanor Eldrich, from the Democratic Pramatists Union[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Pel, you may begin[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: Thank you Sudane[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: Friends, I don't have prepared text so I'll just type from the heart.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: The DPU has been in power for a while now, and we have some shortcomings.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: We have heard the citziens desire for us to have open meetings, and we want to make that a reality.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: Under our watch, these past few terms we have tried to pass fair legislation by compromising within the RA and by listening to the citizens.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: Among all the factions, there are very few that will not listen and work with us, and we appreciate that and give you our thanks.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: Ahead of us lies many things to accomplish. We should look at expanding our population, revitalizing our commerce, making events and reality and having fair dispute resolution.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: The builds are beautiful, we are expanding, but things could improve.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: The DPU is interested in looking at the citizenship definition by way of a commission to explore some of the ideas that Gywn has put forward.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: The DPU also wants to engage the citizenry. It's easy to pass bills in the RA, even with all the negocitions required. The hard part is the work. We will work closely with the Chancellor to help her get things done.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Stop[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: We'll also try to help the citizens want to become more involved. Thanks![/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Thank you Pel.[/color:1fh03hu3]

[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: And finally we have Beathan Vale from the Simplicity Party[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Beathan, you may negin[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: I want to thank everyone who came here today. I am available in world, on the forum, or by private message to answer any questions anyone has. So is the other SP candidate, Brian Livingston -- the koala in the audience today.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: The Simplicity Party has a clear vision for CDS govenment -- minimal government that is active only where necessary and to the extent necessary.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: That means we oppose unnecessary, unncessarily complicated, and confusing laws. We oppose government by dictat. We oppose unnecessary public appropriation of initiatives.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: We believe that the government that governs least, governs best. This model protects human freedom by preserving a private sphere from government intrusion. This protection is essential -- and this commitment distinguishes the SP in comparison with the other parties, which are all, more or less, dedicated to active and interventionist government.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: We believe that government should act only when and where necessary. In our context, this means: 1. in building our sims; 2. in setting minimal and reasonable covenants; 3. in engaging with the rest of the SL community and with Linden Labs to the extent such engagement produces concrete results.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: For the rest, we believe that detailed projects and events are best handled by individuals, through individual initiative and NGOs. We believe that the CDS government has a duty to create an environment where such private enterprise can function and thrive -- but also has a duty not to involve itself in the specific details of such enterprises for fear of stifling or appropriating them.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: We have a track record of accomplishment in this regard. We have, in our single term in office, provided the CDS with a clarified Constitutional document. We have begun a thorough review of the CDS Code with the purpose of providing the CDS with a similarly clarified document. We have worked with the other parties to ensure that the bad ideas of the other parties are challenged and tha the good ideas are implemented in the best way possible.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: For instance, we are working toward a more open election process -- with the CSDF; and toward a simply and useful dispute resolution system -- with the DPU.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: To that end, we might not be the best Party to lead the CDS -- but we are the best party to see that, whoever leads the CDS, leads it well and properly. To that end, even if you don't vote for the SP at the top of your ballot -- please vote for us in a supporting role.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: However, we will undertake an role this community chooses to give us -- and will fulfill that role with intelligent simplicity and respect for the individual rights and goals of all CDS citizens.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: Again -- Brian and I are available to chat or answer any questions anyone has -- both during the election and after[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: Thank you all.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: thank you Beathan[/color:1fh03hu3]

[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: We will now take questions from the audience for 30 minutes. Please IM me if you have a question. I will call individuals by name in the order i receive their requests.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Please direct your questions to a specific debater, and please keep your questions brief, and to the point.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Debaters, please restrict your answers to under a few minutes in length, so as to allow for a fair number of people to participate.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Questions please![/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: IM me first[/color:1fh03hu3]

[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Dnate... first question[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: i'll just take names[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: you ask the question[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Indigo:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Dnate Mars[/b:1fh03hu3]: How does your party plan to increase the number of events and classes that are held in the CDS? (for all the candidates)[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: who begins?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: I can if folks want[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: alphabetical order sudane?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: ahh... sure[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: Reverse order?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: sorry[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: OK - that would be CARE?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: yes please, in the order you spoke[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: OK -[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: Well, CARE through its 6 part comissions will involve the citizens in order to devise the exact forumlation of the plan - we are not contemptuous of citizen involvement - we encourage this. We will advocate in these comissions[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: the use of funding for people to have events and the use of public venues as well - to help bring out the entertainment factor that is missing in the SIM. If you recall the parties and dance floors in the Emoprium ROmani - and the parties and live events hosted by ROse - we would like to use the governemnt to help that along[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: please keep answers brief[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: me next?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: one moment[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Bromo Ivory[/b:1fh03hu3]: As well as Education - I wish people had been abe , all of you, with the inspirational talk by the perosn who has experience on Info Island - we want to set up a library and a place to exchange ideas in the SIM. Though we will involve citizens in the actual details.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: yes Pat[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: in the last session we proposed a budget for events[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: a small amount per event to prime the pump[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: unfortunately, our proposal was hamstrung by Michel/CARE[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: with a ridiculous three month limit, and no publicity from our Simplicity Party Chancellor[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we woudl reinstate the budget for the whole term[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: and publicise it[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: ty :)[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Pel?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: The DPU would support the CSDF event budget proposals. Events are the lifeblood of the community. They are hard work and we need to get the word out by publicizing with a good public information officer/CDS promoter.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: We will support the New Guild in finding existing outside teachers for classes and finally booking the school.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: This involves WORK, and we have a some good events like the Ball and MoCA events to use as a starting point for getting these organized.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:1fh03hu3]: It's all about getting the citizens involved and the DPU will make events a priority. Thanks![/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Beathan?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: thanks[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: I see two areas for increased educational and social activities in the CDS -- private enterprise and NGOs (like the Guild and MoCA). To this end individual citizens should take the lead in these areas.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: everal citizens have done so. I would like to recognize particularly Rose (our social doyan, who needs more support),Delia (our MoCA curator) and Gwyn.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: hese citizens have been models in this regard. However, we need to recognize that their efforts are not easy and not cheap, in terms od time and money. I think that the Government has a role to play in compensating such efforts -- in recognizing them -- in making them easier.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: But government should not appropriate them -- even if such appropriation is called "facilitation."[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: To that end, we support creating a fund, administerd by the RA rather than the Chancellor, but administed by the Treasurer, to compensate an recognize private initiative - but do not support direct governmental initiative in this regard.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: In other words, we should keep doing what we do well, but try to do it better -- and we should try to make it easier for the people who give so much to us to keep giving.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Sienna:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Beathan Vale[/b:1fh03hu3]: Thank you[/color:1fh03hu3]

[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Thank you... the next question is from Arria[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkSlateGray:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Arria Perreault[/b:1fh03hu3]: My question is for Patroklus[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkSlateGray:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Arria Perreault[/b:1fh03hu3]: I have read in your program that you propose a single web portal for the CDS[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkSlateGray:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Arria Perreault[/b:1fh03hu3]: i have found this idea very interesting[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkSlateGray:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Arria Perreault[/b:1fh03hu3]: i would like to know more about it: what are the goals and functionnalities of this portal?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: ok[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: the reason why ew put this forward is history :)[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: our web presence is provided by volunteer effort[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: that's great[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: but it 's not appropriate[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: 'real' governments to do not rely on volunteer web sapce[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: they pay for it[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: the function would be to bring it all together[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: so ppl click on one page[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: and can then learn all they need/wnat to learn[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: about the CDS[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: does that answer your question?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: i'm afarid we need to push on...[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkSlateGray:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Arria Perreault[/b:1fh03hu3]: is it mainly for citizen?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: before we go to the next question..[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkSlateGray:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Arria Perreault[/b:1fh03hu3]: or for people interested by CDS activities?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: let me ask everyone to restrict their question to one candidate[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkSlateGray:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Arria Perreault[/b:1fh03hu3]: ok[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: citizens and interested non-citizens arria :)[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: we have only 15 minutes... max to answer questions[/color:1fh03hu3]

[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: Jon, next question... one candidate please[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkRed:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Jon Seattle[/b:1fh03hu3]: Oh, I had an all candidate question. Perhaps you should skip to the next :)[/color:1fh03hu3]

[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: kk... Michel, a question please for one candidate?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOrange:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Michel Manen[/b:1fh03hu3]: My question was for the CSDF. The Citizenship legislation drafted by the current CSDF member specifically excluded any possibility of delinking citizneship from land ownership, as CARE has been advocating all along. THe current CSDF Manifesto argues exactly in favor of such a change. Why has the CSDF made such a 180 degree turn in its position in such a sohrt time?[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: pfft. the legislation we drafted was about *expanding* citizenship, allowing couples, as well as singles, to join our community[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: why you decided to resign over that, before it was even voted on, is a mystery known only to you[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we have listened to the argumetns put forward during the brief citizenship commission[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: we're prepared to consider removing the link between land ownership and citizenship but...[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: unlike CARE's irrresponsible position, we want guarantees about the rights of current citizens, and a full debate, before the CDS takes such a momentous step[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=DarkOrange:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Michel Manen[/b:1fh03hu3]: well im happy the CARE initiated and led citizenship omission hashelped the CSDF to reconsider its position on citizenship inclision and diversity. Thanks for clarifying that Pat.[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Black:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Sudane Erato[/b:1fh03hu3]: and....[/color:1fh03hu3]
[color=Navy:1fh03hu3][b:1fh03hu3]Patroklus Murakami[/b:1fh03hu3]: pfft :p[/color:1fh03hu3]

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Sudane Erato
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Post by Sudane Erato »

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[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: Nikki, a question for one candidate?[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Olive:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Nikki Maertens[/b:3idq134d]: Yes, this is for Patroklus. How do you view the sims in the CDS having their own decision-making capabilities and guarantees of equal representation in the CDS government ñ an idea many are calling ÑFederalismì?[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: so many questions, so little time :)[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: it's like we're the government or something :)[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: we are for a single, unitary republic[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: federalism makes no sense in our current situation[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: to argue for federal government in a vast nation of 250m is one thing...[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: to argue it's needed in a micronation of 76 is another[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: we cna see the sense in discussing wyas to meet the local needs of sims when we have 3 or more, but we see no need for an additional tier of government[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: it woudl be unnecessarily bureuacratic[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: Thanks Pat....[/color:3idq134d]

[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: we are way over time[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: (apoloogies for spelling)[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: and I'm afraid we will have to proceed to closing statements[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: each debater will have three minutes[/color:3idq134d]

[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: Bromo Ivory, from the Citizens' Alliance for Rights and Equality, is first.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Bromo Ivory[/b:3idq134d]: Reverse order this time?[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Bromo Ivory[/b:3idq134d]: OK[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Bromo Ivory[/b:3idq134d]: I want to thank everyone who came. This is my first time standing for office. I see a lot of dedicated people here - but ther eis somethign that really strikes me.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Bromo Ivory[/b:3idq134d]: There are so few here.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Bromo Ivory[/b:3idq134d]: I was hoping for a larger group - perhaps this speaks volumes for the reason I joined CARE and helped craft our vision of revilization.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Bromo Ivory[/b:3idq134d]: I will be brief, but think we have a good message and a good plan.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Bromo Ivory[/b:3idq134d]: And a OPEn and TRANSPARENT process.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Bromo Ivory[/b:3idq134d]: Mizou;s comission will be our model - going forward.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Bromo Ivory[/b:3idq134d]: So I will leave you with these throughts - We HAVE good basics - no need to go back to them - and we have too much need for professionla accoutnabel governemnt for Simplicity - so won't you join me making CDS - A Vibrant and dynamic community?[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Bromo Ivory[/b:3idq134d]: Thank you - and pardon the typos![/color:3idq134d]
[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: Thank you Bromo[/color:3idq134d]

[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: Next up is Patroklus Murakami, from the Citizen's Social Democratic Faction[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: ty sudane[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: there's a really clear choice in this election[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: CARE - who have no policies (bar six talking shops with overlapping remits)[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: Simplicity - who have one policy (keep it simple - nothing wrong with that)[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: and the CSDF - who have 9 practical policies for the revitalisation of our community[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: go and check em. you can count them off at teh end of the term[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: and see which ones we achieved[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: i hope you will vote for us[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: i think we have put forward a serious platform for these elections[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: and we are standing a proven team with a track record of success[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: once again, we will work constructively with whoever is elected in the best interests of the CDS[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Navy:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Patroklus Murakami[/b:3idq134d]: thank you[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: Thank you Pat[/color:3idq134d]

[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: Next up is Pelanor Eldrich, from the Democratic Pragamatists Union[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:3idq134d]: Thank you friends for coming to listen today.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: Pel?[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:3idq134d]: We at the DPU have experience and a track record for delivering.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:3idq134d]: We try to be pragmatic and inclusive and we work closely with the citizens and the other factions to get things done.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:3idq134d]: The DPU was the first to propose landless citizens and a Federation with local autonomy.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:3idq134d]: We want a single web portal, more events and classs and a dynamic commerce with involved citizens.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:3idq134d]: Last of all we want to grow this project, this beacon of democrary in a world of anarchy.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:3idq134d]: We can work without those outside the CDS to help make that happen and have Commonwealth and UN proposals for such.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: Thank you Pel[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:3idq134d]: Thanks Sudande[/color:3idq134d]
[color=DarkOliveGreen:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Pelanor Eldrich[/b:3idq134d]: Sudane[/color:3idq134d]

[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: And finally, we have Beathan Vale from the Simplicity Party[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: Beathan?[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: Recognizing that we are over time, I will try to keep this short. That is hard for me, I admit.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: Here in the CDS we have far more in common than we have in differences. Our unresolvable differences are even fewer.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: We are all intelligent people -- more than average iRL and even more than average in SL.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: We are all imaginative people -- and we all tend to have active social and political imaginations. That is what brings us together.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: We should build on these commonalities -- and we will. The question is, how?[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: Should be build some towering edifice of words and projects so awesome that it intimidates those of use who have seen it built from the beginning?[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: That would be sure to limit us -- to scare folks away -- to make people think we are too large and ambitious and too small at the same time.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: The CDS should not be a cathedral for mice. It should certainly not be a garish cathedral -- with the kind of architecture favored by CARE.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: The CDS should be s friendly, accessible, simple place -- a place where people with social and political imagination are always welcome and are always able to try new things and express new ideas.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: that is the vision of the SP -- a vision I think we can all share[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: ideas. We look forward to working for a better and simpler CDS -- and we know that we can work with whoever the citizens choose.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: We are about making sure things are done right. So, at the end of the term, we can give the CSDF credit for any of the nine points they achieve --[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: but the SP will share credit to the extent those things are done simply and well.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Sienna:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Beathan Vale[/b:3idq134d]: Thank you all for listening.[/color:3idq134d]
[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: Thank you Beathan[/color:3idq134d]

[color=Black:3idq134d][b:3idq134d]Sudane Erato[/b:3idq134d]: This concludes our July 2007 Election Debate. Thank you so much for particpating. And, please, if there is one message which comes from this exchange of ideas.... Go And Vote![/color:3idq134d]

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