A Few Notes on Michel's Post

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Jon Seattle
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A Few Notes on Michel's Post

Post by Jon Seattle »

Michel in his last post managed to imply that I:

1. May just be in this for partisan political gain,
[quote="michelmanen":26z8jtiv]I must say that I am very saddened to see your comments below -and I would like to hope thsat they are due to a misunderstanding on your part rather than an attempt to use these issues for electoral purposes.[/quote:26z8jtiv]
2. A good builder but perhaps not suited to other roles
[quote="michelmanen":26z8jtiv]I do respect your skills as a builder; I am much less persuaded you would make a great Chief Justice or Public Information Officer.[/quote:26z8jtiv]
3. Possibly an anti-democrat.
[quote="michelmanen":26z8jtiv]The second interpretation (which I do not claim is necessarily what you meant) is that the team who originally built both sims somehow has, because of that, some kind of proprietary interest in our community that goes beyond the buildings they built and therefore are entitled to go on managing and running all levels of governance of our community because of their contribution in building the sims.[/quote:26z8jtiv]
All this is couched in language intended to make it innuendo rather than direct assertion. I better set the record straight before people actually begin to believe what he suggests.

1. I am a reluctant candidate

I signaled my willingness to serve only because I very much believe in the CDSF's mission and trust the people to make the CDS a better place. The CSDF may need me. I am willing to serve, but its not really one of my personal ambitions.

While I like the CSDF best, I also know trust the people in the Simplicity and the DPU to do quite a good job if elected. I even trust most of the people in CARE to do quite a good job.

I think electing Michel as Chancellor would be truly terrible for the CDS. Remember a vote for CARE is a vote for an executive with Michel as its head. It is not all all clear what power he would have over CARE's RA representatives.

2. I am no slouch.

Even though I came from a working-class background and had to work my way though college, I have two graduate degrees from top US universities (U. of Washington and NYU) and over twenty years in software development management, the most recent seven years in university-based research projects. I think I need not be restricted to building only.

3. I am about as democratic as can be.

I come from a moderate-left US perspective, and there are interesting differences between US and european approaches. I have worked on political campaigns and on issues, most importantly on health care.

One thing that is a bottom line. Democracy means one person - one vote, and that people have a right to choose their representatives and influence legislation. Non-elected officials with a life-time tenure have no right to overrule the legislature*. A possible "exception" being where legislation directly contradicts the constitution, which is even more directly the product of an agreement accepted by the citizenry.

I came to the CDS because it is democracy, and I see the survival of our system, as a democracy, as far far more important than getting elected or one party doing better than another. I personally do feel the survival of democracy here is the real issue in this election.

*For contrast see Michel's argument before the SC that the court could override legislation not directly as odds with the ratified constitution.

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Post by Dnate Mars »

Jon, I know that Michel can get under the skin of people, but I must honestly say that the only thing that is going to happen with a topic like this is a flame war. The are better ways to defend your name then the way that this post has come across. I know of at least 4 people that will be running as chancellor, so there will be a lot of people to pick from for that spot. There are 3 factions that are running so there are enough to pick from there too.

The best thing to do is to make sure every one of the residents votes with an informed vote!

Jon Seattle
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Post by Jon Seattle »

The main issue is that in our system our the Chancellor is elected by the RA. That means the RA election is the chancelor election. There will only be a race between four candidates if we elect an RA that will vote for any of the four candidates. I wonder if there will be a real competition in the end.

We have all been tip-toeing around and not calling a spade a spade. Perhaps is it just my turn to sacrifice myself to try and get some people to recognize what is going on. As you say, I will likley fail, but I was brought up to stand up for what I believe.

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Post by michelmanen »


I am truly disappointed that you took my genuine attempt to express my respect for what you have done for CDS as a builder and used selective quotes from it to try to imply that I said about you things which I clearly did not.

I will not reply to your latest comments and do not intend to continue to engage with you -or any one else, for that matter- at such a level of discourse.

The only remark I will make is that the legal concept of "plagiarising" - which legally applies to intellectual property rights- has no applicability in the field of legal drafting in a political context, where governments often take entire proposals, even literal wordings, from opposition parties' platforms and present it as their own Bills in order to dent their opponent's criticism and range of arguments against them. Therefore, I have never accused Moon of "plagiarising" anything and indeed, the very fact that you use this term in this context shows the (at the very least) misguided nature of your comment. For all those who wish to read for themselves what Jon is referring to, this is the relevant passage, which I made in public during the January 2007 RA Debate:

[quote:2bgww506]Michel Manen: I compliment the current RA members for holding an RA meeting hours before the debate, minutes before the polls opened, t[b:2bgww506]o introduce a bill that almost textually reproduce the innovative, participative , inclusive approach that CARE energised this elections with. I am told imitation is the best form of flattery. THe very fact that the current factions in the RA felt so urgently the need to meet today and introduce such bills goes only to porve that
Michel Manen: CARE?s proactive and dynamic campaign strategy, focusing on reaching out directly to CDS citizens, listening to their opinions and concerns, and giving their experience and needs a voice, as well as their well-publicized and well-attended Inaugural Meetings, their distinctive campaign materials and their well-crafted Manifesto left opponent parties no choice other than to adapt CARE?s leading edge strategy, tactics, advertising techniques and substantive campaign material for their own campaign purposes. [/b:2bgww506]Thus, in little more than two weeks of a creative, innovative, inclusive and open campaigning, CARE succeeded in revolutionizing the political landscape of the CDS and making more proactive, participative, accountable and creative. [/quote:2bgww506]


Last edited by michelmanen on Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jon Seattle
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Post by Jon Seattle »

I am truly disappointed that you took my genuine attempt to express my respect for what you have done for CDS as a builder and used selective quotes from it to try to imply that I said about you things which I clearly did not.
Michel, I do thing you think you expressed your respect for me as a builder and for that I am grateful. At the same time you did your best to insult me in every other respect. The quotes were far from selective as anyone can see by reading your original post.

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Post by Beathan »

Jon --

Don't worry -- anyone who knows you and what you have done for us will not take Michel seriously. Of course, anyone who is paying attention will already not take Michel seriously.

You are an exceptional member of the CDS is every respect. You are absolutely right in noting that Michel's selective praise to your building ability when you are a candidate for the RA is classic "damning with faint praise." Michel knows it is. He meant it that way. However, I continue to be shocked by Michel's disregard of the intelligence of the members of our community shown in his denial of his transparent tactics.

With regard to Moon's "plagiarism" -- the opposite is the case. People who are members of parties other than CARE work hard to do things that are of obvious benefits to our community. These are often longterm projects that predate CARE. Despite that, the moment something is accomplished, Michel claims credit for himself and CARE. In fact, it appears that Michel and CARE frequently call for "community initiatives" just when someone else's hard work is about to bear fruit -- to set up a situation in which Michel and CARE can claim credit for something they had nothing to do with, other than to provided a belated sort of cheerleading. If it weren't so dishonest, it would be pitiable.


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