A member of our community posted a truly vicious and offensive attack on me. When I posted a reply, and only then. that person deleted the attack and asked me to delete my reply. I did so even though, I suspect, many people read the earlier post. I have several points to make about this issue:
1. This discussion is about ideas and not persons. That is why I am not using names. Please address your posts to the idea of the guild holding all IP rights to public builds and not the CDS.
I was very clear in my post that I was proposing a hypothetical to argue that the future of the CDS needs to protect its rights over its public builds. No organization, as far as I can tell, has yet tried to take over the guild, but it could easily happen.
There are people, however, arguing that the guild, not the CDS should hold all IP rights to buildings in public spaces.
2. Contrary to what some others are saying, I was absolutely within my rights to bring this to open debate as we are a republic, not a dictatorship. This is how it is done in a democratic system.
3. The guild is an organization chartered by the RA and is required to provide service to the CDS republic. The CDS legislature is the voice of the citizens who elect representatives. The guild members, on the other hand, are self-appointed. The idea that the guild would hold all the IP rights to property, say the bridges in NFS and Colonia Nova, means that a future guild could decide to remove them at any time.
The idea that the CDS's main assets, its very streets and city walls, (I am told worth tens of thousands of US dollars) should not rest in the hands of our elected representatives is a profoundly anti-republican and anti-democratic sentiment. It does not matter how you dress it up.
4. One proposal that was made was that we lock out all builders and forbid them to do any work on our projects if they would not sign over to the guild, (not the to the CDS), the IP rights to all of their past work.
This means that all of the buildings, roads, bridges and towers of both the existing Neufrestadt and Colonia Nova would be delivered to a non-elected non-governmental organization.
I think this is a really bad idea, and I sincerely hope the community will express their opinion on this issue. This is about policy formation however, not electoral politics. Please go vote first and then think about this.