[quote="Bromo Ivory":1avfjd58]
Jon, we are of a like mind here - it is far, far from a game - and my only hope is to make CDS a stronger -democratic- environment overall. I found it troubling to find the hurt and alienation with this last series of events - and my only point about "fun" is that anytime you have a volunteer organization when people are also donating their free time - is that the reward is the environment and satisfaction of achieving your goals. So you have to work to keep the environment supportive and positive.[/quote:1avfjd58]I agree with this, but there are times when things have to go through a crisis. I predict the Guild will bounce back to being a supportive place after this IP issue is dealt with.
This crisis is a crisis of values, that Beathan described very well. You cannot paper over these paths for the CDS. I don't think that the people who proposed that the Guild act more or less like a board of directors for the sims meant any harm from their point of view. It was simply a logical way to make things run more efficiently.
I have rather strong principles in this area. Ones that I cannot just avoid and still rest easy with my conscience. There are some principles that take priority over keeping people comfortable. I come from a "say-it-like-it-is culture" so I did.
I tried to make this a debate about ideas (unlike the things I said in the General thread, where it was more specifically about CDS political parties.) That is why I was so careful not to name names. Unfortunately some posts got more personal and things got out of hand.
Sadly, in this case, there are people who are trapped in the middle who feel that the best course is to avoid the conflict, and that the Guild is somehow ruined if it has to go through a difficult spot. The thing is, that I do predict that the outcome will be much better for the CDS than if I had papered this crisis over. The Guild will return I have no doubt.
For me personally, the question will be (on Sunday) does the Guild still need me to run things or can it carry on on its own. Remember I really wrote the Guild into existence, waiting more than three months for the legislation to pass, writing the charter and circulating it, setting up weekly meetings that were too often attended by a single person (me). The Guild has more people now, and more who are interested so it may be able to work on it's own. I happen to be proud if it's design.
I am willing to stay on to help the Guild grow after this if it needs me, or more likely the people who are uncomfortable with dealing with these issues will hold a bonfire to roast me alive on Sunday. Bring your own wood ! But please, please, whatever you do, make sure the CDS owns its own streets and bridges.