No way. This concentrates all power in the RA. Out of the question.
Attention Chancellor Candidates
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Michel --
But CARE's position concentrates power in the Chancellor. If concentrating power in a group of people is bad -- surely concentrating power in a single person is worse.
As I see it, Executive positions should be seen and treated as caretaker positions. Policy should be made by the Legislature. The Executives job is just to see that policy carried out with the minimum stress and strain and loss. Thus, having an executive that comes from the legislative makes sense. First, it prevents the kind of Executive/Legislative conflicts that have characterized American Constitutional history -- to the harm of the U.S. Second, it increases the responsibility of the legislature by making them have a stake in execution so that they can't simply pass a feel-good, but unworkable, policy and leave it for someone else to try to carry it out and receive the blame when it fails. Finally, it allows talent and time to pool. In a small community, we need to leverage what time and talent we have. We don't have the luxury of diluting it by spreading roles and power around.
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Please re-read CARE's position in full. You will note that no concentration of power in the Executive exists, as the LRA is strengthened, and so is the SC, whilst the Chancellor loses veto powers.
CARE's position also requires team-work and cooperation between the Executive and Legislative (unlike th US model), whilst assiging to each specific tasks for which they can be held accountable separately. Note also that the RA is streamlined - allowing for mixed party majority governments (like in Germany)- but with checks and balances worked in (unlike the UK model -where Parliament and Prime Minister are much too powerful).
Chancellor and LRA will be somewhat similar to Roman Republic Consuls (without the overlap and conflict), whilst the Senate's role is taken by the RA and the tribune's role is depoliticised and given to the SC.
The only institution missing from this is an independent, stable, effective and professional Judiciary...
NB. That being said, the CARE position is not written in stone. There's more than enough room for discussion, as long as the underlying principles are respected.
- Moon Adamant
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Sorry all!
I was very busy and away from my machines most of last friday and saturday, then i was back on sunday but was suddenly taken a tad ill during the guild's meeting... and was catching up all of yesterday!
Yes, i am running for Chancellor. Sorry to keep you all speculating... feels a bit strange to be discussed almost... dissociative! 'Who's this person?'
I am willing to serve as Chancellor, and willing to quit the RA seat, if that is needed. This has been widely and interestingly discussed above ... i just would like to say that if a consultation is made to the SC on that matter, i'll obviously abide by the SC decision
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- Moon Adamant
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Hoping this is the right place to post this...
I present my public formal resignation of the RA seat to which I was elected for this term.
Leon Ash was appointed at the CSDF General-Assembly last thursday to replace me in that seat.
Thank you all! I am sure that Leon will do a very good work as representative so, good work, Leon!
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