[quote:21p9hbea]I am very sorry then, but it directly echoed what Michel has been saying at every turn -- that my speaking out about IP rights is illegitimate, that NGO leaders should not take positions on issues. It read like another way of making the same point.[/quote:21p9hbea]
Another utterly paranoid statement of an individual wholly unable to distinguish between freedom of speech and ethical conduct of a public official. Even worse than your failure to see the difference between legal and party political issues.... how very disheartening of our (still acting!) Guild Secretary and (newly-elected) RA member....
For the record, I NEVER said that your "speaking out about IP rights is illegitimate, that NGO leaders should not take positions on issues". I DID say that given your official position as Guild Secretary, your words and actions should conform to certain rules of fairness, equity, respect for other people's rights and contributions, and certain ethical and deontological principles accepted by any respected professional organisation. Ah yes - and that you shouldn't put yourself in such an obvious conflit of interest situation as being Guild Secretay (real, resigned, acting or otherwise) while at the same time running (or being a member of) the RA.
Maybe if I'll do a RAW file for you mapping out these issues and how they interrelate and differentiate you'll manage to finally understand....